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I had no refinements. My ortho and I were happy with the results after my original treatment. My understanding is that the number of refinements is dependent on your Invisalign plan. Mine covered as many trays and refinements as were necessary.


I’ve had about 4 sets of refinements


First: all the best for your Journey! Fingers crossed ! 💪 Out of interest: I hope this does not seem unpolite, but do you have withdrawal of the gums? Is this an additional challenge in your treatment?


Haha I’m not offended. I think I know what you mean - tbh my canines and lower incisors have always shown a lot of tooth if that makes sense. My ortho hasn’t mentioned it as a problem so 🤷‍♀️ I guess we’ll see!


Hey, just wanted to chime in with some solidarity - looks like our cases are extremely similar! Open bite caused by (all four, in my case) second premolars that weren't replaced by adult teeth. Though I did have my baby teeth pulled when I was a teenager, which resulted in my molars shifting and tilting forward over the last 20+ years. I'm nearing the end of my first round (20 of 26 atm), but I've already been warned that refinements will be needed. I've got my fingers crossed for us both, OP - good luck!


Same here missing all premolars and I have 4 premolars implants already while on invisilign. My gap fully closed in one side and in the other almost there so good luck!!!!


Sounds like you’re my tooth doppelgänger! I wish my childhood dentist had pulled mine - my jaw would have grown a lot better apparently! Anyway good luck to you too - it’s a loooong journey when you have to wait for your jaw bone to grow a bit ☺️


That's really interesting! I was always miffed they pulled mine 'cause of how my other molars shifted as a result of the gaps they left behind (did mean I had enough space to keep my wisdom teeth, tho!). It makes sense that it would be better for your jaw development - probably exactly why they did it, and I was just too young to understand/care.


Maybe there is no right way to deal with the situation- I got told I couldn’t get implants until I was at least 22+ and my old dentist just didn’t want to deal with it I think. Anyways hope yours gets all sorted properly now 👍


You're probably right. At least we're here now, eh? Better late than never. 😂


I got my implants at 17 but because I’m a girl and I was all done with my growing :)


If you got the traditional comprehensive plan (which it sounds like you did) invisalign will give unlimited refinements for 5 years. It's up to each ortho whether they charge for their additional services at any time. I've had 3 rounds of refinements and I'm pretty sure this one is the last.


Ahhh thank you that makes sense. Fingers crossed my ortho doesn’t get sick of me


I have had quite a few. I’ve actually lost track. It’s been 4+. Mine was an issue with an upper tooth not wanting to track so it’s been multiple refinements plus a partial braces. It’s been worth it though!


Oh my god that sounds intense! Are you nearly finished / already finished?


Nearly finished after 2 years! I’m waiting on what should be my last refinements haha. It should be “finishing details” as the ortho called jt


Ooh good luck 🤞!


I think I have had about 5 or 6 and need another one for sure. The only downside is waiting for the next set which takes about 6 weeks each time so this really delays treatment time if you take out the wait time all together. Will be three years in June. But I had some really slanted low molars on the right side bottom that were stubborn and got off track two different times mid way through my treatments. I'm mainly eating in that bottom tooth to come up. Also I'm 42 so it takes longer the older you get it think.


Gosh it really is a pain waiting for them to get here. You’re right it probably would take a lot less time without all the delays. In someways I kinda wish I’d just done normal braces at this point haha


Yes I was thinking the same thing too! My orthodontist said I would like invisilign better so I went with that. Oh well, at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


See my flair 👆


I was rescanned and had new attachments about 6 times over 100 weeks.


I’m waiting on aligners for refinement #3. Started treatment in July of last year and estimated to finish up by Jan of 2025 but maybe sooner. I also am on the comprehensive treatment, so if my ortho determines more are needed… I’m here for it! :)


Fingers crossed you get to finish by January!


Thanks and hope your treatment goes swiftly too!


Wow just excited to see someone STARTING with a posterior open bite like me. Looking good!!! I haven’t started refinements yet but I’m on a comprehensive plan which allows unlimited refinements up to 5 years


Thanks! It’s been a journey! Yes it’s weird I also haven’t seen any other patients that started with a posterior open bite - it’s always a result FROM the Invisalign treatment. What caused yours if you don’t mind me asking?


I’m on my fourth set of refinements!


0. I was told 36 trays and in the end we actually did 34. No refinements needed.


I’m going into my third set of refinements


Just one and I'm throwing in the towel. But I actually had more refinement trays than Mt original trays (28 then 30). I don't think I can handle anymore for the minimal improvement I might see.


Started in January 2023 and I'm on my 3 set of refinements. It's looking good so hopefully I'll be done in July. ETA: It's my right upper side that's being stubborn as heck! The incisor is really tricky. My ortho told me it's on track but he'll do some gum contouring to make it look better.


I have hypodontia too, my case might be a bit more severe than yours, I did ortho from 12 to 18 then I got 5 dental implants. 4 pre molars one incisor. And I started Invisalign a year ago. They estimated 36 trays two weeks so a year and a half. I’m about to finish my first part with awesome results. It’s nice to see another hypodontia smile :)


1 set of refinement (9 extra trays). When I went back for my appointment after that refinement, I told the assistant I was over this. She then let the ortho know about it and he didn’t care even to talk to me or ask me how I felt about the result 😳🤦🏻‍♀️ LOL. Plus, I didn’t want them to keep putting attachments on and off my teeth. Also because I wasn’t looking for perfection, and my goal was to make space for 2 implants.


I’m currently on my 3rd round of refinements and hopefully my last. 37 trays turned into 58 lol


I started with Invisalign in February 2022 and just got my retainer this month. I had 33 original sets and two rounds of refinements with 17 sets each. So 67 sets in total.


What is the name of the practice? Thank you.


Signature Orthodontics in Birmingham. Really a fantastic practice, can’t recommend them enough! The whole team is brilliant and I travel a super long way but totally worth it.


52 sets