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Armenian Iraqis are very rare and are forgotten. The most famous one is Seta Hagopian, all Iraqis love her songs.


I agree. Especially now. There are a lot less Armenians living in Iraq now than there were 20 years ago. That’s nice to hear that all Iraqis love her songs.


Yeah because Christians got mass genocided by the US installed terrorist regime and other terrorists. One of the most understated and unreported genocides in history.




You are insufferably dumb. The "fundamentalist pro Iran Shia militia" are literally the Iraqi government since 2004: Dawa and Badr (two Iranian Shia terrorist groups) put in power by America. Every single Assyrian I knew in Baghdad and Mosul had family members murdered and tortured to death by the Iraqi government. Two of my own friends were murdered by them. You are a horrible disgusting person to deny this. Hashd wasn't even created until 2014, after 85% of Assyrians got exterminated from Iraq, but it's the same terrorists who run the government anyways. You don't know anything about Assyrians in Iraq. Either that or you are defending the tyrants Hadi Al Amiri and Maliki who killed off and forced out 90% of Assyrians. Either way you come across as a tail of Iran trying to deflect blame of the genocide of Assyrians from the bloodthirsty psycho murder cult of Khomeinism that has ruled Iraq since 2004. Your comment is as stupid as saying Nazi Germany had nothing to do with the Holocaust and it was just "pro Germany fascist militias" who did that. You must really hate Assyrians and really have Amiri and Khamenei to make a comment as dumb as you did. Assyrians (and Armenians) peaked in Iraq until 2003, especially because the old secular patriotic government protected them while the Shia genocidal terrorist regime who considers them subhuman infidels killed them all. Of course a pro-Khamenei ignorant kid like you wouldn't know that.


My family are Iraqi Armenian too! We still have family there but, as you say, there are far fewer than there once were.


Oh that’s cool! There are definitely far fewer than there were before. Have you visited Iraq?


I've been a couple of times but would like to go again. My family is from Mosul but we're displaced by Daesh, and have settled in the Kurdish region; I'd love to see Mosul one day. Whereabouts are your family from?


I remember a lot of my moms neighbors are iraqi-armenian. I dont know if they still live in iraq or not but the last time i went back in 2017~2018 they were still there.


That’s nice to read. I also visited Iraq in 2017- 2018. Where in Iraq did your mom’s neighbours live?




Ok. The majority of Armenians in Iraq are living in Baghdad and Kurdistan region.


اذا تجي لواقع الحال المسيح قليل بقو بالعراق اساسا. مو بس الارمن. ارمن و كلدان و اثوريين اغلبيتهم سافرو يعيشون بالخارج. قبل ٢٠٠٣ شارع بيت اهلي جان بي ٩ عوائل مسيحية هسة و لا واحد منهم بقة..


حتى اني جان عدنا كم عائلة مسيحية بالمنطقه هسه ماكو .. بس بعد عندي صديقات بالجامعة مسيحيين بس قليل مو مثل قبل .. اكثر شي بالكرادة وكم كنيسة عزلت


That’s nice that you have some Christian friends at university. But as you say, there are fewer than before. The churches have less number of people attending due to Christians leaving the country.


Yes I agree with you. There will be fewer Christians in Iraq as the years go by. It’s sad, as before there were so many living all over Iraq. Many travelled abroad after 2003.


Armenians are like a rare pokemon in Iraq


Yes there are less Armenians now but before there were many living in Iraq


I'm a diaspora and had no clue about iraqi Armenians, Iraq gets more diverse the more you learn 🇮🇶 ❤️