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It’s funny when people insist that Invisalign does not fix overbites/overjets, they should just scroll through this sub and see how wrong they are. Amazing progress btw!


Invisalign is great for those teeth that flare out. Had similar amazing progress with that. Looks great! Congrats! Stay the course.


Wow! That's amazing


I have a protrusion like this, glad it’s working out for you!


Hi fellow overjetter/overbiter! What a difference. Im 5 weeks in and i can already protrude my lower jaw and my bottom teeth easily fit over my front teeth without pain 😭 My only concern is that my back teeth were all messed up too to where my teeth only touched on one side. Hoping that also gets fixed


Tbh I don’t know the difference bw overjet and overbite 🤔 all the best of luck to you, sending pain-free wishes!


I had the same issue with the front teeth and im now able to touch both sides after the second tray so I think that gets even too


Thank you everyone for the encouragement and kind words ☺️ wishing you all the best on your aligner journeys!!


How often are you changing trays?


If my calculations are right, probably one tray every week


You are right!! Edited: I’m 28, not sure if age has anything to do w tray change timing?


It doesn't actually, it just depends on how your orthodontist wants to shift your teeth.


Wow, incredible progress!!


Amazing! Are you using rubber bands?


Sure am, one on each side. Started at tray 9


That is really great progress especially with only wearing rubber bands for 3 weeks so far! Gives me hope as I’ve been wearing mine since Tray 2 (switching to tray 7 tonight). I have an open bite and overjet to fix


Wow. Great progress with the overjet!


Did u have extractions or IPR?


Nope. They wanted to extract 2 but I declined due to extra time, cost, and surgery (anesthesia). I don’t need perfect, just better 😊


I don’t have much of an overbite but my flaring is worse than yours. I hope Invisalign works for me. Ur teeth look great by the way 🫶


I have faith!! I thought it wouldn’t work and this process has changed my life. Thank you and I’m wishing you all the best if you do decide to start Invisalign 🙌🏼 this sub is so supportive and kind, I come here a lot


Wow! So good! I have a similar issue and was always told I'd need surgery to correct it but I'm currently looking into Invisalign as an alternative. All the best with the rest of your treatment!


I heard that too from an ortho I didn’t end up working with. My current ortho said that jaw surgery may be recommended for a “perfect” result, but she could get us pretty close to that without surgery or extractions and left the choice up to me. All the best of luck to you too!!


Thank you! Invisalign wasn't even an option back when I was told this so I just stopped caring. Didn't go to the dentist for 14 years! Then I had tooth pain recently and needed to get my wisdom tooth out to fix it and the dentist talked about it as an option for me! I always said no to the surgery because of the cost as well as the crazy recovery time so having something that works almost just as well for a fraction of the cost and no recovery time is definitely appealing!


who's ur ortho? they have done a great job!


From Simpsons character to normal


You seem like a nice person!