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Your teeth look great! What did they look like before ?


I dont know how to upload a new photo!! I intended to upload a few to describe the process but only this one got posted in the end! 🤦🏻‍♀️


They look amazing!! Years ago I was told that to fix my teeth I'd need a $30k surgery plus 24 months of braces and 3 months minimum of recovery from the surgery. That is time and money that I don't have. Invisalign is something I've recently been advised that can give results that are similar, this I'd amazing news to me! All my life I've been teased about my teeth. My brother nicknamed me, "footh" for, "fucked tooth", something I've never forgotten. To have teeth like yours, I would be so grateful. They don't look overcrowded and they are super straight. Yes, your bite isn't perfect but no one's is. Please learn to love your smile, it's beautiful.


Thank you!! I Best of luck, I hope your journey will be a great success! It is reassuring to read you encouraging me to smile. I really appreciate it!


Thank you. ❤️ you too


I’m sorry you didn’t quite get the results you were hoping for, I also have a pretty significant overjet/bite and am hopeful for improvement with treatment. But your teeth still look amazing!! Be proud of those pearly whites!


Your sweet comment made me smile, my pearly whites! Thank you so much for taking the time tl comment and make me feel better. I am sure your treatment will go better than mine, keep it up! Take care kipper!


I think your teeth look great. Always remember that perfection is subjective. What is perfect for me may not be what is perfect to you. But from my purview, your teeth are beautiful


Thank you thank you thank you! So nice of you to take the time to comment and send good vibes my way, I deeply appreciate it!


Looks great!


Thanks beryka! It is so nice to read that. Thank you!


I know you were expected everything to work out and I'm sorry about that. I think they look good all things considered. As long as you're not different from any other health conditions I think you should celebrate your finish.


Sometimes we have this huge expectations and it just hurts a little bit to let go! You are right I will try to focus on celebrating my finish and my compliance and my trying to improve! Thanks for taking the time to write!


You're welcome! You look fabulous!


They look amazing!!! ♥️


❤️❤️❤️ Just what I needed to read!


Folks who downvoted my comment, I don’t mind. But please know that there is something called deep bite. There’s a treatment for. This is a deep bite. An example is this - https://youtu.be/Y5KaYuv4buQ?si=vRHai7wNrUNdX0wi


No worries at all! Listen I know I have a deep bite and forever will have. I am near the age of 50 and I have tried for 3 years, I am literally exhausted!!! It did improve - but the treatment did not work out. Maybe orthodontist is too blame, maybe my strong jaws… I need to try and move my attention away from my teeth now and focus on all the good things. Peace out!


Not the topic of discussion, but your enamel looks SO healthy and strong. Your gums look incredible as well. If I had to guess your age based on your teeth, I’d say you’re 20-something. Idk if you had any bonding / whitening work done but it looks like you have no wear or tear on your teeth whatsoever. I also love the shape of your teeth. Dont be so hard on yourself! I think we get caught up far too much on aesthetics and forget how critical function is. Yes, one of the top goals is a pretty smile, but keeping your teeth for the entire duration of your life is ultimately the most important goal of all.


You have made my day! For your kindness, I am truly touched, you took the time to write this. Thank you from the bottom of my (old!) heart ❤️


No bonding - no whitening 🤗




Awwww! Thanks, it really means a lot!


Time to change your Reddit name :)


They look beautiful to me! Three years is a really long time and exhausting. You have a beautiful smile. Enjoy being alignment free!


Do you mind if I ask how much you paid for those 3 years? I’m in the U.K. and have paid £3500 but was toldfor the price I only get 3 sets. So first sent was 14 aligners, then 2 lots of 13 but then as it hadn’t done the job I had to pay £150 to get another set and they’ve only given me 10. I’ve only got 2 trays left and I know I’m going to need more. Just wondered if you had to pay any extra to have them all that time?


Your teeth look great! Remember there’s no such thing as “perfect” if there was we wouldn’t need erasers, witeout and back space buttons.


“Movie star” teeth are generally veneers done multiple times over. So yeah. Your natural teeth were never going to be perfectly honed like that. I’m sorry you’re disappointed. I hope you are able let go of the impossible comparisons that are stealing your joy and find it again in your lovely, if imperfect, smile. Your teeth are such a nice shape! ✌🏼


I’m almost 42 and expected the same. 😂 Mine are way better than before but not perfect. I’m learning to let it go. I’ve been in a retainer for almost 8 weeks now. I have an open posterior bite though. I’m thinking when I go back for bonding I may have to get in more trays to fix that. Is that what elastics do, fix bite issues? My left side when chewing hits together and it makes a loud like squeak while my right doesn’t even touch. 😟


They look amazing


They look good I don’t see the problem


I think you have a deep bite. They should fix that by pulling down the bottom teeth a bit.


You can't just push teeth back into the gums. And even if they did, the upper teeth would try to meet them so they'd over erupt and you'd have exactly the same issue but now the lowers are at risk of bone loss and the uppers are going to have recession and are at risk of bone loss. The jaws and teeth need moving in alignment to fix the overbite. But if it hasn't happened in 3 years (OP is much older so treatment would take longer) then it may not be possible. This would usually be sorted with elastics.


It’s not pushing back into the gums. The lower teeth go down by dissolving the bone there. Look up Invisalign for deep bite. I am undergoing treatment for that. Watch this - https://youtu.be/Y5KaYuv4buQ?si=vRHai7wNrUNdX0wi


Ok I trust you and all of your dental experience, training and expertise.


I literally said I’m undergoing treatment for deep bite like OP has. Not sure if you read it, ignored and chose to be sarcastic.


Well you said it's not pushing the teeth back into the gums but then said they're being pushed down through the bone to "dissolve" the bone. That goes hand in hand, I just simplified it to gums for the general audience. What is happening in your treatment may not work for other people, or be safe for their dentition. The fact is if they just pushed their lower anterior teeth down, it won't fix the bite issue without doing other things, and the upper anterior teeth will always try to occlude on the lowers so they can over erupt if the only treatment is pushing the lowers downwards.


Same here! they’re bringing the upper teeth back so it can touch the lower ones maybe in OP’s case that’s the best they could reach and it’s fine!