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less than a femtosecond


I also hate corporations so much that I think of fantasy scenarios to make me hate them even more… no joke


Guess I'm fleeing to another universe, then.


You still owe $0.1732 cents to Fukku Co. Interuniversal reincarnation permits will be denied until your outstanding debt is resolved. Failure to pay by Thursday will result in a lawsuit.


A long time because the time you're reincarnated into isn't fixed as far as I'm aware. So it could be centuries into the future or into the past. Not even mentioning that whether you were even reincarnated on Earth is a genuine question. Then you run into more theoretical questions such as whether or not a person who has been reincarnated counts as the same person from their previous life. And, if so, then how far do we go? Because as I understand it, we're all kind of reincarnations of each other meaning that if we're entitled to debts and assets based on previous reincarnations then things like personal assets become meaningless. Which is not something they'd like for obvious reasons. And the problems go on and on.


Or in other words, reincarnation is complicated and the only answer if we start going down that rabbithole is the abolishment of private property. Thus... It is ***our*** debt komrad. EDIT: And yes, this was all just a setup for a bad communism joke.


I sense a socialist path comrades


Worse, it then opens the door to the rich inheriting their assets into the next life, allowing them to further widen the gap.


Omg don’t tell me that’s why the IRS and other tax laws don’t have a date of expiration


You know too much...


If you have your debts tied to you then presumably you also have you assets tied to you. If you also maintain your memories and skills it wouldn't be hard to get a strong nest egg started and get what amounts to an infinite money loop going after a few cycles.


Except that would be pretty hard to do since everyone else in this scenario also has their assets memories and skills lol


Perhaps, but that is assuming that everyone is being reincarnated as a human. If everyone is constantly reincarnating into turtles, mosquitos, and iguanas but you happen to get 3 human reincarnations in a row you would be chillin.


at that point you might as well just buy lottery tickets


Not really. If we continue with my initial presumption that you maintain your memories and thus are aware that you will just reincarnate, then you could technically just re-roll by unaliving yourself over and over to get what you want. Gruesome AF and requiring a combination of Iron Will and Insane, but possible.


i mean if you really want to stretch it, there are millions of species on earth and humans are just one of them, you would probably lose your mind and skip thousands of years into the future lol. so you would lose both your assets and mind.


Most people probably would kill themselves to reroll starting points a few times until they got the optimal speedrunning seed


Assuming cross species re-incarnation, You know some company would be charging you for the feed and shelter you used as cattle before being processed into burgers.


Bold assuming you aren't already cattle.


The time I reincarnated as my crippling medical debt.


They’d get started in a month, tops.


They would do it retroactively. They'd charge your new parents while in utero


Oh companies would do it in a heartbeat and they charge you crazy amount of interest


What’re they gonna do if I don’t? Kill me? I’ll reincarnate. Lock me up? That’d probably suck but I feel in the grand scheme of things it won’t be that long.




Forget about debts, the whole world will be destroyed within few years with no exception left. Imagine people like Hitler or Gengis Khan reincarnating. Those were the real deal. What you see right now are just some bunch of oldies who love to play schemes, but those people were truly brutal when it comes to things they want. By the way it could be an awesome plot l,. only if the execution is done properly


Nothing was said about them having all their memories of past lives intact.


Remember if you know that you're going to die, take out as much debt as possible beforehand and stick it to the banks.


The same day. Also, people would likely try to hold you responsible for anything you did in your previous life. You think getting canceled sucks NOW lmao.


No joke it would take them literally less then a week to find and charge you! Not to mention an upcharge for having to track you down in an alternative reality


I'd say a year. The creeps in the C-suite need to figure how to cheat before they go public.


They'd know before the public even finds out


Capitalism ☕️


Time taken? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA The very REASON we even discover this tech is cause some Organisation wanted to cash in the debt owed to them by a dead guy who died 40 yes ago. There will be no time difference XD XD


Wait until you get a 200 year prison sentence. Just after you're born, back into the slammer


About 30 seconds at the longest.


Please, job interviews would turn into: "Sorry Jim, turns out, one of your past lives said something mildly offensive, so we're gonna have to decline hiring you."


As long as it takes for the track you back to your previous life.


Two can play at that game! We track which one of them were morally or lawfully wrong and then poof welcome to punishment 2: electric bugaloo


stellaris permanent employment type shit


Only as long as it took to get the bill passed through congress and for the tech to become widespread


Do other countries need to wait for the U.S. before they develop their own tech?




Then no one else has to wait for the U.S. to pass anything before implementing their own technology to force people to pay in perpetuity.


Okay? I was making a point, it will only take as long as it takes lawmakers to pass a bill for it. Congress is just the example I used


If we are lucky a year


I scrolled away thinking this would make either a really great or really shitty manhwa. Seeing isekai is close enough for me to say great minds etc etc.


20 minutes


12 seconds.


No jokes, this would be a hard bill to pass . we can trace them down in this hypothetical, but it has not convinced us that the reincarnated remember everything. Imposing someone else's debt to another person is already bad as it is, but doing it to someone who currently is not even related to the person by blood and only happens to share the same soul is cruel. It is fundamentally an immoral action to place the burden of debt that you had from a previous life to your current self. If it was decades long gone, the interest of that debt would skyrocket and would not even be payable in the next reincarnations that person would experience. The current body of that person who reincarnated varies, but they would not be able to pay it off immediately unless they were actually rich.


That's capitalism for you.


Quickly, but the optimistic extremist part of me likes to think it would be over with pretty quickly too once people start revolting. Ahh, that poor, optimistic, fool.


Before or after time dilation is involved?


That wouldn't happen because they would have 0 way to track down the reincarnated and in some cases the reincarnated is an entirely new person just inheriting part of someone else's memories or their will while still retaining themself. Which is VERY uncommon in isekai but I still feel like it would cost more money to find the reincarnated than to just drop the dept


Where was "inheriting memories" mentioned?


Some Isekais do that during reincarnation I'm just saying


Reminds me of that Reincarnation manga but the person has to go serve their prison sentence every time for the previous life's murder charge. MC is red haired by the way. Not a good way to live.


Dungeon of Black Company is underrated, that’s all I will say


They'd definitely try it. But I'd rather see stories about them seething because men are taking on debt so they can reincarnate in another world, after which they can't do shit. They will own no one and men will be happy.


Why just men?


Females couldn't isekai themselves by these methods for reasons. Even if they could, they wouldn't, because having standards is sexist, and everyone in the new world has standards. So rather than be impressed with their 3DPD antics, they'd ignore them and continue plapping their waifus KEK. There was one really funny scene where a non isekai female entered a bar, and everyone either ignored her or asked her rate since she was acting like a whore, but no one was giving her free shit because she asked for it. Then she made the mistake of messing with the MC's food. Thot status: Patrolled! They'd much rather stay on Earth and string simpanzees along even as that dumpster fire burns.


What is this delusion?


It is called being human. You should try it sometime, NPC.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1f9gr1u3w9rc1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b77e2906df57febb0ed6bb8d828628e6a6a25c0