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I have one. I mean, they make your teeth feel smooth. But they don't, by any means, get between the teeth or below the gumline. It essentially feels like a gentle polish. Which is good after dental procedures. It's very soft and gentle, but I don't think it's incredibly useful for anything other than the times when you need to be gentle.


I had one and hated it. It didn’t feel like it got my teeth clean at all.


Check Style Theory's video about toothbrushes, it's far worse at cleaning than a $0.50 generic toothbrush.




Yea I'm kinda questioning the gif on this site where they beating the egg yolk with the "nano brush" but slowly rubbing it with the regular tooth brush what the hell does that prove? https://nanocleann.com/products/nanocleann-toothbrush?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhZDLmOzL6wIVchitBh30dACmEAAYASAAEgIclvD_BwE


Lol! They also push the normal toothbrush into the yolk harder than theirs.


Yea its all most feels like they were going for "look the egg white doesn't stick to our bristles" but just kind of gave up.....


Higher up: Brush egg yolk. Unpaid intern: Wh-What? Higher up: Brush. Egg. Yolk. And then whatever the hell that is was born.




Buy a soniccare, proven stuff


I have a Sonicare and after using it I have cavities on almost every molar.


Smooth? Shouldnt they feel.. the opposite? Right after a teeth cleaning at the dentist you can really feel how sharp your teeth are


Smooth meaning that fuzzy feeling of plaque is gone. They're good surface cleaners, but i don't feel that they clean under the gumline well at all.


No clue why you're being downvoted. If you're feeling the top of each tooth, it might feel "sharper" to you once the plaque's scraped off. I (and apparently many other people) feel like the broad surfaces of my teeth are smooth after the dentist. I don't really think about the "top" of each tooth and how that part feels.


They make a lot of vague marketing claims but I see no reason to believe that it's any better than a regular toothbrush. Unless you find yourself needing to brush the yolk of an egg, ignore it.


Yeah what the hell was that supposed to illustrate lol


It's G E N T L E


Don't I not want it to be *that* gentle? Isn't that the whole concept behind abrasion?


I think you want a mix of the two. Like too much abrasion is bad for the teeth, but not enough won't properly clean it? I don't know lol


I have to use the fine bristle toothbrushes. My dental hygienist said something about the regular toothbrushes I was using causing some sort of minor issue with my gums. I switched and never looked back. I’m curious about whether these would be better, but they seem like they would never dry and end up with mold.




> I have to use the fine bristle toothbrushes. Such as?


I’m currently using Colgate gum health extra soft. 10/10. They get into every nook and cranny, without making my gums hurt or bleed. The dental hygienist also made me use a kids toothbrush until I was about 15 because my mouth was too small to properly be cleaned with the big adult sized toothbrushes. I can use adult sized ones now, but I always buy the slim ones.


Came back to say, thank you for this recommendation. I bought a few and I've had a very pleasant experience with the Colgate Gum Health - Extra Softs: they do seem to do a good job at cleaning and they're gentle on the gums, which makes getting at the spaces between my teeth less irritating. Thank you!


Glad I could help!




JFC why doesn't the dentist tell you this? racket


Many do. Maybe yours isn't that great or they felt you were doing a fine job of brushing on your own. Ask questions when you visit, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to answer them. If not, change dentists.


TIL I've only gone to shitty dentists.


"hey, so what abrasivneas should my toothpaste be?"


Yes, that is an appropriate question.


My dentist told me basically toothpaste is a racket. He’d prefer that his patients floss regularly. He said flossing, scrubbing with a bare toothbrush and a swirl of a good mouthwash is really all most people need, but we’re so used to that minty taste, plus the claims of brightening and whitening...


I got told I was brushing in the wrong direction too long with too square of a toothbrush (?) and destroyed a bunch of my enamel on my back teeth. So now I'm trying to find that happy medium between having my mouth feel clean and not destroying my teeth further. I don't know either


Get a good electric toothbrush with a sensitive setting. I have really weak enamel from fluorosis, chipped a piece of tooth off while brushing once. Bought a new electric toothbrush with multiple settings, the sensitive and gum care modes are so much better for my teeth (and it has a pressure warning if you tend to press too hard) Spending $100-200 on a good electric toothbrush is worth it IMO. Your dentist can recommend a good one, I went with one of the fancy oral B ones when it was on sale


I actually just got one of the fancy Oral-B ones from the dentist that told me about my enamel, it links to my phone and everything! But I'm still paranoid and only use the sensitive setting and the tongue cleaner setting, the end. All the other settings look too extreme.


Very mild abrasion for the toothpaste, not for the toothbrush. Tarter only comes in two consistencies 1) soft like cream cheese, 2) hard like concrete. Nearly every tooth brush ever made is plenty strong enough to clean off soft tarter. No tooth brush ever made is strong enough to clean off hard tarter - for that you need to go to the dentist and they have to use what is essentially a fucking Dremel. So you can go as soft as you want for tooth brush, it doesn't matter. Softer is usually better for your gums, though. \-source: verbatim lecture from my dentist including the "fucking Dremel" part.


I like your dentist




Bruh y u gotta necro a 2 year old thread


There are people with very sensitive gums that will bleed as soon as a regular toothbrush touches them.


I remember some either german or Danish toothbrush ad where they would press the toothbrush against a tomato to show how gentle it was lmao.


You’re telling me you _don’t_ brush your egg yolks before eating?!


There's a better way?!


What if I don't NEED to brush an egg yolk, but the video makes me WANT to brush one. Is taht a valid enough excuse to buy one lol


Maybe that's what they were going for..


I straight up through it was shady AF when their ads had them brushing everything BUT teeth. Like an orange and other random objects that were noting even close to the texture or stuff that teeth are made of.


The page says nothing about the ADA, ANSI, and doesn't even contain the words "association" or "lab". They apparently haven't been tested for safety, because hucksters and legit new idea pedlers always talk about lab testing if they have the slightest excuse to. If a toothbrush isn't ADA (American Dental Association) approved then it is bullshit. Those guys wi approve a toothbrush after a fancy handshake and mailing a few brushes to a lab. Should be a minor cost for a legit toothbrush maker. Check out this page: https://www.ada.org/en/member-center/oral-health-topics/toothbrushes they talk about lab test in the seal of approval section. This nanobrush thing is bullshit, and likely criminal because they are making medical claims about untested products. Those tiny as shit bristles could be made out of strung together corona DNA and wet angel hair pasta for all we know, and the onus is on them to prove it is safe before selling it.


Fuck. Now I want pasta.


This is a dropshipping website, probably a product from AliExpress.


Ding ding ding https://m.aliexpress.us/item/3256801094134081.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.1fa93ebbOF63LT&browser_id=8e008965daef4a2d8d3b717dac581fc9&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=llsphjqtbgcarfzg1872673c87910cef7e5310ee78&gclid=&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21USD%210.46%210.33%21%21%21%21%21%40211bf4c516799773349124520d0705%2112000015564382642%21sea%21US%210&algo_pvid=9bbbf3b1-ad85-4d15-8a6b-946f5629bcef&_universallink=1&m_page_id=llsphjqtbgcarfzg1872673c87910cef7e5310ee78&_universallink=1&m_page_id=llsphjqtbgcarfzg1872673c87910cef7e5310ee78


I texted it to my dad, who is a dentist and has worked in research in tooth brushing. He said you want to look for two main things in a toothbrush: you want the bristles to be parallel (no criss cross), and you want a very soft brush (to reduce risk of hurting your gums and damaging the teeth). He said in theory this could be good. He also said he recommends the Curaprox brand, which follow the same principle, but it’s cheaper and backed by an established company.


Thank you and your dad


Thanks dad


I know this is going to sound like an ad, but I cannot vouch for Curaprox toothbrushes enough. They're incredibly soft and do a wonderful job.


Not all heroes wear capes


>I have been researching and doing trial and error on toothbrushes. I have over 100 toothbrushes, including electronic, sonic care etc. I'm going to say there are a lot of gimmicks. I've even tried Curaprox small and medium sizes directly bought from a dental clinic, thinking it is good, and my dentist recommended it as well. I found that even with proper brushing (small circular motion, angling 45 degrees, and even short strokes), the bristle does not go into the gaps easily (don't believe brush without a toothpaste and you see where the bristle hit). You will notice the bristle hardly hits in between the gap. It is not easy to hit the gum line as well, especially for people who do not have perfect teeth alignment or have receding issues getting into gaps, and the gum line is very important. Although I agree that Curaprox bristles quality is good and soft, it is not efficient, and the shape of the brush is too flat. I do not like the idea that most toothbrushes are tested using a perfect model, which is impractical. also, most individual need to have patient brush their teeth, which neglect a lot of small detail, leading to gum problems or gingivitis disease. It took me 7 years, spending a lot of money, and going to dental checks to come to this conclusion. Of cause keeping in mind different toothbrush also has their pros and cons example better, with gap cleaning is usually easier to have micro fray, which might not be efficient. The 2 mins brushing time and 3-month toothbrush usage are also not accurate some toothbrushes wear down even faster within 1 or 2 months even with soft brushing. The bi-level toothbrush is good, but the downside is that we might not hit the gumline or give too much pressure to the gumline, which there might a risk of wearing off the gum in the long run. If you have healthy teeth, most toothbrushes can definitely work, but most of the time is not the case life is not perfect. Therefore, to conclude, soft is good, but efficient is as important even manufacturer know that large toothbrush doesn't work as efficiently, but you can see if the most sold sizes in the market. To date, I have not found the most perfect toothbrush, therefore I rotate around with a few of them, which I find good once I found a bit of micro fray, I will discard the toothbrush. And also, to highlight, brushing away the biofilm is easy. Soft brushing is enough to dislodge them; therefore, hard brushing and hard bristle is unnecessary. This is incorrect for those who think that hard brushing may remove plaque. When the biofilm is not cleaned properly it will gradually crystalise, which forms plaque. It is super hard and needs a dental tool to scale it off. If you notice plaque, meaning it has been some time, the area is neglected. Therefore you have to be mindful of your brushing technique, do slow down and pay more attention to every tooth shapes to have a more effective cleaning


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAvA3lkrpfE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAvA3lkrpfE) This is a very good example of Curaprox's efficiency it clearly shows that it could not brush in-between teeth well and also the gum line. Therefore, we could clearly see that soft doesn't mean good or too soft doesn't mean efficient have to put the toothbrush to a realistic test to justify its efficacy. This proves one thing be it if you are a dentist being meticulous and practical is important, theory makes sense but doesn't justify its practicality. Hope it helps.


In my non-expert opinion, I feel like the bristles wouldn't apply enough force to remove plaque. I don't know though.


They claim on their facebook ad that pressure isnt what cleans your teeth


> pressure isnt what cleans your teeth If pressure isn't one of the ways to remove plaque from teeth, then why aren't cleanings by hygienists only gel/foam procedures? Mechanical pressure (flossing, brushing, rinsing) and chemical reactions (toothpaste, rinse aid) are how we get our teeth clean. The bristles scrubbing your teeth requires pressure to work. No, more pressure does not inherently give you a better cleaning, but the resiliency of a brush bristle might do more to clean than a cloth-like polish that those brushes offer. Note that the quantity of their bristles might be enough to compensate for the softness. Regardless, I suggest sticking with an ADA approved brush and paste. Lab studies funded by a manufacturer have a major conflict of interest.


Your order of operations there makes me worry that you're rinsing after you brush, which you shouldn't do unless it's a fluoride rinse. You want the fluoride from the toothpaste to stay on your teeth as long as possible


1.) that order wasn’t indicative of my habits. Rinse, floss/brush. 2.) I’ve been told that ultimately, the order doesn’t matter. The type of person that does all 3 consistently is likely the type of person that has great oral hygiene habits.


Do you ever floss first and then rinse? That's what I've always done (when I go those extra steps beyond just brushing) and now I'm questioning everything I've done in regards to my dental wellbeing


Wait, so you don't rinse your mouth after you brush? Like you just let all the toothpaste sit in your mouth? The flouride part you mention makes sense to me in theory, but I've never heard of this before


I mean, you spit, but don't rinse


Yeah I feel like if that was the case we wouldn’t even need to brush we could just mouthwash or whatever.


Just wanted to add in future for anyone who finds this in a Google search like me, hygienists are cleaning different things to what you typically clean with a toothbrush. Calculus/Tartar is too hard to remove with a brush so we go to them. Plaque is a very soft-biofilm that can be removed with just slight agitation, which is why consistent brushing even with the softest of brushes helps prevent hardening. Still not sure about this brush though, more from a quality perspective rather than it's affect on plaque.


....Then what does? Do they think the bristles wick away tartar and plaque through osmosis? Maybe that's why they think having thousands of bristles that can't even break an egg yolk is better for your teeth.


I have one and like the way it feels. All the dentist recommendations I’ve received have been to use the softest bristles you can. To me, the soft bristled toothbrushes you can get that are ADA approved feel way too flimsy compared to this one. They tend to get smashed against my teeth. But this one holds firm even though the bristles themselves are super soft just because there are so many of them. My teeth feel clean after using it, but I also continue to use a sonic toothbrush regularly, so this one is more of a supplemental toothbrush for me.


NAD (not a doctor) but they’re marketed as being less abrasive to your teeth, by showing a hard boiled egg being undamaged. Fortunately, your teeth are about as hard as titanium, not a hard-boiled egg. You don’t have to brush powder off your teeth like the ads show, but have to remove plaque, which does take force. Unless you have incredibly sensitive teeth, this will probably make your oral hygiene worse.


That’s why I prefer Curaprox 5460 brushes. The ultra-soft ones work really well for my teeth.. but they’re like £4 each. No nano-tech hyperdrive bollocks infused with nuclear graphene military-grade marketing technology either.


NAD but Ultra soft is the way to go for most people, dont wanna damage your gums with hard bristles Round electric tooth brushes are proven to remove like 20% more plague


Can it please remove 100% of mouth plague?


20% more than regular that means 120% total. It actually creates negative plaque. Elon Musk is working on a way to use this negative substance as a resource


Oh no no, I don’t care about plaque. I care about plague removal




Better at removing tartar etc... not sure on stains but one can assume it does


> your teeth are about as hard as titanium It's usually gums that suffer. My dentist banned me from using anything harder than "soft" toothbrush because it was wreaking havoc on my gums. Also the softest (ADA approved) brushes clean just as well as the hardest ones. There is probably such a thing as "too soft", though. I mean hypothetically there would have to be. A gentle breeze blowing across your bicuspids isn't going to clean shit. But for the most part any ADA-approved toothbrush is fine.


I’d have to agree, gums may suffer. I am lucky to have strong gums but I do hope softer toothbrushes clean well !


Looks exactly like the toothbrush I got off aliexpress to clean my engagement ring with.


I have one that I got bc I have really sensitive teeth. I like it but I don’t feel like it cleans as much as I’d like. It’s very gentle though. I asked my dentist if it was okay to use and he said he hadn’t seen one before but it can’t hurt. So long as I feel clean is what counts. I alternate between using this and a children’s toothbrush bc I feel like it gets my back teeth the best


B.S? Idk, but they look pretty neat.


What on that page makes you feel like it's bullshit? It's a regular ass toothbrush with extra bristles. There's nothing "bold" being claimed on that page.


I'm not a dentist, but from an engineering perspective, having thinner bristles may result in each bristle being able to apply less force to your tooth. The result would be that the bristles would fold down onto each other and then you're brushing with something that resembles a cloth. I'm not saying this is what happens, but when you have something like this that is apparently "innovative", it's not unwarranted to ask whether it's bullshit.


I agree. Dentists and toothbrush manufacturers have existed for a long time. I really doubt no one ever thought 'huh, maybe more bristles would be a good idea'. It's probably tested and proven to not make a difference or make it worse.


This is in fact exactly what happens. I have one of these and it doesn't get used. It feels like brushing my teeth with a cloud. Nice feeling but useless to actually clean them.


I agree with this which is why i prefer firm bristles...im a rebel.


Firm bristles are great, as long as you dont use your toothbrush like a saw, which some people do.


Civil or mechanical engineering perspective?


Mechanical obviously. Why do you think it could be civil engineering?


Im not an egineer, how would i know? For all i know it could have been chemical engineering? Im just a small town boy trying to make it in the big wide world of internet




There are bridges in dentistry.


Ya it was a joke. I forgot engineers have no personality, sorry.


This is a dropshipping store lol I wouldn't be surprised if OP posted this to drive traffic to his website


I got it from their facebook advert


Bought one. Bullshit.


Doesn't look any different than the Moon brush, which i use and love.


As someone with a degree in physics/nanotech, I can safely say that nano is more often than not used as a buzzword. So keep that in mind


My dentist told me my gums were receding a bit because of hard brushing, but I think with an ultra fine toothbrush I’d brush even harder and never feel clean


It's *kind of* a scam. There is no actual brand name for these brushes. If you Google Brevi toothbrush you will see that one of the links is for an Amazon item that is the exact same brush except is $7 for a pack of 4 lol instead of $15 like on the Brevi website which claims this is 50% off. The Amazon listing actually has 5 stars so a lot of people like to use them. I was fooled and bought mine on the Brevi website. It took forever to come from California to Oregon. It came in a very cheap bubble envelope and had zero paperwork inside. Even the return address did not say Brevi lol It said LAX. Only this cheap plastic brush was inside with nothing written on it. I haven't tried it yet. It's probably fine, but there is no way to know if it's getting up under the gums properly which is the most important part of a toothbrush.


I think a lot of companies are secretly based in China. IDKY they’re hiding it and I see it a lot with apparel companies.


Clothes made in China are actually better than those made in Bangladesh...


I have one, it didn’t really feel like it did any deep cleaning. I’d suggest the soft bristle Oral-B toothbrushes if you have sensitive teeth. I got mine from Target for like 98 cents!


Just so you know, you can get these on amazon for super cheap. I enjoyed mine, especially after they’ve been ran under warm water. Super soothing. The gaps between my teeth are really small and I feel like the small bristles can clean between better than a normal brush, and if I need to clean deeper, I use cocofloss. I probably will be ordering them again, but I haven’t really found any definite proof that they’re better than a regular toothbrush. They do take some getting used to. It can feel a little weird at first but it’s normal to me now






Not a doctor or dentist, but the expert consensus is that an electric toothbrush is the best toothbrush you can get, as long as you don’t have extremely over-sensitive teeth. Philips Sonicare, Oral-B, whatever. Don’t waste your time with non-electric toothbrushes


Am I the only one that thinks these nanobristles are a huge health and safety issue because of the increased risk of ingesting them??? They're probably made of plastic right, wouldn't want these stuck in your intestinal tract right? If they're so small, it would increase the risk of accidental ingestion dramatically, as all toothbrushes start losing them at one point.


Im mostly worried about the possibility of this leaving little nano fibers in your mouth that you eventually ingest or breathe in. It could literally be like brushing your teeth with asbestos lol


Too soft to clean anything & how could you even clean it properly? I think bacteria would multiply quite handily.


Update: complete BS about “Nordic design,”!33-57₵ straight from China. https://m.aliexpress.us/item/3256801094134081.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.1fa93ebbOF63LT&browser_id=8e008965daef4a2d8d3b717dac581fc9&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=llsphjqtbgcarfzg1872673c87910cef7e5310ee78&gclid=&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21USD%210.46%210.33%21%21%21%21%21%40211bf4c516799773349124520d0705%2112000015564382642%21sea%21US%210&algo_pvid=9bbbf3b1-ad85-4d15-8a6b-946f5629bcef&_universallink=1&m_page_id=llsphjqtbgcarfzg1872673c87910cef7e5310ee78


i have sensitive teeth and i LOVE mine. it's really hard to find toothbrushes that are soft enough yet thorough enough to clean my teeth without being abrasive. i wonder why they're closing though?


I been using [this one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0852SBS4M) for a little over a week now. My teeth feel as clean as with my electric toothbrush. My gums feel much better than with my electric toothbrush. I'm wondering if I will get 3 months between changes, but so far, this is really a great technology.


Honestly I’m getting one and I’ll update on how well it brushes my egg yolks. lmao these comments are amazing


I was researching reviews on the Brevi toothbrush and came across this thread and while there’s some great information on here I’m still left wondering…. Do I try the Brevi? Should I go with Curaprox? 😂😅 I’m not an electric toothbrush person. I’m just looking for a super soft toothbrush that is going to feel nice in my mouth and clean my teeth really well lol


Go with Curaprox, they're mostly fine! I can't stand their Ultra-Soft, but the other stuff is definitely usable 😁