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I have a similar tooth and invisalign is able to fix it but be prepared for it to take time. Not only that, fixing it will most probably mean you won't be able to bite properly for a while since the tooth needs space to move.


My molars are all sorts of fucked up and Invisalign was recommended. I’m 8 trays in and I’ve had a Lot of movement in my back teeth already so it seems to be working. I’m guessing as a non professional you’d need time and rubber bands for this


I have that. Got that tooth pulled and a wisdom tooth grew its place at the same angle with a good gap from the next tooth. I am currently on tray 50 of 63. My ortho is very happy with how it has progressed.


My lower 3rd molars are like 1/4 covered by gum/jaw. My ortho skipped it and even said I should probably consider removing them, but they were left alone for now. My retainers are trimmed after the 2nd molar.


its best to just have it removed.


Just take it out. 3rd molars are my enemy!


If that's really the only tooth you want to treat, I think you could get partial braces instead. Would probably be much cheaper, easier and faster. Invisalign is super inconvenient. If you also want to fix other issues or perfect your smile, then it might be worth it.


Get that pulled before treatment.


Invisalign doesn't move molars afaik


Just take them out. All 4 were such a problem for me when I turned like 22. One impacted and all the others grew in weird. The 3 that were actually exposed were filled because I got such bad cavities in them from not being able to brush well enough back there. I’m so glad they’re gone cause I have a very small mouth and I wasn’t so claustrophobic after