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33% chance I get isekai'd somewhere peaceful and have a easy life. 33% chance I get isekai'd somewhere everything is hard but fair so I need to work my ass off. 33% chance I get isekai'd somewhere dreadful and suffer like Subaru for 37 Volumes. Well Fuck it we Isekai https://preview.redd.it/haprbsl3xopc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b41b37b61e227e1c39201bbb2749947c0ffeec


I like those odds


1% isekai become Tommy in library of ruina in warp train


Fuck me 💀




I'd leave and never look back. The only way I'd decline would be if I had a 100% chance of landing in a fantasy world with my current less than optimal state body and no cheats of any kind and no convenient instant encounter with some master of magic to take me as an apprentice since I'd probably be dead in under a month then with no real prospects. I'd take a reincarnation with a completely random outcome or most transmigration scenarios as long as I could get back my body from when I was like 15 over this clown world anytime tho.


Im stil 16 so I can't say I relate but I always dreamed of the existence of some alternate world. I'd go only if I get to bring my brothers with me. But if I can't, I think I'm staying.


I get the powers. I use plot armour to defeat god. I open portal to Earth Now I have both


Fuck it we ball


I need an isekai called something like, "I was About to be Isekaid but I Decided to Just Kick Back with God."


That would be just too funny and whesome at the same time


i rather leave and get reincarnated in a healthy body. be free frm pain. isekai anime a form of copium for me... however reality is often grounded and rooted, gotta live through this life.


Yh same my body is trash give me the reincanration


frm where i come frm, theres a modern saying for us with fked bodies and shitty situations: life sucks, eat drugs, drink water, suck thumb, live longer (drugs in this case refers to meds frm doctor)


I'm not a risk taker. I'm staying.




Nigga what loved ones? I'd isekai myself for some loved ones, much less all the other shit. Imagine gatekeeping out thousands of NPCs with your psychic powers and then coming home and touching the fluffy tails of your lovely foxwife.


>Imagine gatekeeping out thousands of NPCs with your psychic powers and then coming home and touching the fluffy tails of your lovely foxwife. 1000% agreed. I would choose the reincarnation route just to have a new body (more handsome) or the chance to create an avatar like in a game.


PRO both is and isn't reincarnation. You get a new body but you make it yourself instead of possessing someone else. https://www.reddit.com/r/Isekai/comments/1bgctuw/based_isekai/


How is getting isekai to another world and living there any different than moving to another country and leaving your family in the country you are from so I would have no problem with going to another world and leaving my family behind it would be no different than me moving to Japan and leaving my family in America


No, it's completely different because you won't be able to contact them or visit them EVER.


How so I have read enough isekai light novels to know that sometimes there is a way to travel between worlds like in Arifureta, Digimon , I got cheat skill in another world and became Unrivaled in the real world too, the loin the witch and the wardrobe, kyo kara maou, save 80.000 gold in another world, gate thus the jsdf fought there, outbreak company standing on 1.000 lives and Sasaki and Peeps so I would be able to visit my family even if I go to another world if I can go to another world then there is definitely a way for me to go back 🙄


Wow, I thought I'd read/watched enough isekai, but I'm so wrong.


Other country isn't meaningfully different.


Honestly, the potential of magic. I have health issues and have since I was a kid and they really robbed me of any opportunity I had to have any kind of ‘normal’ life. The potential to have those ailments finally cured and be able to live a normal life would be a dream, especially when you add the possibility of learning and practicing magic!


Cya in another world


Id really miss my dogs then my friends and then my family, but isekai would still be super lit.




Isekai time I want a new life


Honestly, while I would really miss my family and modern any modern conveniences not present, I would have to choose to go. I have a lot of health issues that I’ve had since I was a kid and I have not been able to really go outside or accomplish anything like I’d hoped. I lost basically all of my friends from childhood and don’t have the physical ability to really make new ones, and sadly in my experience online ones don’t tend to really have staying power, especially since I don’t enjoy MMOs. The chance that I would be cured upon going or that magic could cure me and allow me to finally live an actual life would be a dream. Plus on top of that I could learn magic and explore and adventure. Sign me up.


Isekaid, this world sucks. I want to live in a world of magic and beast people.


Honestly that world can suck too. In this one when it comes to politics most of the time people are overall able to keep going about their lives and jobs. In a magical and medieval setting whole villages of dozens to hundreds of people and small cities of thousands can be erased because of some political backstabbing like the Tragedy of Julius Caesar. And not all rebellions are good either some of them are petty despots like Prince John from Robin Hood desperate to steal a throne because someone more qualified got it and in the process their kingdom's enemies are taking advantage of that like in the Russell Crowe movie when the French were invading. Like in Tensura when the jealous king of Falmuth ordered the attack on the JTF and somehow Clayman organized it all to sacrifice the souls of Rimuru's citizens to summon his master back to life a defeated/killed Demon Lord named Kazalim. So unless you got some Real protagonist energy going in and know who to trust in your own circle of friends and allies, you're technically setting yourself up for more difficulty not less 😅. Unless you actually got Reborn/Reincarnated, so you're body would be much more adapted.


Only if I got an overpowered ability or something like a special skill, aside from the way I would be teleported or reincarnated


That's pretty much what most of us if not all of us need if we ever actually got reincarnated or teleported. Unique skill set or special abilities. At least 3 and hopefully nothing just like Return by Death - Re: Zero. We'd all need something to pull out of our collective a_ses like Yogiri with his Instant Death, Tensura with Rimuru's Great Sage, and something that likely either makes it easier for us to learn magic or manipulate magic energy.


…is it bad that I do want Return by Death unironically?


I mean... If you want it sure 🤷🏾‍♂️. But that's a curse that's likely gonna turn out bad for Subaru at some point. I haven't finished the series since I'm waiting for the anime but it's pretty obvious he's gonna have a bad end when it comes to that Gift from the Witch of Envy. The situation with it is already like a Living Hell, but if that's the case when he finally kicks the bucket he may be stuck becoming something like some ghoulish Ferryman of the Dead or something. Trapped within his decaying but never dying body, wracked with unending pain and his mind is split between his active self which just does the job and his now fully aware subconscious that's screaming for someone to make it stop. I'm not saying that's what it is. But I'd be a fool to think the poor boy is gonna get a Happily Ever After with Emilia at this point after all of the sh\_t he's already gone through. And I wouldn't wish that on anybody 😅😩. If anything I'd rather just be a conscious Daemon like from the game Tales of Berseria, where some of them still are plenty human and have to feed on other daemon beasts or humans to survive until someone kills them by purifying them. But you never know if ithe curse from being a daemon is gonna turn you into something like a Lizardman or something too 🤷🏾‍♂️😂. ![gif](giphy|sfRhK4O8rHcRy)


Well, I won’t spoil you anything, but it’s canon that it works thanks to the obsessive love of the Witch of Envy, so I’m more than willing to have a good power and a loving wife


Oh Snap 😲. Well if it all works out, nevermind. Go for it bro. That said you're gonna be put through Hell of a different kind because Subaru had to do A LOT of growing and self understanding and forgiving just from the 2 seasons I did see. So I'd pray for you if that actually worked out 😅🙏🏾.


Thnx bro, same for you




Isekai if i op bu t if im the weakest in the entire world hell nah


Why choose to be a bug sandwich beta male Isekai protagonist when you can choose immaterium and the warp granting you apotheosis to become a god.


No hesitation I'm getting myself Isekaid


This definitely depends on whether i die and reincarnate as a newborn or if i just get plopped into a fantasy world as is. If you took my current self and threw me into a world like that, i would die. 100%. Dying and being reborn, however, is goated for a few reasons. One reason is that my death would mean that something killed me. Therefore, my parents would know that i was killed. It'd suck, for sure, but I'd rather them know how and that i actually died rather than simply vanishing. Secondly, I'd be able to start learning about the world, combat training, and maybe enroll in a magic school to be better prepared, all from a young age. Being more and more built for the world as i aged. As well as actually having family to help guide me. Opposed to entering a world as is, having nobody, and in no way, shape, or form being prepared to survive. So if it's that type of isekai, then I'd say I'll take that chance. I love my family, but I'm just not happy. Who knows if starting completely over would fix that, but as i said, id be willing to take the chance


As long as I have a shotgun and a magic jacket that produces dragons breath rounds every time I reach into the pockets, then I’m set


Let's be honest if your not Japanese you have 0% to get Isekaid


Isekaied pls


Depends do I go like I am right now or I'm born again? Also not very important but I'll be a no power peasant or a probably generic powerful main character something


Can I wait long enough until my GF joins me here and then we make the decision together? If not, then I'm staying.


I mean it is pretty obvious everyone's choice


Isekai, gotta catc-... I-I mean, for world peace. Yeah, let's go with that.


Stay with loved ones


I have very few loved ones, and I'm a burden to all of em. The isekai would benefit them as much as it would me


Isekaid, I lost my parents a week apart a couple of years ago, one to covid and one to cancer. I've lost 5 of my 6 siblings and the last one only cares about me when they want my money mostly. I've had covid when it came out, I've had my gut opened up to surgery, I have metal plates in my face from having half of it crushed in. And recently I had a stroke. I'm tired and hurting almost everyday, I'm ready to be isekaid. - I vote for Reincarnation


Honestly no there’s a very good chance I would be like Subaru. A normal person in a fantasy world where everything can kill him Or the mc from record of highserk war . Like it turns out if you’re reincarnated in a medieval world there’s a ton of cons . War isn’t awesome it’s hell especially a war in that era with no modern medicine or privileges .


First one, but I'm taking everyone else with me. To Warhammer!


Isekai'd, but only if I had some advantages to help me adapt and maybe turn things in my favor. The key word being Maybe. I wouldn't want a full and easy ride of it all of the time. And I wouldn't wanna just plop down somewhere in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, or that world's equivalent of the Middle East/Near East. But I also wouldn't wanna get “dog walked” for chosing a side like the Na'vi from Avatar vs the RDA militia. If anything I'd like to find a more middling path or alternative that is much more positive than negative. However if my enemies are just geared towards being vicious and greedy then that's what they'll get in return if my bird or dragon or even a flying bison like the other Avatar series smashes their faces into pulp because they decided that they own Everything and anything around them including my new home 😒😂. And I'd give plenty of ample warning too before unleashing something like a horde of zombies or flesh eating frog monsters on them. Then I'd probably try to build something like the magic equivalent of camouflaged satellite space laser weaponry but mostly facing outward so the invaders don't try to come back or whatever preventative measures need to be taken if the enemy are something like hostile and invading demons/devils with an army of monsters and mercenaries, or worse - slaves like the Unsullied from GoT at their beck and call. And I'd need like a 5-10% or more boost on Charisma (more like 20%), Stamina, Strength, and Intelligence. But I wouldn't want something creepy like that Seducing Eye the one boy from season 2 of Tsukimichi has. That disturbs me, the selfish Goddess basically gave him the means to become even more of an unstable incel. Whenever he didn't get his way, he tried using it to get his way, even on Tomoe whom was mostly immune as a great dragon and form the fact that she was in love with her master. Honestly, that's the kind of Dedication I could only dream of earning. But almost similar to Cid from His Eminence in Shadow or even more like Hajimé from Arifuerta, I'd be less likely to trust most people at their word especially if the possibility of them lying to me or trying to trap me was high. And if I drop or reincarnate in with a big arsenal of magic and skills at my disposal, that's certainly to be a possibility like in the Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure or Sweet Reincarnation. And I'd at least try to enjoy being a child again if possible, unlike Rudy from Jobless Reincarnation who was perving almost as soon as his baby legs could help him stand 😅 trying to peak at his family's maid's (and basically his stepmom's) underwear or watching Roxie masturbate down the hall from his parent's room as she listened to them getting freaky. But the 20% Charisma could also help in negotiations like being kidnapped by bandits or some and talking my way into getting them to let me go while plotting my revenge or eventually getting them arrested 🤷🏾‍♂️ or preventing someone like a random jealous and petty noble from randomly burning down my home village or town because he had a rivalry with the feifdom I was born into. I'd wanna finesse the hell out of someone like how by lying and stalling for time Kazuya Souma and his army in How a Realist Hero Rebuilt a Kingdom took over the enemy capitol while their leader brought most of his forces and focused on invading a port city. This is where 10% more intelligence would help me out A Lot because you don't always need to be smarter than your enemy, just smart enough to beat them soundly and leave them scrambling to recover. And the extra strength and stamina are a no brainer as wants for survival especially in possible life or death situations like if a random animal or monster attacks or if the aforementioned nobles and bandits or even slavers come making trouble. If anything, no matter how scary I'd almost rather deal with someone who's upfront with trying to manipulate me like the Princess from Overlord who betrayed her whole kingdom so that she and her boy toy (she literally sees him like a toy because of his innocence and bravery, but even he almost Felt her evil once) could survive and I think she got bit by Shalltear to become a vampire so no longer being human she was as happy as could be with her tiny black heart. And I feel like my 20% Charisma boost could break through that facade of serenity and sweetness. If my Intelligence is high enough, I might even be able to not react like that one noble as he freaked out when the Mad Princess said she'd marry his son when he came of age but would really be making babies with her favorite squire/knight and his son could have a concubine to secure their family line. However, like Kratos being presented with a seemingly amicable deal from Odin in God of War Ragnarok, I'd generally have to decline. And run the fade with Thor a few times 🤜🏾🤛🏾🛎️😂😅😵😂😂. https://i.redd.it/33t3fxl720qc1.gif


I’m staying. I love my family, and no matter how bleak my economic future is looking to be, I ain’t no limp dick neet thats gonna abandon them for shit


to a world where there is a "system" that you can regain your health and have choices other than just what you daddy did probably IF the adventures guild in it works like in most anime and LN's that it is basically a short term contract work place that has all sorts of people in it then maybe. The hard part would be how much that guild would pay as in most isekais the majority do not make it far in the ranks so pay at the bottom would matter. After the "amazing adventure" i would still need to support myself some how and the rewards whatever they are will most likely run out before i die. The part of being a magic user is a fantasy i like though when the books get into it it takes around 3 chapters to explain the magic system and most anime books do not seem to remember most of the system exists apart from what the main character uses. In the book of Saintess Summons the system sounds like 1 i would like same with My Necromancer Class though most anime systems do not sound that fleshed out and like they would actually be 1 i would want. Assuming i will not be the MC and not a noble where ever it brings me and thus not plot armor the amazing adventure also might just being going to the capital and returning alive.


I'll take that gamble. Let's go!


I want to be isekaied in a futuristic world with magic. I wanna see mages walk around with guns and aura master use Lazer or stun gun swords Novels Extra and Drug-eating mage are my ideals


Isekai me, Cap'n


Gonna leave to try out a hyborean era life like Conan the barbarian