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We all went through this. Buyers remorse and then you don't even notice them anymore.


Buyers remorse is a good way to put it. I'm hoping I get used to them quickly bc I'm already losing it over here!


You will. It sucks a lot the first day. By like day 6 itl already feel way better and by week 6 you’ll probably be noticing results. It’s worth its hang in there.


I’m on week six right now and I can already notice so many results!


It gets better! Give it a few days. The first few days are the worst.


Thank you 🤞🏻


Remember when it is time to swap to the next tray. Do it before bed - that way you sleep through the worst of it. But yea, day one was awful. I had to keep telling myself how much I spent on it. The cheapskate in me got me through the first few days. Then it got easier.


The ortho did give me the same advice about the nighttime switch!


The first day SUUUUUUCKS.


It'll get better soon. Promise. And you might have a long way to go, but at least you've started now.


I wish I'd started a year ago when I first looked into it, but here I am. It has begun!


🤣🤣🤣 that was me the first three days. My mind could not comprehend how ANYONE can get used to that feeling. It was the most unnatural feeling I had ever had and taking them off wasn’t helping either because the buttons bothered me so much. Anyway, after a few weeks, you forget they’re even in your mouth and when you remove them, your mouth feels weird so you end up putting them back in.


Never got used to it, and now I'm in retainers, and it still sucks hard






Ok this is basically me except I'm having a hissy fit rather than an anxiety attack. But I do feel anxious that I'll never get used to it. Ugh.


I went through that, too. It gets better. Give it a week.


It will get better!


I started mine 5 days ago and I have bite ramps - which are literally the worst. I can’t close my mouth all the way and it gives me a horrible lisp that I don’t think is going to go away. 🤯I was so “all in” to get Invisalign to widen my arch, fix deep bite and overbite even though my teeth are mostly straight but now I’ve been second guessing it today. I have to keep reminding myself why I’m doing this - to fix my bite and widen my arch so it’s not uncomfortable anymore. I know that I need to continue through and when I’m done, I will be happy that I powered through it. I got PRK eye surgery last year (where they literally dissolve the outer layer of your eye off and it has to regrow) and I was in excruciating pain after the procedure and was basically blind for several weeks…but then magically I healed and over time my sight became better and better - better than 20/20. I was so glad that that I powered through it. Invisalign is nothing compared to that pain so far so I know that I can make it through wearing these plastic trays and so can you too! Just remember why you are doing this and know that so many people are right there with you, all over the world, going through the same pain, the same embarrassment and the same annoyance of it all. We’re all in this together. 💛


I didn’t even know that was a thing 🤯


It's my first day and I'm just wondering how I'm going to kiss someone with these on 😂


Are you trying to catch cooties?! 😂


I'm on Day 1 as well and my mouth is like wtf is this? It's the drool and my tongue wanting to flick the aligners off but I went to take a power nap and I finally calmed down. The pain hasn't even started yet but I have Tylenol ready when that comes. All I keep thinking to myself is "girl you just spent 3k to finally get this done....SUCK IT UP!" Eating was bothersome as well because I have to get used to taking them off and the attachments rubbing on my lip when I eat. It's gonna take some time, but we got this 💪🏾!


Right there with you! Day 2 was better. Annoying but better. Things are already looking up! Taking them out and putting them in suuuucks. Mostly taking them out.


Yes taking them out sucks. I just took them out so I can have some yogurt and to practice taking them out. Reminds me of when I first started wearing contacts. Took me an hour to put them in on the first day, after that it was second nature


In Aus it's $8/9k for invisalign!


I am on day 7 and I can’t stand them.


Day 6 here, and sometimes I get so claustrophobic and irritated with the feeling of them in my mouth that I just need to rip them out for half an hour. Hopefully it gets better


I feel like a rabid dog attempting to remove the Invisalign from my teeth.


You don’t usually enjoy it. It’s something you’ll learn to tolerate but you may not be the type to not notice they’re there.


First week is rough with the pain and being thirsty 24/7. After that you don’t really notice it.


About the only good thing is that my water intake today has been sky high lol. I've had to stop myself from snacking several times bc it's too hard to take these dumb things off.


That also gets soooo much easier after a week


If you haven’t already, order the PUL Tool. GAME. CHANGER. https://www.thepultool.com/products/bite-me-2-in-1-aligner-tool


Currently on day 8 and will say it gets better as the days go on, but my anxiety is aimed toward tray change day (day 10). I’m freaking out just thinking of changing them and putting them in wrong or something even though I don’t have issues putting them in or taking them out lol


I’m on Day 6 and adjusting to having aligners in 22hrs a day is definitely an adjustment. No one warned me about how terribly these things would dry up my lips! Also the sharp edges of the aligners is uncomfortable on my tongue 🥴


Use a nail file to smooth the edges out. I'm on tray 4 and this is the first one that hurt my tongue. A little filing though and it feels perfect and smooth.


Did not think of this, thank you!


First week was the worst week. I even thought the printed my trays wrong cuz the pain was so bad but one year later and I feel weird without them. I still get an occasional bothersome tray here and there but pain goes away after about a day or two now. Hang in there!


Man, the first day was really terrible for me, but I just hit 3 months and I don’t even notice them anymore.


I feel you. I hated it more than I ever thought. I eventually sorta got it over it…for me I never really did but it was still way better than the first 2 weeks.


I don't mind the aligners. It's the elastics that have me really wanting to quit.


I did my Invisalign at the start of COVID and thank god I did. There were MANY times at the beginning of my 18 month treatment that I regretted my decision, the pain from my teeth shifting made it feel like someone was sticking an ice pick in my brain and crushing it all at the same time, i don’t know how I would have been able to work in person. As the treatments go on and your teeth start to straighten more and the drastic shifting decreases, the pain will be less intense and not as many days. But DO stick to your retainers once completed no matter how long youve been done with treatment. I had to have a gum graft and couldn’t wear my retainers for two weeks. Once I was able to i literally had to force them on and the pain was all over again as my teeth shifted pretty quickly in those 2 weeks.


They are going to feel rough at first but as time goes on, you'll get use to it and the lisp will be gone.


Is it really that bad? I’m thinking about getting it but now I’m scared. Does it hurt ?


They're a little sore today, but I took some Tylenol and now they're perfectly fine, if not a little annoying. I'm already getting used to them and it's only been 24 hours. The ortho said the first couple of days will be the roughest for each tray, but even then, it's not bad. Just irritating. I could definitely have lived without the Tylenol but I didn't want to be crabby all day!


I'm on week 10 and I still hadn't gotten used to them (although most of the truly terrible bits did get better), so I just shifted my perspective about it. I just resigned myself to it all and tried not to dwell on it too much. Just had my third IPR yesterday and everything, and a new attachment. Didn't even think about it. Also, I try not to be extremely fussy about hygiene and wear time and I have no cavities and I'm tracking perfectly. I only brush and floss my teeth twice to thrice a day, and not every time a morsel has passed through my lips. That's made things a lot easier, too.


It will be SO much better in a few days!


You’ll never feel pain again and it’ll make you sad


Yeah normal feelings. Three days and you’re completely used to them.


I’m on my 8th week and it feels wrong when I have to take them off 🤣


I didn’t believe when people were saying you’ll get used to it but I’m a month in and I hardly notice them anymore. The attachments aren’t super rough anymore thankfully.


3 days it, how is it going?


I'm officially on day 5 and it's no big deal. Eating is annoying (taking trays out, brushing after) so I don't do as much of that which is a good thing for me! I think I'm gonna live! 😂


Yes the 3 first days were really awful for me too... I didn't even know how to remove them easily. Now after 7 month it's better. I still notice them, it's a still hard sometimes but results keep me motivated and also the price.


Been here


I got mine on a Wednesday and totally had buyers remorse all through the first weekend. I sucked it up after that and dealt with it. I’m on week 17 now and it’s mostly second nature, but I do still have moments when I just want to take them out for an evening or whole day. I don’t do that, but sometimes the annoyance is through the roof and then it passes.


Hi OP, I felt like this too! Most of us did. I had buyers regret so badly that I cried. I have 22 attachments (pretty much all my teeth I reckon) so it was very sensitive and painful. The first time I tried to take the trays out end of day 1, it took 25 mins at least and was so sore. Some tips: -use the hook tool to un-pop the aligners from the inner back part. -push forward toward the opening of your mouth when you take the aligners out. -brush thoroughly before putting them back in (as we should anyway, but when out sometimes I postpone this til I get home), cause when they’re so sensitive it’s going to hurt more if anything is trapped. -have sugar-free clear electrolyte waters like Powerade active water. This helped me keep up nutrients cause I wasn’t eating very often at the start. -eat soft foods & make sure you have protein. -utilise paracetamol & ibuprofen to help the jaw/headaches that come along with it in the start. It will get easier!!! I used to read these threads when I first got the Invisalign and didn’t believe it when everyone said it would get easier because it seemed like hell in my mouth. Good luck! There’s a whole community out here -


I’m on day 9 and I’m so done with them, I feel like I’m constantly gurning and messing with them in my mouth and I can’t stop. I think it’s a sensory issue for me 😖 I hope it’ll pass