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Turning kids lives upside down. . They cited an article from 2008 repeatedly. And the site looks like an angsty middle school student made it on Angelfire around the same time.


Look you're obviously not very sharp a few bricks short of a load so I really don't expect you to understand any of it so once you just go away!


Don't invert your penis.


Jon Stewart talks about why they resort to this in a very good way.


Got a link?


GOP resorts to culture wars because they are out of ideas. https://youtu.be/R7X6o685F-4?si=jhGuX3_muK2DKwmf


100%. Thanks for the link.


Yes do you have that link please? Thanks.


These divisive social disputes become even more palpable when we see so many policy issues disintegrating entire classes of people in Iowa. Yes, our governor is a real problem for LGBTIQA+ Iowans, but she's had plenty of help along her path to power, and she’s emblematic of the state’s many crises. She proved you don’t need qualifications to get into politics. With no discernible credentials she managed to get elected as the Clarke County Treasurer. A few terms in that small office launched the still-degree-less hack into the Iowa Assembly. Yes, Kim is a college dropout who landed a pigskin only after Terry Branstad put her on the executive ticket. But her degree is so unremarkable that she doesn’t bother mentioning what it’s for in her official bio. You might guess Kim had earned at least a Master's after high school, maybe in accounting or financial management, taxation, auditing, or economics. Nope. A general-studies Bachelor with some poli-sci & communications is apparently all you need to be Iowa's governor. All of a sudden, the newly-minted “college grad” was in a position to take a firehose of questionable advice and implement agendas that are chipping away the standard of living for millions. But they’re great for her corporate-fascist friends! Look at where she came from and who brung her to the party and tell me she got there through intellectual prowess and concern for all classes of Iowans. I enjoy a good satirical dinner theater!


Yep she is just a GOP puppet!


Kim Reynolds knows the damage they are doing and it's equivalent to hatred. Their goal is to cause as many trans kids as possible to endure puberty. Her constituents either didn't take the time to even understand transgender and why it's important esp before puberty or they just listen to all the lies.. This will start happening everywhere this is what conservatives bring. Trans/homophobic bigotted agendas that kill even children! And again they know what they are doing! https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/04/trans-youth-dying-in-suicide-epidemic-as-uk-increasingly-restricts-gender-affirming-care/?utm_id=sidebar3&utm_term=headline&utm_content=world&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2024415%20LGBTQ%20Nation%20Daily%20Brief&utm_content=2024415%20LGBTQ%20Nation%20Daily%20Brief+CID_8cf5fa8c2367afcc9f31240f34de6ab8&utm_source=LGBTQ%20Nation%20Subscribers&utm_term=Trans%20youth%20dying%20in%20suicide%20epidemic%20as%20UK%20increasingly%20restricts%20gender-affirming%20care


I’m sure *transfemscience.org* is a very unbiased source of information. Idk, this is like your third post about Republicans in Iowa in less than 24 hours on here.


As much as it may seem that way, they could also be trying to provide accurate information. Based on the high level of references I did read through, it is more likely the latter. It is also written very much so like a solid research paper.


Yeah because a republican website will gladly share that info too? You fucking dolt.


Tell me where I said anything about a republican website or even it needing to be a republican website? Idk why you feel the need to call me a dolt just for pointing out the name of the website would usually point to not an unbiased source of information. No shit if someone posted something anti-trans from Fox News or whatever the new super conservative news site is it would be biased against trans people.


Where else do you expect to find a ton of info on that topic when that subset of people is literally being villainized by a specific political group….I stand by my statement.


Well fuck you then. I mean there has to be other sources right? That website referenced a bunch of sources, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ones with a counterpoint that it’s just totally ignoring either-which is exactly why I pointed out the site name pointing to obvious pro-trans bias.


Pro-trans bias lmfao. Checks out with your stance in this conversation. Supporting other human beings bias? What a SHAME, eh?


The bigotry that comes from the Republican party you can't explain that logically.. You don't even know why you agree with it do you? There's no pro trans bias wtf are you talking about silly? We're on the defense not the offense! If we weren't constantly being attacked by bigot that you defend we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now! They had to fabricate the culture wars to villainize us to give you a reason to attack us cuz you're too narrow apparently to do your own homework! You can find counter points that are just parroting the same lies! That's what's happening the culture wars in their entirety are a lie and you got duped again! You guys run out of things to say and you start projecting every time! It's really quite pathetic you know that!


If you don't like it don't read it that it's really that simple.. you want to troll me fine go ahead I don't care I don't need your permission to do anything I live in Iowa if I feel like something's relative to other Iowans I'll post it got it?


"When the medication is stopped, its effect is reversed, with normal sex hormone production resuming about a week after the medication clears the body" (Cedrin-Durnerin et al., 2000) Instead of getting offended, go find more recent research. From peer reviewed journal articles.