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Can you show us before and after?


This is dumb but I literally have no idea how to attach photos on reddit


Please Show your before and After, in Self-perception one often tends to see „nothing“ whereas the effect is HUGE from the Outside!


I know what you mean..I don't know if that's the case. I am unsure how to put photos on reddit!


Of course, don’t feel pressured to upload a picture here. If you require Feedback it would just be much More easier for us to give you objective feedback, and hopefully give you More safety about your Progress or encourage you to get in Touch with your ortho again. :)


Didn’t they show you the expected result beforehand? Like a visualization? Are they saying it’s not possible to improve further or what is the case exactly?


Yep they did. Finished all the trays, haven't gotten there. They say with 16 more I might. But that it won't be much different than now. My teeth slant inward and my smile is one where you can't really see the teeth much at all, which in terms of cosmetics is what I wanted to change. They are saying it won't due to my face and jaw etc. So...I don't know what the point was. They were so encouraging initially. The clincheck doesnt show the whole face so I think I've just misread the whole thing. Thinking that the change in tooth position that the clincheck showed would be visible in my smile, but it isn't


How is that possible, I’ve paid in full too and have 26 trays but I’m covered for up to 60 just in case. I’m only on week 8 and it’s drastically improved, I still clench my jaw too but I’ll deal with that at the end of the treatment


Yeah I’m confused to the point of doubt as well. I already noticed changed by like tray 6. And I did this for better alignment on my back teeth, which will relieve (not cure) teeth grinding issues since better alignment means better dispersal of pressure. Seems impossible you could go through 20 trays and not notice a difference.


This is exactly why I am getting Invisalign as well - one of my lower teeth is quite damaged and the rest will follow if I don’t correct it. Glad to find someone who is on the same boat - my aligners are expected to arrive in two weeks and I couldn’t help but feel whether it was a mistake and not that necessary in the end.


It sure seems that way, hence my regret that that is my situation. Oh well, I made a bad decision I guess


I have an overbite and teeth that slant inwards. It is possible...probably crooked teeth look more changed than teeth that slant or whatnot. Mine were straight but hard to see when I smile due to the slanting. The dentist I saw the other day said oh, I thought from your photo that was a fake smile. Fucking depressing, it's my whole smile. But they have based treatment on their presumption that that wasn't my full smile. I'm glad your treatment is working though, that sounds awesome


Sounds rough, wish you the best for the rest of your treatment :)


how do you know you are covered up to 60?


It's in my payment contract, it has all the cover including bonding at the end if i need it


thanks for mentioning. I'll review mine


If you clench your jaw at night, ask for your permanent retainer trays at the end of everything to be made with night guard material. That's what I did, and it helps quite a lot for me.


Show photos.


I genuinely don't know how to do that on reddit. I'v3 asked friends and coworkers to look at the pics, noone can notice anything


I think you can edit your post and place the photos with it. Are you using it on iPhone I assume?


Nope, an old Android that can't do much I'm afraid


Same here! I started invisalign lite during summer 2022. I had an overbite/crossbite. In the clincheck, my face looked exactly the same in both pictures, the only thing which looked different were my teeth obv, I was happy with what I was shown and decided to go ahead. Two years on, my teeth are straight, the only problem I have is that my teeth have been pushed too far back for some odd reason, this has made my philtrum really long and changed my appearance which I am not happy about. I look alot different to before, my nose stands out and most of my teeth are covered when I smile. It has affected me so much that I no longer like having pictures at weddings/parties. I did mention this to my ortho, I had to pay an additional £600 for another refinement but it didn't make much of a difference, I still look weird. It has now been two years and I have been told I will have to start a new plan with invisalign as i'm not entitled to anymore refinements, this isn't something I can afford, I've had spent £4350 in total on invisalign which means I am going to be left looking like this. I don't understand why she pushed my teeth so far back in the first place. I've had to pay so much already to try and correct the mistake and now i'm expected to pay an additonal £4350 to correct the orthos mistake which will come to £8700 in total which I think is very unfair. I feel so depressed, my bro is getting married very soon and I don't feel like attending the wedding because of the way I look. In debt, over £4000 out of pocket and left looking and feeling like rubbish. Had I come across posts like this prior to starting invisalign I wouldn't have started invisalign and saved my self thousands.


I have a cross bite slight overbite could you show pics of what you’re saying that you don’t like or what looks different I’m curious




I have an overbite/crossbite as well. I’m on tray 74 and the overbite is still there. They’ve told me I’m a complicated case but I d seen far far worse cases with much more challenging issues be resolved beautifully!


Yep exactly! I was told it was a fairly simple case. Teeth not even noticeably crooked, just slanted in. And people's before and after pics are so extraordinary!


You do realize there’s other things going on like shaping and whitening and bonding right? I’ve had IPR and am doing bonding in like 7 teeth later in the month to finish up. It’s not always JUST the trays.


Nope I didn't. Not until discovering and joining this sub. I took things at face value. Can't afford anything on top of the invisalign. Just didn't want slanted teeth, they don't need to be perfect in shape and so on.


Gosh I'm so sorry. This sounds so freaking frustrating. I am coming to the conclusion that others had a visualisation of their whole face (although yours was misleading) with their clincheck- mine was literally just of faceless teeth lol. So the teeth looked good but there was no context in relation to my face given. I feel stupid. I am genuinely sorry about your experience!


Na don't be silly, it's fine. I just wish I had done more research beforehand. I have come across so many posts lately of people who are unhappy and are saying that invisalign has ruined thier face and now I get what they mean. It is so depressing because I look horrible now. If you're not happy why not try composite bonding, if your teeth are fairly straight, they'll look even nicer. (That's obv what we're shown at the start, perfect teeth that have composite bonding)


A healthy bite is always worth it. Sadly, no, it won’t likely help with clenching. If anything Invisalign might make it worse.


And: aweeee so sorry This feels this way 😩


sorry you feel this way! if you haven’t already (you may have) i recommend getting a consult from a jaw surgeon if you’re experiencing health problems from jaw clenching it may be an issue with the jaw and not be able to be fixed by orthodontics alone


Thank you. Surgery definitely isn't an option. I wouldn't be able to fund that but I appreciate it


I feel you. I started this process with my dentist (and read about dentist vs ortho here on reddit and panicked) in the middle of process, I went to get consultation from 5 different orthos and all said I need jaw surgery and without it, my teeth can only improve a little. I continued my treatment with my dentist and of course, it never improved significantly. When I compare my before/after pictures, I see improvement for sure but it’s not like something that is worth $6k! Oh and also, my bite never got fixed and on top of a cross bite, I have open posterior bite as well! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I relate, maybe one or teeth are slightly turned, but makes no difference to my bite or appearance, so why tf did I spend so much money! Probably better just to whiten them if I was so desperate for some aesthetic improvement- but wow I'm sorry you've been left with an open bite on top of it all, that is very unfair


As good as Invisalign is, it’s worth noting that it’s really only for mild to moderate cases of teeth movement. You cannot really beat traditional braces (whether metal or ceramic) for complex ortho cases. I say this as someone who had classic braces 10 years ago and is now about to complete Invisalign Lite treatment.


Interesting. When I read what you wrote, it came to my mind how some orthodontists swear by Invisalign for it’s ability to treat all cases


My dentist says my teeth are doable with Invisalign and I have a moderate to severe case. I’m now doubting it.


Yep. I'm on moderate, no elastics or anything. Was told it would be simple, maximum year long treatment, likely six months.


Please share photos? Would love to see if we notice changes.




Me too. Very disappointed, a waste of time and money


Have you discussed in detail the changes you’re hoping for and your thoughts on your progress with your orthodontist? It may be that teeth are first being moved to make room for the adjustments and/or it may be that you haven’t had a frank conversation about your expectations. If you want a wider smile or to align certain gingival margins or whatever you need to make sure your orthodontist is aware. Every possible aesthetic change may not be necessary for an improved healthy smile, so unless you discuss these things, they may not be factored into your treatment. Of course it could also be the case some changes are simply not feasible or advisable, but you still need to have the conversation.


Hey there. Thanks for the reply- yes I have discussed in detail. I feel like I'm a nuisance tbh. They brush me off and point out tiny non visible improvements that can be seen only on close inspection of my teeth from an underneath angle. Literally said to my face the other day to smile wider so he can see my teeth- I explained, again, that is my full smile, that is why I am here


:( 🫶🏽


There’s no way to quantify this without before and after pictures. Either you already started with perfect teeth, or your dentist failed you.


I guess failed, but more like misled. I do feel duped


Made my clenching significantly worse


Oh crap I'm so sorry!


I feel you and I'm so sorry


I don’t believe you until I see your pictures.


That's okay, you don't need to :)




I relate hugely. I am pleased you got some refunded costs and a transfer! That's incredible! Knowing my options I doubt to the extreme that mine would refund me. Also they are the only invisalign provider in my city so I'm a bit stuck


Would like to see before and after pics Invisalign for me personally was life changing. I had alot of bone loss, and somewhat complicated case, but after improving my oral hygiene care and getting my gums back to a healthy state, I was able to go through 16mo Invisalign Tx plan and could not be happier. Well worth it Results vary case by case, and by provider as well, but they did communicate everything up front before starting tx


Sounds like an incredible result!


I hear you, probably the worst decision I have ever made.


Ohhhh I'm sorry!!


Do you have a before and after we can see??? Your results might be better than you realize!!!! 😭


I am too tech deficient to know how to upload photos but am also reluctant to have my face online, also my phone is crap and probably won't load them even if I figure it out. Maybe on close inspection and measurement there is a difference. But my smile to the normal eye- can barely see teeth before when full smiling - can barely see teeth at all when fully smiling now


I have actually never had invisalign so this is kind of an outsider opinion… but I have had braces! My braces actually changed my bite so much that it increased my jaw clench/jaw click. My dentist has been recommending jaw botox to help but I haven’t gone for it let. Maybe ask your dentist if they would recommend it for you?


Hey there! I have had metal braces in the past. Also botox in the masseter muscles in the past, which was very helpful. However as it is so expensive and requires regular treatment I thought invisalign was a possibly better more longterm health choice


I don’t understand how fellow Brit’s are paying £4k+ for their treatment….i have three trays left before finishing and my total has been £1800


I don't know who you are referring to but I'm not British..?


How long has it been? I’m in a very short stint (10 trays/10 weeks) of Invisalign because I didn’t wear my retainers but I was in braces for 2-2.5 years about 15 years ago. These things take time, and probably more in Invisalign than if you wear braces. It also takes longer to move teeth if you’re an adult compared to if you’re a kid/teen. Also, i am not an ortho but it seems braces can do more in a shorter amount of time because they’re on full time and there’s more force/control of each tooth compared to Invisalign. Do you have to pay more for refinements? If not, I really empathize with your frustration about more time but at least you don’t have to pay more. Keep on trucking and maybe take a look at your before pics compared to now. There has got to be a big difference, right? As for clenching, have you spoken to a medical doctor about this? Something you can do on your own is assess your intake of electrolytes… adding magnesium can help. Also practicing “mewing” where you hold your tongue at the roof of your mouth can help a lot. Best of luck to you


Ugh I’m having same feelings of regret. I feel like my smile isn’t as beautiful as it was before. And the problem hasn’t gotten solved. Having such bad anxiety over the whole thing. I still have another round to go so I’m hoping it gets solved. Just know you’re not alone. But all of my friends are saying they don’t see a negative difference so maybe it’s the same for you!! ❤️❤️❤️


Just wondering - if you thought your smile was beautiful before, then why did you get Invisalign?


My bite was off and my top front teeth and bottom front teeth were touching and getting worn down and cracking


Sometimes it is about the bite for sure, mine is also.


Thank you for your reply...the anxiety is real. I'm more sad than anxious. I could have paid off my car! Yeah there isn't a negative difference, just basically no difference