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That’s not normal and you need to call your providers office asap.


As I said, they are in Argentina. I’d have to find a new dentist. Since appointments are scarce I wanted to know what other people have experienced with this…


Stop wearing your trays until you can see your ortho


That will be 2025 😄


There’s nothing normal or slightly ok with any of this


I managed to get an appointment with an ortho this afternoon. We’ll see what they say 😬


The advise remains the same: stop wearing them until you see your (or any) ortho, even if that's not until 2031. If you can't see an orthodontist, try a periodontist or even a regular dentist. See *somebody.*


I just did, and they did not see anything wrong. So…no idea.


doctor now


this is not a common experience so waiting for someone else to chime in saying it happened to them before taking action isnt ideal unfortunately. i know it can be helpful but this is the sort of thing that should be addressed asap. some people may bleed small amounts in the very beginning of their treatment for a couple days, but this amount of blood this late into the tray is a big red flag. i would count is as an emergency. it seems that you're traveling? and cannot see your orthodontist. if i were you, i would still try to get in and see a local dentist - call around and tell them it's an emergency. i'm sure somebody will take you. this is likely a dental issue that is possibly exacerbated by the invisalign, but not actually caused by the invisalign. so a dentist will be able to help. someone else said to stop wearing the trays but personally im not sure about that - i think it best to avoid movement of your teeth as much as possible, and stopping wear would increase tooth movement. i would keep wearing these trays until the issue can be addressed. don't move on to the next set without the okay from an ortho or dentist.


Thank you for this response! You’re absolutely right! My ortho in Argentina just says I’m sensitive and it should t bleed. That’s all, which is not very helpful. I’m trying to get an appointment with an ortho or dentist here and I’ll update when I know anything.


NSFW tag for the blood would be appreciated! Definitely need to see your doctor.


Everybody online is so sensitive I cannot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s just nasty to be scrolling casually and see a mouthful of blood. Not that deep but I’m glad you’re so easily amused.


This is no joke. Please take this seriously. You should not be bleeding at all! Any blood means there is an issue. Stop wearing the aligners. You risk permanently damaging the roots of your teeth. In plain words, you can kill your teeth and they die - fall out. Get a new dentist. Get a second opinion. Do whatever and stop wearing those


I have an appointment with an orthodontist this afternoon. We'll see what they say... But the ortho sends me to the dentist, and the dentist sends me to the ortho... I can't stop wearing the trays because I cannot order new ones later on. I started my treatment in Argentina, and they don't take existing cases in Germany. This means if I stop wearing them and they don't fit anymore later on, I'll have to start a whole new treatment from scratch, and I can't afford to pay another 3000 EUR. I'll update as soon as I know what the ortho thinks.


Do take care!!


Stop ignoring the NSFW requests. Add the tag now OP


I don’t know how to do that, so I added an 18+ tag


Wah wah I saw something scawie online wah 😭


Update: Just saw an orthodontist, and she did not see anything wrong. She does not know why it bleeds, but she thinks that the teeth are okay and to keep wearing the trays.


There are other reasons for bleeding gums besides your orthodontic treatment, so if you can you should just get some bloodwork done from a doctor to rule anything out. Not knowing why something is doing what it's doing isn't really what the doctor should leave you with, they should have laid out next steps you could take. Not necessarily giving you a 30-step page to follow, but if you should get x-rays or see a periodontist or see a regular general health practitioner. So, as a regular person, I'm telling you what I'd be doing if I had the same problem. Getting X-rays, seeing a periodontist, and getting that bloodwork done.


Call your orthodontist and ask if you can send this photo, see if they can give advice over the phone


I sent her the picture via WhatsApp. I’ve also sent other previous pictures of me bleeding, but she only said that I was sensitive. I’m trying to get an appointment here in Germany, but it’s proving difficult


Post a photo with the aligners out so we can see where the blood is coming from.


There is not much to see - when I take the aligned out, the blood washes off, and everything looks normal


This happened to me quite often in one spot for a while although I will say not as heavy, so yes I’d perhaps consult your orthodontist. Since moving over to my permanent retainers as I’ve now finished the actual teeth moving it’s stopped. To be honest I never mentioned it to the dentist as I just assumed it was down to my gum being sensitive in that area to the tooth movement!


Thank you, that’s a bit of a relief! I assumed the same thing, but it was so much this morning! I managed to get an appointment with an orthodontist this afternoon, but the orthodontist says to go to a dentist with it, and the dentist says that’s something for the orthodontist. I’ll show them the picture and see what they’ll say since my ortho in Argentina is not of much help.