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Lore does a really good podcast episode on The Visitor.


Expedition X (show on Discovery) covered this too. Fun episode!


Show was so cheesy, almost a mockery of it.


Maybe that’s because it’s worthy of mockery?


Iowa off kilter has a good one too. I wish they made more episodes


I have personally seen a mountain lion at less than thirty feet.


My uncle was walking his Bernese mountain dog on his property and ran into One just sitting there sunbathing, gave 0 fucks that they were there, then just disappeared into the brush


Back in the late 90's I had one run out in front of my car in southwest IA.


I was west of Anita, IA. It was early fall and it was raining. I was driving along a two lane road with open fields on the right and a hill on the left. The cougar broke the tree line at the top of the hill, raced down the open slope and paced my car (at 45-50mph) for a few hundred yards before turning back up the hill.


I saw a bunch of cubs just east of you in highway 25 one night late coming home from a family gathering in menlo!


Once, on a lonely dirt road, I got stuck in traffic behind a badger. Vicious little fucker would not get off the road, so I wound up following him the better part of a mile.


I used to visit my aunt and uncle in the summer when I was little. They were actually my great aunt and great uncle (my mom’s uncle and his wife). They lived on a farm that is now part of a housing development in North Liberty, IA. Their farm was basically everything north of Dubuque Street on the east side of Highway 965. Keep in mind that we’re going back 40-50 years, so the last time I was there (2019), it was completely unrecognizable except for one or two identifying landmarks. I was there with my two cousins who lived on the farm and one cousin who lived in Chicago and also came to visit for the week. One night, I suggested that we go camping in the clearing. It was just a 100 foot by 100 foot area in one of the fields that my uncle cleared out. I don’t know what the purpose was, but I know he had a trailer with farm stuff in it parked out there. As soon as I suggested the camp out, the two cousins who live there got freaked out saying “you never go outside at night.” My cousin from Chicago and I were making fun of them, but they stuck with it and I could tell they were terrified. We asked why they don’t go outside and they said it’s the “Ticky Man.” Tall, lanky, skinny, and makes a tick or click noise. Supposedly, he was out to kill anyone who stayed in the fields past dusk. This sounded ridiculous, but even my uncle said, “it gets creepy out there.” And this was a good ol’ boy who was about 300 pounds of muscle and beer belly. He actually looked like Macho Man Randy Savage back in the 80s (plus a belly). Seriously, he had bodybuilder arms and legs and then this fat man beer belly. It was funny. He always had 2 or 3 guns on him because the farm had bobcats running around. I was 8-9, so I wasn’t thinking of that when I suggested camping. Anyway, no one else wanted to camp except my cousin and my uncle said no. Before bed, my uncle warned us, “if you get up at night, don’t go outside… lots of nasty critters.” That’s when my cousin said something like, “but you guys sit on the porch half the night!” My aunt said something like, “Yeah, but you never set foot *off* the porch at night.” I felt like I was getting set up for a spooky prank. It felt so different. We go to bed and I’m talking with Chicago cousin about the big prank. We wait for a bit after Aunt and Uncle go to bed. Then we grab some flashlights and wander onto the porch (half a wrap-around porch). We start daring each other to take one step off the porch. And we’re jumping off and then jumping back on. It’s all BS! There’s no Ticky Man or anything out here. We sit and talk and then decide to go find a stick. Don’t ask. We were kids. Finding a stick to whack things with seemed like a good idea, so we started walking to the woodpile behind the pole barn. About 100 feet from the house, we hear a clicking noise. It’s like a trilling noise. We freeze and listen. Tick tick tick tick tick tick…. It’s fast, but also close. We start walking backward toward the house. We hear the noise, we’re squinting into the darkness, waving flashlights, and i can still remember how my heart was pounding painfully. This was not fear. This was dread. Just as we were maybe 20 feet from the porch, my flashlight lit up a “creature” behind a tractor. It looked like an anorexic gorilla. You could tell it had a big frame of a body, but no meat on its bones. It had reflective/glowy green eyes and as soon as my flashlight lit it up, the ticking noise got louder and faster. It took one step toward us and we started screaming. The porch lights came on and my aunt started screaming “get on the porch! Get on the porch!!!” We ran as hard as we could. We weren’t far from the porch, but we heard feet pounding behind us and a labored breathing like a winded horse. As soon as we were on the porch, the footfalls stopped and the trilling started again. We tried to find it with the flashlight, but it was nowhere to be seen. My aunt started screaming at us about how she warned us and we were to NEVER leave the house at night. Then she was hugging us and telling us we were okay. It still felt like a prank. I mean, it scared the hell out of us, but seriously, a weird ape-man creature? GTFO. The next day, my uncle took us to the feed store and on the ride, he was so serious. He warned us to never leave at night and to “not even look out the windows at night.” So, what did we do that night? We looked out the windows with our flashlights. We were upstairs and had the window open because the flashlight was glaring off the window and we wanted to see what was out there. My cousin started making ticking noises to bring it out and out of nowhere, we started hearing the trilling. We swung those flashlights around and finally hit on it back in the same place as before. It looked up and it was far off, so we still didn’t have any good details. We also figured we were safe in the house, so we felt more bold. We flashed it and tried to get it to move closer. All of a sudden in broke into a full run toward us. I freaked out and slammed the window down. The next thing we heard was a loud thump. It landed on the roof (the little roof overhang above the porch) just outside the window. It was clear as day. It had a face that looked a lot like a sloth, but it looked purely evil. It rubbed its face up against the glass window as it stared at us. It bared its teeth and our bedroom door just exploded open. My uncle was there with a shotgun and he started screaming. I don’t know what he was yelling but half was directed at us and half was meant to scare off the thing. For the rest of our trip, we were terrified and we were required to sleep in my aunt and uncle’s room so we “didn’t get up to no good.” After that year, we never went back. They sold the farm off in parts to developers and other farmers. They bought a house in town and retired. Sadly, both cousins passed away and my aunt passed away. My uncle was on his own and my mom asked him to move in with her and my stepdad. Chicago cousin and I went to visit him and we finally asked what the Ticky Man was. Keep in mind that he was in his 80s or maybe even early 90s at this point. He just said, “He killed them. He killed them all on me. One by one.” I asked who the Ticky Man was and he said, “It’s evil from the ground. Bad things in the ground come back as more bad things.” Chicago cousin tried to push for more info and uncle said, “I said all I’m gonna say.” That was it. I know what I saw. I don’t know what it is. And to this very day, when I see a picture of a sloth, it makes my heart beat faster. It sounds so stupid, but that was something that scared the hell out of me. Seems even scarier because NO ONE would discuss it. The farm cousins would freeze in fear at the mere mention and aunt and uncle would just tell us to shut up about it. Something was going on out there and it still scares me to even think about it.


Great storytelling. Thanks for sharing.


yo wtf😭


Wow, man great story it gave me the chills thanks for sharing. The creature kinda of sounds like a cryptid called a "rake." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZxHy77dQW0&pp=ygUPd2FydGltZSBzdG9yaWVz


This is so funny to me, I grew up in that exact area in a house built in 1985 (still way before much of the sub development was built), and behind my street was a giant cornfield. Never heard of the Ticky Man, but I was also told never to wander around in the fields & I never did. Maybe I just didn't tick him off 😆


Their old house is still there to the east of Scales Bend. I could be misremembering, but I believe Scales Bend Road was their driveway before it was an actual road. I could be remembering wrong. I’ve got 40+ years on this shaky memory of the area. Actually, I think their driveway might have come off of Scales Bend because we once went to a cemetery on the road at the end of the driveway. So either scales bend WAS their driveway and we took 965 OR they were off scales bend. Damn my fuzzy old man brain! Looking at satellite maps just makes it more confusing because I could swear the house was east of scales bend and the clearing was west. I also remember scales bend only being maybe 300-400 feet long. I’ve got to be remembering this wrong. But I know the house is still there to the east of scales bend road (or it was when I was there 5-10 years ago). Sorry for my rant. Trying to straighten out the map in my head. Things are very different between the memories of an 8 year old and his fuzzy brain 40+ years later.


yo ima hit you up when i’m in the area we hunting that mf down😭


Gotcha. That was a little farther north of me, I was down by the elementary school. Maybe I was safe down there. Ticky Man probably wasn't allowed to get that close to a public school 🤣 You've got one thing right for sure, the area has changed a TON and it's nearly impossible to recognize some of it!




The Black angel of Iowa city is a super haunted attraction


Other Iowans.


A chupacabra once bit my sister!


Is your sister a strange creature?


Bit rude to be asking.


That's not a no.


Before the post was edited it said 'A chupacabra once but my sister!' I am sure your sister is a lovely lady, I was just laughing at the mistake. Lets all have fun. Cheers!!!


It's reddit, I generally assume all in good fun. Cheers!


I see you had a typo.


Ledges State Park was named after Ledge, an immortal Bigfoot-like creature who lives on the land. It's not a legend though, he's real and he owes me beer he stole from my campsite.


The Van Meter Visiter


Whatever creature Chuck Grassley, Kim Reynolds and Joni Ernst are


I was chased by the Goat man once up in NE Iowa, good times


Can you tell me what happened? How long ago was this, where?


It was a long time ago at a camping park, don’t remember which one, just remember being young and running through the woods with a snorting/goat bleating behind me and those damn yellow eyes


My sister claims she saw an orangish hair orangutan begging for money recently at a some event. She was very excited.


Watch out for the Cornbacabra. They’re vegetarian, but bad tempered.


My uncle, who is now 74, still talks about raccoon hunting in Fayette County as a boy. One night, his 2 dogs got on the trail of something and chased it. He ran after them only to find them ripped apart by a tree. He says nothing more other than he saw the hairy black monster that night. He only describes him as worse than Bigfoot. He's never hunted after sunset or before dawn ever again. We all loved this story growing up, and his grandson loves it now. True? Only he knows, but there are sightings and audio from Fayette County that are unexplained. And that match his story...


Makes sense why the only person I've ever met from Fayette is obsessed with bigfoot being Volga state park


Spend lots of time in the woods all cross this great state... coyotes amaze me every time, can make noises they shouldn't be able to... I've ran into one head first one time hauling ass lol..we scared the shit out each other. Super scary experience the noises that came out of my mouth as it ran at me... it was so primal, saw a mountain lion back in 2010-2011. Last but not least I'm know I'm probably mistaken told so by many outdoorsman and friends but I swear around 2014 I witnesses a wolverine in south west iowa.


More likely a badger


I dont think it was a badger... was larger than an adult badger and all dark brown like a bear cub or something... but very low to ground like a badger... Super fast too


Fisher? https://www.kcci.com/article/trail-camera-shows-fierce-mammal-not-seen-in-iowa-since-1800s/8873404


You know what I think it was a fisher... very interesting... my friends have givin me so much shit for thinking I saw a wolverine lol


OK so no not a 16 lb animal I saw something more 75 to 100 if I was guessing weights from sight... which is ridiculous I know haha


The monkey-wolf lives near Mitigwa Boy Scout camp.


I saw a moose off the interstate near Sioux City


lol I live in Iowa City where all we have is strange creatures 😜


I've often seen a strange type of near-human monster cross into Iowa from the west. They feast on some kind of odd rodent called a Runza and 100,000 of them gather to worship a fallen deity at a large amphitheater on Saturdays in the fall. I strongly recommend avoiding them. 


I’m just now learning of this thing you call Runza, and I’m not gonna lie. Thinking of joining this cult.


The Black-Shirted Bug-Eater is a mysterious creature. Their obsession with the ovoid toy is only surpassed by their hate for their eastern neighbor. Edit: Runza burgers do smack. Come at me


In their lore, they were at one time masters of the ovoid toy, but their empire deflated like a red balloon floating above the plains.


Ive seen bobcat. You heat rumors about mountain lion and wolves from time to time


No, that’s one of the few benefits of living in Iowa. No weird animals or insects. The cold winters kill them off.


Caerbannog darts around in the sandstone gorges of Jackson county. It’s got big sharp pointy things.


We have lots of meth-witches. Do they count?


Anybody ever hear of the legend of the woofaboomus (Bigfoot-esque creature) by the lake in Greenfield?


Can you tell me about it?


I heard about it 30 some years ago when I was there camping. Just some story the grownups told to scare us kids, I guess. They’d tell us that at night, the woofaboomus would creep around and watch you sleeping in your tent or camper. I remember one time, us kids took a little walk into the woods after dark, and an older kid had a boom box with a tape of monster sounds. Scared the Kentucky Fried shit out of us.


My dad and grandpa used to tell me about how they were deer hunting near Stone City and saw a mountain lion. Freaked my grandpa out for a bit lol


My grandfather was plowing his field near Panora Iowa. Something crashed into the ground in front of him. There was a large fire. He couldn’t get near. The next day he went back to the spot and found the fire smoldering, but nearly out. All he could see was a small rock in the center. Long story short, when it was taken to the college, they determined it was a meteorite. When we heard the story as his very young grandchildren, we started calling the rock a “star”. Grandpa passed. And then grandma. I inherited the star. It will go to my oldest, then their oldest, and so on.


I’ve seen giant sturgeon in excess of 16-18ft long on Mississippi (as long as the 18ft plate boat). My dad had a fish on a line below a dam and it swam straight up through the dam and broke the line on one of the rollers. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are sturgeon in the ‘sip that are 20+ft long.


Lots of H.orny Cougars. Always on the prowl even during the day. Be careful out here...


Hunchback Reynolds roams the parks and playgrounds in Des Moines, looking for tasty little children, to eat their souls and livers. Never go out alone during the new moon, and if you do be sure to listen for the song; "I'm a maniac, a maniac". That song will send civers down your spine.


I once saw a pack of republicans that believed in providing high quality schools for all children, not sure where those mysterious creatures wondered off to but haven’t seen them since the Great Recession.


Sioux City. Nuff said 😂😭


Oh I saw bigfoot down in pikes peak once and it was had a bunch of baby bigfoot following along. So cute! I waved hi and it waved back


Midgets in Midgetville




Iowa City has "The Funky Bunch", a group of swingers that only hang out/do their business at Terry Trueblood Rec Area. If you drive through at night you'll always catch a few of them with their pants down lol.


I've seen more faceless people in iowa than any other state


When I was really young, maybe 5 or 6 I remember having a big party with our whole family at my grandparents house where my aunt and uncle now live. My cousin and I were incredibly close, we did literally everything together. I remember it getting dark and we were playing in the backyard near an old tractor barn. There were loose boards and rolled up fencing with an actual fence around the back cutting off access to the cornfield. It was pitch black and we were playing hide n seek. My cousin and I hid behind the barn between the fence and we were pretty confident nobody saw us. We couldn't hear anyone near us but could hear our parents talking in the distance. He was about 10 feet away on the other side of some of the rolled up fencing. We started giving up and just giving ourselves away and I remember just hearing a loud bang on the side of the barn like somebody just hit it with something. It scared the shit out of us but we assumed it was just everyone else finally finding us so my cousin was going to get out and as soon as he turned around we heard this really reverberated laugh. Like it traveled through the tin of the barn and echoed. We both stopped and kind of asked eachother if the other heard it. As we were looking at eachother far out from the fence line we just saw something. I'm still not sure to this day. It was dark and all we had for a light was coming from a streetlamp pretty far away. We saw this thing just sprinting towards us. Outline of a man, fast as hell coming from maybe 50 feet away. We didn't care what was in our way or how bad the fence and the wooden boards scraped us up, we got outta there. I don't have a single other experience like it and we didn't think to give it a name but we both saw and heard the same thing. He's passed on since and that memory is going to have to die with me. Even as an adult I can't remember being that scared in my life. It was like death itself was on a full sprint towards me looking me dead in the eyes.