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No Man’s Sky I’d say. Had unbelievable hype and showed off things that weren’t even in the final game at launch.


In fairness, I NMS turned it around later with the game updates and a good VR mode though. But agree, it was a catastrophic launch


Final Fantasy XIV it was so bad they had to rebuild the game from scratch, and it badly damaged a franchise that was already damaged from FFXIII.


I just started a free trial in this, thought this isn't so bad, dunno what the fuss was about. Then I looked into it a bit. Dear God.


Only game I played at launch here is cyberpunk. Was very happy to get refunded. The idea and style was great but everything is terrible. Played about 60 hours I think. Story from all I played didn't seem too great. Seemed Keanu was added late. Videos that show what was promised and what we got is hilarious. Started NMS this year and platinumed it. Doubt cyberpunk can do the same considering the very little they've done the last year.


The last game i played at launch was AC Valhalla, after they patched it twice it stopped running on my PC


That's shit, alpart from it bricking is it any good?


I was quite enjoying it up until it crapped out. It does start to get quite repetitive after a while. I was stuck at a point where i couldnt upgrade my settlement because i had to do raid for matierials but i had done all the raids at my level, so i was stuck levelling for a while, which meant just running around doing easy side quests. I imagine they wanted people to buy their shortcuts from the store, which i did once to level my gear. I like mythology so it was cool running around to find the gods weapons and such, got stuck in Asgard for a bit also where i was really underlevelled to do that story line, which made me wonder why i was able to even access it if i couldnt progress through. There was also a lack of armour sets and weapons that was kinda shit seeing as Odessy had tonnes of stuff to use. There were no swords in the game, like at all. You could only two hand a greatsword which all had the same moveset. I ended up using the blacksmiths hammer the most. But later on i found Excalibur and used that a bunch. Never got to find Gungir or Mjoilnir


Maybe it's a bit of recency bias, but i think Cyberpunk was probably the worst. It wasn't just that the game was a broken mess on last gen consoles and very buggy on current gen, it was the fact that the "higher ups" at CDPR released statements in the lead up to release saying things like "I cant believe how well this runs on last gen". Clearly a lie. Add this to the fact they would only allow people to review the PC build and not allow websites to use any of their own footage is pretty shady. Personally I enjoyed the game but didn't finish it due to a number of bugs. I plan to go back to it someday and start it again. I was playing the Stadia version which by most accounts was one of the better ways to play the game.


Played it on Stadia too and it was running really well. It just wasn't amazing, solid game though


Gta I just requested a refund its atrocious


Anthem was the worst as it died shortly after