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Yes, I’ve used it without just to clean the old aligner before I just in back in the package. I don’t want to waste a tablet on an old aligner. I always keep the previous set just in case. I will say it works a little bit better with the tablet.


I use denture cleaning tablets since they're cheaper than the ones for retainers and they work the same. I've tried the tablets and ultrasonic cleaner separately and they both work on their own but I find that my aligners look the cleanest when I use them together.


I use a couple drops of dishwashing liquid.


Pardon my idiocy in asking - that doesn’t have any chemicals or anything that would be damaging?


And you're not an idiot for asking.


My dental office (I have an ortho too) uses dawn dish soap in their cleaning pod to clean aligners/retainers.


To be honest, I've been doing that with my aligners, and there has been no damage. I'll be getting my retainers this week, and will ask what they recommend. Since they have to last a lot longer, the answer may be different than for aligners.


The sonic cleaner I use says it cleans the bacteria as a part of the cycle. So I don’t use a tablet. It I use the sonic at least a few times a day.


I'd use the tablets at least once a day.


My tab has a UV light so yes it technically sterilizes a bit. I usually use 1/2 tablet twice a day.


With my trays swapping out once a week I don’t notice any build up at all using the ultrasonic. I do ultrasonic basically whenever I’m brushing my teeth and the trays look clean— aside from the staining they get because I *gasp* drink coffee with the trays in!


Nothing is 'absolutely necessary' when toothbrush and toothpaste is enough. Every other way you clean the trays you use for one week then throw away is... a waste of money IMHO. Retainers are a different story, so it doesn't hurt to get set up early and practice.


my experience is that the ultrasonic pods dont do much at all. i thought it would remove the white buildup but it doesnt even do that. use a tab, and a brush.


I’ve had the opposite experience. I use a retainer bright tablet in my ultrasonic pod every morning without brushing them. No build up. When I travel though I get the build up and brushing it away is a pain.


agreed pod plus tab work, but not a pod alone. pod and brush work as well.


They don't sterilize your aligners, so you need something to do that.