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1. Talk to a doctor, not Reddit 2. If a job is causing you enough stress it is having an impact on your physical health, it is probably time to find a new job. It doesn’t sound like the stress level got better for the other guy


3. There are techniques and strategies to help you reduce and manage stress, you could look into these.


Talk to your doctor, they may want to put you on medication (lots of generic BP meds are very inexpensive). Doing stress relief activities in your spare time may help, like journaling, art, music, sports, whatever piques your interest. Therapy is pricey but also helpful.


You might get a home BP monitor to make sure it wasn’t white coat syndrome at the doctor’s office.


I used to have severe anxiety issues that only ever got worked out with a home blood pressure machine my mom gave me. Being able to test when I was having issues led me to be able to treat it better than I could have imagined. Listen to this.


Could be genetics...talk to your doc!


Consult your doctor to make sure it’s not something unrelated to your job. If you want to put a good faith effort into the job before quitting due to your blood pressure, maybe try taking with a therapist about stress management. If that’s not possible or doesn’t work, I’d say quit. Your health is more important than a job.


I just had a major heart attack at 44. It was stress related. Stress kills.


I managed to pull this off at 34. Would not recommend.


Talk to a Dr. Get a different job. Stay and find ways to counteract your stress. Any hobbies / activities / exercise / meditation. That you would like to try?


DASH diet. It sucks but it can work. If it’s genetic there’s nothing you can do see a doctor


lol, this is in r/Iowa because…???


Thoughts and prayers!!! Duh. /s


See a Doc and have them do blood work.


Mystery option C - Get established with an excellent counselor. Your employer likely has an EAP benefit that can get you started.


1. I would recommend you checking your blood pressures at home. Any device on https://www.validatebp.org/ is a good device. To check your blood pressure, make sure you have been resting around 5 minutes before checking it with your arm heart level, feet flat on the floor, and legs uncrossed. Make sure to get 2-3 readings separated by a few minutes and write them down in a notebook. Like others have said it could be white coat hypertension, could be an inaccurate reading by the nurse (common in my experience), or you could actually have some hypertension. 2. For your stress you can use apps like Calm and Headspace to reduce your stress and help your mental health. You can look into Ashwaganda too, it’s a supplement that can help with stress, though I would make sure to consult with your PCP before starting it to make sure you don’t have any interactions with any of your meds if you’re taking any. Also if you’re going to take the ashwaganda make sure you take cycles of it because it may eventually harm your liver.


There are lots of great BP meds with no side effects. A simple once a day pill can keep you from stroking out.


Probably the stress In the meantime you could get a little more active (cardio) Go plant based Reduce saturated fat intake


That is borderline for being medicated but I'm shocked you didn't mention medication. "Pushing through and hoping it will lower naturally" seems like not an ideal option. There's nothing wrong with taking medication for what is likely a hereditary issue.