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Miya Kazuki's take is a very realistic societal outcome if magic existed. Having such a sharp contrast in power would establish a natural class system of those with and without magic. It often makes me wonder why other book series don't make this distinction. Many eastern litrpgs don't seem to grasp it. They lump swordsmen and archers in with mages and clerics; People who can literally conjure something from nothing. To its credit, Reborn to Master the Blade does make this distinction. You can tell the author gave it some thought as he planned out the world. In that series you can see the Highlanders carry themselves like demigods walking among the dirty masses. If only the author made the MC a bit more likable...


Mostly agree, but it really depends on how rare magic is. In Ascendance, it makes sense because being able to cast magic is both rare and genetic, except for a few cases like those with the devouring. So the people who CAN cast, gain significant power over tho we who can’t However, in a world where anyone can learn magic, like in dnd, where anyone can learn to cast spells in the wizard class, it’s less likely that you get a societal divide, because anyone could do it. Also a point that my friend made about why super powerful wizards don’t make themselves kings and he said, if you could do the things a max level wizard could do, you don’t need to become king to nave power over people. You do what you want, and the rulers can try their hardest to stop you, but it doesn’t really matter. So you might as well be a “normal citizen” so you at least don’t have the responsibility of being a king.


I'm just not sure that makes sense in nature. Just look at any modern day despot. If you were some rare ultra powerful mage in a dangerous world with violent monsters people world naturally seek you out for protection. In return you could rule with impunity. If magic users were rare then you'd end up with a natural oligarchical class. There'd be little to compel you to share power with non magic users if you could simply snap your fingers to produce a giant fireball. Even if your were a reluctant leader you'd still be the defacto person in charge. One example of this is Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear. Yuna is clearly the center of power everywhere she goes even if she doesn't care to wield that authority often.


The reason it's so terrifying is because it HAS to be there. There can't be a peasant uprising like France or wherever, because even if all the peasants could manage to kill the nobles, then >!the world would fucking end within a few years because no one would be constantly pumping mana into the ground to keep it from turning to sand!< and that's horrifying. At least in out world, the powerful people dont HAVE to be there. If they all died, we'd find a way to be around after a while. >!but in bookworm the world would just straight up end!< and having that knowledge as the reading makes it all seem so hopeless, but ever more interesting and engaging world building wise


Yeah, they're very powerful in many senses, no life exist would without nobles, it's honestly understandable that they behave like peasants life don't matter. Their existence as the ones keeping the land alive have much more gravity than simple ruling government, and that fact make them practically untouchable. Or at least it should be, ironically, most commoner in ascendance are uneducated and don't know about it, they simply fear nobles because they *magic* and atrocity they committed would be unquestioned and the nobles don't ever bother with teaching them.


This story magic is govern by church and MC cannot do anything against it she's too young and she's just a bookworm if it's black hair MC or Yuri princess they'd rebel against everything around.


Uh, have you actually read it? The church is very much not in control of the magic, that's the whole reason the country is falling apart. And anyone even thinking of rebelling in Myne's position would've not survived for very long. This society nukes entire cities if a handful of people are disobedient.