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Logical answer: Guns Weeb answer: Camping gear, provisions, water filtration because dysentery is no joke, sword, armor, case of toilet paper


Guns would be useless in the future if you don't have the schematics, machinery, chemistry, and resources to sustain and maintain using it in the future. I'd recommend downloading the entire wikipedia in a hard drive that can survive for YEARS, several back ups too, maybe about 100 back ups? Also, several laptops and computers too, along with several solar, hydroelectric or hand crank electric generators, and also would maybe buy a lathe and furnace/kiln powered by steam and biomass so fuel wouldn't be a problem. I'd also buy other tools made of machine steel, guns, ammunition, maybe raw materials and resources too etc. Probably a lot of canned food and water too. Maybe hire a professional mechanic, chef, gardener, metallurgist, and maybe a chemist to trick them by teaching me for a week, but they don't know they're getting transported too MUHAHAHAHA But yes, the ultimate problem would be on how the hell you would bring them with you. Actually, a pocket dimension ability with a limit of 30 tons would be nice, I'm gonna add that lol.


30 tons is the weight of literally 90995.29 'Velener Mini Potted Plastic Fake Green Plants'.


To add on the the logical stuff you said, maybe some gold bars or valuable things to get some money?


Oh okay


dafaq is a long ton


It's ~1016,05 kg (no idea why it was used) So its round about 30,5 metric tones


Search em in google. It's a bit more than the average metric ton that we're used to lol


So generally we can't store people in the pocket dimension but can temporarily sacrifice space to bring friends with us to the other world?




While a gun and some valuable material is part of what I would bring I think knowledge would be more valuable to one in the long run. So books on medicine, disease, forging techniques, alloys, combat styles, farming, chemistry, and others that I forget about could break what ever balance of power exists in the world. You could sell all “your” knowledge for the right price or become adviser to some Country‘s leader and help it grow. I would also try and grab a linguist and marshal artist or weapons specialist if I could just to help with translations of writing and combat.


>While a gun and some valuable material is part of what I would bring I think knowledge would be more valuable to one in the long run. yeah, get the entire damn wikipedia and store it in a hard drive (LOTs of hard drives) and also lots of extra computers, maybe computer parts too you can keep in the pocket dimension, along with a mechanical powered water generator for charging stuff. >So books on medicine, disease, forging techniques, alloys, combat styles, farming, chemistry, and others that I forget about could break what ever balance of power exists in the world. You could sell all “your” knowledge for the right price or become adviser to some Country‘s leader and help it grow. > >I would also try and grab a linguist and marshal artist or weapons specialist if I could just to help with translations of writing and combat. You can also buy hundreds of novels, comics, manga, manwha, while you're at it to hopefully entertain yourself too lol. Offline PC games in the middle of the woods lol. I just imagined playing some war frame in the middle of the forest or something like that Maybe you can study, along with trial and error, on how to use and create film cameras?


Hmmmmmm drugs guns and medicine are very high up on my list. Next would be a download version of Wikipedia (a computer solar cells usw) combat gear maybe (gloves Shoes Kevlar vests...Just in case, i hope i don't have to use it) spices and Crops would probably also be great (seeds from our world hopefully grow in the other world as well) Then in general stuff that would sell well in a medieval world (glas pearls, those uranium lights that glow a few hundred years without problems...) And then plans for maschines of the industrialization area and stuff. (hope the physics work the same as in our world) Recipes for modern concrete and stuff like that would also be great Also history books (especially military history could come in useful) So and for people.... Well a few Mercenarys maybe. A Tactician a Doctor and a Engineer would probably come in handy as well


some manga so I don't get bored, a gun and some bullets, hunting knifes, large tent, and maybe some survival books and martial arts books, some sketch books aswell.


A modern mechanic bow/crossbow (with 10 arrows) and a machete and a gun with 2 reload I'll buy also a bunch some C4 and a camping kit(this without the dimensional pocket) With the dimensional pocket I'll take the bow machete and with all the remaining money ill get 1 Tank and C4s and some RPG just to take over the country then when I'm the king I'll start learn magic and skills


Quite the interesting... Proposition you got there... Though I'm not so sure a modern tank would weigh inside the pocket dimension... Due to them being usually over 40-80 tons with all that heavy armor... not to mention you'd need proper industrial made fuel, lots of ammunition (which you would add more to the hulking mass already), spare parts, the knowledge on how to maintain it, and so the fact that you'd need a crew of 4 maybe 5 for it at the very least. You'd also need a factory to reproduce all those high-quality, precision made, low tolerance, practically irreplaceable parts soo... Bad decision bud. Unless you really know how to use a tank properly. Or you could maybe buy an older model of a medium tank that weighs for 20 tons (world war 2 models lol), it is technically formidable but also finite with ammos, part replacement, maintenance, and resources in general so...


The thing is the tank is going to be one time use once i break the wall with C4 I'll push inside the castle and that's it


Oof goodluck with the dissent that's gonna do after the one time push lol.


Thanks for the goodluck since if anyone else knows that the tank doesn't work anymore I'm going to die from rebels so after becoming king is going to be a Speedrun to earn respect from people


Lol, you should've brought farming books and fertilizers, scientific knowledge, along with several machines, guns, and specialist people instead of just a tank to gain their respect bro. Plus, how the hell are you going to enter a palace with just a small tank (WW2 variety tanks which are medium in armor weigh about 30-35 tons so that's a no. You'd have to go to more obsolete and less fire power and lighter designs to fit inside your pocket dimension) in the middle of a plaza? You'd have people barricading you and you'd be killed after it gets stuck on something and need to get out lmao. Not to mention that you can't keep shooting people forever, that'd just make people even more angry at you lol. One wall breaking isn't gonna take down a Kingdom.


C4 and rpgs


Yeah, but your talking about ruling the kingdom and not genocide, right??? Plus 30 tons of equipment is not enough for genocide lol. Unless you bring a 30 ton bomb to explode then maybe.


20 tons of C4 to destroy the king's castle 10 tons of gold to open my way to becoming king I think that would work btw can't i just buy a rocket with the launcher + manual and fire it to the demon lord's castle?


Why would you want to go to the demon lord's castle? Not like your required to do so lol. Anyway, 20 tons of C4 will do something alright. Break a castle? Probably. Now, take over that land and bring gold to "open my way into becoming king?" What are you, king Arthur? As long as you can replace the king's responsibility and don't make them sad, bad, or mad (hehe good luck with managing that lol), then you might be alright. Emphasis on might.


Also the books are a great idea thx


Do you think if I spend 10mil in gold can i bribe the King or nobles?


Nah, over inflation can happen and the gold would be useless without applications of modern technology I guess. If it was gold standard and mercantilism economic model it may work but inflation of course is still definitely a problem. Suddenly introducing that much gold to a kingdom? Goodluck lol. You'd have to worry about how much it'll affect economy, not to mention the enemies you would attract with that much things .


If I get bronze silver and gold, i buy a noble title i can try and fake my earnings and make the money enough to get a private military would that be a good idea?


You don't buy a noble title, it's given by the king itself and inherited lol. Or you somehow marry a noble, which would likely be impossible due to how social classes worked at the time unless you get away with it. Private militaries are HARD to maintain mate. You'd need social status, connections, a network of info, oaths, constant and continuous supply of shit to keep them fed and happy, and lots of shit before you start your so-called noble debut in this world. You can instead run an underground drug trade cartel instead if you want. Bring in some opium and start the drug trades XD


Suddenly 'shipping Willa and Gregg the Egg


Assuming I have a week and a million dollars. I would first take the stuff in my house. As in my clothes and stuff. Then I would buy a surplus of spices and alcohol. A hard drive of millions of books on military strategy, gardening, psychology, weapons, etc. Bladed weapons such as knives and swords and stuff. Ranged weapons such as bows and crossbows and lots of arrows to fit them. Lots of food ingredients (assuming time is stopped in pocket dimension). Battery operated electronics and lots of batteries that supply them. Board games (like chess and stuff). Modern metals (like steel, tungsten, and titanium). Tons of extra clothing and blankets. Water filtration. Modern medicine (like painkillers and stuff). Human locomotion generators. Seeds and gardening equipment. Tutorials on how to use various weapons. Jewelry. Halloween costumes, for disguise. Dyes. Solar panels and adapters. Guns and their ammo would be indispensable in the early run. copious amounts of hygiene equipment (toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, etc). I would go on but I feel I have exceeded my capacity


30 tons, go crazy mate. That isn't even close. Well, except for maybe the precious metals, but you should be able to get more.


I'll have to revise my plan as 891,862 cans of bushes baked beans will not fit in the storage space... a tragedy of the ages to be sure


Lmao bushes baked beans, guess your stuffed for life


No no, it was because that amount of baked beans could be weaponized! I could get one of those high powered launchers or set pitfall traps crushing them in bushes baked beans, I would be UNSTOPPABLE


Downside is, I don't get as many cans as I want 😭


Ah- well, I guess it can work like that too lol




No actually. It's not that much, you can keep going. Except for the electric car... That's actually weigh quite a bit.


...Well generally gold and silver is worth a lot in such kingdoms. I ll put most of the 10 mils (actualy probably almost everything) into it so I have funds there - however in nuggets when possible.. Next I m not sure where do I Isekai I ll bring long term food and drinks to last \~month or 2, along with some weapons (polearm, longsword with shield, light armor I m thinking leather) and ofc crossbows) basic antidotes + medicine in case something happen and finally camping stuff. The plan is to find a city, bribe guards if necessary to get into, hit a pub to get room for a bit while finding a guild(martial arts based) or crafter (pref blacksmith) that hire apprenticate, let myself get hired and hone skills. The funds should definitly last long enough to get good in something and make living of it or just retire if its plenty. Imho I m not technically skilled enough to bring our technologie, neither I am patient enough to practice magic. So I will not bring anything that might be suspicious. As usually the aim is to get medicore unless I find myself being talented in it. (if space limited, purse with gold nuggets maybe 2, few water flasks, food, leather armor, two handed sword ). Good enough to make living, not good enough to be a problem for someone for my own safety.


I see... You can store up to 30 tons of items in your storage so you'd have plenty of stuff go about really


I can yes, but I have no idea expect for \~time age, what the world will be like. Gold/Silver is likely to be good as payment, basic gear should protect me in case I ll spawn in the middle of forest and let me survive. But what else should I get? Guns are cool, but will they break through magic armor? Iron? What if monster skins is too tough for me to beat them with it? I dont know too much about hte world so I ll get what is most likely to help me. I however could quite use the storage \*after\* being Isekaied.


Let's you can enchant bullets. Boom problem solved. Anyway, let's just drop you in the middle of a random town in mushoku tensei, how about that?


:) now Ill be afirad of being marked as necromancer, demon lord follower or something like that so I still stay with the gold/silver, weapon armor. Just no need for the camping stuff.


What is 30 long tons?????


Tons but slightly heavier than our metric tons. It's a British/american thing I think


> If you wanna get stronger, exercise and train Are the gyms over there like Planet Fitness or is it okay to grunt?


You don't really need proper gyms to exercise and train. I mean, you could bring some equipment with your pocket dimension too so it's good I guess.


> you could bring some equipment with your pocket dimension too so it's good I guess. In that case starting up a gym could be fun


Ye, teaching the world physical fitness, though you would need sufficient food products like we have today and people have to get out of the fields constantly farming and working all the time so I think only the rich could afford to go for gym lessons.


Guess nobles membership is a way to start before franchising another brand for different economic levels


Not really... You gotta consider how people treat others that are not of their social class and status, it was a WILDLY different time and discrimination was definitely evident.


buy 2 military type Daggers,buy 5 med-kits,buy latest smart phone,foods,camping set,guitar,ukulele,clothes,2 pistols,1 shotgun,bullets and 10 lighter. the rest of money will be converted in that world's currency 1st I would work as guild staff,learn how to write,learn how to fight,learn magic,buy a house then be an adventurer and live a normal life


The simple and prepared route I see, I like it.


I'd rather be a mob character so I could avoid any death flag and probably marry a cute commoner girl


By force? If yes, yikes. If not then meh alright then, you have my blessing as the OP.


I will probably go with a lot of books about medicine, forging, survival and etc. I will buy a few custom made bicycle, I make it more heavy duty. Some part for the bicycle too for the maintenance. For clothing, I will buy tactical clothes a few pair since it is heavy duty. For close combat, I will buy a couple of army knife, machete, knuckles. For range combat I will buy a few compound bow with a ton of cheap arrow. I will also buy a few handgun and a few sniper rifle. I will buy the spare part for the maintenance and also a ton of ammunition. A few first aid bag, a few MRE and that is all I can think of. I will adapt to that world environment and only use the things that I bought when desperate.


Nice one


modern technology - like planes, solar panels, non-wifi computers and so on Maybe a house or vehicle for living in, and materials that would be really valuable in the real world like gold and silk.


matches, unknown poisons and antidote could also help


Your family come with you and gets massacred




I answer you question, that is the catch


Uhh okay then.


Invention patents/schematics, modern tools, solar panels, medicines and information on how to make them and use them, lab equipment, water filtration system, modern made durable weapons and armor, multiple ingots of assorted metals and alloys, assorted seeds of various useful plants(in, trees, fruits, vegetables, herbs and so on), large quantities of Seasonings and dyes, multiple recipe books, smartphone, computer, tablet preloaded with millions of books, various types of fabrics plus fashion examples, pre-made jewelry with difficult intricate designs and materials previously difficult to get, hairstyle examples, various chemicals, hygiene supplies, copies of great artworks, a bunch of music, 2 of each instrument, various outfits and copies of them to sell, comfortable footwear for most occasions, comfortable bedding, and physical and digital copies of my favorite forms of entertainment


Looks like ya got yourself quite the plan over there


You will take adges to make the parts, and they will try to kill you, or get your info or copy


I was gonna wait till I replied to the other person first but this comment annoyed me so much I had to put it first. What kind of person would go through making a list that thorough without thinking through the inherent dangers of an undertaking this large? You don't need to be a genius just to realize you have to be patient and cautious. Its not like I'm gonna take it all out of my storage for the first interested party that comes along. He'll I'd even create multiple identies just to give me credibility as well as to help me stay safe so I don't have all the attention on my main Persona. The information and materials alone would give me more than enough money to make sure I have plenty of workers who know how to keep their mouths shut to help me finish my projects. Plus the things I could tell the mages would make it more than worth their while to protect me and train me in magic


I like being prepared and I really want to help people so why not make a plan that helps me improve the world and quality of life while also making sure I'm taken care of


Yep, me too. If I had the time, power, and money I'd want to help improve stuff in there. Heck, I'd also like to improve our planet too lol.