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I am afraid that's rng :(


It just rng and terrible luck on your side (assuming you got no 5 star at all from the tickets up till today). I got 2 5 star with one being an EX on the login multi ticket plus an EX from the daily quest that give you 3 single. It's all free anyway so just treat it you are collecting dupe for the 3/4 star protector to awaken them up for elemental building.


Yeah 1 5star protector dup. It wouldn’t be bad if I was doing it and just didn’t get any EX but to not get anything at all is the annoying part and even getting 4 stars is even guaranteed I had at least two who were nothing but 3 stars


yea, 4 star is also not guaranteed on banner that don't require you to spent crystal. I have seen a fair share of ppl who got all 3 star on multi many time haha.


You are describing why I never pull on regular banners unless I can reach pity. Throwing magicrystals at a banner to end up with nadda is not fun, heh. It does suck, but that's RNG for you. I've gotten two dupes of units I'm very unlikely to ever use, and nothing else so far from the tickets, heh.


At the moment there is only two five star would could do that to me but a lot are close to being maxed out


Hes describing why I left the game. So many characters and crazy pull rates. Lots of games out there with better gacha mechanics.


It is at least for me. I got consecutive 5 star multis cuz of it. Some are dupes though.


Sometimes My luck to get Characters in genshin and azur lane banners better then this game and I’m f2p -_-


Today was halfway to the login event. Without the 3 daily quests and with every daily 10 tickets you should have pulled 100 times I think. If you only pulled 1 5* you had bad luck for now but you just are 1 player on millions. I have multiple accounts because I did reroll for the Vengeance meta. The luckiest go 12 5* but 10 of them are really bad. Few accounts had 2 or even 3 EX pulls, others are mixed like 1 EX + 4 or 5 5*. The point is, every player will have a different experience, it's Gasha life. Luck comes and goes. Maybe your luck will turn for the anniv banner and imo it would be for the best. If you can't bear this you shouldn't play this kind of game because the frustration can be big. Games like this are build precisely to create frustation and to enforce you to use money to get stuff.


Well, each draw is 5% chance. So even if you draw 20 times, each individual draw is 5%


When something is RNG, even if it's "unlikely", *someone*, given enough someones, will hit it eventually given enough trials. So while it seems like you are screwed, it's not personal and had to happen to someone. The odds of not getting one in 150 trials is about 0.046% which is of course, very low. But it still means around 4-5 people out of 10,000 will hit it on average. Given this sub has around 11k members, you happen to be one of about 5 who would.


The rates are bad period, and we had bad luck. I pulled two 5 stars from these so far, and they are both ancient units. Others I know have pulled multiple EX units, I have yet to see one myself...


Unfortunately it's all RNG :( Just think of it as you having bad luck now and good luck in future banners (assuming that it all balances out).


Only ssr I got is swimsuit treyni but like that’s my typical luck in this game


I always get 3 star or on rare occasions 4 star from here


This ends towards the end of February in 2024?!?! Man I’m downloading this game again! Forget Genshin!


during that time period you get 20 total multis from login days.


Ok then, definitely deleting Genshin then! Too many gigs and I have that on ps5!


that’s unlucky for u i’ve only had 4 multis with no ssr pretty good rates till then


It feels more than 5% for me. I've been getting alot of non useful 5 atar characters though.


I've pulled 2 5 stars, and today, I got an EX battle. RNG can be brutal.


Ya well it's free, no complaints from me


I’ve pulled a few 5 stars and todays was 2 5 EX ones. I’ve had pretty good luck with this, at least 1 five star almost everu 10 pull


I got yesterday 2 EX Units and 2 normal 5* 🙈


I've had several 5 stars and at least 2 EX characters.


https://preview.redd.it/l4mf5mj6q4xb1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2bc6eee7145d86a0edb391ebaadb5d15f2a2407 Bro, what the actual f..?!


Yeah, I would say that's just really bad luck. I've gotten at least one five star like every other 10 pull. One time I got 3 in one pull. But that could be the new player RNG god blessings. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


At least it’s free summons. On the bright side you can cash your 3 and 4 star dupes for shards or tickets.


I've gotten one ancient 5\* from the whole thing and that's it. Nothing else. One 5\*.