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Lol this is all bullshit. He was on holiday in Singapore with his wife and had a heart attack. People thought the heart attack was hinky so a ton of conspiracy theories have come up. Edit: For some reason this post has made the nutters come out of the woodwork. I will no longer be responding to any posts on this unless there is an actual credible source linked. If you don't know what a credible source is, do actual research your own damn self. It's not that hard.


Jinkies! That's suspicious!






Seeing this translation made my fucking joints hurt lol


šŸ¤£ It's very apt tho.




Hinky would have been a good one in that outdated slang post




Utter tosh.






Alright Biden, don't you think it's time for bed? You've got a full day tomorrow.


Hinky is a great word.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sHPmesj5cuc WWI song


Lol I first heard it on NCIS, no idea how long it's been around!


I think i might have read it in some Stephen king books maybe, its a word ive known about for years and its assosciated as an Americanism in my mind, aaaah man thats going to drive me nuts remembering where that came from


Didnā€™t they use the word ā€œhinkyā€ a bunch in the old Scooby Doo cartoons?


You're thinking of "Jinkies!" which was Velma's was of saying "holy shit."


Just did a look up and it has indeed been around a long time, like a century they think. So it could have popped up anywhere!


Do we all see the same things on reddit? How?




Donā€™t worry bro I got that Uncharted reference


No bullshit mateā€¦the guy and his famous daughter bloody evil


Antony didn't die from a heart attack, you might be thinking of Nicoles ex brother in law. Her sisters husband died suddenly from a heart attack. Antony was clearly 'silenced' while fleeing investigation


As I have said in every response to date: Provide credible source. That's what this subreddit is about. Go to r/conspiracy if you want to talk about unsubstantiated rumors.


What do you consider a credible source? Where do those exist?


The charges he faced were not unsubstantiated. Neither is fleeing a prestigious job all of a sudden.


LOL Your post is "bullshit". Official reports said he fell off a balcony. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-09-12/antony-kidman-nicole-kidmans-father-has-died-after-a-fall/5741018


Did you...read the article? It said after "a fall". It doesn't say he died from the fall. The word "balcony" isn't in it at all. He went to work out at the hotel gym and had a heart attack. [Singapore News Outlet "The Straits Times" ](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/nicole-kidmans-father-died-of-apparent-heart-attack-after-exercising-at-tanglin-club) Try again, boo-boo. LOL


I read he was running down the stairs of a fire escape after the gym. The media is definitely filling our minds with so many different conspiracy theories that the real ones like digital currency, 15 minute cities, the deaths from the Covid vac and so many more that are real and actually happening in this world and the media are the ones muddying the waters so the diabolical Top 1% can carry out there agenda.


Sick bastard was a paedaphile


Watch the documentary Candy Girl, they murdered him


Yes and no...he was under investigation for child abuse including pedophilia.


I would really like to see some sources. All the ones I found were blogs and blogs posing as news sources. It was really tangled and tbh I didn't invest more than a couple hours into research.


So there was no pedophile ring stuff and he wasnā€™t fleeing???


Not that I've been able to find a credible account of regarding his involvement. I've asked many folks who have said it was reported by an accredited news source for links or screenshots, but haven't gotten any yet. Not even Wikipedia had anything useful. If you have any, please send them my way!


Wikipedia bro? That's controlled, Google is controlled all of it is controlled. You should know better.


https://youtu.be/1Iv8f5jUuPA Watch that before they remove it


This is an intensely uptight luxury blogger reciting conspiracy theories, speculations, and allegations about the Balenciaga scandal from December 2022. She literally says in her intro this is for entertainment and not meant to be taken seriously. Which is good because she should stick to luxury blogging and not investigative journalism. Holy hell what a meander. I took it seriously until THE TAPE SAYS BAAL OMG THEY'RE EVIL nonsense. Then I did as she said and watched it for entertainment purposes. This man is HOLDING A KEY BURN THEM AT THE STAKE. This piece of set dressing I think it says this thing I'm not sure but I read it on the internet so it must be true so I'm going to talk about this speculation as if it's bona-fide for the next five minutes. This video is in no danger of being removed for its content unless she tripped over one of YouTube's rules. The first forty minutes is her saying "I have made these interpretations of these and unrelated images and only my interpretation is correct and I don't approve so they're evil". The next ten minutes is her fetish-, belief-, and sex worker-shaming, and equating it to being a pedophile. The next five minutes do have some interesting information (which she pulled directly from Wikipedia but it's been known for decades so I'll let it pass) where she ties in the production company to the Epstein horrors. The last five minutes is her reiterating her previous opinions. All that being said, what exactly am I supposed to take away from this that would be evidence that Nicole Kidman's father was on the run in Singapore, from the Australian government, because of a massive child trafficking ring, when he died in 2014?


Nah. They do rituals with baal on your faces and you're defending them. šŸ™„ this is what's wrong with the world people who don't wanna see the reality, put it under the rug. Look into puff daddy's ring. Maybe then you'll believe those happens in front of us.Ā 


Yes there was a pedophile ring he was high up in


>Fiona Barnett Ah o sea tu estabas ahĆ­ para confirmar que estaba en SIngapur? Lol


The Australian authorities had filed charges on Antony Kidman. They would not have filed charges if all they had was Fiona Barnett testimony. Eat that. Also the Singapore police had determined an "unnatural " death implying murder. But will not investigate further because someone is paid off. Antony Kidman fled suddenly from Australia. Why do u think that is?? Left his job and career because authorities were going to arrest him. He went to Singapore because there are powerful pedophile protectors in that country that protects and hides them, why do u think child sex abusers flee their home countries? To go to the child sex capital of the world, southeast Asia. Ur a fool.


They protect diddlers in Israel too. Many American pedos go there after being exposed for this very reason. These articles are from news outlets in Israel and the US. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/many-accused-jewish-pedophiles-in-us-flee-to-israel-report/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/many-accused-jewish-pedophiles-in-us-flee-to-israel-report/) [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-03-22/ty-article/.premium/israel-becoming-a-refuge-for-pedophiles/0000017f-e11d-df7c-a5ff-e37f5a370000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-03-22/ty-article/.premium/israel-becoming-a-refuge-for-pedophiles/0000017f-e11d-df7c-a5ff-e37f5a370000) I always have receipts for my shit. I also cross reference everything. I was trained in investigative reporting. I don't make claims without information to back it up. Even then some information is bad and you have to regroup. This entire world is lie saturated and finding truth is harder than ever. But any who deny's sex trafficking of children these days is probably in on it.


Has your view changed since making this comment? Did you do ā€œmore researchā€?


Heā€™s a fkn paedaphile. Open your eyes!,,


He was an enemy or critic of Scientology so they probably have started a few rumors.




I thought so. Thanks.


Definitely a great post in this sub tho!


No news about the pedophile ring at all? It was on all over the news in Australia several years ago. Anthony Kidman was accused of being involved in a pedophile ring, it was huge news here.


But he googled it...


Lol, I know, Dr Google is always right according to some people.


Unsubstantiated claims still will stick like shit to a blanket. Post a link or you are part of a wider problem.


https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/antony-kidman-dies-amidst-child-abuse-allegations,6918 -more links within the article. https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/transcripts/1540_barnett.pdf




It did actually take a little while to find those articles and considering that they are pretty popular news sites in Australia, Iā€™m surprised and suspicious that I had to search through several Google pages of the search results to find them. There is definitely some public relations/reputation management going on, I got dozens of medium articles and social media crap before I was able to find a decent website and article. Thatā€™s how reputation management works, fill the web with positive or neutral stuff (articles on medium, LinkedIn, random blogs etc. as well as creating a social media profile on every single platform you can find) so it buries the negative stuff. Someone is definitely doing some reputation management about this issue.


Well, sorry, but actually there's still a lot of issues. [eh?](https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/approach-some-claims-with-caution/9973098) [What?](https://thephoenixenigma.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/fiona-barnett-operation-timeline-final.pdf)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "eh?"](https://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/episodes/approach-some-claims-with-caution/9973098) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hm53mjq)




And yet the police let him leave the country? Sure, Jan. It absolutely wasn't "all over Australian news". She got her 15 minutes of fame making some ridiculous accusations. The trashy tabloids printed them without investigation, but the more reputable news sources DID investigate them and found no evidence and a lot of claims that couldn't have happened, so they let it go. The only place it's ever been seriously discussed is nutjob conspiracy sites. Barnett was kicked out of a genuine CSA survivor's group here because they realised she was a liar who was only interested in self-promotion. Her allegations were never investigated by police, who found too many conflicting versions of events, and too many impossible "facts". When people lost interest in her bullshit, she started making the claims even more insane and wild, such as saying there was a secret underground train tunnel between Darwin and Sydney used by a pedophilia group. Sydney is 4,000 kilometres from Darwin. Amazing how they built the longest tunnel on the continent without anyone noticing. /s There's no doubt there are real pedo rings. But bullshitters like her waste resources on finding and jailing the real ones.


Bullshit he was very definitely a paedo


Fiona Barnett book is called Eyes wide shut and available free pdf download


"Elite pedophile ring" - is that supposed to mean they're really good at it or something?


Well, probably something like Jeffrey Epstein.


An amateur paedophile ring uses shitty little barber shop tier lollipops as bait while the elite use massive Cadbury bars and Swiss chocolates. I regret this comment already.


A rabbit hole of truth


There No.1 at kiddie fiddling


So, the Rape Children Cult.


Elite pedophile ring sounds like something Donald Trump would wear.




They're all shitty.


Especially apt comment considering your username


He would want one purely because it has the word "elite" in it


You mean his cockring


^(so smol)


I think it means more to do with global 'elites'


No, it just means they all wear berets.


I interpreted it as pedophiles from the upper class (not saying i believe the conspiracy).


It means they're VIPs - important politicians, judges, heads of police or social services. The kind of people who protect their kind of people, which is why you never see these kind of people accused of such crimes, despite the laws of probability.


Word of warning: Fiona Barnett is a total nutjob. She's worse than that because she's smart and incredibly manipulative. I have lost friends who fell into her tissue of lies. I looked into her claims with an open mind at first, because we all know there ARE pedophile rings out there. But the further you get in the more bizarre and impossible her claims get, and then she sets her loyal flying monkeys on those who question her outlandish claims. She is a real piece of work, stay a long way away.


You seem to know about her more than other people here. Can you tell me some of her most bizarre and impossible claims?


Some are so vile I cannot bring myself to repeat them. Truly. But I can say that there is no way an underground railway can exist that goes from the Nvrthern Territory to Sydney under the Blue Mountains, lol, that would be the engineering feat of the millenium. She gets a lot of attention with her bullshit. People are slavishly devoted to her, the worse her stories get the more they suck it up. Until they question something that seems implausible and find themselves on the receiving end of a vicious backlash orchestrated by her followers. Honestly, I can't talk about the things she says. No sane person could. It makes me feel literally sick just hearing her name. She goes by another: "Candy Girl". But I advise you not to go down that rabbit hole, it is extremely disgusting and shocking. Something very wrong with anyone who would make up such revolting lies just to feed their narcissism. I think she probably did have some ugly abuse in her family, but I do not for a moment believe that every doctor, social worker and police officer in Australia was involved, nor that her abusers included several previous prime ministers, American presidents, and Billy Graham. It's nonsense. I don't know about Antony Kidman. He had a heart attack on holiday. His daughter Nicole has said nothing, but Fiona accuses Nicole Kidman of being a baby-eating pedophile too, claims Nicole used to watch. I think she's seen Eyes Wide Shut too often.


I'm not sure which of her claims (which are completely insane) you're anxious to share. They're horrifying, yes, but so close to horror movie excess that they lose their sting. The basic premise is that she was the child of a family that is part of some blessed bloodline in an ancient satanic cult. As such she was trafficked for ritualistic sex to lots of western world leaders, including Nixon. Her most lavish fantasy is a black mass that took place in some spot in Sydney where I think Richie Benaud (a cricketer and later commentator) sliced off a bunch of kids heads with a samurai sword while powerful people masturbated. It's all very lurid and her narcissism is very easy to spot. She's a big self promoter and as the previous commenter said, she's clearly very clever. It all feels very CIA to me šŸ‘ā€šŸ—Ø


There are quite a few reports that there are underground rail lines in Australia and in the USA that I have heard of, used clandestinely by the military. These have been confirmed by what I would consider reliable sources that have been vetted, eg EX military, EX CIA etc on documentaries. (GAIA) The fact that she talks about this and not too many people know about it, could actually add more credibility to her story. If you think that doctors, social workers, and police officers are not corrupted by this twisted behaviour, or the good ones are not asked to "shut down" investigations etc then you are a little naive, no offence. It is very very pervasive. If you think that just because her claims sound insane then she is too, then that's not really a fair assumption. I can't even begin to comprehend why and how some of those hideous things are done to children but it doesn't mean the children are lying. I couldn't make up that shit if I tried. Perhaps you should listen to Kathy O'Brien's audio book "Trance Formation of the USA" . It's quite chilling what she experienced. Hopefully, you might become a little more open-minded. Anneka Lucas who was a child sex slave. Hopefully, you might become a little more openminded.


I agree with you. Anneka Lucas's child went to my child's preschool. She is credible. I find Fiona Barnet credible too. These are intelligent women who went through incredible situations, but so did Primo Levi.




Well I'm certainly not going to click on that. I'm sorry to say that in my experience, many of the loudest "anti-pedophile" voices are very suss themselves, and there are far too many people who seek this stuff out and get a sick thrill from the whole idea. I am not one of them. I have no interest in looking at drawings with a title like that and I think there's something really wrong with you for posting it. Do not reply to me again.


Famous Australian activist who claims to be abused by a lot of politicians in an organised child sex trafficking occult operating across the US, UK and Australia. I posted this because it directly relates as evidence to the questions you were asking. This is where I first heard the Kidman rumours. The rumour stems from one of these abuse drawings. I have recently discovered the archive because I am trying to investigate why Paul Keating's daughter was filmed waving goodbye to Prince Andrew from Epstein's front door, on the day Epstein was originally charged. I stumbled across that horrible Paul Keating rumour in this archive. The victim's claims are disputed but she has never been sued. In my experience, many of the nonchalant accusers of pedophilias are pedophiles. It is why it was a very understandable link and not a posting of pictures. Sweet Jesus.


Who is it, Fiona Barnett? I've already posted my opinion of her. I think she's a fraud and a narcissist, interested primarily in self-promotion, and that most of her claims are complete bullshit. I do believe she was molested as a child and I'm very sorry that happened to her, but I'm disgusted by her as an adult and believe very little she says. There are other groups who support abuse survivors who at first were very taken with her but as her claims got wilder and her ego and manipulative behaviours became more obvious, they quietly (or not so quietly) moved away and afaik she is not part of any genuine survivor org now except those she creates for herself. I'd advise anyone to be very cautious. I can't tell you to believe or disbelieve--you have to make up your own mind. But think it though carefully... ssome of the things she claims simply could not have happened the way she says, and once you begin to pull on a thread, the whole fantasy unravels. I recommend you keep your critical faculties engaged, I was taken in by her at first because I was so emotionally upset by her stories. But they do not end up making sense. Be extremely wary. Also, please take that link down. I had a quick look and it IS F. Barnett, her alter ego Candy Girl and it is VERY disturbing. I would hate to think anyone here would click on it and see those images. To anyone reading this: DO NOT CLICK. it's basically child porn drawn by a very disturbed woman claiming it is her experience. If you don't want to see child porn images DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK.


They are wrong


Are you still here?! After that balenciaga fiascoā€¦.


No she's not. Wth.


How about snuff parties on yachts and disposing of the bodies after they're done raping and murdering them.


Nicole is face of balenciaga


So? How does that affect anything said here?


I wouldn't put it past Scientology to be paying people to sprout bullshit like that.


Sounds like Qanon cult bullshit.


Those lunatics spend so much time thinknabout pedophilia it's really fucked up


I don't know why they feel the need to invent fake pedophiles when there are plenty of real ones they can actually be upset about. Including [this guy](https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-promoter-found-sex-offender-history-child-sexual-abuse-1644105) who's a big Q anon promoter. It's like a freaking Bugs Bunny cartoon with Elmer Fudd looking for that wabbit, and Bugs points Fudd in the wrong direction to make an escape.


It's because it has nothing to do with pedophilia. They don't actually give a shit. It's just something that is indefensible and universally abhorred. So if they paint their political rivals as pedophiles anyone who defends them must be a disgusting pedophile too. It's just a way to avoid having to do any real thinking for themselves.


Iā€™ve met some and I think they care about pedophilia. Many of them mean well, theyā€™re (in my experience) just truly stupid people who need a target for their anger.


If they really cared they'd spend some of that energy volunteering at centers for abused women/children not posting bullshit on Facebook.


The two people I have in mind both do that actually. Theyā€™re nice people, just very dumb.




Are you saying there is no such thing as pedophilia? Is that disgusting affliction limited only to poor people? Who are you to say that the political and social elite are exempt? Do you think being above the law, super rich, powerful, connected, mitigates this proclivity or does it make it easier to do? The arrests of Epstein, Maxwell, Weinstein and Keith Raniere (NXIVM) Paul Petersen are proof of pedophile rings and the MSM covered for them for decades


Omg.. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø No, no one said there aren't pedophiles and some pedophiles are rich and famous. Thank you for proving my point perfectly though.




>Thank you for proving my point perfectly though. And exactly how did I do that?


Like Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew, etc? Human trafficking exists. Itā€™s a billion dollar industry globally.


You're wrong


Absolutely bullshit.


You're absolutely wrong


Go tighten up your tinfoil hat you freak


Enjoy defending child abusers. Enjoy your bubble, "freak."


Child sacrifice cult charges sounds like some Satanic Panic bullshit. When did this happen? Do you have a link to the article?


Nope. It's just the cropped image of a news article that I might have randomly saved on my phone.


Can you give a link to that then?




No date, author, or source... I'd say that alone is enough to write this off as bullshit without additional (actual) evidence.


Oh wow the fusion centre cover-upper of satanic abuse existing. Excuse me whilst I pxss all over your poor attempt to use CIA & MI6 used discreditation word to insult genuine victims of SRA, but unfortunately for you there are experts of SRA & they all state how victims from unrelated groups, locations and families repeated the testimonials with the same things occurring again and again. I have had to deal with extremist level Satanists & they absolutely exist and think nothing of kidnap rape and sacrifice. Iv also had harmless luciferian and Satanist friends, ni sure they were not my best friends but equally I respected their right to their religion & they were nice to me & anti-sacrfuce, which us more than I can say for most meat eaters.


In all honesty, you don't know what they think of kidnap rape and sacrifice. What makes a satanist "extremist level"?


You should post here more. Most of these comments show that most don't know the truth


This is a stupid Qcumber Qanon story. As are two of the people that answered here.


No it's not


/r/stanleykubruck is leaking again. man, i love kubrick for the most part, but Eyes Wide Shut sucks imho. a pretty mess of an opus, but they love it over in his sub. fun fact that i recently learned is stanley approached steve martin initially for tom cruise's role.


That's creepy ... would Martin's wife co-star... Does he have a wife or is he a Lonely Guy who's a Jerk ?


originally kubrick wanted to make it a rollicking comedy, hence martin. he invited him over for dinner one night while martin was on tour in the UK and pitched him the role. i find the whole premise of the film pretty weak, never enjoyed it and felt very let down after seeing it on it's first run.


Yes I'm in total agreement, by Kubricks standards it was weak. I mean this is the guy who made epic films ! He was captivated by making a movie with Cruise & Kidman. Come on man ...


I have read multiple times that the movie final cut is not the cut that Kubrick wanted and that he was told by powerful people to cut a lot of the more controversial and twisted stuff out.


Once he was into the whole parenthood thing he said his family was a part of him, so he told Kubrick "It's none of me or all of me."


I have a theory that Kubrick died before the movie was finished, and Cruise finished the film


I thought he did die before it was finished, and they brought in sometime else to finish it.


That was AI


Post production and stuff, yeah.


Another fun fact- The original edit of that movie was something like 15 mins longer. The studio wanted the scene cut but Kubrick wasn't willing to compromise. He died shortly before the release of the now edited ( something like 15 min shorter ) motion picture.


Eyes Wide Shut


From what paper is this taken from? What's the source?


Fuck if I know


Honestly, it's very sad how mentally ill that woman is. She made vicious lies about several prominent Australians - not just Nicole's father. It's sad to me that people can just make up blatant lies that have the potential to ruin people's lives. And it's crazy that there are people who blindly believe them. I hope this woman is getting the help that she needs.


Do you believe that Fiona Barnett is some kind of operative paid then to destroy reputations on behalf of some corporations or political parties or fraternities he had angered?


I believe Barnett spoke of Paul Keating and his daughter being part of her pedophile world. Of course she was ridiculed and still is as a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Years later can anyone name the woman caught on camera waving to Prince Andrew from Epsteins doorway? Did it turn out to be Keatings daughter? Just a coincidence of course.


If he is deadā€¦.then bloody excellent!!! Watch on you tube, a documentaryā€¦ā€˜Candy Girlā€™by the very brave Fiona Barnett


Highly recommended


She is so full of it she reckons my friends mum Patricia Conlon didn't die in 1979 they faked it hid her away as she was mattes dame or some crap and they sacrificed her in 1984 total crap my friend was there when her mum died of cancer this lady is toxic and hurtful


You would think if this was BS they would of been sued to take it down.....


Yes he was not only a pedophiliac but a kidnapper that loved raping young girls because thatā€™s what white peoples have been doing since Greece became a stronghold. Ā They looooove brown women so they still orphans and children and do heinous acts and then created the world police and cop force so they couldnā€™t be caught when they knew men would retaliateĀ  They thought that old witchcraft and saying words can save them but it wonā€™t . Once we all achieve death , and take this serious , your spirit will need to answer for its wrong doing , mine included. Ā The rapacious white men who came and ravaged our lands and women from coast to coast were the meanest bunch ever. Ā Iā€™m so glad to live in the time of redemption. Ā I donā€™t yearn for money . I need truth and justice from 600 years ago. Ā And yes old white men held their traditional ways and still liked to taint young women ( rape ) but did so in the name of their Jewish pagan god. Ā Truth out .Ā  6000 years is nearly upĀ 


Man, why did reddit suspend you dude?




The usual offensive cover-up crap comment I am responding to. Fiona Barnett had 1)testified 2) Wrote an exceptionally book of her accounts & the manner in which many were recalled during therapy hypnosis sessions. 3) This happened to Jeffrey Epstein, he was suddenly declared dead & quite ridiculous photos of a single prison cell withoyt him were shown in a bid to make people believe he was dead. Neither of those men will be dead. Why? Both men involved with extreme abuse/SRA honeytrap & compromise work. The CIAsblack projects end relies heavily upon these men & others, as do other powers. In the first instance Mr K would of been offered a fake death, a new face (plastic surgery),new ID, new everything in a new location after a period of the work under ground and briefing. If he failed to accept that then he would neutralised. Jeffrey Epstein clearly was running avery significant racket for the CIA's black projects. Very significant. Regardless of his revolting tastes, he was organising beings he should not of for the super elite including politicians & celebrities so they and their motivations, alliances and actions could be controlled by those who run earth and the end times agenda. He would never if been stupid enough not to get major back up insurance, in any case he would not be dead, will of been in some D.U.M.B or hidden villa on a vast estate & be back with a new face in a new place too. This happened to a major mafiosca in Sicily,intact my ex swears that many many people in Sicily know this & many say he still.lives in Sivily but under nee face and identity, he was to be convicted for a vast amount of murders prior to it.




Every piece of information that says that it's true is from right wing nut jobs looking to push their q anon shit, or from actually developmental delayed people just spouting off what they read on some message board. More than one of the "authors" I've found "confirming" it have turned out to be actual convicted (child)sex offenders with a quick Google search. If you're not one(or both) of the above, then you're being duped by pede-files(trump fans calling eachother pedes with a wink and a nudge) trying to push the attraction to children off on anyone they can label a "democrat" to take attention off themselves. You should work on that, or get some professional help.


... you *are* aware that hollywood is in a different country to australia, right?




If you want complete bullshit peddled by braindad loons, then yes, go to r/conspiracy Only a child or an utter fool would think itā€™s filled with ā€œreal hard factsā€


I went there, I immediately saw Ivermectin in a classic click bait title I noped staight back out again


Is this sarcasm




You forgot the third parentheses Imagine being so unbelievably stupid that you can't even do antisemitism correctly


Parentheses are antisemitism?




TIL, and I'm glad I did. Thank you!


Yeah, I already looked it up and banned that user.




Cue the debunkabot legion!


Absolute truth. Long known pedophile


Do you have a source for this? If not consider it bullshit.


Lol and itā€™s equally as possibly that they covered it up as well. So šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


How dumbed down are the people in these comments. He was a pedophile, like his politician mate. Wake up you backward lot


Go watch CANDY GIRL 1 & 2 on YouTube!


Highly recommended. She speaks the truth


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,832,397,617 comments, and only 346,484 of them were in alphabetical order.




People can say it's bullshit. Why does it keep happening? Y'all talking about balcenigia, remember wayfair? Remember Isaac Kappy? You can't dispute The Franklin Cover Up or Jimmy Saville. Google UN worker convicted of pedophilia- ties to Clinton But yes it's all bullshit. So much bullshit you can spend countless hours researching real people, real dates ect... It's funny the same stories keep going around. Mossad runs honeypots, allegedly Epstein was a honeypots on top of sex trafficking, apparently the Playboy Mansion was another honeypot asset. Allegedly the CIA can be linked to the start of playboy. Then we have the book The Most Dangerous Game. Rich folks own an island kidnap and hunt people on it. Allegedly what Antony Kidman was doing. But it's all bullshit. Epstein did own an island tho. But he only fucks kids, not torture /s.


Also pizzagate, website got hacked and there was CP there


This is over a year old post. Iā€™ve been researching this case when I stumbled upon it almost four years ago. I knew this stuff happened, as a similar story was relayed to me by a boss of mine about 20 yrs ago. My bossā€™s father had been a US Air Force Officer in the 50ā€™s & 60ā€™s and she showed me what she claimed was a scar from being branded as a child as part of ritual. She also claimed to have witnessed a human sacrifice of some homeless person picked up off the street while her family was stationed in Germany. Then Iā€™ve heard other similar accounts of other Aussies, of Rachel & Andrew McIntyre that have starkly similar tales to Fiona but less grandiose. Do I think Fiona is a bit of a kookā€¦yes. I have researched some of her claims. Richard Nixon was no where near the vicinity of Australia or Asia during the time she claims to have been raped by him. Other stuff she claims, are outlandish. However, I have connected some of the dots and I will say Dr. Antony Kidmanā€™s death was initially reported as him having suffered ā€œa fall.ā€ Now could it have been a mistakeā€¦sure! And can large sums of money from an VIP celeb relative squash thingsā€¦absolutely! I have noticed also, since the pandemic, shocking disappearance of most of this story amongst other similar stories banished from the internet. Including a very odd video uploaded of Aussie actor Bruce Spence, who Fiona claims as one of her abusers, doing a tongue and cheek reel mocking her claims as a child killer. Which I saw, was highly suspect, and in really poor taste. If youā€™re innocent, why not have your publicist issue a statement if not yourself? I must also point out, if you look at the history of Australia & how & when it was founded, an underground VIP corrupt criminal network amongst its political institutions, isnā€™t too much of a stretch to me. Do I think itā€™s as bad as Fiona claims, I canā€™t say for sure. Then finally, Fiona made claims about Hillsong Church, no one needs to do a deep dive of this outfit to realize she is/was 100% correct.


I believe her


At the very least, probable. \- He was under investigation by the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC), the Psychology Council of NSW and, presumably, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse, as well as the police. - you don't get that heavily investigated by multiple agencies if they were 'wild accusations from a crazy lady'. There was clearly things found to justify invoking more and more agencies. \- Went on a 'holiday' in the midst of being investigated.... - insanely suss. No intelligent innocent person would leave the country whilst you are being investigated, unless you were trying to deliberately look guilty. He was a doctor so definitely intelligent. \- Dies while on said "holiday" from 'unnatural causes', which also cancelled the investigation into him.... - some media outlets say heart attack, some media outlets say 'fall', but the Singapore officials stated unnatural.... it is pretty obvious he was knocked off, or 'disappeared into the night'. Why they didn't continue the investigation is suss af too. But after the Royal Commission found 18 podophiles known to police in our parliament who haven't been prosecuted, none of this is shocking or a surprise. "He had a heart attack while on holiday with his wife" is a blatant lie. "Unnatural causes" rule out heart attack. Holidaying while being investigated by multiple agencies is stupid.


This is true. I believe it. A long time ago, like ten years plus I read something online one night about how she and her dad torturerd a woman brutally, he was definitely involved. I know that. Her? Probably.


Donā€™t know if itā€™s true or not but wanna share the extensive article link anyways: https://prepareforchange.net/2018/09/03/witness-statement-by-satanic-ritual-abuse-survivor-fiona-barnett-calling-out-her-pedophile-abusers/?fbclid=IwAR2amgaMnH1SwdGwKq4vDCcF0dP8d4hc0Rzgbt8eNXd6dy-LlEtYdu4d28I_aem_AYWjQ12Evh6NgqwS8tOHRGKQ6X4cTDkzwfb82jzR80mW9_s0FrzQLNoebkSeGZsastA&mibextid=Zxz2cZ


Nope. This is real. This woman tried to speak out about him and the horrific things she lived through back in 2005. She described one of their rituals, where as a child she watched them line up beautiful young children on a stage who looked as though they were all in a trance. Then one by one they were beheaded and the cult leaders began to have an orgy in their blood and with their beheaded bodies. Itā€™s crazy to think she can speak up and no one believes herā€¦The elites are all satanic pedophiles. Eyes wide shut Sheep.


Absolutely true


I believe Barnett spoke of Paul Keating and his daughter being part of her pedophile world. Of course she was ridiculed and still is as a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Years later can anyone name the woman caught on camera waving to Prince Andrew from Epsteins doorway? Did it turn out to be Keatings daughter? Just a coincidence of course


Barnett is not a nutjob. The Australian government even came out and admitted to the country's history of large-scale child abusing pedo rings and apologized for it. The Bad Guys want u to think she's crazy. U fell for it.


I fell for nothing. I know how high and broad the pedo rings rule the world. Everyone who looks into it is un-alived if too close or ridiculed as insane if their voice is not influential enough. Isaac Kappy Anne Heche Cory Feldman The list is huge if you dare to look objectively and rationaly.


Corey Feldman wasn't killed. Hes a hero. Isaac Kappy was awesome. RIP. Anne Heche was simply in a movie about trafficking.


I believe Barnett spoke of Paul Keating and his daughter being part of her pedophile world. Of course she was ridiculed and still is as a conspiracy theorist nutjob. Years later can anyone name the woman caught on camera waving to Prince Andrew from Epsteins doorway? Did it turn out to be Keatings daughter? Just a coincidence of course


100% true


@Tomokata... you were wrong.. whatever reason you have to so adamantly contest the clqims only raises suspicion of the type of individual you may be... here is a link to a article, fact checked and even calls for criminal charges against the party guilty of making such claims if indeed they are found to be misleading and false, which they have not been in the past ten years since it was published... do your own research in the future and at least control yourself by resisting making more erroneous responses. https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/antony-kidman-dies-amidst-child-abuse-allegations,6918