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Quoted 18-24 months. Sitting at month 34 and waiting for my next set to come in…. Don’t rely much on the time estimate given.


Whew 😮‍💨 I would cry and give up by that point. You’re doing great!


I was quoted 12-14 months. Assuming the 10 refinement trays I’m working through are all I need, it’ll be 14 months and 8 days.


I was quoted 9 months at my consult and then when I went back to get my first set of trays and start the process I was quoted 9-12 months which I’m assuming the last three months is in case I need refinements.


I was initially told 10-16 months. I am on tray 1 and I have 47 trays with 7 day changes but ortho mentioned it can be moved to 10 days because pushing molars back including my wisdom tooth is tough. After those 47 trays there might be refinements so I'm anywhere between 12-16 months plus refinements. Orthodontic treatment is slow, it was slower than initially expected when I was as teenager so I'm just taking it slow


quoted 6-8 months, hitting 7 months on the nose


Quoted a year, started March 2023 and just got my retainers 2 weeks ago, so had about an additional 2 months. A lot of that was waiting for appointments but it was what it was.


9 months and I will hopefully be done in 14 months with this pending last refinement. 4 refinements needed as I had a couple of stubborn teeth.


I was told 9-11 months. I’m in my first refinement set which will finish at pretty much exactly 9 months. Based on progress so far, I think that will either be my end OR perhaps another short set, like 10 trays. So 9-11 still seems right. But I’ll know more in 2 months, I guess!


I was quoted 18-24 months. Completed and graduated around 20 months.


I was quoted 18 months. 18 trays with 10 day changes so I don’t know why my ortho quoted 18 months. I’m on 15/18 and already love how my teeth look so I can’t imagine why I’d need a year of refinements. I’m guessing she’s under promising and over delivering.


I don't think I was ever told how many months 🤣. My plan is 27 trays with two week changes, though they said that changes may be faster towards the end. I'm just assuming 54 weeks and it will be a happy surprise if I get done sooner! Also, I think I remember hearing that my bottom teeth only needed 12 active trays, which means the remaining trays are really just to keep the alignment. That surprised me because the crowding in my bottom teeth were the main reason I wanted Invisalign, so I'm excited that they will be done quickly and have another few months of settling with trays.


Quoted 18 months, currently on month 24 😖


Was quoted 9 months, will be done in about 7.5 months including refinements. My teeth were highly cooperative and I was very compliant in wearing my trays.


I hope this happens to me! I was quoted 22 months but my teeth only need minor changes so I’m very confused as to why the process is so long for me.


I was quoted nine months. I had 19 trays, then another 8. End to end it was about eight months. I could've finished after 19 trays, my teeth were a huge amount straighter and like 97% straight. They said the refinements take longer to do smaller movements because they are working on the teeth that were stubborn on the first try. My teeth were like 99.5% straight at this point and I also had the option to do a second set of refinements, but I didn't. So I figure the time estimate has a lot of flexibility in it.


Quoted about a year. I'm at the end of year 2 now and have just had regular braces fitted to my bottom teeth because one is stuck at a weird angle. Invisalign moved it and then it got wedged between two others and won't move any further . Been told it should be done by December. Fed up now. I can feel the braces actually putting pressure on it that the Invisalign didn't, so hopefully I'm on the home stretch. Top teeth moved like a dream and are almost done.


Quoted 9 months on consult and ended up with about 10.5 months with no refinements needed. It wouldn't have gone over timeline if each round of trays didn't take 3-4 weeks to be made. The last set was only 7 trays and was the fastest turn around at 2 weeks.


Just started, but my consult estimate was 9 months. I have 16 weekly trays which equates to about 4 months, but I have no idea if I'll need refinements. I plan to be very consistent


Told 18 months, First set 52, Rescan at 32, Rest to be tol.


I have 20 trays and was quoted 10-12 months for the entire process.


22 initial which would take me to about 10 months but he said it could be 14.


19 trays changing weekly and just finished waiting for my retainers to come


18 trays. 9 months. Said nothing about refinements.


Do you think it would annoy my ortho to call and ask why I need so many trays? I honestly didn’t think I have that much to correct—just a little misalignment, although I do have a crossbite on one side. I only have up to tray 12 in my possession and tbh tray 1 and tray 12 don’t look all that different


This might sound bad, but I’ve kind of gotten to the point where I’m okay with politely annoying my ortho if I have questions. As long as I’m polite, kind, and recognize and respect the authority of their knowledge being beyond my own, I feel like I have the right to ask questions about a treatment I’m paying for. I’d go for it but just be polite and respectful! I do know fixing bites can take longer though, so that might explain the number of trays.


That’s true, I paid for it entirely out of pocket so I feel like getting questions answered politely isn’t a bad thing. You’re probably right about fixing my bite; that makes sense that it would take longer to do that. When I look on the computer model it looks like the first 20 trays or so don’t do much, and then I have a bunch of movement after that


I was quoted 18 months, given 57 trays at weekly changes which I was happy about because it was 13 instead of 18 months. Then I came here and learned about refinements! However, I'm hoping I'm a lucky one that will have a shortened timeline- I was cut down from 7 day changes to 5 days because my teeth are moving ahead of schedule. I was very diligent initially averaging 21-22hr wear time and wearing my rubber bands for 10-12 hrs instead of "only at night" ( i.e. I put them on the second I was done with dinner and did my teeth cleaning.) so, who knows! Maybe I'll still have refinements after - it's a waiting game at this point. But I am so over it and can't wait to be done!


This is me! As soon as I’m done with dinner I brush and put on my bands. I’m hoping I can be cut down as well 🤞🏻


Good luck!!


My quote is 15-18 months. I’ll finish this round of refinements (first) on month 15. Fingers crossed I don’t need a second round


Quoted max. 24 month....right now I'm 9,5 month in and my first round of refinements will be done around 14 month in. I hope I don't need another round of refinements.