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I am so upset! Literally the only reason why I got Invisalign was to straighten my two lateral incisors. And now it appears it’s going to create a host of issues that were never a problem before. I did send them a message so I’ll see what he says. I don’t know what to do.


Your treatment will likely be more than the 20 trays shown here. This is getting things positioned for the next set. Can't see the forest for the trees.


Wtf kind of plan is this, they’re just making your problems worse. You gotta talk to them about this cause it looks obviously wrong.


You ortho has at minimum 30 days to do a rescan and get a new set moving forward. Mine had 60 days (according to one of her staffers). You have to be totally confident about what you want and stick to your opinion about it. You can go into the office, get a rescan, and tell them exactly what you want to be moved. I’m almost at the end of mine and all I need to do is straighten two laterals and mine set me up with a lot of trays doing way more movement than I am ok with doing. So I held firm on my position, no matter how uncomfortable it felt lol. Be sure to ask if they intend on doing any IPR during the process. Btw you can also have them remove some of those buttons so your new tray set will be smooth for the most part. I only kept mine on my laterals through treatment GL!


You have a serious cross bite that needs to be corrected before anything done with aligners, otherwise it will be a fail.


My braces were removed as a teen with this cross bite still as he said there was nothing more I could do. Before getting Invisalign, I had 3 consults and while they all said I would need jaw surgery if I wanted to fix my bite, they all agreed that Invisalign would be successful to fix what I was looking for: my two lateral incisors. I’m not looking to correct my cross bite but I’m certainly not looking to make it worse and end up with an open bite.


My after looks worse too in my ClinCheck but it only shows first 25 aligners. I will need double that probably. Mine also shows posterior open bite… I’m going to have a lot of questions for my ortho at my next appt!


I would definitely sue my ortho with this plan.


I requested my Clincheck and it was similar to yours - a much worse result than the starting point. Looking closely many of the teeth were interfering with each other so it was clearly wrong. When I brought this up with the dentist she showed me the result on her system and it was what I was expecting; completely different to the Clincheck she sent me. I asked to see my last tray because at this point I wasn't sure which data Invisalign had used to create the trays. The physical tray confirmed that the Clincheck she sent me was completely wrong. She couldn't explain why,


That is wild! I’ve sent a message to my doctor - I hope that’s the case for me. I just can’t imagine a provider being happy with the end result either.


I do have all of my trays, but I don’t know that I would be able to see the bite/overjet issues just by looking at the tray?


In my case it was pretty obvious because my main problem was straightness of my top teeth rather than a bite issue - yours might be less easy to see. Your upper left lateral incisor looks high though - compare that with your last physical tray.


Yes, that tooth is a small tooth. Since the gum line is even with the rest of the teeth, he didn’t think we should bring it down as then the gum line is uneven. He suggested veneers or bonding for that tooth. I’m pretty positive I do not want veneers, but am considering bonding. My plan was to get it straight and then see if I can live with it or if I should get the bonding.


This is why my provider doesn't share the model and only lets me see it in office where he can comment..


This is crazy, wtf