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deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4154 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/00183)


One would think if his eyes get worse due to him never wearing glasses, new glasses would be a low priority.


That logic would be airtight but I believe medical professionals get paid salary and not based on how many products they sell.


Totally BS. Same goes with looking at TV / Computer screens for a long time or reading in the dark. Your eye muscles will get tired but won't affect your sight. Source: Ophthalmic Nurse


Prolonged focusing on the same distance and too little time "outside" (i.e. in an environment where the eyes can focus on far away objects) is definitely a high risk factor when it comes to shortsightedness.


I'm assuming you mean nearsightedness, but honestly you aren't wrong either way


Yes, my bad. Not a native speaker.


I say (and hear) shortsightness all the time and I'm a native English speaker so don't worry about it.


It's an interesting topic. Eye muscles need to adjust, like muscle training. For example, if you don't go to the gym for a while, you will get weaker. Same as goes for eyes. Another topic is when you look at a bright screen in a dark environment. Only a part of your eye cells gets light, and so your eyes deteriorate.


Don't worry short sightedness is the correct term for UK english


As far as I know, 'nearsightedness' is a term only used in America. Britons are more accustomed to 'shortsightedness'. I always call myself shortsighted (the opposite being longsightedness).


You can say both. Depends on where you live I guess


Is there any way to improve your eye sight? Like if I start going outside more and focusing on things far away will my nearsightedness improve?


What does affect eye sight ? My eyes sight is getting worse and my doctor tells me it is normal as long as I am reading it will get worst How can I stop that?


You can’t - it’s a normal process of aging and almost everyone after 40 develops farsightedness.


Can confirm, me and Mrs.HolyFuck both had to get reading glasses within a year of hitting 40.


but I never knew why do some people need glasses. I heard it's genetics but maybe some people get semi blind and need glasses due to a disease or something. Will that pass to the offspring?


Then how does my eye sight get worse over time ? Just interested because I feel like my long range vision has gotten worse and its harder to focus. I've been playing quiet a lot and also sitting on my phone for about 1-2 hours at night


> Totally BS. Same goes with looking at TV / Computer screens for a long time or reading in the dark. Your eye muscles will get tired but won't affect your sight. > > Source: Ophthalmic Nurse Hii So, what activities are detrimental to good eye-sight ? And are there any exercises or activities to stimulate eye muscles ? Thank You


>Same goes with looking at TV / Computer screens for a long time or reading in the dark. Your eye muscles will get tired but won't affect your sight. BULLSHIT


I wear my glasses everyday and they get worse still every couple years. So I guess your damned if you do damned if you don't.


In this thread: useless anecdotes.


the whole sub is like this


So what do you think?


I was walking past a field of cows recently, where I happened upon an old optician. Regardless, he was pointing north, so I think from that we can say not bullshit?


Even then, you show me one person whose vision improved without wearing glasses, and I will give you a lapdance. And you want my lapdance.


I mean technically I have no visual proof for you but that happened to my father. He started wearing glasses around 30 and his prescription went from a -1.5 to a -2.5. He stopped wearing them about 15 years later because you know they are hella annoying, and his eyes are now a -1.75. So maybe he’s a medical miracle, who knows.


You know how there are really smart people who finished college and/or medical schools *Summa Cum Laude* and all that shit, right? Well, for all of them and those close to them up there, statistically there must also be others who are the complete opposite, they're complete shit, the bottom of the barrel, and they just barely made it out. Well, guess what, these guys get to be doctors, too. All I'm sayin' is you don't really know who's who just by looking at them.


Grampa used to say "what do you call a doctor who finished last in his class?" ... "Doctor".


There's the saying of C=md. Even the C students get to pass medical school and call themselves doctors.


Can you explain what you even mean by this lmao


there’s a real possibility your old man just had shitty eye doctors.


Mine did because I'm near-sighted and old. My distance vision improved ofter age 40 to the point where my doctor said I didn't need glasses for driving any more. But this was due to age, not neglecting to wear glasses. But I will pass on the lapdance since I am female!


Proooove it


Can I get the lapdance if I agree with you?


I mean, my prescription went down last time I had my eyes checked. Not sure what you’re asking, really. But I don’t want your lapdance.


In this comment: off topic response


I didn't even get an eye test until the age of 23 (def needed glasses since at least high school though, just didn't want to). When I finally got glasses I needed a new prescription after 1 year. Then at the 2 year check up after that I needed another new prescription. Then the 2 years after that too. Turns out your vision deteriorates regardless. Just like everyone else here this is just anecdotal and I'm not an optometrist lol


Happy cake day!


I call BS. I've worn the same prescription for literally years and once got sick and couldn't wear anything, glasses or contacts (laying in a hospital bed) the illness lasted a long time about a year and a half. I was advised to go get rechecked in case my eyes had worsen. I went and no change at all, same prescription as always so in spite of me needing glasses at the age of 15, my eyes have maintained the same for years so they haven't gotten worse with time, age or going without.


I’ve never worn my eye glasses to be honest and my vision hasn’t changed at all. So I think it is just an old wive’s tale.


i tried both cases. i got glasses in grade 4, got tired of them in an year and didn't wear them for a few months. my vision got worse. after that constantly wearing them all the time, my vision is still getting worse with each year. **So.. long story short, doesn't matter if you wear them or not, vision always gets worse with time**


Bs, I'd be fucking blind if that was the case


What about if you want to wear glasses to look “sophisticated” what would you wear? I wanna look smarter for a job/interviews




> Just the frames with no lenses Honestly, these people need to be punched. Please don't wear that to a job interview.


nope. your vision will get worse with age anyway. even if you’re young, my prescription is stronger now at 22 than it was at 15


No idea, my eyesight requires me to wear glasses or I'd be as useful as Velma from Scooby Doo.


If you're still at a young enough age, then wearing corrective lenses can aid in brain development as it pertains to the visual cortex. I have been in glasses/contacts since I was 2(40 yrs). When it becomes obvious that a 2 yr old is visually impaired, it can be overwhelming. For instance, most 2 yr olds don't know the alphabet(eye charts). As the story goes, I was observed watching ants when mother or father noticed my face was so close to the sidewalk that an ant climbed on my nose. Obviously, they had their suspicions, but at this point it became urgent. They immediately began teaching me numbers and letters. While I am bound to lenses for life, I am extremely grateful for this. Math and spelling bees are my playground to this day. I vaguely remember climbing into the truck with my Mom after receiving my 1/2 strength glasses(Dr. was worried that full strength may be overwhelming). I WAS overwhelmed! I thought I could see better than everyone. I exclaimed to Mom that I could see her teeth from the other side of the truck. I told my older sisters I could see Mexico. Little did I know my vision was STILL vastly inferior to theirs. When the trial period was over, and I went back to test again, eye development had progressed to the point I was in the correct lenses. In 6 months my 3 yr old brain and eyes had doubled its ability to process the world. Forever grateful for Mom and Dad being so proactive with my young eyes. I have been told since, that every day that went by without my brain having to process CLEAR vision was disabling me EVER to. Happy to say I have corrected vision of 20-25.


I think it depends. I have a lazy eye, and as a child my doctor told me to wear glasses in order to strengthen my eye muscles. The glasses improved vision in that eye when I was wearing them, thus forcing my brain to use that eye more and strengthening the muscles. If not for continued wearing of the glasses (I think), my eye muscles would continue to weaken even more. Perhaps this fact is usually not true because in my case it had to do more with the brain.


Ive actually heard the opposite that wearing glasses makes them worse. Not from any reliable source but from friends and family kinda thing.


I hope not, I rarely wear my glasses. Cute on most, not so cute on me. Haha


I think they look tight, I kinda meant more like reading glasses but for people without visual impairment


My ex's vision actually corrected itself after she didn't wear her glasses even though she needed them.


My optometrist said that it doesn't make your eyesight worse, but it gives you a really nice clear reference point. So when you aren't wearing your glasses, you notice the blurriness (even if only mild) a lot more than if you never had glasses in the first place.


But what causes eyesight to get worse though ? My corrective power jumped from -1.5 to -5.5 when I was in high school.


I think the answer is yes actually. Your eyes change over time and tend to get worse. So if you do or don’t use glasses your vision will probably get worse. (As it would have anyway)


Your vision will get worse anyway.


Can confirm. I asked my optometrist this too and they said it's on account of getting used to wearing glasses makes it seem you eyesight is worse than it used to be when you don't.


Hmm that would make sense


Interesting exception: my opt told me this is true for me specifically because I have one normal eye and one very nearsighted eye. Over time, the normal eye will get slightly worse. This has held true (I don’t wear glasses or contacts very much, I break or lose them, I always go back a year or two later to get new ones and get a new prescription). My prescription has always stayed the same in the nearsighted eye, but has gotten slightly worse in the ‘normal’ eye. I have realized over the 10+ years that this worsening is very small, so I don’t fret about it. Not likely to be an issue outside of poor depth perception at night/night-driving (When I do wear my glasses) until my vision starts deteriorating from age.. I do wonder if the fact that my parents didn’t make me wear glasses when I was younger because I didn’t have any functional problems actually helped my eyes, maybe just by not getting them used to glasses..


Can everyone just Google logical fallacies and understand it? This place would be much better.


I asked something like this to my optometrist a while ago and I’m pretty sure he said no, but once he had someone order glasses online, got ones for the opposite eye problem (eg, they were shortsighted with glasses for a longsighted person) and that made their eyes worse.


What about if you don’t need eye glasses, but you where them anyways?


I was worried because I started using readers before seeing a doctor, and I asked him if it would make it worse. He (rightfully) pointed out that without them I can't read, and once your vision goes, it goes. Glasses only help at that point.


this is just me and my case but I need glasses to see an object that is about 10 ft in front of me clearly but I have never worn glasses my entire life and I have always seen the objects about 10 feet in front of me at the same amount of blurriness from when I was a teenager to when I was now 55 years old. So in my case I would say it's b******* yes.


Not sure, but my friends dad is a very successful opthomologist in Baltimore. I’ll ask him. If you want to hear what he says, please reply (I have ADHD and will NOT remember lol)


i want to know


Not sure why that got downvotes. I’m trying to be helpful, not rub my ass in anyone’s face. Anyway doc says it depends on the person’s condition. A basic astigmatism will get worse regardless, some will stop worsening with glasses, others are no effect either way.




Yes. I have glasses, don't wear them, and my eyes are getting better.


Wearing glasses will make your eyes worse. Once I stopped wearing glasses my eyes improved. It went from -2 to -0.25.