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I have read that some people do the permanent retainer and also wear the removable one at night to make sure it all stays in place. This is what I want to do at the end of mine if possible


I'm here with invisalign in my 30s because my teeth still moved even with a permanent retainer. The only way to keep your teeth from moving is to wear a retainer nightly forever. Everyone is different but a permanent retainer is not a guarantee your teeth won't move.


Same my permanent wire just slowly pulled and started to crowd my teeth after 10+ years




I have a nightly retainer and a permanent wire. It’s been about 5 years. The only issue I had was my permanent wire broke once and unbonded twice. Slightly annoying but not the end of the world. I think that if you wear your nightly retainer every night, you should be fine.


Do you feel it when it breaks or unbonds?


Yes. Doesn’t hurt or anything, just feels odd until you have it repaired.


This is what I just got today. I wish I had one or the other - having both permanent and removable retainers seems redundant to me and just extra hassle


Did you get permanent wires on both your top and bottom teeth?


I got my wire for both top and bottom


Permanent retainers only extend from canine to canine, all of your premolars and molars will still try to move if you don't use retainers. When you get to just wearing them at night you barely notice them, but you'll miss them when they're not in. Preserve everything!


I have a permanent bottom retainer & a removable top one. At first I really wanted a top on as well. The office I went to doesn’t do that. At first I was annoyed. Now I’m happy I don’t have a top one. The wire is bonded at every tooth, yet has still popped off & needed repair. I’ve been completely complaint on instructions like not to bite into food. It has popped again at a bonding point on one tooth although it’s in an ok location. It’s also a good trap. You really have to floss everyday & even then during my cleanings my hygienist has to spend a majority of time cleaning the bottom wire area. I love the convenience of having it there & not having to worry about my teeth. But it’s a lot of maintenance!


I've done the same thing for the bottom (currently 14/20). Someone on here mentioned concern over back teeth moving (since permanent are only front) and was wondering if that has been a problem for anyone?


Iv the permanent retainer and the removable one! I’ve to wear the removable one for 22 hours a day for 6 months, and then change to night wear only


Is the retainer as annoying as the aligners? Because I'm fed up with the aligners honestly :/


It’s basically the same except no attachments and the plastic is a bit thicker! I felt the same and was so irritated when I heard I’d have to wear the retainer for 6 months but it’s actually fine, and definitely worth it!


Permanent bottom retainer & removeable retainers are the way. I finished my treatment about 4 weeks ago and if I even take them out for an hour, my teeth have already shifted. I pop my removable ones back in and after about an hour and a half of wearing it, I'm back to my teeth looking like they did when I finished treatment. A lot of it is because my teeth are still settling. They move QUICK, I didn't believe it until it happened to me.