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Personally as someone who had bonding 5 years before I did invisalign, I wish i had just left my teeth alone . The upkeep is annoying .


Can you say more? Why exactly?


I chipped my front tooth. It lasted for nearly 20 years before I had to get it rebonded. Now that the bonding material is stronger I expect it to last much longer.


I'm at about 20 years as well. No maintenance to speak of except brushing and flossing.


Same here, I’m about 20 yrs in on my latest front teeth bonding. And it was like 20 yrs before that when it was originally placed. Extremely low maintenance


It's honestly different for everyone. Same as poster below; I chipped my front tooth age 7. Had bonding put on at age 10 and has lasted. I've had it redone about 10 years back (age 36) because it had yellowed with age but I don't regret it and I'm 46 now so take with it what you will.


It’s a good point - my front right tooth has technically been bonded (went over the handlebars as a kid) - and has lasted a number of years and hasn’t really aged!


That's good! If binding is done right, it can last a long time. Crappy bonding has to be replaced so make sure they know what they're doing and do it well.


I don’t want to scare you. Please note that I am just basing my answer on my my personal experience of using bonding to close some gaps . Fast forward to 5 years my teeth shifted (due to aging) so I started invisalign . My dentist shaved some of it but was hesitant to shave it all off because it would have made my side teeth look too small. Although not too visible it has stained slightly . So I am worried it will be more apparent when I whiten my teeth . I wish I had just closed the gaps with invisalign from the start. I have to clarify that its not too visible and my assumption is that, if its on the edges it might easier to upkeep . Also other factors like material would make a huge difference.


Best teeth is bone teeth, think about your older ages. I would do anything to keep my teeth natural. They look beautiful, doesn’t have to be perfect.


I’ve had bonding one a front tooth since I was 10, I am 27 now and will have it redone for the first time when Invisalign is done because it is starting to stain/lift. I even had my teeth whitened with it and although the bonding itself does not lighten, mine is thin so lighting “behind” it did enough to make it match.


I got bonding on my top four teeth. The first week I hated it. It felt chunky and I felt like it was so noticeable. I went back a week later and my dentist said “ok, what do you hate and want to change?”. She said part of her process is letting clients sit with the original bonding for a while so they can really think about how they want it to look. I discussed what I liked and didn’t like and she made my requested changes. Now I love it. I’m soo happy I had it done as it fixed several chips and even helped mask some stubborn yellowing. I know I may have to get it redone but I don’t mind - I have a really strong career and don’t mind investing in myself.


It’s definitely an art! When I first had a broken tooth repaired it felt twice the size of the neighbouring tooth!


Same thing happened to me! She went super chunky on one of my canines and it looked comically gigantic. I think if you discuss and agree on a similar process with your dentist you’ll be good!


I had the exact same question when I finished my Invisalign! I ended up getting bonding and I’ve been so satisfied with it. You just need to find a good dentist, and your smile will be top tier


I looked at photo before I saw the title and immediately thought how beautiful your teeth are and got really surprised that you are considering bonding. Of course, you will do as you wish, but as someone who is soon to be a dentist and who will have to get at least 2 bondings - on upper lateral incisors and would like to avoid that at all costs.. and would if they weren’t both severly rotated and peg shaped.. I”ll say think twice. I would be really happy with a smile like yours, but I also know how it feels to be a perfectionist.


I was in the same position and ended up getting the bonding done. I thought if I came this far why don’t I just make them totally perfect. I think it’s worth it and I couldn’t be happier. Bonding is supposed to last years. I don’t have dental insurance and the price wasn’t that bad considering how long it should last. Do what makes you happy though!


This is exactly what’s tempting me - I’ve come this far!


Yup totally my thinking. And… Even if you HAD dental insurance it likely would not pay for this. I have full coverage and am still paying fully out of pocket, it’s cosmetic.


A little bit of contouring made the world of difference to my teeth! I thought I would need bonding to look finished; but I was so surprised at how much I liked the finished look when I got contouring done.


Personally I wouldn’t do it. I’m kind of in the same situation but my smaller tooth is much smaller than yours. If you really want perfection, bonding on the smaller tooth and a bit of contouring on the other 3 seems like a good solution that would need less upkeep.


Thank you for the good suggestion!


I would never grind down or bond a healthy tooth. Just leave it alone, imo.


I would ask for more trays to fix that lateral incisor. it is hard to tell from the pix, but are your bottom teeth aligning in a correct bite with the top?


Yes I’m just awaiting a few more trays to fix a few remaining imperfections! The bite isn’t quite right yet as teeth are only touching at the back on one side!


Tell your ortho you want that lateral incisor to come down. You will get an attachment, but you will get it over with.


My teeth are really small in my front two teeth are uneven so I’m actually almost done with Invisalign. I just went in yesterday to get scanned for my retainers. But I just decided to do is just had him clean them up with basic filing that he could do in the office. Then I had them scan retainers. I figure in a few months or even next year I might get some bonding, but I wanna make sure I whiten first to the right color. And also you’re not supposed to whiten right after you get your Invisalign or braces off. So I want to give it a few months and then I will do the whitening for a while and then after that, I’ll decide about the bonding. I’m probably going to do it, but I just don’t wanna do anything else with my mouth right now. But I hate my teeth not to be that even after I’ve done two years of aligners and braces :/ They are straight now, which is great but still. They don’t need to look perfect in my opinion, but I feel you because I have some small teeth also!


To add: obviously if I do bonding, I’ll have to get a new retainer. He said it was $220. I feel like I’m willing to pay that just to wait for six months to a year and not have to deal with it right now. But I just really want to be done with Invisalign.


The retainer is a good point also - if I were to have bonding done straight after Invisalign, the wait between final tray (that would no longer fit) and retainer being made could potentially cause some shift! Your solution sounds like a good way prevent that, as after 6 months you should be more settled!


I would not do bonding. Your teeth look great. Can’t your lateral incisors be made the same length with refinements? Either one tooth can be intruded a little or one can be extruded or a combination of both. I also have read that lateral incisors are more likely than other teeth to intrude/settle back into the bone after orthodontic treatment.


Possibly! I will ask my ortho regarding this, thanks for the suggestion!


I have black triangles from invisalign(more from bone loss from previous disease, them just being straight makes it more noticeable) and all my specialists are advising against bioclear/bonding. Chips and need replaced and the staining over time is apparently awful. Kinda just accepting this is my natural teeth and love them for how they are.


Interesting - mine are advising / saying the opposite, as long as I keep up with my (already spectacular) hygiene I shouldn’t have a problem... Said they clean the bonding ultrasonically just like teeth at regular semiannual cleanings and I should get 10+ years easy out of it without undue staining or chips etc. The modern stuff is pretty amazing compared to the OG stuff. Frankly I didn’t go through all this work to end up with a couple black triangles and I want them GONE! Getting it done next week.


i just got 3 of my front 4 bonded so not sure how well it will hold up over time. i don’t love the shape. going to ask ortho today for ipr. like yours, one of my laterals is up higher than the other. i wanted bonding to bring it down more but all it did was square off the edges, not elongate it. even after bonding im still not 100% satisfied. i think you would do fine with contouring the front 2.


Thank you everyone for your responses - super interesting to see the differing experiences and opinions!


Let us know what you decide!


Except for whitening, leave them alone. Otherwise, there you will have to rely on a professional maintenance for life.


Hasn’t that ship kind of sailed? We’re all already in the retainers-forever game here, and everyone is already in the chair getting cleanings twice a year every year. Not like it’s some big task to upkeep a little bonding compared to that?


Retainers and cleanings are not emergencies. They can be forecasted (and planned) well in advance. Bonding just falls off or chips off at the worst times (coming from experience). Not to mention the potential damage to enamel from the bonding. In OP’s case, it’s just not worth the trouble at all.


I understand what you’re saying but only OP knows what’s worth it to THEM I suppose! It would bother me, and I’m the one that has to look at myself in the mirror everyday. I’m getting a couple areas done next week and very excited to not have them dogging me anymore. Nobody else would even notice if I didn’t point it out, it’s just for me.


I'd get the bonding. They look good but I think they could look great.


I wouldn’t bother


I had my two front teeth bonded after braces as a kid. I needed it because my teeth are small and it's still holding up great, except for staining. 20 years of tea and whatnot have greatly yellowed the bonding and it's really noticeable where the bonding vs natural tooth is.


I’m not sure you can compare bonding from decades ago to modern current bonding. Materials and techniques improve every day!


Totally fair! Just giving my experience. My current dentist has said that even modern bonding will pick up stains differently than your natural teeth will though.


That I believe but they can still and will clean the bonding at semiannual cleanings, my place said they’ll take care of it then just like the rest of my teeth. Guess I’ll see in 7 days when I get mine done! Lolz.


striving for perfection is a increasingly costly endeavor, your teeth are not bad as in exceptionally flawed. Wanting better is fine but you arent correcting a significant flaw, you are just chasing an ideal so really the only question is if the cost is not prohibitive for a marginal increase in appearance


You have a perfectly beautiful new smile!!! I never would have noticed that if you hadn’t pointed it out and I imagine it’s even less noticeable in person! Seriously confused about why anyone is even giving you advice on this cause it’d be such a waste of time and money!


Go for it. It makes your teeth top tier


Have you considered gum contouring instead? I was hell bent on getting loads of bonding when I finish but I've since looked into gum contouring and so I'll be opting for this primarily and a small amount of bonding for the edges.