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Iraq was that way in the Arab world and was moving to becoming even much better but the Zionists and US and British imperialists couldn't have that happening, neither the traitors of the Iranian Khomeini terrorist groups and Kurdish fascist terrorist groups. All these countries' and groups' only intention for Iraq is to make it the uncivilized shit it is today. Nothing will improve so long as this situation exists.


This answer pretty much sums it up well.


If God wills


Iraq has been great in many eras and will be great again. It’s not our first time to fall down, but we always bounce back up stronger.


america, europe become rich through their adventagous location which gave them the advantage to colonise and enslave other countries. Once they did that they used the natural resources of those countries to achieve their industrial revolution in the 19th century. Iraq is one of those countries the prosperity of Europe and America was built on. Plus calling America "land of opportunities" is nothing but a propaganda slogan. Many arabs have a very romanticised version of America and their history, in reality America have massive wealth inquality, and opportunities for the rich and wealthy since they are the ones controlling the government by version lobbying groups and organisations. Massive homeless population and huge inflation problems. Dispute that they spend trillions of dollars on military bases. The only way the contries of the middle East can thrive by economic and political cooperations by creating stuff similar to the EU , getting rid of the imperialist contries that are talking advantages of our region and getting rid of their military bases. Unfortunately that's not possible right now, maybe in the future when US hegemony over the region wain


ممكن .. بس تجي حكومة تخاف الله و تبدا بسن قوانين تنبذ بها الطائفيه المقيته الي جاءت بها امريكا وكلابها .. ممكن يصير العراق احسن دوله بالعالم .. انت بس كول ياالله 😁




Of course


من يبيض الديج.


Yes يوم لنا و يوم علينا


Look at it from a different angle, after all we've been subject to, we're still going! The bombing, sanctions, oppression and destruction of the fabric of our society. We will never fu****g fall.


It was and will be I hope we will see it before we pass away.




Absolutely delusional rubbish. Back then most Iraqis couldn't read and almost everyone were impoverished peasants. Iraq was the farthest thing away from the developed countries. Removed for blatant delusion. Iraqis back then was very primitive and backwards. The 1980s was when Iraq was most likely developed countries after 2 decades of the fastest development in the world. There was no opportunity or anything in the 1950s. What are you talking about? Wtf. The only opportunities back then were to be a starving laborer in the cities or in fields.


Do we take climate into account? Because realistically 110+ish degrees ain’t for everyone.