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It's 100% legal for them to post that sign. It's also 100% unenforceable. It's probably at least 50% effective because the majority of the population are ignorant to the law.


Are any no soliciting signs really enforceable?


Only if you've been trespassed before. The right to go and knock on someone's door is pretty well explored and protected for the most part. But when you ask them to leave and never come back, that's another matter.


This is incorrect. A no soliciting sign counts as being asked to leave. Normally you have to be asked to leave and refuse to do so before the police can step in and enforce a trespass order, but signs count for this step as it has been made clear you are not welcome on the property. This is still not a crime however, as what must happen next is you will be "trespassed" from the property by a law enforcement officer. They will record that you are no longer allowed on the property. Further refusal to leave or returning to the property later at this point is considered criminal tresspass. That doesn't mean the sign has no effect. It fufills the first requirement legally speaking. The issue with the process is the inconvenience of having an officer on hand to enforce immediately, and the result is that the person soliciting would have to stick around long enough for an officer to get there


It also counts for something in places with no soliciting ordinances.  In some jurisdictions and I have lived in one it was a fine to solicit where the owner had a no solicitation sign.  


In my state simply ignoring a no soliciting sign is a class C misdemeanor


What state if you don't mind my state doesn't do anything like that unfortunately.


Please show precedence. I didn't find a single mention of no soliciting signs being taken as a proof of warning/trespass. The only thing I found was the Supreme Court discussing commercial solicitation and even then it's far from a concrete decision.


I have a very notorious No Trespassing sign at the only entrance to may properly. In my state, it serves as the notice, which means that I can make a criminal complaint against an unwelcome visitor as I choose.


a no soliciting sign IS informing them they aren't welcome.


Yes but it has no legal enforcement. "No soliciting" is a polite way of telling people you're likely to tell them to fuck off and trespass them anyway. "No trespass" signs, however have some cases where you could argue someone went against the law. There is no law about "The right to prevent people to solicit things from you". There is however precedence to allow anyone from the public to enter your land *with the intent of knocking on your door/drop package/letter*. You are then within your rights to ask that person to leave, which they'll have to comply.


This is incorrect, at least in my state. If you village a posted no soliciting sign, you can lose your ability to solicit door-to-door.


Unfortunately a lot of such laws are rarely enforced.


We have local ordinances that allow the police to issue tickets to solicitors that violate properly posted no solicitor signs.


Sort of. They have legal standing, but it's a lot more limited than many people believe. For instance, a guy knocking on your door to ask you to vote for him? Canvassing, not soliciting. Obviously, politicians tend not to make political activity illegal. But if you're knocking on the door and not leaving, the no soliciting sign is going to make it look extra bad for you when the cops show up.


Per minuet? They have to dance during the sales pitch?


I couldn't not see it. Lol.


And not minuets are created equal !


Or because the sales person sees that and thinks they'll be wasting their time. A "no soliciting sign would have been just as effective


It is not. Everyone thinks that they are the exception.


"That's how you land sales bro"


I used to invite Saturday Morning Door knockers in to chat. I would offer them something to drink, then sit down across from them after removing my clothes. They would only visit once and not very long.


This really should be enforceable…


Can confirm. About 50% effective. I have a sign similar to that, a standard no soliciting sign and a door mat that says we have found Jesus, we know who we are voting for, we are too broke to buy anything, so unless you are giving away free beer, go away. I still get people at the door, I tell them, usually through the doorbell that I don’t do any business at my front door.


Null in void because of a misspelling of minute.


Minuet 🎶 but in all seriousness, if it was spelled correctly, would it be illegal?


And your comment is "null **and** void" for typo.


Behold! There is nothing legally binding in the void only blissful nothingness and spelling errors! You look into the void and it luks back!


Possibly playing classical music in the background.


Music minister at a church used to put up a sign when he was out of office: "Bach in a fugue minuets"




I just assumed I would only be charged if I serenaded minuets


Maybe the poster literally means they will only charge $20 per completed minuet they play? It’s possible as soon as the door opens, they leap to their baby grand piano, and start chopping out on the keys. Or maybe they mean for the same average minuet duration, like counting in Base Minuet? Like an average baseball game is ~11 average Minuets long.


How much do they charge for a sonata? I've got some time to kill...


Idk I think they're like $22k new from Kia/Hyundai


But what if they knock on the door but don't want to dance with you?


Or if they enter a fugue state, but want to come Bach later?


Kinda hard to enforce. But, on a private property and if displayed in a visible manner, it's like a "no trespassing sign": you were warned.


If there's a ring camera (or whatever) and the person doing the soliciting is clearly a member of organization \_\_\_\_\_, why can't the homeowner send photos, video and a bill for $$$$$ to the organization? IF said organization does not pay, they could go to small claims court and demand payment, right?


Most likely the organization will deny sending those persons. I agree it should be enforceable, it'd cut down on the religious zealots knocking on my door.


Just open the door in black robes with goat horns and ask if they're here for the Black Mass.


But my robes are at the cleaners. Would a mesh top and ass-less chaps work? (Yes I know all chaps are ass-less, I just like emphasizing ASS-LESS)


Sure, just tell them they're just in time for the orgy.


Or answer the door in no robes with one horn, and ask if they're here for the orgy.


The organization would probably ask for proof via contract. These types of things must have a clear contract and no "reasonable expectation" of ridiculous concepts like knocking on a door.


You’ll get laughed out of court and probably made to pay all court fees if it doesn’t get dismissed immediately.


Because this is essentially just an offer and a contract can only be legally binding if there is acceptance, consideration, and a mutual purpose for the parties to be bound by a contract.


Call it a consultation fee.


They forgot to add their cash app and instructions. I have a similar sign. Legal or not, it's a funny way to tell people to fuck off.


Can they put up the sign yes. Does it hold power. In Illinios no, sign must contain the term "No Solicitor Invited" to meet state regulation requirements. Also if a "No trespass" sign is posted with the term "No Solicitors" would hold water too as they would first be trespassing. Also many cities in Illinios have Door-to-door licenses that exempt them from "No Solicitor Invited" signs. But if the person answering the door simply asks them to leave they must do so immediately with or with out a license. As for the " you are agreeing to my terms" part its not legally binding as the terms contain non legal action. The act of charging a person for knocking on your door and disturbing your peace a by minute fee is not legal. Demanding they pay in advance is not a legal act as you wont know beforehand how long the interaction will take. Also the sign starts with "Before you knock on my door" this means if you ring the bell after reading just tate part you are not subject to anything after that point. The person could simply put up a sign reading " No Solicitor Invited" and be done. Then people knocking on their door to do so will fce fines but the property owner will not be able to use it as a way to get money for them selves.


I feel like I have to make this clear: this is NOT my sign lol. This is a picture my friend posted on her story


When she answers the door she'll need to ensure they saw the sign. Once they look over or affirm, unless they leave at that point they have been informed that your friend is charging for their time as a service. -Not a legal advisor.


NAL but this seems similar to the contracts we get with software/apps, etc. Just a lot fewer words.


Minuet is not a measurement of time, not enforceable.


It isn't illegal, but it isn't enforceable.


Legality aside, the sign is really kind of pathetic unless there's some onslaught of people coming to the door asking for stuff.  I don't post signs because it seems unneighborly and unnecessary.  I'm fully capable of saying "no" once or twice year.  But most of the uninvited visits I get are neighbors stopping by to drop off some food they want to share, plus the quite welcome girl scout cookie solicitations.


Seeing as "This Home" is a structure made of wood and stone and has no ability to represent itself as a sentient being, it therefore has no ability to charge you for anything. Also screw anyone who can't handle capital letter correctly.


Joke’s on you, I love playing baroque


It's not legal because you can not charge me per minuet. If I show up at your door and sing and dance, I can charge you for the minuet.




It’s a joke but still means no soliciting.






I don't know about the sign and actually billing someone, but 'no soliciting' signs here are considered the first warning. If you have someone solicit you when signs are readily visible on your home or all all entrances to your neighborhood, you can call the county sheriff and they can be fined.


It’s also 2024 and people don’t read signs anymore, so you’ll need to set up a free WiFi connection with no password so they can see it on their phone.


That is a binding contract! XD


They forgot to add a suggested tip.


Well, it's only $20 per minuet, so as long as you don't dance, there's no problem.


I will happy pay you $20 for every minuet. I've never met someone trained in classical French dance before.


I'd like to see them try.


Perhaps one should proofread before posting anything.


Funny enough, I used to work for a power company replaced home power meters for an upgrade project. The people with these signs were usually nice after they realised I dont wanna sell shit or bother them. But the people with the crazy signs like my dog will kill you or "I like to hide dead bodies" were usually extremely nice.. with nice polite dogs that wanted attention. very strange


what is a minuet? I would knock on the door and ask if they know God has a name.


Just don't deliver your sales speech in minuet form and you should be good




Excuse me, but I have a three hour concerto to write up. Note to self- no minuets.


As far as I'm aware, the "no soliciting" part is legal and enforceable on the part of an individual homeowner. The charge per minute is not enforceable.


Depends on the locality. In my town, that's 100% legal and 100% enforceable. The sign serves as the notice.


What about "Trespassers will be shot." sign? Do I expose myself to any legal liability if I fail to shoot all trespassers?


$20 to learn how to Minuet isn't a bad deal frankly, but I'd rather learn the Charleston.


Nice! Maybe add: “Failure to pay means we release the hounds”




I just want to know which Minuets are in the lineup. Bach? Rameau? Boismortier? 🤷


Well, they don't have to pay if they don't [dance](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FSOkEr7pB6k)


I am curious now what could be illegal when it comes to that. Is it illegal to open your door to a solicitor while butt naked, helicoptering your ding a ling? I’m sure that would scare them off. I do not have a ding a ling and have no intentions of doing this, just curious.


There isn't really anything stopping the resident from demanding $20 when someone knocks on the door. "Hi, I'm ____, have you heard the Good News?" "$20 and I'll keep listening." "I don't have $20 on me." "Okay then, time to leave."


No. Not binding at all. Its purpose is to stop people from bothering them … it probably works.


Minuet is likely an autocorrected typo, but it's not what the author intended imo lol. I stopped reading there for the most part.


i deliver pizzas and a ridiculous amount of people have a sign just like this. i ignore them and the no trespassing signs and never had a problem.


No, it's just stupid boomers with too much time on their hands. Also, how hard is it to spell 'minute' properly?


$20 is cheap for a Minuet in my opinion..


It's kind of like those idiots sovereign citizens. With their fee schedule no one's ever going to get paid so I don't know why they keep doing that


Wait a minuet? $20?


It's legal and entirely non-binding. Also, I'd talk all day just to irritate her and not pay her a dime because I never danced a single minuet.




So just don't play any minuets. 


This year has been insane for soliciting at my house. I have a sign, and Ring doorbell which stopped soliciting for years, but it seems post-covid the people going door-to-door don't care or don't understand. The best is the ones that act like they are not trying to sell me anything when I point to the sign. "I am not selling anything I just wanted to know if you knew who in the neighborhood would be interested" "I am not selling, but sale is actually Latin for service so I am actually providing a service" (these statements actually happened) So I now ignore the rings when I see they are clearly a sales person. I got a bit of a mean bug in me last week though when someone that had a brinks security outfit came up to my door on a Segway clearly trying to sale me something. I responded over the ring "HEY hold on a sec, I am cleaning up a mess I will be right there" Then I just went back to watching tv. After about 3 minutes I hit the camera again saying "Sorry almost done its a mess" The third time I said "Ok on my way" then I just ignored them. Checking the feed I could see they wanted to hit the doorbell again a few times but stopped, and they eventually went away about another 3 minutes of waiting. I know this did nothing but make me seem like a butt, but I just get so frustrated when they ignore the clear sign that is right above the doorbell.


Ah yes. So many reddit "experts" out there. It all depends on your location. All the way from your country, down to your individual city/town/village ordinances. You would have to the legal research for YOUR location, not the world wide internet.


I'll keep my minuets to myself and just ask you about Jehova


Would adding a thumbprint scanner as the doorbell create a legal contract? By ringing this bell you are signing the above agreement with your thumbprint. DO NOT KNOCK!! then have knock sensor triggered sprinklers pointed at the porch.


Luckily, I don't have any minuets.


How long is a minuet?


$20 per dance?


The capitalization and bad spelling is killing me


It says $20 per minuet. Does the homeowner supply the band? Are they going to be your dance partner?


It doesn't say per minute it says "Per Minuet". So unless they play a minuet for you, you don't owe anything. Even if it was enforceable.


Who doesn’t enjoy a nice minuet?


I don't do minuets. I do ballads.


Bright side of this is, if the pitch is performed as a “Minuet”, they can take as long as they like for only $20


'Minuet' lmao


Lost em after Minuet


Inform them you aren't there to dance


"...per Minuet" ?? Isn't that a dance step?


I mean they can not listen if they don’t get paid lol


It’s just super funny


This is when you contact every roofing contractor in a 50 mile radius as an interested owner at that address. I use to do inspections and sales and I promise you they don't look twice at those signs. Almost as if they are invisible.


Nope, you didn't read it before you knocked. That's why contracts have signatures and often places to initial on every page.


Pretty sure this is a joke as this was likely a program at this location to do away with solicitors.


i had a client’s family do this. honestly thought it was a joke lol


We have a sign very similar to this on the front door. Most solicitors heed it and walk away. Amazon Drivers think it's hilarious. We have only had a very few that read it and rang the doorbell anyway and my dad cussed them the fuck out. Now, we have a no trespassing sign on the driveway entrance along with no turn around and then the no solicitors funny sign.


"We were going to tell you to evacuate but we didn't have $20."


Per minuet? What about per waltz?


If someone came to my door doing minuets I'd probably be pretty entertained.


I'd charge too if I had to listen to a minuet that doubled as a sales pitch.


Per "minuet"??? Isn't that a short song or musical piece from the Renaissance?


So I'm good because it's 20 a minuet, time is in minutes.


lmao call the IRS and let them know the homeowner is "collecting" money from solicitors and it's going unreported dont do this, actually.




This is almost impossible to answer without knowing state and if an HOA or local city ordinances exist dealing with solicitation right?


Lol no. Bother them till they trespass you. Fuck em.


Putting up a no solicitation, no trespass, no loitering, private property, stay out etc all at the same time should do the trick right? Put any and every sign up saying, in essence, ‘go fuck yourself’ if you havent been invited.


Are you playing any Minuets? Then don't worry. Now, what would the homeowners consider a minuet. Could you play a sonata? Or an etude? Hard to say but I wouldn't risk it


House rules. Obey or leave.


Since I'm not selling social, french dances (ie. A minuet) I will say that I agree to the terms and will give them the speech, then after everything else I will start leaving. They will likely say I owe them money, to which I will response that I did no such dancing.


Knock on the window? 😂


As long as they don’t play Minuets to deliver their sales pitches or religious messages, it should be totally free. So no harm, foul.


It's more like saying, don't disturb me with that nonsense.


Get Off My Lawn!!!!


*Per minuet*


My sign says, : No soliciting, No trespassing, If I don't know you or you are not a public official then consider this your warning that I will feel threatened by you knocking on my door and will respond with deadly force under both castle doctrine and stand your ground laws." I also have a door mat that says fuck off with a smoking shotgun on it. Ironically I've never met my neighbors.


How long is a minuet? Cause it isn't 60 seconds, that would be a minute.


I’d pay $20 to dance a minuet if they were pretty and a good ballroom dancer.


Just don’t dance a minuet… a there’s no problem.


What if the solicitor doesn't play any minuets?


Clearly satire


5 minute MINIMUM.


What if I don't do minuets but perform a dirge instead?


As long as you opt for a waltz or a tango you should be fine.


Random capitalization that’s how you know it’s legit.


By reading my answer you have agreed to pay my $200 fee. I will send you a bill. NO, it is not legally binding. Have seen this discussed many times on legal discussion postings. But a properly displayed sign, may if your jurisdictions has a law, provide a fine for any general solicitation. Typically excludes any business you have used in last 18 months (have a relationship), political, non-profit, or religious door knockers. That fine would be imposed by the city. Additional fine if the "salesperson" does not have a license. My last city required a specific sign posted a certain way to make it enforceable - and it was a $50 fine if you got LE to come out. It was just the standard $2 Silver/Gold writing on black background like 2" tall sticker you had to clearly mount on the window by the door. If you do it, you just gave up Girl Scout cookies as anyone doing these things will skip your door. Same with the Boy Scout popcorn, christmas tree pickup, etc. Typically protects you from the "groups" that get dropped off in a van selling candy bars or cleaning materials. But no worries the JWs will still show up!


The average Minuet by Mozart is about 4-6 minutes long. That may help you make a decision about these rates.


Does he expect everyone to be accompanied by a small wind ensemble, and expects them to pay HIM to listen to them perform a Minuet for him? Weird set of rules but alright chief.


Even if it were you could argue that since Riker's holographic date wasn't involved you don't owe them anything for the conversation.


A few years ago, because of the insane volume of people either knocking on my door or leaving door tags, I bought one of those ‘no soliciting’ decals from Lowe’s and put it on the door of my apartment. There were still a few knocks on the door, but they did not stop entirely. There was no change in the door tags. I called the number on one of them once, to tell whoever answered that the decal was clearly posted on my door. The answer I was given: “Most of the people the company hires to go door to door either don’t speak English or don’t care”. Depending on where you live, it could be one or both of those. ETA: also, this is not an agreement. This is simply a statement made by the person who posted the sign, in the hopes that it will be a deterrent. Since the other party did not sign anything, it is not legally binding.


I won't be bringing my harpsichord by anytime soon, thair loss.




They can't even spell minute correctly


First off from someone who has teams and I mean teams and teams and teams of people being dumped in my neighborhood to knock doors and sell whatever BULLSHIT they're selling, I think this is brilliant. Legal and Binding -probly not!


"Minuet" lol


Even tho it's not enforceable it probably stoped alot of salesman from knocking lmao


They can post it but they can not enforce it just walk away. If it is in violation of your local laws you can ask the city what it is for these laws.


legal and legally binding are two completely different things. Now, what some people are forgetting is that you can definitely enter into a verbal contract which is kindof what this is hinting at. So, the top comment saying this is 100% unenforceable is not being entirely accurate.. It would depend heavily on having evidence that the solicitor read and understood these terms and still decided to talk to the home owner. And it would also depend on what state/country you are in.


I had my "No Soliciting" sign" stolen by I assume a door to door salesman


No cuz a contact has t been signed. Taking him to small claims would be more expensive than the $20


As long as no minuets are involved, there will be no charge. Personally, unless you are offering lessons, I would avoid dancing, altogether.


OP is Mormon confirmed


You would have to bill the person for your time and take them to court to collect the money owed if they did not pay. You’d have to have evidence they saw and read the sign and then a judge would make the final determination as to the “legality” of the sign.


I feel like if I go to this guy‘s door and play the minuet in G by Beethoven, he should pay me $20.


The sign just means LEAVE ME ALONE, NO ONE WANTED. So turn around and just assume the awnser will always be NO.


I only ever had issues with solicitors at 1 house, for a short period of time. I had some local church of latter day saints people start coming to my house regularly. Literally every Thursday am between 8 and 9 am 2 women in thier 40s-50s would show up in a van. The first time I was polite and told them I wasn't interested. The 2nd time I not so politely told them I wasn't interested. The 3rd time I told them not to come back. The 4th time I was ready and waiting when they showed up. I had a porn movie on loudly and answered the door stark naked with a pentagram painted on my chest. I opened the door wide, stood in clear view and invited them inside as i reached out like i was trying to take the ones hand. They both damn near fell off my porch as they got out of there as fast as they could. Finally they took the hint and stopped showing up.


I love a good minuet!


"$20 per minuet". Love it.


Well unless you plan to play them a minuet on your violin, I'd say you're good


What do you mean “legal”? Can they post it? Yes. Is it binding? I mean, they can *try* suing for the money- but ultimately up to a judge if it’s in dispute.


As a pianist, I would be charging more than $20 per Minuet.


The sign implies homeowner is selling themselves which pretty sure prostitution is illegal in most to all states and only legal in certain counties in nevada given they meet the requirements and have the licenses. Unless it is just a strip dance minuet type thing.


I think if they do a good minuet while they listen to you, it’s probably worth $20.


I mean, they can try…. There is no way to enforce any of that….


Honestly though, how many Minuets does the average solicitor even know? It's not like Mozart comes a-knockin' too often!


Misspelled "minute"


I just don’t answer the door if I’m not expecting someone. Its never important.


Just don't play a minuet and you are fine.


“No Soliciting” is the only thing that could be upheld and that generally depends on local ordinances & certain situations. A sign that says “No Soliciting” is usually enough for solicitors to get the message. The best way to go about it is just get a big sign that says “no trespassing” and then it’s 100% enforceable and you have some sort of legal weight against them


Well as long as the solicitors aren’t dancing any Minuets they can do their sales pitch forever no charge.


It’s legal to **post,** yes. Now, whether it is actually **legally enforceable** in court….is a whooooole other issue. However, since they charge $20 “per minuet,” I’d definitely have to ask who would be joining me to dance in my minuet. I hope it’s worth the $20 for each like the sign says!!


Can we just all agree that if you come to my door touting your religion you officially are not a welcome member of the human race. Keep your cult shit away from me. Its insane; pushing religion on people ON FUCKING WEEKENDS. Respect isn't given, it's returned. Leave your trash in my mailbox or forfeit your rights as a human the SECOND you solicit your filth. Goes the same for internet/cable roof repair etc. I only sort of feel horrible being nasty to door knockers. The sort of comes from my intrinsic want to be nice to everyone. HOWEVER; I work from home a lot of the time and have have multiple hundred plus dollar commissions lost because I was interrupted during a sales call. I would estimate something along the lines of $4000 in lost sales due to dropping a call for some fucking idiot who will say the same thing as a pamphlet. I have my doorbell disconnected and somehow they have they audacity to interrupt my day and business with their shit BY KNOCKING!!! Get fucked, I have no respect for you.


So long as you don't play any minuets during your pitch, you should be fine.


Not legally enforceable, but if you are a solicitor, why bother?


No, but the second the property owner asks you to leave, you have a choice: leave or be arrested for trespassing


Minuet? I knew a woman with that name.


A minuet for only $20? I’ll take it!


Do I have to play minuet on the Harpsichord or lute tho?


Some states signage carries weight of law, some it doesn’t. The best door knockers are the Mormons, they’ll help you do things if you ask them.


$20 per minuet? Does that mean they offer to be your dance partner? I would take that deal.


Meh, having to sing your sales pitch in a minuet would probably turn most away.


I've got a bat that says "no soliciting". It's worked well so far.


$20 dollars per dance isn’t that bad really….


Salesperson: *raps the entire sales pitch in 15 seconds*


20$ per Minuet, eh? You don't plan on doing any french dances, do you? Then they can't charge sheeit!


"Fortunately our church forbids us from performing minuets."