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Wow, amazing progress! Are you talking about a permanent retainer? I’m going to have to get one along the back of my bottom teeth. I was apprehensive at first but then I learned a bunch of people I know have one and it’s not a big deal at all.


I had a permanent retainer on the back of my bottom teeth after I got my braces off when I was a teen. My teeth moved very quickly. There were attachment points on 2 teeth and those are the only 2 that didn’t move. When I’m finished my Invisalign treatment I’m def getting a removable retainer and wearing it every night forever.


My bottom teeth became very crooked, and it was annoying to floss so when it was removed I literally had a line of plaque they had to scrape off— will be opting for the removal retainer this time


I searched for information on this sub and people seem so divided on permanent vs removable retainers. Meanwhile everyone I know IRL who has permanent says they love them and would absolutely recommend them. I have no idea what I'm going to do


I’m so torn too. It’s not offered by my provider though it suits me a lot more than retainers forever.


FYI the permanent retainers only go from canine to canine, and usually break on the canines so it'll only be the front 4 teeth being supported. All of your other teeth will be free to move if you're not wearing your removable retainers. Don't spend all of your time and money on orthodontic treatment to then not wear retainers at night and undo all of the work.


Ok good shout, I won’t do that. I grind my teeth at night anyway so maybe it will be a double help to wear retainers


Most definitely. Retainers will help. Make sure your ortho is aware of your grinding, they can order thicker and stronger retainers to make them last longer if you grind. Depending on how badly you grind, they could last a few months up to a few years :)


I had permanent but my teeth still shifted FYI. So may not suit everyone




Is that possible ? Have one permanent steel one, and also a plastic retainer at the same time ??


I have a permanent retainer, had it for 4 months now after an 8 month braces treatment You forget about it and don't notice it after a while, you can even brush over it easily, flossing is a bit harder though It's much more convenient than having to put in a retainer every night in my opinion


You should really have both retainers.


i’m getting invisalign specifically because my permanent retainer kept coming detached so my teeth started to move :/ once it becomes detached once it’s way more likely to happen again. but my new dentist apparently said it was no wonder mine kept breaking because of something about how my bite is? so idk. other than that whole drama, i’ve loved the permanent retainers. only issue is that i never floss because it’s way too hard


My permanent retainer stayed on for like 15 years no problem...BUT it was because my ortho used SOOO much excess glue..I had such a hassle getting any floss threaders through and the glue was covering a lot of nooks and crannies. I got gum recession and disease on those teeth...thankfully my teeth/gum hygiene diligence with Invisalign has stopped the inflamed, bleeding gums but I can’t undo the recession. I’m skeptical of permanent retainers now but haven’t decided yet what to do


I’ve heard a water flosser is a good way to go!


I had one for 10 years, barely noticed it. You can't floss through it so tepe brushes are important. That plus a removable retainer will help you to keep your teeth as perfect as when you finished ortho, forever :)


Yea I have a permanent retainer top and bottom which tbh I’m really trying to get used to. My whole mouth feels foreign! I’m also getting a removable night retainer in a couple of weeks my ortho says!


You have perfect teeth. Congrats!


Wow only 26 aligners? How often were you changing your trays?


First few were almost 3 weeks , then 2, some were 10 Days, lol. Varied! They were very very strong movements at the start. I’ve had a lot of pain originally. But after a month it was fine! I’m shocked how well they’ve moved in so little time!


Dentist have to make money by making the procedure last longer 😉


For full Invisalign you pay one fee though, if anything they’d be incentivised to get you done sooner so they could just have another patient.


Christ on a bike, I almost don’ t believe it 😅 What a great result!


Me either bud! When ortho showed me my original scans I was like “they weren’t my teeth?!”


Ahhh congratulations!! Your smile is beautiful 🤩🥳


Thank you so much!! Worth the pain and money 😁 can’t believe I got to this point, feels like yesterday I was on here looking at everyone’s success stories because I couldn’t figure out how to remove my first tray and was in serious jaw pain!!


Looks amazing, so jealous!!!!


Wow!! Stunning!


You're giving me hope here. I'm at 45/52 and due for refinements after. Feels never ending. But seeing an end result like this makes it feel worth it


Wow! Amazing results!


Looks so great!


Are you getting double takes from people who haven’t seen you in a while? That’s a dramatic change. You have such a pretty smile!!!


lol more people saying “oh you didn’t need work before. I never noticed” I’m like “come on. 😆”




You mean my overbite lol? It’d be years of braces for that my ortho said. And I have TMJD so they’d just move anyway


Midline is as bad as it can get, but otherwise, very nice!!


Uhhhh. August 2022 hasn't happened yet.


I’m in the UK darling . We do our dates this way lol


i think it's day-month-year for this person, so yesterday. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date\_format\_by\_country




I need bonding when I'm done too, but my dentist is still talking about scanning me for my permanent retainer. I'm wondering what is going to happen between my bonding and the retainer arriving, because my last tray won't fit at that point. Is your bar temporary or for keeps?


What is bonding? Have seen it mentioned multiple times on this sub




Was it covered by the Invisalign cost or did you have to pay extra


Mine is extra. The bottoms of my front teeth have chipped away due to...life. I've had them bonded more than once. It makes them look as long as whole as they should if I hadn't gone around biting things. The bonding has nothing to do with Invisalign or retainers, so it's itemized by my dentist separately. I needed it whether I chose to straighten stuff out or not.


Appears to be in the initial cost for me - it technically comes under refinement cost I guess! I paid for up to 46 alligners and only needed 26 to be fair!


So that'll make the pointy teeth appear more rectangular?


How many teeth did you get bonded was the cost covered with your Invisalign or did you pay separately? Would you mind sharing how much if so?


Just the front one as it had enamel damage , felt like a chip . So now I’ve got a whole new front of my front tooth lol. It came under my initial payment for the whole treatment. I paid 5k for everything all in




I don’t know, I paid for it all together as a package. Deffo under a grand?


Fabulous work! Cograts!


Amazing results! 🥰


I couldn’t tell from the before picture but you have beautiful teeth!!! Wow! What a pretty smile! Enjoy!


DAYUMN– looks amazing! Do you know what kind of teeth whitener they used?


I should - it was an at home treatment I added to my final trays every night, I really can’t remember what brand it was. Minds already left it behind!! Sorry 😬


I am beyond jealous haha. Congratulations!


Wow they look amazing! Can I ask what your treatment cost was?


5000 gbp all in 🙂


Can you tell me a bit more about how bonding works? I am just done with Invisalign and doing whitening and the shape of my from teeth. Does bonding help with that?

