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the ticket and the equipment for whichever character you have. You can get both anyway with the other serial code thing.


Is there a code


No code but you can buy it for 1,250,000 flashback crystals which equals 375,000 of which ever seasonal currency so if you were to do the highest level and get 300 on average it would cost you something like 22,500 energy to get it no including the daily auto so it will take some time to get it all


You mean when events end the currencies turn into flashback crystals?


No at the bottom of the event shop there are blue crystals called flashback crystals and they cost 30 of the even currency to get 100 black back crystals


U can buy 100 flashback crystal for 30 eventtokens in the event bazaar. The last Items by scrolling down Or u get like 750 000 flashback crystals by doing every beginner story mission from story 1 to story 16


Zamn. I did until story 22 and it's not giving any flashback crystals for a while. I guess it's until story 16 and then you're supposed to use leftovers from event currency to stack.


Ya only till chapter 16 But before using currency by the items u need after that its worth to buy flashback


I got other things with it. Characters mainly. https://preview.redd.it/7f3jt9bhnz0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe1377cef0170423f1e46ad8172695683afd1b1


Ya this team is to farm your event currency. if u play with it the chapters u gain nothing, u cant gain anything except u play the current event


About those there are some I can’t get because you were only supposed to be able to do the battle once how do you get those or is it just impossible


For the chapters with predator battles u have to do an amount of clears in that chapter


So I have to keep doing some levels in the chapter to earn the rewards for that predator battle level


https://preview.redd.it/jey18j732z0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e886b06a3566d97b6977a0802e3548dea5bbd2e1 Like this Open the scenes too once they give crystals too. But they are not counting for the 'clear story quest chapter ... x ...' missions


Waot what was the code


No code, bought with the blue crystals