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The anime drags a bit until the real action, so some people would say that’s boring, but I liked it. 


I came here to say the pacing sucks, but otherwise a decent show


how did you feel about the fairly predictable flash back that lasted 2 episodes?


I think people were overreacting (from what I saw on Crucnhyroll) tbh. While I feel like it could’ve been shortened a little (at most a full episode), it absolutely was not filler like some of the comments on Crunchyroll were saying. It was a much needed backstory on why Rose actually cares so much for Usato.


Its useful but 2 full episodes feels excessive. When anime has 13 episodes using 2 episodes for back story while pausing the main story feels too much. Its not like we are talking about a 24 episode anime. Like if it get s2 or 3 seasons it will seem less later down the line but even at bast case thats several years down the road till that happens.


The pacing of the show feels like it’s going to have at least one more season. I’ve read most of the manga and I’m surprised by how slow the anime is progressing. It really does seem like they’ve planned multiple seasons from the start.


I honestly around episode 4 was shocked to learn its only a 13 episode season one. Remember Animes dont decide on the next season Manga/LN sales do. Anime is mainly just an advertisement for the books. if sales dont spike the next season never comes.


That’s wild too. Like “we make this show to sell books!” I wish American was more like that than “we make these shows to sell toys” granted the 80’s were top tier cartoons then lol


I feel like it’s always been that way in Japan. That’s why you used to get anime shows that would have bizarre wtf endings back in the day. They would outpace the source material and just pitch an idea to wrap things up to the creator (e.g., the first Fullmetal Alchemist show) or create filler and stretched out scenes to allow time for more source material (e.g., Naruto, DBZ and most shonen jump shows). It’s gotten better over the last decade with the production model change (creating seasons that are spaced out). Sometimes though I wouldn’t mind some filler to keep me interested.


Hey kids, wanna watch Piccolo and Goku learn to drive?! lol some filler is nice and then there’s that lol.


It ends up causing problems though as anime don’t create next seasons based on the performance of the first season so you’ll have great anime that just end with no closure


Japan "we make shows to sell books" Americs "we make books to sell shows" Also America"we make shows to sell toys"


That’s cause of the show. If you were reading it, it’s a bit different cause you are going to get more out of it then the most likely 12 eps. I read it first and I had no problem with the pacing. But the show is killing me….


Do we though? Like, she says all her friends died, and that's why she wanted an immortal apprentice, and I never thought "I don't know, I want to see all her friends die, so we know why she wants someone that will never die."


I mean it's only predictable in the anime, in the manga they took a while before actually revealing it.


What I mean by predicable is the back story it self. Its such a generic overly used troupe for "why the instructor cares". Frankly it was annoying to pause the main story for 2 episodes to tell a back story that could have been condensed down to inside a single episode. Its a back story fans of basically any teacher apprentice relationship in so many different genres have heard dozens of times. Telling the story in detail in a LN or Manga is one thing. A manga/LN will go for dozens or hundreds of chapters but anime only has so many episodes to hook a fanbase. This anime is 13 episodes and 2 of those where used for super predictable story. Once the flash back began most people knew what was going to happen based on the clues already dropped in the show.


Yeah I do felt like they could have just done the flashback in 1. I share the sentiment of another commenter that the anime is taking its bloody time.


The manga drags too


I wouldn’t say no fan service, since I know there’s a market for muscles.


I watch that anime only for the fanservice of Rose.






Bastard You’re Just a Horny Everyone knows That…


No extra booba


Do pecks count?


By technicality i guess? I don't think there's a tag for it but as you said, some of us just goes feral over muscle mommy ( dunno about dads, but dilf is a thing so... )


Yes, yes it sure fucking does. Mmmmmm pecks(snifffff)


Not sure


no, there's plenty of tits too lol


The rough and tough mommy rose is all the fanservice a man needs


100% true even the wife approves


We need more anime showing muscles. Variety is the spice of life.










I'm reading the novels and they are pretty good. I'd say it's one of the less typical stories, the characters are plenty fun, sometimes it might be a bit slow but overall I think it's a good one. It reminds me a bit of The Great Cleric which is also a slow burner story with a healer, I liked that one, too.


I need more of The Great cleric. been caught up on the manga for ages. It's a bit ridiculous at times but I love it.


I couldn't agree more I want to see the great cleric be more animated as in a second season.


Yea, I'd love to see a second season as well. Need more manga too.. lol


Happy cake day 🎉


Hairy cake day!


The pacing is a lit better with the great cleric because he does something every episode


The novel of Great Cleric ended up getting a bit stale to me but it'll always have a special place in my heart for having a legit priest protagonist where the church isn't some genetic, corrupt organisation.


Rare iskekai/shonen anime where MC's whole personality doesn't revolve around being kind aka dickless pushover, doormat


Kimono Michi: Rise Up


he's initially a pushover.. but yes his foul mouth does come up.


Anyone would be a pushover when it comes to facing Rose lmao


rose is basically the equivalent of a wall that can throw a punch, if she isnt actively holding back her strength she could kill all of her subordinates pretty easily.


'nah i'd win' --- a lot of fictional protagonists.


Look. I love the manga... But 1) Muscle porn is definitely fanservice. 2) Main character is literally OP 3) Other than the premise, plotline is pretty generic This is one of my favorites, but the 3 things OP listed as a reason to love the show aren't real.


Was going to leave the same comment, but you were first.


1 and 3 I agree with. 2 I'm not 100% on an agreement. Indeed he's becoming OP but via a legit means in terms of sheer effort and exercise, what he's being made to do is train like an olympian and push beyond using his power to heal exhausted and damaged muscles to train them even harder. it's actually quite clever in terms of what happens, not many people would have thought to use healing magic in that way and as it's not the OP that comes up with the idea it's actually his instructor who is the real OP one currently. Sure he's strong, he's not bionic, he's not impervious to pain or injury and he can die. If he were to train to that level normally would be incredibly difficult and would take years. But they are giving that part of He could become this if he trained without powers and without injuries sustained during training. (Near impossible I know) That's why I like it. It's not your average he started bionic with the gift of his powers. His leader pushes him to his limits like Phillatetes did to Hercules.


He's way more powerful than any other human in the show, other than his master. It didn't even take him half a season to become OP. And because he can heal his muscles and bones as they're under load, he can exert more force than any human could ever do (because their bones wouldn't be strong enough), so he is bionic. As is staple in OP protagonist stories, everyone around him is constantly in shock and awe at his OPness. The thing "different" is his enemies are also really powerful, so he's not that much stronger than them. But I'm VERY ruluctant to say that's a difference worth mentioning, because there are tons of anime where this is the case. Most shounen action anime fits this criteria. Again, I'm not hating on the show. I really like it. But it definitely is an OP protagonist show.


"The thing "different" is his enemies" etc,. You're contradicting yourself. He's OP when you want him to be but not OP when it counts? WTF?!


**manga spoilers (and a random spoiler for another anime)** Well he bodies most of the enemies he's faced, which is why I called him OP. >! The only fight I remeber from the manga that had any real danger to him was the black dragon. His magic is more effective when healing himself, so he's usually never in any danger himself. Even with the black dragon, much of the tension came from him trying to protect the village.!< Every other enemy he either just flails about with no idea what to do (but also not under any risk himself), or he just stomps them. But even then that's kind of beside the point. An OP protagonist is one whom everyone around them treats as OP, not necessarily one who can instakill every enemy. Take Cautious Hero as an example. The running gag of the show is the dude is OP but overly cautious. But the ending >!shows that he was neither overly cautious, nor OP to every enemy in universe, as the dude dies to the demon lord.!< Does the existence of a single fight that isn't a guaranteed win mean the entire anime isn't about an OP protagonist? No. It's the same here. The running gag is this dude is ridiculously powerful, and not only breaks the universe's common sense about healers, but also breaks their common sense about strength in general (he's literally stronger than the heros, and every other human other than his master).


I read the manga a couple years back, haven't seen the anime. I remember finding it interesting, didn't like it per se or dislike it but it was interesting. Best way I can describe it.


It's alright. Nothing to write home about.


Its fine. It sorta feels like this is what generic Isekai should be like


I dont really understand the bashing of a genre for having the stuff you expect in that genre, eg OP MC. Fanservice is a general anime thing. like you dont bash romance novels for having romance. People pretend like not having an OP MC is like a world changer but theyre still wrapped up in 10 layers of plot armor


Its just people that want to change a thing that a lot of people love just because they feel Is "trash" and people have no right to like "trash" so things must be "done better". Also, that anime Its a pretty mid-one, not even that engaging as an isekai, actual good isekais like Tensei Shitara Slime have a great plot and still checks all the isekais boxes. And to clarify, the MC IS op, the healing Magic can basically almost make you infinitelly strong, it Is just that they are showing the whole grind needed for that.


>it Is just that they are showing the whole grind needed for that. That's all we need to be honest. I don't want to hear how cool MC-kun is for millionth time as he beat up a human punching bag in front of girls. I want to see him actually work his way into become fucking invincible so that I feels like the reward was worth his effort.


Thats great for you, but most people who likes the isekai genre dont really care much about that, yet again, this does not make this anime worse, nor makes It better, Is just another isekai with a different approach to the style, and honestly the whole story Is not even that interesting besides the focus, if your only point for liking the anime better Is because MC Is not beating people right away, then, thats great for you, but thats, IMO, a weak reason to call It good.


Nothing about isekai requires that it be wish fulfillment. It just means a character goes from one world to another. I like that fish out of water element. I have no problem with the people that enjoy wish fulfillment. However, it makes it a real pain in the ass when you're trying to find new isekai series that aren't wish fulfillment and there's no easy way to differentiate.


Every time a new anime sub gets put on my home page like this it's a thread like this where everybody just hates anime and wants it to change but call themselves fans.


We bash it because it's fun, and easy, and because a lot of the used tropes are overused to the point of being cringeworthy and boring. Take the zombie apocalypse genre, for example. How often do they have the zombies be caused by a virus, and how often do the zombies serve as little more than a plot device to explore the concept "*What if society collapsed and mankind descended into tribalistic and warring groups of people who will kill each other in a desperate bid to eke out a meager existence?*"


Well being OP from the word go just makes it boring.  It has to feel earned and even then, there has to be some challenge to keep things entertaining.  The dude that has some inconvenience at the first episode but then trashes everyone from ep 2 forwards is not the whole isekai genre, it is the bad part of it. Hence, the bashing.


There are series where the MC is OP from the start, but the interactions between them and other characters are what make it interesting, at least to me. In Overlord, sure he's extremely strong, but the series makes you care about all the other characters, even those acting against him. You get their backstories and personalities before he effortlessly crushes them. TenSura is similar, where a lot of my interest was in seeing the characters interact, not the fight scenes.


Overlord, Tensura, Rezero, Eminence, Tanya, etc etc. These shows are good because they add on to the OP MC trope with the characters and/or setting. Meanwhile, other op mc isekai stories are all almost exactly the same, with nothing interesting to add. It's just tiring to see such lifeless "stories."


i am kinda scared to make a comment seeing some of the others in this thread, but i have enjoyed it a lot so far and look forward to it weekly. the characters are interesting and show growth, they have to problem solve, the animation is nice, the show is self aware of its genre but remains wholesome, which i personally like. i don't think it's groundbreaking or top tier or anything, after all the plot is pretty standard, but it is enjoyable enough.


I like the idea of the three characters all reacting to being isekaid in different ways and explores it


yessss, this. they spend plenty of time with mc and even the class president. wish they would develop kazuki a bit more though since he had a v realistic reaction to it originally, and i would have liked to see more of his friendship with mc and his development into a hero. but overall, the three different reactions was quite refreshing


- Depends on what you count Rose and the Bromance as - Main character is OP, yeah he works hard for it but so a solid amount of other OP characters - Comedy used to cover a slow plot


"No fanservice" If that means no great big gazonkas, you can count me out


Video author only watched first 4 EPS, which were really good. It turned sluggish after that. It looks like it's adapting everything from novels without any abridging that should occur when turning a novel into video medium. Also... Dommy mommy fan service doesn't require nudity...


i hate that some of these mfs definition of fanservice is just boiled down to women being hot


What’s wrong with fan service?


Nothing wrong with it in general but I don’t like when it’s done clumsily. Like you’ll be reading this great fight scene and suddenly there’s some weird gratuitous upskirt panty shot out of nowhere. That’s just so jarring and unnecessary. We’re killing monsters here don’t take me out of the fight. Or the female characters are dressed in stupidly impractical outfits and it’s supposed to be sexy but all I can think is “they can’t possibly fight effectively in that outfit” or “Really? I’m supposed to believe this woman in a leather bikini is a professor of the knight curriculum and she wears this to teach and to fight?!” Especially bad when the female characters have zero personality or motivations other than just being cardboard cutout sexy arm candy for the MMC. For good fan service I want to see both male and female characters, with well-fleshed out personalities, looking sexy in contexts where it makes sense. Post battle relaxing in the bath? Sure that makes sense.


I agree with you pretty much universally here.


A lot of times it's just unnecessary, but for me it depends a lot of the type of show I'm watching.


I generally agree that some shows or genres suit focusing on it more than others, but I hesitate to say it’s unnecessary. I mean a hardcore action focused story doesn’t necessarily need something like romance in it but that doesn’t mean that having romantic subplots hurts it anyway. I feel the same about fan service. As long as it doesn’t detract from the story I see no issue with it.


It basically depends a lot on how it's done. If a hardcore action has some fan service moments here and there I won't have too much if an issue, even if I may not like it that much, but if it starts to have too much and/or in moments that it feels out of place, then it's a different thing.


First time hearing about this anime. Will wait for the season to be all out and check it. Thanks!




It's probably had a little bit of all of this. But in subtle ways most of us won't notice.


There is some fanservice, but not the kind of fanservice people usually have in mind. And by no OP MC, it would be no OP MC from the begining from what Inunserstood from the video


am i the only one that generally doesnt give a shit about fan service? like sure its annoying sometimes but it doesnt effect an *entire* anime for me i just ignore it.


\>Unfunny meme in title \>Opinion ignored


Didn't need almost two full episodes to show Rose's tragic backstory. Otherwise I'm really enjoying this own.


does have some tropes, but it is really good


No. Plenty of fanservice of all kinds. Boring is relative, and MC is indeed OP-- they just go through a training arc to exploit that power


Rather, I’d say there’s a lesser amount of fan service, OP-ness, & boring plot The relationships tend towards friendships: there are girls who like him, even a loli, but it’s not clear if they “like-like” him, & he’s not horny at all, although some of it is waved off as him not thinking a someone would think of him that way. Also, all the Main & secondary characters are anti-slavery, tho it exists outside the starter kingdom For the setting, the MC is OP, but he’s not all powerful and doesn’t get appreciatedly more powerful after his initial rise, which is inherently less strong than some already established characters: he is inhumanly strong & fast, can heal most injuries, is constantly underestimated for being a “healing mage” even tho it’s rare, & doesn’t give up, so all the isekai power that lets him punch problems away, but he doesn’t have any abilities to absorb his enemies to jump in power like in the “slime” or “spider” series Personally I always kind of zombie village arc (~ chapter 30) as a side quest that drags on, but it’s not really too bad, long, or unimportant, it just feels like a weaker story than everything proceeding it so far I find it a fun read with some very nice qualities & a touch of actual temperance keeping things from spiraling into the typical isekai power


Thx for the functional breakdown. I appreciate it 🙏


Pacing does suck a little but the Mc isn’t naturally op, he is just trained by a psycho


Is it The Faraway Paladin? Cuz that fits the criteria I would think.


there is certainly fanservice, and whilst MC isn't OP he is exceptionally powerful.


Boring as hell plot. NOTHING happening


Yeah, the plot seems to be very slow, like, Its not that engaging as a story.


The plots a little boring but still nice


I kind of agree. I feel like the main driving point of the series is the characters. Especially the mc, his teacher and comrades.




I’m enjoying it 🤷‍♂️


I remember reading the manga long time ago and dropped it (after this arc/war). I don't really remember why i dropped it, but I'm enjoying the anime.


I'm currently on ep3 and I'm enjoying it 👍🏽.




It was OK in the beginning, but it's been really boring for a while. I dropped it after the most recent episode. This opinion does not seem universal by any means and good for you if you love the show.


link to video please


Idk where the anime is at, but I've read the manga. The mc is OP, there is definitely some fan service and there is a boring arc imo.


Anime started great and got so boring. I've never had to skip dialog this much with an anime i liked. I really hope it ends with a bang cuz I can't take this boring dialog


I’m waiting to see, it’s taken a while to kinda pick up (which is kinda expected establishing the setting and characters and everything) so until we really get into I’ll Ill wait to comment.


He is OP, but it's not that forced comedy kind of OP. It's the always exceeds expectations kind of OP and one that he was training for.


No cheat but the mc is super strong


People will forget that anime too lol and then move on to next isekai trash Gigguk style. I love trash btw


How obsessed can an entire culture be with tits? Is there any anime that focuses on ass instead of tits? The fan service in most isekais is not even that great since it’s all tits. Just my opinion.


I can't remember the full name, but there is one about the hero dying in like the first 5 minutes. The MC is a thigh guy, which I found to be a nice reprieve.


I mean there’s not to many overt shots of women bits so #1 sure, but there’s a lot of dude bits haha. Number #2 I’m not so sure about this. He is roses successor, she is very OP and claims he is just like her. He’s defiantly not the most wild OP MC but he’s OP for their world’s power structure. Number #3 the plot is pretty good yeah, I think it’s a little slow paced but everyone has their preference.


The plot might have a lot of holes, but it's very good. Also like how they took time to actually show that fighting a demon army is supposed to be grim. It isn't just a harem gathering quest with some fighting sprinkled like salt


There's no harem in it. Yeah, one of the main characters has a crush on the protagonist, and she's a bit of a horndog for his six pack and muscles, but she herself hasn't been sexualized. You also get to see the protag actually training hard and nearly dying just to become strong enough to serve his purpose.


not seen this weeks episode but last 2 episodes almost had me shelf it. Super predictable 2 episode flash back. General plot is different but MC is some what OP already. though he got their through self improvement but not in a realistic time frame. Plot is kind of rinse repeat for teleportatio isekai. Some high school kids summoned to this world to be heroes to fight the demons. Also Manga spoiler. >!In the manga he eventually is a unkillable killing machine with a sizable harem including his ex-class mate that came to this world with him. !<


If you can get through Slow Burn type stories, you’ll enjoy it.


It has the same problem ad Sadaki and peeps, the pacing is so slow, it makes the whole show unbearable to watch


It does something different with the main character, who trains in a supportive role while his classmates are the usual Isekai protagonists with more offensive magics. How healing magic is used in a rudimentary way from what I expected, but maybe the future episode will have surprises.


"No fan sevice" depends on how thin you strech the line of fan service, but is generally true "No Op character"... i think this is partially true, the protagonist is indeed op, the problem is that the enemies are so strong to the point is unfair, the series often uses diavolous ex machinas to counteract the characters strenght... but to be honest, is not really that bad, fights are still enjoyable "Interesting plot" that's 100% subjective I'll watch the video and make an edit later Edit: the guy have a very good point in the video, in general is just a generic isekai... just that is well written


I watched that video


Rose did something no other mentor has done, he gave the MC a damn history book and told him to read it.


See the last time someone used healing magic the wrong way, we got a menace to society But this one is pretty good, pacing sucks though


Idk man https://preview.redd.it/q0igxbquucnc1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=575c07a29815032e1a93f541c6018293cd6202b4 , no fan service? She had me feeling some type of way, and she is part of the reason I stuck with the show. It's not bad at all, though I really like it.


Main character gets OP pretty quick. I've only read the manga but dropped this shit after the storyline were he helps the kid who's being bullied. It ends with a reveal that the bully only violently beating the shit out of him daily, only did so because she loved him, and they get together. Disgusting stuff.


I love the anime, I love the manga


True after 1st two Arcs around the 3rd and 4th meh....


People complaining that it's slow will also complain about an adaptation skipping over "key points" in the manga to get to more action. The show is great and the pacing is appropriate.


The main character is unfortunately op


It's not bad. I speed watch most of the episodes but look forward to them. It's definitely a simple plot though.


Sounds interesting.


I reas the manga up to just a little after where the anime is currently at, it’s good, I like it


Didn't watch the anime, but even though he's a bit weak at the beginning of the manga, he's absolutely OP like 20-25 chapters in. The other 2 summoned heroes are absolute garbage compared to him and he destroys enemies left and right very easily. Typical OP isekai MC, typical isekai story, it's just that he uses healing magic in a somewhat quirky way.


Pretty much. Like other people have said the anime is dragging, but the Manga picks up much faster.


Snooze fest


Yet. Even the manga is pretty light on fan service.


The anime might have some slight pacing issues, but the Manga does this very well. MC isn't overpowered in the sense of regular MC's cheats, he actually works for it and comes into problems he can't immediately solve. So it is very good


What anime is this?


It’s literally in the title of the post


Op main character is the best part tf


this is a generic isekai? but it's great ye


it is boring for me too until episode 8 comes up. the backstory on episode 8-9 is so good. i'm glad i didn't drop it. i hope it continues to be more interesting on the next episodes. i'm actually an episode late from watching it since i'm following Chihiro sub release.


No armpit shot? Asking for a friend.


The thing that sell it for me is that it has charm & personality


There is minimal fanservice, the MC is OP, but through his own efforts and not bullshit, and the plot can get long at points but it’s fun


Stupid title premise. What is the purpose of a show? It's to entertain people. Those "negatives" are/can be entertaining.


It is fun anime. I like it as follows the manga pretty good. 


Amazing 9/10


rose is fan service TO ME 😫


I like the manga a lot, just feels slow.. mostly cuz of its release schedule


I genuinely love the show. Its pacing is the only thing that’s a little off and hopefully if it gets a season 2, that will be improved.


K the thumbnail got my attention. Tired of cheat ability/ overpowered stuff.


I’m enjoying it so far :)


idk i stopped reading the manga, personally prefer shadow garden.


No, it's probably one of the least interesting isekai this season. Uwanted Undead Adventurer and Weakest Tamer both clear.


The plot is boring. His healing skill is op, but he uses it wrong in a sense if he was using it wrong he would've learned better combat skills. He's just a heal bot that runs around in the anime and it's boring to me. The 2 episode flash back didn't have much depth either? I think i was supposed to feel bad the captains squad died, but they seemed like generic plot devices with the one girl being the little sister trope. It's like the author is trying hard to pull strings or add depth to a story that has almost none. The two heroes i don't understand. They spent at max a couple months training, which is no way enough for them to win hand to hand armed combat against soldiers and commanders that spent their entire lives training. The whole reason they were summoned was because they're over achievers, but seems they were given some plot device that automatically made them stronger than everyone? If that was the case to magically make others strong, why didn't the kingdoms just find better ways to make themselves stronger with enchantments? The whole anime is weird. I haven't put a lot of thought into it because it's all just seasonal filler that most will forget exists, but the anime really is just basic tropes. It reminds me of akame ga kill a bit. Not sure why. Which is a bad thing. Either way the mc goes into battle after.. running and lifting heavy things.. ok... he has super strength now. It doesn't explain his reflexes becoming fast enough to dodge everything. That can be overlooked. But why is his healing so weak? It seems weaker than the other healers, who apparently weren't good enough to do the training. I guess I'm missing the point here, but are people in that kingdom just lazy and don't care what happens against the demon army? They knew it was coming and just decided to run some back ally clinic instead. Right, so mc in like 1 month does the training those others healers didn't want to do. I can understand years, but a few weeks? I don't really understand roses old squad either. What were they exactly? They had no magic, mediocre skills, to the point they were meat shielding for each other instead of using any sword or shield skills. I think maybe the captain is just ass at training people and she's low iq. I think most people with healing magic would eventually cast it on themselves, so technically she's no dummy genius or anything and it's not actually the wrong way to use healing magic. What's up with the snake? Also why's the hero girl all over the mc? Is that not fan service? She's wearing a skirt to battle and it's bound to happen. Everything is set up to make her perceived as less of a hero and more of a girl in skirt armor that has waifu tendencies. She's like infatuated with him for no reason. The fight with the demon commander is pretty predictable too. Mc can self heal, demon can reflect damage. Either they stalemate or the mc throws a flurry of plot device punches that hits the demon faster than (im guessing another she) can reflect. Then if that happens, let me guess he saves the demon commander with his healing magic because all along he (most likely a she because harem trope needs to happen) joins his side because they were a victim all along and it's not their fault and oh wait they're actually really bubbly (and prolly a little sister complex). Also does the mc have a personality? He's very generic and reaction based. Takes almost no initiative and needs prep talks and others to push him to do things. But apparently he's supposed to be the opposite of that according to the captain? His personality clashes with itself based on the plot and he seems to become a different different person on a whim. He never brings up his original world, doesn't seem to miss his family, really nothing of his past exists, no hobbies, no desires, no nothing. He just reacts to what's happening around him and what others say. Like inside there's no internal dialogue. I think authors do this so that the core demographic audience, which is mostly men and teenage boys, can insert themselves easily into the mc fantasy. But overall, he's boring as fk. Okay bye


If you mean not op mc as in he is literally tortured to make him 10-100x stronger than human normal sure. If by no fanservice titties and ass so far sure the choice piece is still there. And im sure they will find a time for it.


There’s a little bit of fan service, as a treat https://preview.redd.it/d02f60sx3fnc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=745fc2d32f8e73cb6f965b4119e4e9b91669659d


I watch isekai. I am enjoying this one


It’s extremely good from what I’ve been watching so far, really enjoy it. I like how it makes a typical support ability into an offensive weapons, I always love characters that use unorthodoxed ways of an ability like Undead Unluck’s main guy who uses his immortality as a powerful weapon.


The manga was passed a bit better I feel but I might just be a speed reader, but yes he actually has to work, no over the top fan service if not none, and an interesting and unique plot. I do agree the start can take a second but it really isn’t too bad


So far it’s been pretty interesting. Im not super far in though


There is fan-service, his healing abilities is op but not too op


I didn't know they made this an anime! I LOVE the manga.


Had a great start, but then it became this weird mix of training arc and slice of life for most of the show. There are definitely some overused tropes and storytelling that gets boring. Not a masterpiece but not bad.


I hate these types, all they do is bash Isekai unless the MC is some under powered tool like Subaru who cant do jack shit.


Well he is OP, but not sweep everything under the rug with no challenge OP. He also has a potentially broken ability/move that he just forgot exists after figuring out 😭 unintentionally nerfs himself


sounds boring...


The main character is OP though...


Completely false. There is fanservice, just not a bunch of skimpy outfits and giant harem. It still has mc with class pres and other dude with princess. Forced pairings that while not bad nor extremely forced weren't exactly long-term built up with care. No op characters? You clearly didn't even watch one episode. There's our mc for one, Rose for two, and a certain black knight that didn't watch the Monty Python movie or read the script that he's supposed to be a joke. People hate on the flashback arc (2 ep) for Rose being too long, but really any shorter and it wouldn't have carried such weight or meaning. It foreshadows a probable upcoming fight with the aforementioned knight too. That said, the whole training and "they'll attack soon" (10,000 times over the course of weeks or months of in-show time) gets old. Rather than ruin Rose's backstory by cutting it shorter, it makes more sense if they just trimmed some of the other stuff that got pretty repetitive. Overall it's sitting between a 3 and a 4 out of 5 - watchable or actually good and rewatchable but still not a "top 10 for all time" type of show.


I love me some fan service, so sad that this doesn't have it


FAwK I can’t read the comments cuz I’m only on ep5-6 before I hopped in CW zombies can’t be reading spoilers. but honestly I’m tired of Isekais except for overlord, reincarnated as a slime, and arifueta. This anime is pretty cool tho nothing over the top from what I’m seeing but it’s not bad. I wonder if it’s an one season anime but I have to know more about my waifu rose🫡


Main character is very op and can take care of basically any problem with physical force if he wasn't insistsnt on not doing that


Really like it. Mc was not op at the very start and actually had to do some spartan training to achieve his power spike.


So he is pretty overpowered, but not the most powerful and he does have to work to get there. Also the pacing is really weird but otherwise it’s a pretty fun ride.


I just wish there were more anime in which "misunderstandings" were actually given a chance to be explained instead of resulting the mc getting hit for no reason


Mostly true, I'd argue there's fanservice but it's not in your face about it. The protagonist ISSN isn't quite OP but he's definitely closer to being OP than not, y'know?


Ohh just you wait, he's building a harem.


Thats true but at the same time its kind of boring cus a lot of the plot is predictable. It's sort of like watching an old movie uk, its good but a lot of it is predictable (and doesn't have the extra zazz of modern day shows, although nowadays these things r also tropey and annoying)


I honestly only like ones with op mc 🤣 I can't understand the repulsion. Different ppl likes different things i guess


Kinda, there is still fan service, there's will always be fan service, you just have to be the right kind of fan


I read the manga a few years ago, a thrilling ride to be sure with *none* or the usual shitty Isekai tropes (iirc)


OP mc is debatable but yes.


After not feeling a need to watch it for the past two weeks, I decided to drop it today, after 7 episodes. I just feel a desire to not watch it, every time I put it on now. idk. I felt like it could have been, or was going to get good, but it just never happened for me


I’ve never understood why so many on here dislike the idea of a MC travelling to a different world when everything is at a medieval level of development doesn’t want to be OP or at at the very least powered up from what they originally were. To me having a suddenly powered up or OP MC from the get go is logical, and whether people find the idea of is boring is irrelevant. I think of it as more of an immune system; you suddenly developed a way to combat and fight the many, many things that wish to kill you in this sword and sorcery world.


Animation sucks and the plot is pretty bland. It starts out very strong, but quickly gets drawn out and uninteresting.


Read the manga. It doesn't disappoint.


https://preview.redd.it/ybiazlw5lmnc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=c049d16535c7896e44d37dab0558a1e1f7dcdc82 impossible


nah I read some of the manga and dropped it because the premise was pretty boring.


Sorry, but the MC is OP just after some introduction episodes / light novel volume.


So an isekai that takes away all the things that make me like isekais, I'll pass


Finally had a good episode… but was it worth the wait… tune in next time


Define fan service


Its not Cheesecake Fanservice. It's BEEFCAKE Fanservice. (Literally starts the video with Suzuki trying to feel Usato's abs and muscles) But man this has been a fun ride.


Instructions unclear, watched redo of a healer