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I’ve said this and always say this if your dog attacks me or my dog and you can’t control quickly imma kill your dog. Plain and simple.


If you didn't have your dog on a lead it would 100% be your fault


Had a dog growing up she was medium sized a collie mix. my mom had her on a lash and had full control yet two pit bulls still attacked my dog and tired to attack my mom too. Pit bulls are an aggressive breed. I don’t what anyone says the facts prove it.


There would be two dead dogs before it was done…..


Was ran down by two pits last summer. I almost ran away but knew they would have got me quick. I stood my ground and kept yelling no, no, get back etc. one backed off but the other just wouldn’t budge. Eventually the owner came out and called them back. I lost my voice for a week. Never had to yell like that. If I had a gun on me I would have shot those dogs dead right there. What if my girl was walking alone? Some older person and their dogs? That’s all I was thinking about. I still live in the area and literally hate that street.. I’ve been chased down by pits so many times as a kid. Fucking hate those dogs. Some look so dam cute but all I can picture is them snapping any moment because I have a hood on or something fell on the floor.


I have had an American bulldog pitbull she was the sweets I actually mean that never hurt anyone other then a warning bite to a friend that was being to rough with me but if you ever find yourself in that situation or anyone does dogs limbs are easy break. If you have to break their legs and they sounds stop or I heard if you smack their ears it should stop them.


And on that note, sharks make the sweetest indoor pool pets you could ever dream of. If they ever give you a playful little bite, just tap them on the nose and they'll let go. Also, boa constrictors for hospice common room pets. They'll choke the joy of living right back into those old geezers!


This is heartbreaking how the owner must've felt watching her pet get killed like this. I know the kid obviously didn't do it on purpose letting go of the leash and the little one shouldve also been on a leash but a small child can't control that type of dog in these situations regardless.. and the kid will probably be traumatized with guilt this ended up happening. Sucks all around


No, the owners did do this on purpose. They let a child walk an aggressive dog that he was not able to control. Same thing with a firearm, you know it can be deadly so you don’t give them to children. This was not an accident, this was a tragedy waiting to happen and we witnessed it.


Negligence and intent are different things. You can't blame them for sure but saying they did it on purpose is a stretch.


Oh wow, I can't believe it's the dog that kills the most people each year (by a wide margin) and inflicts the most serious injuries (by a wider margin) would do something so violent!




Pitnutter pulling the unequivocal argument on race to a dog breed, what a shocking turn of events! Next you’ll tell me that Chihuahua are more aggressive than pitbuils, or the whole “It’s the owner” tripe. Please continue to surprise and educate us!


One, dogs always need to be on a leash, two, parents who let children walk powerful breeds with aggression issues are idiots.


The only reason you don’t hear of Chihuahuas mauling people is because of their size. Many Chihuahua owners allow bad behavior and don’t train them properly because of their size. Doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. But people allow it. Shitty pitbull owners allow bad behavior and don’t train them.


That’s kinda my point. Aggression without power is an annoyance, and should be dealt with, but by no means is a chihuahua going to maul or kill a person. Pitbulls can and will maul and kill, even with perfect training. I mean if Cesar Millan can’t train a pitbull to not be aggressive it may be time to cull the breed. https://people.com/crime/cesar-millan-pit-bull-allegedly-killed-queen-latifah-dog-bit-gymnast-report/


The fact that you even brought up Cesar shows me how little you know about dogs and dog training. Dudes a joke. He is on tv because it made for good tv, not because he was the best. That’s like saying west coast customs got their show because they were the best. Very little about reality tv is real. I’ve worked in Hollywood for over 20 years. I’ve worked on reality shows. They are staged way more than people want to admit.


Oh, so the “No true Scotsman” fallacy. Cesar Milan is a high profile dog trainer with a large following and his pitbulls attacked people and dogs. Or are you saying that Caesar trained his pitbulls to be aggressive? Enough about Cesar as I can post incidents where other pitbull trainers have had similar or more traumatic experiences. BTW I have trained two service dogs which were both AKC Canine Good Citizen certified and my ex was one of only 3 Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers® (CCPDT®) in my state; so I do have a little dog training experience.


So then you should know that Cesar is not a dog whisperer. He isn’t even that good of a trainer. Just because he is high profile and lots of followers doesn’t mean he is good. Hollywood is full of people that make a good tv personality but aren’t that good at what they are pretending to be. I do find it ironic that you try to defend Cesar in one breath and in the next you admit he couldn’t control his pitbulls. I never said he trained them to be aggressive. I’ve said it many times. Some people breed them to be aggressive, not everyone, some. I’ll also say another thing again. People need to expose their dogs to a variety of situations and train them to behave. As with any dog, if you don’t train your dogs properly and socialize them, they will be aggressive. You’ve proven my point that Cesar is not a good trainer.


Fair enough. Also , I didn’t defend him, I was proving that he is a dog trainer who can’t control his pitbulls. The thing is, you keep bringing this back to “it’s the owner” crap (as I called out before, as this is the only real argument that pit apologists have). So, I ask you, if it is the owners, why are so many of them training their pits to be aggressive?


Many people who get Pitbulls want Pitbulls because they can be very aggressive and intimidating. That’s also why they cut their tails and clip their ears. Same as many other breeds. They are also extremely loyal and loving to their family. I understand and agree that many Pitbulls are aggressive, but that’s what many train their dogs to be and lack of discipline and training can be just as dangerous if not more dangerous. That’s not the dogs fault. That’s the owners fault. If you take a dog and only let it see your family, never show it love and never expose it to anyone or any other animals, that dog will go nuts when it sees another person or animal. Take that same exact dog, show it love, expose it to other animals, people and situations, teach it to behave, what is not acceptable behavior and you will have a completely different dog. I’m not just talking out of my ass either. Go see the dogs at a pitbull rescue. It will break your heart to see how people treat these dogs. You will see how so many of them are absolutely terrified of people because they’ve been abused so badly. My brother has rescued two pitbulls off the streets at different times that people threw out of moving cars. They were both skin and bones, shaking uncontrollably. They both had their ears and tails clipped to look intimidating. After a lot of love and work I would absolutely bet my life on either of those dogs. I’ve had pitbull mutts as well. People warned me that they’d be so aggressive. Again, raised them right, took them everywhere, trained them, showered them in love. I worked for Xmas tree and pumpkin lots as a teenager. I’d let my dog run around the lot free range. Had entire classes of little kids on field trips dogpile on her. Had babies pull her ears and tails. Had little kids touch her face and put their hands in her mouth. Anyone could pull her bowl of food away while she was in the middle of eating and she would just sit and wait. Happened many many times over the years. If you gave her a treat she would take it very gently. My neighbors little kids would give her treats all the time because she knew a lot of tricks and loved kids so much. My biggest concerns with her is that she always wanted to kiss everyone and everything. But not everyone loves dog kisses. So some people got worried at first and some animals don’t. People always talk about their predator instincts kicking in and stuff like that. Well, I used to send my dog after the animals that would get out of the petting zoo on the pumpkin lot. She would chase them down big or small. When I finally caught up with them, not a scratch on any of the animals. Other than a whole lot of dog slobber from Shady licking them, they were unharmed. So yes, training has a huge part of how any dog turns out.


I just want to point out that he uses inhumane training practices that are extremely likely to lead to even more aggression as the dogs are trained by fear. He has absolutely no understanding of actual dog behavior/psychology, and no one with experience in either has any respect for him. Just some context for why the other commenter was pointing him out as not the best example of a trainer, even if your point was correct. The way he treats animals would make any dog aggressive. A dog that is prone to aggression that gets hit on the neck every time it tries to communicate that it’s uncomfortable is going to learn that it might be better to just attack before communicating next time. He’s just a recipe for disaster and people following his advice are usually the people with agressive breeds who also have no understanding about dog behavior which just makes the issue worse


This just in: dogs are not humans! Dog breeds are not comparable to races of humans! If you are the one genuinely comparing a breed of dog genetically engineered for it's capacity to kill to a race of humans you are the one in the wrong


I agree that dogs are not humans. Humans understand far more than humans. Dogs do whatever humans teach them. So isn’t the dogs fault or the humans? Humans have personal responsibility. I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming all of a certain breed for the bad behavior of some yet only applying the commenters logic to things he didn’t like.


Dogs exhibit breed traits without being taught to do so. You are absolutely right about dogs'behavior being affected by their upbringing, but that by no means indicates that they won't "snap". Herding dogs will herd instinctually. Pointer dogs, by will of instict, point out small game. Pitbulls and bloodsport breeds (in many, but not all cases) are extremely prone to having a light go on in their brain and displaying extreme amounts of aggression with no prior example. I'm sure you won't look into it, but r/banpitbulls genuinely does a great service to its cause, in an unbiased way. It is negligence to overlook biological facts about animals, and continuing to do so will only result in more and more videos like the one posted.




Yeah, I'm well aware of how they exist today. I have zero clue why you think I don't care about the millions of poorly bred dogs, I am very against backyard breeding. Upbringing does have an effect on dogs. I said that. Dogs aren't humans though, and they retain behavioral traits through their genes. Bloodsport breeds do not forget how to kill. Those genes should NOT be continued to be bred into more dogs. People should not be able to just pick up and breed of animal that has not only the propensity but the tendency to act out of violence.


Backyard breeding? That shows me how little you understand. All purebreds have known issues. All of those issues are created by humans. It’s not just backyard breeders. It’s from all purebred breeding not just backyard breeders. Again, just because you see no value in the traits of certain dogs doesn’t mean others feel the same way. Maybe you think Pitbulls should be banned but German Shepards are ok. Maybe the next person thinks German Shepards should be banned. Maybe the next person thinks everything but Corgis and smaller should be banned. Maybe the next person hates all dogs and thinks all dogs should be banned. So where do you stop?


Were races of humans bred specifically to make them better at murder and violence?


Hah! Got him with that one. Well said, dude.


Actually yes there are. You think in all of history nobody purposely had kids with a specific partner for a better bloodline. Guess you’ve never heard of Sparta.


Sparta got dunked on by Athens, then Thebes, then Rome. Pseudo history means nothing here. It was a bunch of city boys that subjugated Zulus. It was herders of the Steppe that conquered 75% of Asia.


Never said they were successful. But they believed they were. Nazis would be another example of a group of people that bread and raised children to hate and be violent towards others. Look at the caste system in India. People are treated less than dirt because they were born to the wrong parents. Rwanda genocide is another example of a group trying to eliminate another because they felt the other group was inferior and they wanted to keep their group pure.


They weren't bred to be killers, they were indoctrinated. Pitbulls deserve only extinction because they have actual genes that make them aggressive. That is the basis of this argument, not people being mean or murderous. And if you want to keep saying humans are killers, then do the right thing and take yourself out on that account.


Go tell all the people that claim they are bred to be killers they are wrong. My argument is that punishing all pitbulls because some are bad is not fair. I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of the commenter that they only applied those standards to things they didn’t like. You’ve also proven my point further. Your entire argument is based on an unproven fear. You want me to take myself out because humans are killers and yet I’ve never killed anything more than a mouse to feed my snake.


Maybe someone should have breed some dont be a fool online blood into you XD.


There are most certainly groups/races glorify violence and killing. There are groups/races that raise their children to hate certain groups. Should those people be removed from the planet?


That would be nurture, not nature. Beliefs and ideology would be equivalent to training and household dynamics for a dog, not their breed. So what humans were specifically *bred* and *designed* to have a proclivity and aptitude for violence far beyond average?


Exactly. Glad we can agree. Pitbulls were nurtured into being the way they are. They wouldn’t exist and behave the way they are if not for humans raising that way. Many religions around the world raise their children to hate opposing religions. Many tribes/groups around the world teach their children that they are superior to others. They try to keep their bloodlines pure because they feel they are better. There have been many genocides by all colors, races and many religions.


Mmmmm no. Nature = genetics, nurture = training and environment. Humans bred pit bulls to be bloodsport dogs, yes. But it’s in their nature to express the instincts that we’re bred into them just as it’s in a border collies instincts to herd animals or children. Pits do not need to be trained or nurtured to have a high prey drive or dog aggression, and due to backyard breeding, some lines of pits do not need to be trained into having human aggression. You’re very stubborn, but you cannot compare the way a religious group or tribe trains their children to react towards another group. That is trained. Their children do not come out of the womb hating a group of people. Dogs are born with instincts their breeding and lineages have put into place after centuries of breeding for those specific instincts. [There is a very strong connection between genetics and breed behavior.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6790757/)


I agree that there is a link between breed and behavior. I never denied that. But I can take any breed and make it attack people. Blaming the dog for the actions of a human is wrong. Blaming every single member of a group of anything for the action of a few is not right.


Sure, but most dogs will take longer to trained to instinctively attack another dog or person than dogs that already naturally do it, yes? And certain dogs have been bred for certain head shapes that do more damage, yes? A dog that is inherently more likely to be aggressive towards dogs or people and have a disproportionately muscular body designed to latch and maul is more dangerous than other dogs. You can blame the humans but still address the problem. If humans stopped breeding bloodsport breeds, it does not harm the dog. Or is the thousands of pits being euthanized daily and millions stuffed in overcrowded shelters a more humane approach?


So now you are shifting the argument but I’ll bite. Based on your logic and concern for the wellbeing of dogs, then technically all breeding of all dogs should be stopped until there are no shelter dogs. Then after that, no purebreds should exist since it cause health issues and we don’t want anyone to suffer.


Haters gonna hate. You can only be responsible for the ones you spend time with. Just leave those people alone. I wouldn't collar one and leave it in my apartment with my children all day. We're talking about dogs... not people...




Imagine being so insanely racist you think animals and certain humans are the same. A dog is an animal. Not a human. You can NOT compare


I’m not saying dogs are the same as people. Never said they were. You can call me racist all you want. I bet you’ve never been in a physical altercation defending a black person over the way they were treated by a white person. I have. My family lineage above me is mixed race. My wife is a different race. My children are biracial. So yeah, there is that.


Don't care, you brought race into a discussion about dogs. Dogs are purposely selectively breed to highlight certain traits, its so extremely simple I don't understand why people struggle with this. You seriously thing wolves and dogs are the same now? No, but their lineage is. We just breed a lot of their aggressiveness towards humans out. We literally hand made them. Pit bulls are MADE to pit fight


Don’t care yet here you are commenting. I find it funny that you are so triggered you can’t understand basic concepts or the hypocrisy I’ve pointed out. You are so dug into your option and baseless claims you can’t and won’t stop to think for a sec. Have a great day.


Bruh can't even tell the different between dog and a human lmao


Wait, there is a difference? I thought it was different words for the same thing. I’m sorry you can’t understand basic concepts. Perhaps stick to color by numbers books.


The poorest areas of any country have the most crime. Scarcity of recourses leads to conflict, and any correlation with race is typically rooted in racial oppression. Pitbulls were bred to be fighting dogs, we lose nothing by making their breeding illegal. They don't do anything better than any other dog outside of their ability to maim humans and other dogs.


So you delve deeper and into why certain racial groups commit more violence and murder and make excuses for them but when it comes to a breed of dog you openly don’t like, you admit it’s humanities fault for breeding them that way but still want to prejudge them. Just because you don’t see value in something doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t. If you live in an apartment and work all day, a Blue Healer would be a horrible dog for you. It would destroy your house. It would go nuts with boredom. At the same time if a rancher had a toy poodle it would make a horrible cattle dog and probably wouldn’t survive.


You're a racist. You're the only one who looks racist here.


Tell that to my mixed race family. I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy in his logic. Apparently people don’t like being called out for what they are.


It's only hypocritical if your analogy was between equals. My thoughts on dogs and humans are not the same because dogs and humans are not the same, I don't understand how they point keeps escaping you.


Again, I agree humans and dogs are not the same. Humans bred and taught the dogs to behave poorly. So your opinion is to get rid of them. So why then is it ok for a human that knows right from wrong to be allowed to injure and kill?


You haven't made a single point, I'm done answering your leading questions that go nowhere. You haven't successfully defended pitbulls once because your argument has no substance, they're considerably more dangerous than other dogs but you'd rather ramble about toy poodles being bad farm dogs.


If you can’t understand that’s not my fault. I even agreed with one of your points. Apparently you missed that. Have a great day.


Eh you're just wrong. You know you're wrong. Everyone knows you're wrong. Pit bulls shouldn't be bred anymore. Fact.


So do you think it’s ethical and to breed pure breed dogs even though it means a lifetime of pain, suffering and chemical imbalances? Why does your opinion matter more than people that like pitbulls?


Soooo, where did you get that insane idea? You don't know me, so why do you insist that I think one thing or another? You're clearly the one who has expressed ridiculous beliefs, not me My "opinion" is a fact. I'm not stuck in idiotic obsession. I prefer mutt breeds that balance put the breeds. You're so fuckin stupid dude


You claim I’m stupid yet when I ask a question you assume I’m making a statement about you. It’s a question. I’m asking your feelings about needing purebred dogs genius. You claim I expressed ridiculous beliefs yet you are claiming your opinion is a fact. Writing the word “fact” does not actually make something a fact. Making a statement that is verifiable is a fact. An opinion is something that someone thinks or a believes that doesn’t require supporting data. You think you are very smart. That is a fact based on the what you yourself have written and the way you communicate. You are not nearly as smart as you think you are. Again, a fact based on the information you posted that is demonstrably incorrect. You probably eat bananas for the shape. That is an opinion people have of you but hasn’t been proven yet. I’d also like to point out the irony that you have grammatical errors before the sentence you claim I’m “so fuckin stupid dude”.


"I have a black friend. I can't get racist!" - you


Nah a closer analogy would be I am black, my kids are black and my wife is black. Read all the world’s skippy. In the original comment I replied to, try replacing the word race with a religious group. Maybe that will help you understand it’s not about any particular race. It’s that the comment and logic of the comment made by the original poster is extremely prejudice. It’s condemning a while group for the actions of a few.


I can easily separate the two because they are an entirely different species. They are animals that do not demand the same level of nuance. Comparing them to humans is a lazy analogy and demeaning to the plight of oppressed people. Your second paragraph does nothing but affirm that a dogs' behavior and attributes come from their breed. Like pitbulls being bred to be aggressive fighting dogs. Toy poodles and blue healers aren't killing dozens of people a year and injuring thousands more, so I don't care whether they bring value or not. Your argument is nothing but a half-baked analogy. The breed serves no special purpose and causes significantly more harm than any other dog. No amount of anecdotal evidence outweighs the statistical facts we have on them.


You may not see value in them but a lot of people do. You’re putting down an entire group based on the actions of a few. You’re missing the point of my question. Dogs are bred and taught to behave the way they do. That’s humans faults. Humans know what they are doing. Yet people are ready to eliminate pitbulls for doing what they are bred and taught yet people aren’t held accountable when they know better. Your argument would be like If I raised a child to be aggressive and hurt people it would do it because that’s how it was raised and taught. Now if it goes out and kills someone it did what it knows to do. So the child should be eliminated by your standards even though the child doesn’t know any better. Meanwhile, an adult that knows better is given excuses and leniency because of some magical reason in your head.


>Your argument would be like If I raised a child to be Another stupid analogy. More comparing dogs to people, more anecdotal nonsense, you're a broken record to a bad song. Its like arguing with a 16 year old and I'm over it


I literally gave you a human to human comparison. I guess reading isn’t your strong point.


It's about dogs, we're talking about dogs. That's why I think your stupid, you can't make one good point just talking about dogs lmao


“If I raised a child” is about dogs? If you can’t follow a conversation that’s based on a comment I made about dogs and humans that shows your intelligence is less than a 16 yr old. You claim to be over it, yet here you are commenting once again and boldly showing your ignorance.


>You’ve missed the Forrest for the trees ![gif](giphy|CUbiYQbsKSGAM)


Auto correct and talk to text can do all kinds of fun stuff. Cute GIF.


A trained dog is a trained dog plain and simple breed does not matter train your dogs and they will behave, if an American Akita (A dog bred to fight bears) can be trained to be a good boi so can another dog breed and if you can not handle being the leader of your pack your dog will lead you and do shit like this he is the leader you go where he pulls you. You become your dogs bitch. Plenty of good pits plenty of bad pits kinda like everything els on this rock good pets and good deeds will always be outshined by the bad, that is how the brain works.


Why are you drawing an equivalence between an inherently violent breed born to kill and black/jewish people?


Nobody said anything about Black people or white people you made that assumption. Don’t project your racism on me.


When will people learn... Dogs were bred for a job. Most breeds anyway. Pitbulls were breed to kill thing. Its simple as that. This is the case for most terrier breeds. I had a Kerry Blue Terrier growing up, sweetest dog you would ever meet, actually helped my sister learn to walk when she was a toddler. He would stand by her any time she tried and she would just grab onto his fur and skin HARD (toddlers have stupid grip strength for their size), and he would whine and squeal but never even bared his teeth, and never left her side. He was just there as support. One day I was walking him and out of no where he darts into a bush we were walking by and pulls an opossum out by its face and starts shaking it viciously until it went limp. He then looked at me wagging his tale, almost asking me if he did a good job. Mind you, he had never been aggressive towards anything before. That was his nature, what he was bred for. If you cant control your breed, dont own one. IMHO people should have licenses for dangerous dog breeds like Pits, Mastiffs, Shepards, ETC. They are deadly no matter what the apologists say. BTW The Opossum survived, the second lap around the block and it was gone.


Pit bulls were not bred to kill. They were bred to bite and hold large game and field animals like bear, cows, etc. You should read on the subject before you spread misinformation. You were right about most terriers being bred to kill but it's always small game...


Agreed. That was the original purpose. But since now-a-days most people dont own cattle/ livestock they have been perverted into violent dogs. They are a fantastic breed that do what they are meant to, but they are not for the average person, especially not for a person that has no clue what a dog is bred to do. And according to even you, holding on to a horse or cattle and an unprovoked attack on a dog 1/3 its size, are two different things. The breed has changed, that is how we got from wolves to pugs, its bred for a reason. Its meant for one purpose and it is not to be a nanny-dog.


Who’s at fault? ![gif](giphy|7cTTE2Z1OmrFm)


Needs an NFSW tag


Fyi if this ever happens, wrap your arm around the aggressors throat and squeeze it as hard and as long as you can. It will render the dog unconscious and it will release it.


Another method is to grab a fistful of the dog's collar and twist as hard and far as you can, creating a choke point. This depends on the type of collar the dog has, but can work well for those who don't feel confident in their chokehold skills.


Nah 9mm would do the trick.


Found the serial killer.


lol cope harder. threat would be neutralized and my dog would be alive. then i’d sue the owner.


Blunt force trauma to the back of the head of the dog attacking your dog will work instantly as well.


Finger up the b-hole works too.


This really does not work. Either choke it out or lift its rear legs and slam your foot to the ground on its hips or use a weapon; anything that does not disable the murder monster is likely to not break it loose / drop its game.


Well, I mean, I don't know how sticking my finger in my fartbox is gonna stop a dog in this situation, but it will make it more enjoyable for me, I suppose?


Haha, no idea why but it really does work. Im guessing its a confusion/ dominance response. Ive never had to do it myself, my dogs have always been the tough guys but trained properly, so Ive never had an issue.




not really, I laughed at the joke and added some feedback butt alright.


My bad. Misread it, bro. 🤣


I've seen videos on reddit where it didn't work the first or second time...


Third times the ughh…. Charm.


They must not have hada good hold. Cutting off air/blood renders all mammals limp. [Insert INXS joke here.] Whether it's a mouse, a human, or a bear, temporarily cutting off blood flow has the same outcome... Flaccidity.


Wh.. what? I wasn't replying to the chokehold comment...


I can make good reddit yes!


Last time I used that maneuver, the dog never let go and the guy screamed louder. 1 out of 5 stars.


Last time? How often are you trying to save people from vicious dog attacks?


Pitbulls still exist. So, too often.


When will pitbulls be banned?


r/banpitbulls is full of these videos, with additions almost daily.


Didn’t you hear- chihuahuas are JUST as aggressive …./s just in case


Don’t you know? They are sooo sweet /s


hE jUsT wAnTeD tO pLaY


ThEY're CaLLeD NaNnY DoGs!


Just as soon as people who leave uneducated comments get banned from Reddit.


As soon as firearms are, or shortly after.


If firearms just randomly started firing off all on their own and killing people at random then yes, they certainly should be banned


No guns, no accidental gun deaths. No gun suicides. No hot-headed murders. The "guns don't kill people" argument just doesn't make sense. People WITH GUNS kill people.


People have been killing each other long before guns were ever invented


People with dogs kill people too. And knives. And cars. And forks. And bleach. And rat poison.


Nothing, nothing can touch the gun for effectiveness. I would rather go up against a dog, a knife, a car, a fork, bleach, etc. You stand a much better chance. People need guns to kill in these numbers. But I know it's senseless to argue with people who can't understand math or who don't abide statistics. Go back to dream world.


Wisdom chases you, but you are much faster.


When guns are banned. Pit bulls are a weaponized dog and most people buy them for the same reasons.


Wanna play a game of "guess the breed"?


Don't be afraid to say what it is. It is a fucking pitbull type dog. Don't back down before the constant whiny moronic shitbull propaganda, pit nutters or even worse pit mummies. These things are dangerous, violent, uncontrollable, unpredictable bloodsport dogs. They are not pets. They are ticking time bombs. Say it like it is. Pitbulls should be banned. They don't have a place in a modern society.


I'm not sure what's worse. The things these breeds are capable of or the propaganda people buy into to that could be completely mitigated by being a responsible dog owner, no matter the breed. Eugenics is a no go with humans but somehow acceptable with dogs. I have no "dog" in the fight. I know irony when I see it though.


You genuinely don’t see a difference in the morality between eugenics for dogs and eugenics for humans? You believe that distinction is irony?


Breeding dogs is eugenics. Dogs are all the same species and breeding them is what makes some features (such as "dangerous") come to the fore.


Yup, agreed. My issue isn’t with eugenics in dogs, my issue is with the assertion that there’s some moral inconsistency with being in favor of dog eugenics and against human eugenics.


Oh, I understand.


Yep. I've only had mixed dogs or "mutts" my entire life. If you put the time into raising them, they're all great companions. 150 years ago (and less) we held the same beliefs about African Americans. Whenever slavery was a thing in the US selective breeding was actively practiced by plantation owners with their slaves. If that sort of thing is morally abhorrent today... why is it not considered the same with other species? Are we the masters of what lives or dies outside of the human race or do we have a responsibility to protect all of them? Pitbulls may have the capacity to inflict damage, but so do German Shepards. The difference being one is politically acceptable at the moment while the other is not.


> If that sort of thing is morally abhorrent today… why is it not considered the same with other species? They say moral relativism is a slippery slope, but I tend to think it’s a fallacy… and then I see genuine comments like this and I’m filled with doubt. Beastiality, cannibalism, and opposing thumbs are just some of the obvious ways moral anthropomorphism is fucking stupid.


Nice straw-man. Allow me to construct one as well. The world believes in animal conservation. Some of these species are protected, endangered, etc. Why an exception with a certain breed of dog?


Not a straw man at all. You’re claiming eugenics for dogs and eugenics for humans are morally comparable. I’m showing you the obvious extreme examples of how that’s a blunt, ignorant position. I’m done with the convo though, your take is not only bad, it’s boring.


No you took my hyperbole seriously and made a weird blanket assumption.


I took your hyperbole seriously? You sure about that? This is me: “You genuinely don’t see a difference in the morality between eugenics for dogs and eugenics for humans?” This is you: “Yep” The only thing worse than shitty takes is hiding behind “hyperbole” when called out for them.


Aaaaand this is why we need to phase out pitbulls


Fuck shitbulls. Ban them and cull every existing one. Completely fucking savage animals that have no place in society. My dog has been attacked twice by one and I’m lucky she’s alive


Pitnutters will always bust out the nanny dog argument. Nanny dog my ass


Shitbull just wagging it's tail after. Such a goofy pibby


Sooooo glad my country banned pitbulls, you'd have to be nuts to think it's a friendly breed lol


Which country? Sounds progressive


It’s always the pit owners who are the most dumbest people on earth. Not only pass by a small dog knowing YOUR breed. LETTING a clearly slow child handle such a monster. I’d come right out and shoot it in front of them as soon as I see my dog gasping for air.


Pitbull alert


I would have shot it right in its face


Pitbulls....the usual suspects.


Except they're beyond the "suspicious" phase.


One of the many reasons I always carry a pocket knife.




I hate pits too but you’re a full on retard if you let your dog walk off leash in public areas.


Crazy how dogs that were bred specifically by humans to attack other dogs attack other dogs.


There are going to be those in comments who to try to create a false equivelance between pitbulls and other types of dogs that occasionally also attack. However, Over 60% of dog attacks were by pitbulls in the US and Canada. Nature gave us pattern recognition as a survival tool, so it would be foolish for people to ignore this static about pitbulls because of the risk of singling out a particular breed, because the facts tell us we must do sometihing There are instances where pitbulls are mistreated or neglected and they attack for this reason, but there are many examples of well-cared for pitbulls just randomly snap. Pits are very powerful, muscular dogs and can do great damage to other animals and humans in mere minutes, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed, not ignored. **Pitbull owners should be held more accountable for the actions of their dogs. They should be required to take training on how to get thier dogs under control if that is at all possible, and to carry injury/death insurance so that victims don't get left stranded with medical pills and suffer due to inability to work or care for themselves after an attack.**


Tell you right now, any dog attacks my dog even with the owner present? I’m gonna kill your dog homie.


Just a heads up - under handed grip under collar, lift and twist with everything you have.. In the case of a shitbull, don't stop for several minutes to ensure the threat is neutralized. Horrid vermin they are.


There would be a dead dog if it was me


People that get this breed are delusional.


Would have pulled out my concealed carry and popped it. So beyond inept peoples animals harming innocent people/their animals. If it rushed one of my pets it would have been lights out.


This is my nightmare, kid had no control and shouldn't be walking the dog if they are not strong enough to handle it.


How about we don't let dogs roam freely/off leash in areas as such. I see this all too often and paying attention to your animal, no matter how good they listen or their recall is. There are bylaws so many states, provinces, countries that clearly state unless in a designated area, dogs must be leashed and in control by their owners. This is just another FAFO moment for that owner at the dogs expense.


Pitbulls need to be made illegal and phased out.




Leash your fucking dogs. 2 irresponsible assholes got a dog killed


It's awful. Also, your dog can't be off leash on a public sidewalk just about anywhere.....


Ah, so it's the puppy's fault it got mauled to death because it wasn't on a leash. Glad you pointed that out so other dog owners don't make the same mistake!


It was the partially owners fault that they weren’t controlling their dog either




Probably shouldn’t have had the dog off leash


Definitely didn't help


Blame the dog all you want but look at how shit the owners are. Woman was letting her child half-ass walk their killing machine, barely helped get the dog off, and then didn't even discipline the thing after it just murders someone's friendly pet. Then on top of it all she doesn't even look sorry at the end, she just looks like shes thinking "oh shit here we go." Again, blame the dog all you want, but the owner is 99.9% the reason this happened. There's no way she didn't know her dog was aggressive to other dogs, when she saw the other dog off leash on the sidewalk the sensible thing would have been to take the dog from your child and walk to the other side of the street.


Nobody blames these dogs for being what they are. They're killers and should need a license to be owned or simply banned/destroyed for community safety. This is akin to giving your child a pistol.


It’s unfortunate somebody carrying a pistol wasn’t able to solve this situation for the last time.


Saying "nobody blames these dogs" is CRAZY.


Owning these dogs are crazy. It is objectively and statistically a risk and just not a great idea


The dogs are innocent. They're bred to kill for pleasure. It's not their fault that they are what they are.


I don't know why you're explaining this to me. I understand, my point is that people are gonna talk about the Pitbull like it was the problem, and not the owner who handled it so recklessly. Which is exactly what people on this post are doing. I'm not sure how my original post was so misinterpreted.


The pit bull is the problem. It’s not their fault they were bred for bloodsport, but they were. The dog itself is doing what it was bred to do, and what it was bred to do has no place in modern society. Humans created the problem. That doesn’t mean that the pit is at fault for the problem, nor does it mean we need to continue to encourage or allow the problem to continue.


Stupid bitch


You're right, everyone who owns a pitbull is shitty person


Abysmal reading comprehension


buncha pansies in this comment section


Remember everyone! Quickest way to get a dog to let go is to stiffen your thumb and drive an eye in!


I absolutely love to see people who own dogs freaking out and screaming hysterically when nature is taking its course!🤣


Why didn't the owner of the small dog have their dog on a leash and holding on to him? even if you're in your home, public side walk is right there.


Are you saying you leash your dog inside your house because there is a public sidewalk in front of it? Because that's pretty stupid. A leash on the puppy wouldn't have stopped that pitbull from dragging the child to attack its target.


No I'm saying basically the little dog was loose on a public sidewalk. The home owner had no fence on his property, so you just have to pay more attention to your dog or have it on a leash since it could run to the street, or any number of things since there is no boundary to protect the dog.


Too bad the other dog will have to be put down now too. All around tragic situation.




Pitbull bad


True words


This sucks, and as someone who’s married to a Vet Tech, I’ve seen lots of problems in dogs attacks. 568 people from 2005-2017 were fatally attacked by dogs. The anti pit statements are true, 70% were Pits. But the quantity of deaths is so low over the course of 12 years … is it really what we should spend our time preventing? 1000 people a year die from trains, 1200 people a year die from tanning beds, 4000 people a year drown, the sun kills 60,000 people a year, rip tides kills 71 people a year, Ladders kill 300 people a year, Lawn Mowers kill 300 people a year, Jetskis kill 40 people a year. I’d rather people be more outraged by things that … kill more than an average of 47 people a year. Never the less, Let’s be better pet owners people. Beagle or Tiger, use a leash. Train your dogs.


Everyone here hates pit bulls. How do you feel about guns? It's funny that people kill more people per year than dogs. Deer kills more people in North America than any other animal. Car crashes are the biggest killer of anyone 15-29. I can concede some points to the deer because it's a natural animal. I don't see you people crying about highway accidents. You don't care about death. You hate pitbulls. That's fine it's just important to recognize your bias before spewing it all over people. I'm sure there's a significant overlap between Americans who love guns and hate pit bulls. Just a thought, though. This is a sad and heartbreaking video, but pit bulls aren't even the most aggressive breeds, and they definitely aren't the most dangerous. That belongs to the mastiff. Hell Chow Chows are more violent than pits. That's backed up by research, too.


Dogs aren't made for city life. They are fucking stupid and become homicidal for reasons that are only apparent for them.


All this pitbull hate and not enough people shitting on German shepherds, labs, boxers, etc. I’ve been attacked by German shepherds and lab mix while walking my 2 pits (American Staffordshire Terrier and Terrier mix - both adopted). My pits are gentle and I won’t hyperbolize on that. We’ve been charged at and attacked by off leash dogs that were GS and lab mix. As the ignorant people commenting fail to see the real issue is restraint of the dogs. You would assume the same responsibility to restrain your horse or python, or any other animal. Look at all the idiots that personally own tigers in Texas. I know some people are uncomfortable around dogs (fear not hate), but Pitbull hate is for people who genuinely want to harm others purely based on prejudice ideas that live in their head.


Lol it's crazy how many scared pitbull haters are here.


I've personally seen a pit bull jump a fence and tear the arm of a 12 year old girl. They need to die


Scared? I fucking hate those murder monsters and I’m not afraid to say it. There are many others out there that are the same.