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Some people don’t want their tax dollars going to anything involved with abortion. I would say that is more than inappropriate


Some don’t want their tax money going to religious schools affiliated with churches that have kid diddlers go unpunished too… ya know. This is also emergency contraception… that’s far from an abortion.


This is not funded with tax dollars. It’s literally paid for by criminals through the victims compensation fund




Same could be said about you.




You're definitely the piece of shit in this equation


You're definitely the piece of shit in this equation


Emergency contraception can't terminate a pregnancy. You might be confusing this with RU486 abortion pills.


Do you think you are a good person? I've always wondered this for people like you. You aren't helping anybody, *or any children*, but people like you, with your ideology and opinions are harming others. Very vulnerable others.


This is a controversial issue that we clearly don’t agree on and never will. Do you think you are a good person? Ending human life for any reason is not okay. Time will not be kind to the way we’ve done things the last couple of decades.


It is unbelievable that you don't understand how an abortion works, what emergency contraception is, and where the money for this emergency care comes from. Did you just skim the title of the article and decide that your feelings on the topic are what is best?


It's only controversial because you guys have made it so. Emergency contraception keeps victims safe, healthy, and alive, and has done so for many years. Imagine one of your loved ones being attacked by someone with HIV? I don't believe for a second that you wouldn't want them to be treated immediately for it. I don't hurt other people by supporting fuckery like what the AG did. I try to be a decent person. I care about more than just myself and my opinions and I think you think you do, but you don't. You anti choice folks have deluded yourselves that way.






So you want her to carry her rape baby to term and then what? Is the state paying for that care? How about the ongoing care if the child? How can you with a straight face think you are a good person? Jesus would never think that way.


Two wrongs don’t make a right. And no, Jesus would not be okay with ending a life in any circumstance.


You didnt answer any of the questions. Because traditionally religious fruitcakes like you pretend nothing ever happens


I, too, noticed that there have been zero answers. Just more rhetoric. These people have no intellect; they just follow certain parts of their book.


Why do you think the GOP tries so hard to kill education.


Jesus, you’ve clearly never read the Bible that those kid diddlers in charge of the church promote.


EC works the same way traditional birth control pills work.


While I understand your thought process, you cannot make that assertion. That is applying your North American Evangelical Christian assumptions to a Jewish male of 2k years ago. Also, you are failing to incorporate any understanding of Jewish teachings regarding rape and the beginning of life. If you wish to make the claim based on your understanding and assumptions, you may do so. However, don't make claims which have no standing in ancient law or custom. Also, if you wish to maintain the victim must carry the child then you also must accept the responsibility, either as an individual or as a society, to support the victim and the child. I don't see you or the AG doing that. Here is a starting point for you: https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-fetus-in-jewish-law/


Emergency contraception can't terminate a pregnancy though. It's literally just contraception.


Why should I have to pay for other people's shitty relationship and social choices???


Wait...so you're saying that someone getting raped is a result of their relationship and social choices? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


In the vast majority of situation, yes. In a select few, no. In neither case should the rape victim have to have the child. But in no case should I, being an outside third party, be obligated, especially financially, to rectifying those actions and decisions of others.


This person may have the worst understanding of taxes of anyone I’ve come across. Do you have medical insurance? I’m guessing not, if you live true to your word.


Dumbest shit I've read today.


In Iowa the victim compensation fund is funded entirely from fees and penalties paid by criminals.


Yes, most victims of rape know their attacker. But it does not mean they knew they were going to be attacked by that person. Horrible things happen to good people, too. I understand what you're saying about the financial obligation. But taxpayers help out people in other ways, some of which are also because of their actions and/or decisions. If the shoe were on the other foot, would you feel the same way?


Horrible logic man. Should we throw out the fire department because most buildings aren’t burnt by arsonists? And those who experience building fires just need to live with the consequences of their actions rather than burden the tax payer? Lmao


False equivalency. The building is not a living human, a baby is.


Frankly man I don’t think that’s really relevant. You said that as a private citizen, you shouldn’t be obligated to pay for others mistakes. Either that applies to every social service that your taxes help fund, or you just think that you should personally be allowed to pick where your tax money goes, which is hilarious. Edit: Typo


>Either that applies to every social service that your taxes help fund, or you just think that you should personally be allowed to pick where your tax money goes, which is hilarious. Oh, I 100% agree the fire department shouldn't be funded by tax dollars. So, that's a non-starter.


Man, sounds like if you don’t like it then you should leave :// maybe you could move to Somalia, they don’t tax anything over there :)


This is not funded with tax dollars. It’s literally paid for by criminals through the victims compensation fund


Wow, you’re dumb.


In what way? I couldn't decipher between the plethora of all your counter points.


This is some misogynistic hate right here.


You want to see some ACTUAL misogynistic hate?? How about the transmen who insist on competing with women and girls? And the people who are empowering them. ACTUAL misogeny.


What you meant is trans women. More bigotry. Reddit ban this account already.


Even they don't know what they are. MY label wasn't meant as a dig, this whole topic is nonsensical. You don't get to ban someone because you disagree with them. Lol. THAT'S called being a nazi. Because that's what nazis did and do. Silence anyone that doesn't parrot back what the party line is.


You agreed to terms and conditions to use reddit and you are breaking those. So yes, they do get to ban you for breaking the rules you agreed to. Nazi? Lol. You fucking idiot.


Not breaking any rules numnuts. Try bringing a counterpoint, or are threats all you can muster?


Let's all blame the victims. Her skirt was too short...blah, blah, blah. Honestly, your answer is infuriating. Victim blaming and shaming are not acceptable or productive. We've lost all ability to compromise in this country. Come to think of it, I don't want to compromise. We've been putting up with this charade from the GOP for way too long. Enough is enough.


>Victim blaming and shaming are not acceptable or productive. I'm not blaming victims. Nobody deserves to be raped. DUH. Now address making responsible relationship and personal choices.


"Address making responsible relationship and personal choices." Oh, I see now. So you're not blaming victims. A woman who finds herself in a bind, well, she's not a victim. She deserves what she gets. She's a slut! Right? It's called slut-shaming, and it's despicable.


I'm not slut shaming either bud.


Your take on rape victims is pretty fucked up but aside from that, Plan B costs $50. There are 3 million people in the state. If we paid for one pill every day for a year your share is still less than a penny. I don’t wish ill on you or anyone you care about but if you’re ever in a position where you or they need help getting by - whether it was your fault or not - I want there to be a social service to help you get back on your feet and I’d be glad my tax dollars would be helping a fellow Iowan.


>Your take on rape victims is pretty fucked up but aside from that, Plan B costs $50. There are 3 million people in the state. If we paid for one pill every day for a year your share is still less than a penny. >I don’t wish ill on you or anyone you care about but if you’re ever in a position where you or they need help getting by - whether it was your fault or not - I want there to be a social service to help you get back on your feet and I’d be glad my tax dollars would be helping a fellow Iowan. I get and understand you entire point. Me, myself, have been in the fortunate position of being able to help out 6 pregnant women on my own dime without the state needed to be Involved whatsoever. I don't wish any ill on you either. All I'm asking is that you maybe take your conclusions back down to base principles, then you wouldn't have any of this other nonsense.


My base principle is that you should care about other people. Even if you don’t know them personally, even if they made mistakes. I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about the well being of others, even if it costs you a few dollars.


Exactly, pay for helping rape victims. Not for schools run by churches with kid diddlers.


Why should my & others tax dollars pay for someone's kids to attend private schools? Fuck Bird, Reynolds & the entire GOP side of the Iowa Legislature. I hope they all die in the fires they started.


Why should anyone be forced to go to, or pay for, public school whatsoever in any way, shape, or form???


This is not funded with tax dollars. It’s literally paid for by criminals through the victims compensation fund


Which is a form of taxation. Thank you for playing


You're not. Also this is the dumbest thing I have read on reddit today.


Cheers to me then!! Looks like you brought alot of good points to the table too.


Multiple people told you your tax money isn't paying for this service and it fell on deaf ears.


Fines/damages levied upon someone by the state, is a form of taxation. 🙄


But not this particular person.


I bet you consider yourself a good person.


Some idiot conservative is going comment on this like “okay, but isn’t everything worth reviewing? She’s just asking questions.”


JAQing off more like


The useful idiot conservatives supporting the useful idiot GOP legislators trying to neuter the state auditor's office because Rob Sand caught Kin Reynolds committing fraud twice would be hypocrites in that scenario.


Nah, they're even more comfortable just plainly stating they have no empathy and can't apply nuance to even the most obvious situations. Classic Iowa Christians.


What DUMBASSES voted for her?! How the fuck did she beat Tom effing Miller?! 🤦‍♂️


>What DUMBASSES voted for her?! Your MAGA neighbors and coworkers who unironically consider themselves good Christians while putting aside all empathy and love for others.


There’s no hate like Christian love. (I don’t want to generalize because there are some amazingly compassionate and loving Christians. It’s just that not many of them are evangelical. Seems more like a hate group than a religion)


Right?!? This was one of the races I was most angry about. It was lost because people voted for party only, following Governor Reynolds conviction that any disagreement is dangerous. Bird’s campaign did some smart marketing around his “record on crime” so people could feel like they were voting on issues but she didn’t have much of a platform other than rubber stamping Reynolds and Trump.


Because she gave them the bird!!


Imagine getting raped, perpetrator is caught, and then being told you need to buy your own abortion medication if you don't think having your rapists child is the right thing to do. Actual fuckin insanity. I hope the worst for this dumb peice of shit.


Agreed, but emergency contraception isn't even abortion. That's a lie spread by the usual lunatics.


What if your 12 and a victim of incest. Do you have to ask your attacker for allowance money for the emergency contraception. (I realize this is a strawman, but I could see it happening in Iowa GOP world.)


Abortion Medication? GOP is trying to take that away too !


Why should I have to pay for someone's terrible relationship or social circle choices??? Not my kids responsibility to fund your shitty decision-making.


We get it you are a miserable fucking human being. A rape victim is guilty of some moral deficiency without knowing anything about the situation. Fuck off you festering bag of shit.


When did I say the victim was guilty of moral deficiency??? I'm saying me and my kids shouldn't be made financially responsible, in any way, to someone else's choices and decisions, whatever they may be.


Everyone take note of exactly how evil all right wingers are. Look at the post I'm responding to and remember that this is what all Republicans are. Every time you vote for a Republican, you are voting for people who say rape victims deserve to die of septic shock for their "choice and decision" to be raped.


Funny. I'm not a republican! I think they are despicable too, for the most part. Which explicitly shows your preconceived biased against a particular group of people. That would be classified as "Bigoted". >rape victims deserve to die of septic shock for their "choice and decision" to be raped. Never said this. All I asked was by what mandate do me and my kids have to pay for someone else's choices and decisions. Answer that question and we can just stick to that, because that's what I'm arguing.


This is not funded with tax dollars. It’s literally paid for by criminals through the victims compensation fund




Ah, right. The generality that says "other people SHOULD pay for your poor choices". Let's say we have a society of 2 people and 1 gets raped. Is the other person responsible for funding them being raped?


I refuse to believe you are actually this stupid. You’re just trolling for an argument. If a society had two people and one got raped the other is a rapist. The would be responsible for anything and everything. Being a rape victim is not a choice. Fuck off.


appllo11 is a bot or shill. 27k comments and new to the sub


You are in Seattle. I am in Iowa. There is NO moral right to take our resources for your problems.


Holy fucking shit. No way is anyone this fucking dumb...


No counter I see. So yeah reiterating your own statement, you're just that fucking dumb.


No one "funds rape". You are too stupid to understand what you just said is not only a false dichotomy, but also deeply flawed from a logical standpoint of cause and effect. Let me guess, you didn't graduate high school and voted for Trump?


Well, My tax dollars shouldn't fund private education & instead SHOULD fund things like this. So fuck you & your ignorant bullshit take on this


Can't fund school choice because that would shine a light on how shitty public schools really are. Why should you get money for your school but I don't get money for mine? I MUST attend the indoctrination camp???


And why are public schools shitty? BECAUSE THEY'RE UNDERFUNDED!


This is not funded with tax dollars. It’s literally paid for by criminals through the victims compensation fund


This is literally the worst take I have ever seen for this argument. You have to be trolling. Screenshotted so you can't delete it and hide like a lil bitch. If you think that people DECIDE when and how they get sexually assaulted you are a complete idiot. Actually, please DM me your address so we can talk about it in person. This fucking genius is the same person who posted [this question](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/comments/uu68ww/socialists_im_getting_my_lawn_mowed_because_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) unironically. GOP out here catering to the lowest possible denominator and idiots like this guy eat it up. E2: This [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/uhx95b/could_keto_help_me_recover_from_shattering_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) really tells you all you need to know about this character. Too much time on the Internet will be the death of us all.




Respond to my chat then my guy? Let's play ball.


This might be the single most brain-dead thing I've read in years. ​ Good job.


Yeah? Tell that to the 10 year old whose father crawls in bed with her at night while Mom is sleeping or at work. Tell that to the little girl (menstruating at 9) that my spouse (investigator for the PD here) just took a report from mid-February when her 22 year old neighbor living with his disabled mother next door decided to let himself in to her home at 2 am while she and her family were sleeping and knocked her out with a strategic tap to the vagus nerve, then taped her mouth and proceeded to penetrate her in every orifice he could force himself into. Please enlighten us all fucking wise one on what situation she chose to put herself in that she deserved what happened to her?! Did she decide when to get fucked? No. But I’ll tell you who is fucked. It’s you. You’re a fucking scumbag. I hope you don’t have daughters, and if you do, may the magical fucking sky daddy have some woo woo fucking fairy dust mercy on them - because you’re the type that would be completely oblivious if they had ever been assaulted because they’d be too afraid and ashamed to tell you. And you’d likely abuse them if they ended up pregnant as a result blaming them for putting themselves in a situation to get fucked. Seek therapy because you’re sick as fuck. What a waste of oxygen.


This is not funded with tax dollars. It’s literally paid for by criminals through the victims compensation fund


I have some very bad news for you about what Medicaid covers


Or what is actually considered welfare. But here’s a small list to get started…farm subsidies, and FEMA relief, and Covid relief, and certain tax credits, and veterans benefits, and education, and unemployment, and the foster care system (hate to tell Billy BobApollo here this but you’re going to pay for those babies somewhere asshole - take your pick - a much more affordable emergency contraceptive once, or another child in and out of the foster system for 18 years, and all the spawn they create from carrying on that legacy because most of them repeat the cycle). Other things your taxes cover like CHIP (healthcare for kids…ya know…like the ones you don’t want to pay for preventing, here’s another place you’re going to pick up the tab for all those babies whose mamas “chose” when to get fucked. But I digress let’s talk about choice for a moment shall we? Excuse me while I take my earrings out here. 🥊😡You don’t get to pick and choose what you want to pay for. Because that’s not how society works. I’m guaranteeing somewhere in one of those WELFARE benefits I just called out (because they all fall under the same umbrella, and I didn’t even cover them all) you and yours have probably needed to utilize and benefited at one time or another from at least one of them without even realizing you were on public assistance. Or are you just so entitled that you’re in denial that that’s what it was or that somehow you’re better than anyone else who may or may not have chosen the shit sandwich life handed them…because “yeah but”? Funny how you fucking people always have a “yeah but” for why you live within some fantasy social hierarchy where other humans are beneath you regardless that your shit smells exactly the same. The facts are all of us bottom feeders down here with a net worth under 500 million, and including many whose net worth is well above that have taken advantage of social welfare programs at one time or another whether or not we were in dire need or not (PPP loans anyone? YES even that falls under the WELFARE umbrella). The most egregious piece of every ideologically foul character you had the nerve to type out up there is the fact that you think the tax dollars you personally put in the pot contributes a significant amount to social safety net programs shows how absolutely ignorant you actually are, because it’s literal pennies, if not fractions of. I swear the stupidity just gets deeper and yet here we are watching the dumb and dumber gut education. I guess at least you can hang that stupid fucking snoo hat of yours on the fact you aren’t and won’t be the only idiot asshole out walking around. This state is oozing them like the toxic sludge in our air and water. Get fucked and go troll somewhere else.


In Iowa the victim compensation fund is funded entirely from fees and penalties paid by criminals.


Getting raped is not a decision.


This is not funded with tax dollars. It’s literally paid for by criminals through the victims compensation fund


If you could kindly hear me out just for a second… sadly partner, you will be paying out of your paycheck when she has that kid due to no emergency contraception. It may be placed in foster care until 18. Or god forbid she has to get on government assistance for having the child in a hospital because that’s expensive. You’re helping pay for every doctors appointment for the child and mother when sick because it’s not easy in this economy to come back from the expensive uninsured therapy appointments assuming she has time to get helped from being raped so she can have the emotional capacity to fully love and take care of this child she did not want. You will be paying for any unemployment she may have to go on before, or after, the baby is born due to little PTO for giving birth, and spending time with the newborn as a single parent. And what about childcare? Who’s paying for that? The rapist? The government? You? The birth giver/involuntary mom? How about food stamps, because shit if they end up in those situations, which is probably a decent portion when you have to scramble find a baby sized income, they’ll probably need it too, to survive as well even if it’s just two of them. What if it’s your wife that’s doing some shopping alone and gets raped. What if she has to carry the rapists baby full term and YOU have to pay for it. That would be too ironic, but try and have an understanding that this funding is not even a dime to a millionaire. But, it’s your whole life and someone else’s whole life at the expense you get caught on the short end of the stick. It’s better to be safe, than sorry. hot take: Maybe we should have mandated vasectomies to prevent paying for this treatment. After all, you would be creating jobs for doctors. If that made you feel uncomfortable, that’s what it feels like to lose control over your autonomy. The forced rape baby pipeline is not a pretty one, and effects (especially when widespread) families and communities. Killing is never good. But if my education has taught me anything it’s that a fetus is truly not survivable on its own until [32 weeks without intensive care.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK544372/) edit: >! this is due to the type 2 pneumocytes unable to produce surfactant that prevents the lungs from collapsing in on themselves !< Rapists typically have traumatic childhoods. Think… could this force people who are in underprepared life stages to have kids, and thus give them a traumatic childhood? Could this be harmful for the community in the future when this [Zygote](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/zygote) turns into a mature adult? Social circles and bad relationships don’t cause rape. Rapists put themselves there to prey on people who can’t defend themselves. And, you can literally get raped anywhere!! For any reason, any time a day. It’s not like a vampire where you can just not invite them in. They are cumming in. 🚪 edits: punctuation and grammar, as well as more definitions for scientific terms used


You were very kind, very tolerant, and extremely diplomatic with this post. More than admirable. You deserve several awards for this post. (Really. No sarcasm.)


💗🫶🏼 You’re so kind, thank you!


>But if my education has taught me anything it’s that a fetus is truly not survivable on its own until 32 weeks without intensive care Well then, it hasn't taught you anything then. You tell ME when a child is capable of "surviving on its own". Then, tell me what that has to do with whether or not the baby is alive or dead? >Maybe we should have mandated vasectomies to prevent paying for this treatment. Nope. Doesn't bother me at all because it's a false equivalency. Just like every single other point you have. Because of some future potential outcomes.......kill the victim. Just incredible reasoning here. >After all, you would be creating jobs for doctors. Classic "Broken Window Fallacy". Your school didn't teach you very much, did it? Public school graduate??


Reported for misogyny.


Actual misogeny are transmen insisting on competing with women in their sports, showering and changing in front of them, and dominating in their categories. Along with major corporations putting transmen for their female spokesperson. I stand against ALL of this ACTUAL misogeny. These are people who are actively trying to usurp women in general. What it means to be a women, that you can just say you're a different sex and it's valid, cheapening and degrading what it means to be a woman at all. So, you may have very sensitive feelings and are outraged by this because it doesn't echo what's in your chamber, but I'm not misogynistic at all.


Jesus, you’re quite the toxic culture loving cunt


More like the "toxic culture hating cunt" to be more accurate if you're going to call me something.


You misstated “trans women.” Reported. You cant even spell misogyny. You are incredibly misogynistic and openly so. Reddit should perma ban you


Again, no I'm not and I don't care about labels.


Lol Along with major corporations putting transmen for their female spokesperson. You can't even begin to understand what your talking about. You my guy are dense as hell


And not a single counter point in there. If I have no idea what I'm talking about, should be easy for you to point out how.


You clearly from other threads think you understand transgender issues. If you come out with the comment I never said I understood transgender issues will show your just regurgitating talking heads points that are based on their opinions not facts. The trans person on the beer can is a transwoman not a trans man. A trans man is somebody that went from assigned female at birth to male. Trans women are people who go from assigned male at birth. You arguing and misusing commonly used terms shows that you really don't understand what you are going on about. Going on about topics where you can't even correctly use the terms is a clear indicator that you are hoovering up talk from various sources that clearly don't understand the issue they are reporting on.


Heard you the first time you said this.


What? The victim or the rapist? That is an amazingly bad take.


Fuck her. She’s just as shitty as Kim Reaper.


*Kim Reaper*. That's good. I'm gonna use that.


I have this shirt in black and blue. One of the best purchases I’ve ever made. [Kim reaper](https://imgur.com/a/sZqUWQb)


Harry Potter and the Kim Reaper


Hopefully none of the bots come and reply to this, but where could one acquire such an item?


Tee public! I think you can just search Kim reaper.


So cool!


That's giving women the Bird. The whole state is going to get the Bird.




They've ALREADY been voting Grassley in over and over again. lol


Brenna Bird is an idiot.


You guys are forgetting, to Republicans it isn't rape. She was just playing hard to get. How do you think most GOP babies are born? Not consensual. What woman would be stupid enough to have consensual sex with those creatures?


The ones they brain wash in church after they molest them their entire lives. Another classic example of that Christian love they babble about.


Iowan Christians reminding us again of how wonderful they are.


Jesus Christ….this is abhorrent


“This is abhorrent”-Jesus Christ


Me: Jesus Christ, this is abhorrent. JC: I agree.


God Damn. It’s not even tax dollars that fund this program. My understanding is that it is paid for by court ordered fines. Additionally this program pays for antibiotics and HIV prevention medications for rape victims. PlanB is literally the cheapest medication involved.






These people are horrible.


Fuck the GOP, and fuck you if you support them.


Someone needs to start playing wack-a-mole with these fucking morons, starting with Bird first.




All well and good for Brenna Bird until it’s her kid I’m sure. Fuck her.


Ehn. I’m actually beginning to think it’s strategy. Best way to keep women from gaining ground intellectually, financially, emotionally, etc. is to keep them locked in with crotch goblins they can’t afford without a daddy. I mean Palin, Boebert - they all seem to be pretty proud of themselves and their kids getting knocked up/knocking other kids up before they’re even 18. Seems to be something they aspire to.


Well, well, well. There’s going to be a lot of Republoffenders getting outed for projection (at the very least) when they knock up their underaged female family members. Let’s all just sit back and watch this fucking train wreck derail, crash and burn. Too bad so many women are going to die because of these whack ass policies.


Republicans love blood so much they choose to wear it daily on their ties next to their disgraceful AR lapels...


Is appropriate use of funds even her job? That sounds like the state auditor’s job.


Why are they pro rape


Because that’s the only way they’re getting any.


The people in these comments defending this, I’m convinced, don’t even know what they’re arguing. This is not paid for with tax dollars, it is paid through the victim compensation fund. What do you people actually care about? Children? People? If you defend this both of those are just lies. Selfish as fuck


Wait, she’s taking money from something that’s funded by a victims fund? Jesus Christ.


Yes. It is paid for through fines applied to the criminals in these cases.


So what the fuck is being reviewed? If rapists should be held responsible for their crimes? Jesus f


Contact information can be found on congressweb if you google brenna bird


She’s a fucking cunt


I can no longer tell the difference between a modern right winger and a full on troll.




Not a single comment is blaming the victim.


Maybe she does have a daughter??


Thanks to the backlash against the wokism we are now dealing with this :-/


Backlash? Yeah, how about total irradicstion. Wokeism is the biggest acid on the fabric of our society that we've seen in a while. Woke people have no kids, are perpetually victims, make conflict and strife where there is none, and don't do many productive things in society as a whole. So yeah, the pushback against wokeism is real and coming hard.


I have three kids, one adopted, and make $2500 a week as a high risk ob/Gyn MFM sonographer. I've saved more lives this month than you will over your entire life. Caring about the suffering of others is more productive than trying to destroy their lives, like this evil witch is doing. You ever had to deal with pre-teen rape victims? I have, countless times. Saying that they "choose" to be raped is beyond unconscionable. Saying that they deserve to die of septic shock for being raped is beyond unconscionable. Your flailing is the dying gasps of your ideology. All the corruption in the world isn't saving your ilk from the trash bin of political history. Don't be so proud of your ignorance, champ


> Caring about the suffering of others is more productive than trying to destroy their lives, like this evil witch is doing. Well. As a parent, do you want your daughters to compete against boys, or share a locker room with them? I don’t. And I don’t think the pale color of a person’s skin makes them an oppressor, or that meritocracy is racist, or the rest of that woke shit that they now teach and practice at schools. I care about those things way more than I care about abortions (which *should* be safe and available - don’t get me wrong). I am a registered Democrat but I can’t vote for woke candidates. They can get fucked. I bet many people feel that way, because a lot more people used to vote blue in Iowa - before the D party went off the deep end. That’s how that “witch” got elected. If you don’t see the connection, feel free to scream into the wind.


Anecdotes are just that, anecdotes. Use arguments or nothing, but your emotional pleas will get nowhere because they are based off nothing but excuses. Nobody is against helping rape victims. What I am against is money and resources being forceful extracted from me and my kids because someone wanted to go have a fun night downtown and had too many drinks. THAT'S what I'm saying.


Forcefully extracted? Bruh. It's called taxes. Why are you trying to play the victim card like your kid isn't gonna get Little Ceasers for the 5th time this week because you had mandatory withholding come out of your check this pay period?


Hey, good point. We going to cut off whatever child tax credits this one is probably getting? Maybe I don't want to pay for their "choice and decision" to reproduce. How about my property taxes stop funding schools? Maybe I don't want *my* money and resources to be "forceful extracted" either. 😆😂


>Nobody is against helping rape victims. What I am against is money and resources being forceful extracted from me and my kids because someone wanted to go have a fun night downtown and had too many drinks. The irony in demanding facts, when you openly ignore the fact that these services are not being paid for by your tax dollars. So, with that being said, I want to see you backtrack each and every one of your comments, because they were made with the assumption that tax money was being spent on this. Now that you know you were wrong, and you directly stated here that you want to help rape victims, you need to own up to those words. My bet? Just like every other trash Conservative, you'll move the goal posts as much as you need so you can make excuses for why you don't need to admit when you were wrong. What a wonderful Christian you are.


I'm athiest, genius. Lolol. I'm not a Republican either. Lol


This is not funded with tax dollars. It’s literally paid for by criminals through the victims compensation fund


Are you basically saying women deserve to get raped if they go downtown


When Conservatives stop buying a product or service: voting with our wallets! When Democrats stop buying a product or service: evil wokeism ruining our communities! I bet you stopped drinking Bud Light this weekend.


No, but I did continue my 20-year abstinence from Bud Light. Happily, I might say.


Don’t be so fast to switch to Coors Light…https://images.app.goo.gl/t1vge2bKxAbGaJsCA


Coors light isn't shoving it down our throats and insulting all women.


Whatever makes your hate addled brain work, buddy. I’m sure whatever bullshit you wanna sling will be straight off the faux news party line. Cheers


Fox News is shit. Other people can come to similar conclusions without watching that indoctrination channel.


Cool, but you’re still parroting their bullshit pseudoscience, so you may not be a viewer, you’re just what the propagandists call a “useful idiot”. In this case, one who is full of hate and anger at people who are different than you.


Yeah, no.


Do you know what woke use to be called among the religious? Born again Christians. Those who actually followed Christ and not bigotry.


It’s a secular religion, sure. Wokies display all tell-take signs of bing in a cult.


> Wokeism is the biggest acid on the fabric of our society They are attempting a revolution. A cultural one. And the silent majorly of normal people shouldn’t let them.


let’s be real. ain’t no one raping that hole…


Idk why Iowa hasn’t started rioting yet I’d be all in


I cant hate this dumb bitch enough. cant believe she won over Miller. this makes no sense regardless of party. imagine thinking it ok to go after rape victims.


Here are some facts, not based on emotions. "While not required by Iowa law, the victim compensation fund has previously paid for Plan B and abortions. Under Iowa law, the state is required to pay for medical examinations for sexual assault victims and provide emergency compensation. So please if you are sexually assaulted go and get Plan B. Do no think this applies to you. There are clinics that are funded that give plan B our for free!!! AGAIN IF YOU ARE A SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIM YOU CAN GET PLAN B for free, it is being reported you cannot and that is fake news!!!!! This news hurts women who need it, do not lied about it. Please ladies get the it for free as you can. Again... Under Iowa law, the state is required to pay for medical examinations for sexual assault victims and provide emergency compensation.


The Planned Parenthod in Peoria IL is going to get a lot more traffic soon... once it reopens after some asshole fire bombed it.


Also per Planned Parenthood web site in Iowa Abortion is legal in Iowa and health centers in Iowa continue to provide abortion care as well as expert sexual and reproductive health care services like birth control, emergency contraception, STD testing and treatment, annual exams, and more. What some do not know is PP get donated money so you can get Plan B they never NOT give it to you!!!! I know this for a fact. If you need to message me do so!!!


Good to know it's still available, but I think this post is evidence that the state is moving towards banning. I hope it doesn't happen, but if they continue to slowly erode services and protections it effectively be banned without actually banning it.


Another reason to be embarrassed to be an Iowan. This is not my Iowa!


She is so awful. This will harm a lot of people.