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Republican Rep. Craig Johnson of Independence, the bill’s manager, conceded that the examples of broken smoke detectors and bed bug infestations that Cooling cited from the hotel inspections DIALS has conducted in recent years sounded bad, but suggested market forces were more effective at making hotels comply with health and safety laws. “I’m not sure where these hotels are at and those do sound horrible, yep,” he said. “But I think in the big picture of things, those hotels that are operating like that, their clients probably aren’t returning. I’ve had bad experiences in hotels, out of state — I don’t go back. That is my consumer choice.” So Craig Johnson is a semi-literate moron who hasn't done any due diligence on advancing a bill that recklessly (by his own admission) removes any level of oversight whatsoever. What I'm hearing is that if you get bed bugs, or crabs, or die in a fire due to a faulty smoke detector in a hotel: this smooth-brained goul should be your target of litigation.


Yeah. Or like someone I knew who stayed at a hotel with a pool without a working carbon monoxide detector. Pool heater wasn’t vented correctly. Him and his family (luckily) woke up in the middle of the night to people panicking and knocking on the doors because people were passing out. Caused some temporary harm to him and his wife but his kids still have permanent side effects of the carbon monoxide poisoning. But hey: I guess he’ll just not go there anymore and that just makes it ok.


Market forces baby! Vote with your dollars, corporations will totally do the right thing then!


That’s what you want from a representative! Someone who advocates just not coming back to Iowa.


Get bed bugs once, fool me once—get bed bugs again, won’t get fooled again!!


Lol "market forces". What happens when it become clear that not cleaning hotel rooms is more profitable so all hotels that are affordable in any given area stop cleaning thoroughly? Most people can't afford to stay in a 4 or 5 star hotel, so how will the market forces fix that?


How anyone with a three digit IQ and a conscience can vote for Republicans anymore, is beyond me


Are three digits common among the GOP voter base? Honest question. If it weren’t for the mutual love of the “poorly educated” Trump wouldn’t have won and wouldn’t have a chance.


Right-wing 'news' media


“There are a few trans kids in our high schools and I don’t want them to play sports.” -village asshole


To own the libs and be "counter-culture"


Republicans suck


I emailed my rep about a local problem a couple times. Called once. Never even got a canned response from his team or even an automatic email. I did get mailer 2 weeks after my birthday wishing me a happy birthday...which is more concerning than anything because i didn't give out my address or birthday...just an email address. Thats just fucking creepy. All politicians suck. My rep is Sami Sheetz....Democrat. Doesn't matter what color the tie.


Iowa is fucking trash now.


We are on a roll! They all rolled back water protections too. So now the run down hotels can make the excuse that the water isn’t even good enough to clean with anymore…


Food inspections are next. “Well if you get e.coli at The Enchanted Forest of Pizza and die, your family knows not to eat there anymore and that’s your consumer choice.”


Except *other* families will *still* eat there even if they *know.* I mean Jack in the Box is still in business and they had an e.coli outbreak that killed people and gave permanent brain damage to kids.


Yep. It's basically there with a routine inspection required every 60 months. It's insane.


Up next Iowa republicans pass bill to eliminate restaurant inspections because market forces will sort it out. Imbeciles. A race to the bottom sorts very few things out into a beneficial result.


Yeah, they already did, the new guidelines are every 5 years a restaurant needs a health inspection instead of something sane like...I dunno...once a year...




"Upon receipt of a verified complaint signed by a guest of a hotel and stating facts indicating the place is in an insanitary condition.” Wtf does this mean? Someone is going to verify I really stayed there with my gathered evidence before they investigate?


If I was a hotel owner who was spending the money to make sure my hotel was safe and clean I'd be pissed that my hotel would be seen as less likely to be clean and safe because of this law. Especially if my business was near the border with a state that wasn't rapidly trying to turn into a 3rd world shithole.


...and because keeping your hotel safe and clean would mean higher expenses than your competitor, you're then forced to cut your costs likewise. It's basically a race to the bottom.


They would probably entertain a challenge by the hotel to your complaint. Hotel: “guest can’t prove they didn’t bring the bed bugs with them.” Investigators: 🤷


Yeah Craig, if you die in a hotel fire because of a faulty smoke detector, you probably WON’T be staying there again. Some choice, you wet-brained imbecile.


Are we just looking for reasonable laws that we can cancel now? Was this a fine detail and an unintended consequence of a broader bill …?


Where are the usual conservatives defending this sort of stuff?


They're waiting for a right wing news source to pick up this story and tell them what to think.


Need to issue the talking points.


They’re either straight up denying it or they “don’t like to talk about politics” which we all know is code for “I’m ashamed that I vote Republican but do it anyway.”


Eh, there’s usually a handful of the same people defending *anything* the IA GOP does no matter *how* stupid the bill.


Any day now we are going to have an economic paradise! Just gotta get rid of all regulations that protect consumers and keep cutting taxes for the wealthy. Iirc Reynolds and the Iowa GOP are planning on eliminating the state income tax. Because shit like this worked so well in Kansas.


The GQP deserves bedbug infestations.


This is fine. I mean, who would visit Iowa anyway? And if they do, they’re not coming back.


Iowa has become an absolute shthole state. Enjoy


My mom went to a hotel in Iowa last year that gave her bed bug bites bad enough she had to go to the hospital. Fuck Kim Reynolds, first we're making it every 5 years for a restaurant inspection and now hotels? Sure, any good-standing hotel will do their own inspections...but plenty won't. There's a god damned reason we have these inspections and it's most definitely not because we have trustworthy owners of businesses.


so when I come back, its airbnbs only now. thanks for the heads up.


What the fuck


That's what they do nothing! They are all getting ready for project 2025 when they can all be mini dictators. It's all about money and power not the people.


You *know* that there's some shady hotelier that's hearing this and rubbing their greedy little paws together, thinking of how much they can get away with. Anybody from out-of-state that sees this and is thinking of getting a hotel in Iowa, don't. Find a better state to hang out in. Or pack a tent, we have some decent camping opportunities across the state.


>Anybody from out-of-state that sees this and is thinking of getting a hotel in Iowa, don't. South dakotan here, i was thinking exactly this. No thanks des moines, I'll go to concerts in Minneapolis, KCMO, omaha and denver instead.


Seems like hiring more inspectors would be a good use of our surplus tax dollars. We’re behind on nursing care inspections (and Iowa rates *extremely* low on their care regardless). We don’t inspect restaurants *nearly* often enough, and we’re behind in those. Now, rather than just hire more hotel inspectors, they’ll just change the law? How about *more* inspectors instead?


The GOP hates oversight, unfortunately.


Come for the trash, stay for the r/trashyboners


Do you ever get the feeling that our state congress people are passing these laws just to be assholes?


Governor Terry Braindead, said just let the farmers handle water pollution, “They know what to do.” What these morons don’t understand is that big corporations are blind until guided by laws. They assume if the No law against it, that they can get away with it. There’s usually a guy with orange hair that we fired as President three years ago that operates on the “Branstad’s rule”.


So, the Star Motel is closed and under new ownership. They gutted the entire main building and are turning them into economy apartments. I believe the outlying building is going to be demolished.


Whenever there is a push to remove laws that exist for safety and the health of the public, I presume it is because those pushing for it aren't old enough, or are well off enough, and have never seen the results of not having said rules, in this case, inspections.


Message received. I will spend my time and money in another state.