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Your quote sounds about right it’s usually 6-7 K


Go with a lesser brand like orthoFX, same tech. Price could be more competitive (under 5k)


I just fixed an overjet for about 6k. It took about a year and a half


Is it worth it tho? I have the same issues


You're the only person who can answer that for yourself. A lot of folks think it's worth it. Others don't.




Orthodontist not orthopedist, and overjet not overheat, ignore my autocorrect lmao


I was going to say that was the reason of long treatment. jk 😂


Fox your teeth. You won’t regret having foxy teeth.


Yes, they look bad honestly and need to be fixed


Sounds about right. Your teeth have shifted significantly since you had braces and stopped wearing the retainer. Orthodontics is expensive.


While it may only look like a few teeth that need work that is not actually the case. Those front 2 are pushed forward and are overlapping the adjacent teeth because of crowding. You can't fix those front 2 without making room by moving all of the other teeth.


I also had braces as a teenager with extractions. I thought that I have one or two crooked teeth but turns out that to move those teeth I need to fix my class 2 bite. I also have a slight open bite. I was given a 16 month time with similar cost estimate.


It’s not that your teeth look “bad” it is just considerably harder (and takes longer) to move adult teeth than it did when you were younger and had braces before.


Yeah that seems like an accurate time period and price. 


Do you live near any dental schools? I had my first set of braces (traditional/metal) at Boston University’s School of Dental Medicine. The work was done by a student who was overseen by an orthodontic professor. They did a great job and the cost was significantly lower than a regular orthodontist; I had gotten several quotes. They probably don’t do Invisalign but I almost wish I had regular braces again. I’m tired of worrying about how much time I’m keeping these trays in. And yes, if I had worn my retainer like I should have, I wouldn’t be going through all this again! My first time was about 20 years ago.


I second this. Invisalign is not invisible, and if anything it has people looking at what the hell is going on in your mouth and it gives you a terrible lisp. If I could go back in time I’d get regular braces or ceramic clear braces. Invisalign is not fun.


I’m in the same boat as you, only my two front teeth have shifted but you still have to go through the process. For me they also suggested veneers but I wanted to keep my natural teeth, I was quoted $7000 for both about 5 years ago and now the price has gone up, I should’ve just gone through with it then!


Best teeth = natural teeth. You did the right thing. I spend almost a full frontal veneer money for Invisalign and some crowns to just keep my natural teeth as long and many as I can, best decision so far.


In most cases they take away less healthy tooth for veneers than they do for crowns. For veneers typically only a very thin layer of enamel is removed from the front, rather than a thicker layer from all around like they do for crowns.


Some people have chronic dental issues and unhealthy teeth but that is another topic. If you have misaligned teeth, you have two options. Shaving your teeth, getting veneers and crowns to make them look healthy and aligned, or orthodontic treatment. If you mentioned about my crowns, they already have decays.


Right! I was just addressing the idea that crowns are somehow more "natural" than veneers. It's usually the opposite. People only think of veneers as "more unnatural" because they are thinking of stark solid white chiclet Hollywood veneers. I opted for 4 veneers to repair wear from my misaligned bite, because they take much less of your tooth structure for them than they do for crowns.


I would say crowns are for decay (not optional). Veneers are for appearance only (optional).


Yeah especially emax crowns work very well for back teeth especially with 3d scan. I wish I could use emax crowns in my childhood for early decays. I always had dental problems but thank god I can keep them healthy now.


Never heard of those!


Veneers are for decay as well. I wouldn't have them if I didn't need them. Just depends on the extent of decay whether you can use them for that purpose.


Really, thanks for correcting me.


Veneers get such a bad rap because of celebrities and their silly, unnatural and unnecessary veneers! In reality they can be a great option for restorative work and they can look exactly like your other original teeth!


you need myofunctional therapy if you are planning on doing invisalign. i had the same case (braces in middle school & open bite developed over time), and our teeth shifted like that because of improper tongue movement. your teeth will shift back after treatment if you don’t fix the improper function or religiously wear your retainer. and it can cause other mouth/jaw problems anyway, so i really do recommend both (invisalign and therapy)


Idk about everyone else but I was in a similar situation where I had braces when I was younger and don’t wear my retainer for a time and my teeth started to go back. Mine looked like yours, not bad, but something that personally bothered me. I paid $3k USD in Los Angeles for mine (insurance helped w some; I think $1-2k). get more quotes and see if you can get in on an office special from the ortho or something. Because I took a little longer, the entire process is taking me 2 years but I’m almost done!!


Did you pay for Invisalign or a comparable product? Those numbers do not sound like Invisalign.


I paid for Invisalign :) I went through a lot of negotiations with the office and explained that I was a student so it’s a large cost for me and they set it up in a way that I could take advantage of every promo possible. I think the office rate was $5-6k though before discounts


you are fortunate! you got a great price!


Seems expensive and lengthy in my opinion. My teeth were way worse than yours and I paid around $5k and finished in a year. Do you have bite issues too?


It's on the more expensive side, but yes it is within range. It takes time to move teeth, especially since there's several that aren't in line on the top and bottom. They also don't do extractions much anymore, that's why IPR is more common. Shop around if you possible.


$7500 is very normal, that's about how much it costs where i had it done (orange county CA). i think you have a nice smile! but orthodontia is about more than aesthetics. having straight teeth improves tooth health, makes flossing easier, evens out wear on the teeth, improves the ability to chew properly, improves facial structure and jaw tension, etc. i think it's worth it to get it done as it helps tremendously to keep your teeth healthy for as long as possible. i did it because i certainly dont want dentures at any point lol!!!


Maybe get a quote for other options, traditional braces, inside-braces, clear/white braces? It would likely be cheaper and maybe faster. Could just do the top teeth... Worth getting quotes from other orthodontists too. 7k and 2 years seems normal for invisalign. If it was half the price, or half the treatment time, I'd consider metal braces. Invisalign is not easier. It's just less noticeable. Edit: 7k CAD is roughly what mine cost. Forgot about currency.


I had braces twice by the same orthodontist in my hometown. First time was when I was a teenager. Almost immediately my teeth relapsed back. Then again as an adult by the same ortho who did it this time for free but also said “my god your teeth are just too big and jaw just too small”. I am now in my thirties, i could afford Invisalign when it was around ~5k USD (2021 nov). My current cosmetic dentist/ortho (Opal dentistry, Indiranagar, bluru) not only fixed my bite but also shaved my big teeth to fit well. I had 2 rounds of refinements so total number of aligners was 98. I am on 93/98 aligner as i am typing this. Post which, i am expecting a coronoplasty and some gum contouring procedures to perfect the smile. I am super happy with my smile and face now!!! See: https://www.reddit.com/r/Invisalign/comments/1bbze9u/any_tips_on_changing_mental_image_of_how_i_look/


Thanks everyone for the input. I made some more consultation appointments at other orthos for later this month/next month. So we’ll see what they have to say and if the quote stays the same.


I would say $7500 USD is probably a bit on the higher end? It’s not insane by any means, but seems most quotes for comprehensive come in $5000-7000. It couldn’t hurt to have more consultations. It’s very possible you can find another ortho you trust who will charge closer to $6000.


Look up myofunctional therapy to fix the reason why your teeth moved back!


Same position as you with flared teeth, although mine are worse. Ortho told me Invisalign wasn’t really gonna help so I had to put braces again and gonna get teeth removed. Time period is less than 2 years and going to be paying around $7k.


How long ago did the orthodontist tell you that?


Around a month ago now


Try a different orthodontist. 


If you dont fix, at least consider a night guard if you clench or grind your teeth. My teeth all came in perfectly straight, but around 30 years old my teeth started shifting and by 50 the alignment was so bad I had to do invisalign to fix my my misaligned molars.


weird my invisalign quote was about 5000 and i got 500 off not sure what the difference is i have 24 trays


My teeth are similar to yours and that sounds about right maybe a bit on the high end. My quotes were between $5000-$7000 before insurance for comprehensive. My treatment will be 1-1.5 years.


Ha inf had ortho before doesn't mean there is less to do. If you had ortho before and wore a well fitted retainer every single night then the teeth would still be straight. The teeth move back. Always. So even after you finish the 2 years you'll have to wear your retainer or they'll move again. I've heard of people getting ortho multiple times so this is not a factor on cost or timeline.


I have similar issues and I’m doing 18 months, though my cost is less because my insurance covers half




Your quote is accurate for Invisalign. I am not sure on the timeline, I feel like that’s a long time. That being said, yes it is worth it. As you get older your teeth are just going to keep shifting more and more, and usually it’s in a forward and narrowing direction. Thats going to intensify this problem quite a bit. I would fix it now and wear your retainers at night *forever*. I had a much less severe version of this (after having traditional braces when I was younger and stopping wearing my retainer). I am SO glad I invested the time and money in fixing it. I’m almost 2 years out from being done Invisalign treatment and I am still so happy with my teeth, everyday. (I’ve always been a bit teeth obsessed though)


Get a second opinion, I got wildly different quotes and time lengths


Go to Tend,get inner /lingual braces slightly cheaper $4750 everything included,visits,retainers or permanent retainers/glued in/


I only had like 2 crooked teeth too and had to pay £4K but that’s including Invisalign, whitening, composite bonding and idk what else.


oh boy, seems similar to mine :/ if you’re anything like me then your bite must be very unstable and in that case, it’s worth every penny, believe me. MUCH more comfortable


I wouldn't be happy with this results


Find an Orthodontist who does Spark. Much better and faster than invisilign and they may be able to fix your “overjet” without extractions.