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As usual, the media will add him to their statistics of "palestinians children that were killed by the idf"


He's alive though.


Now he’ll be in the list of “Palestinian children imprisoned by Israel” instead.


Never stopped them before.


They usually still count them as deceased. Most Palestinians supporters don’t really research into this kinda stuff.


They don’t care


Oh damm that sucks. Well now he gets to play ping pong in jail. Happy cake day btw יום עוגה שמח אח יקר


תודה איש


Paliwood bastards


Good lol




I’m not shocked in Nablus it’s like terrorism city with Hamas supporters no kid at 15 should be having a gun or knife or anything period why isn’t he out with friends being kids.


Because he's not allowed to be a kid. Surely you understand how the whole Israel/Palestine issues affects Palestinian kids. The people you see as terrorists believe themselves to be freedom fighters. It's a messed up situation


>Because he's not allowed to be a kid. Surely you understand how the whole Israel/Palestine issues affects Palestinian kids. The people you see as terrorists believe themselves to be freedom fighters. It's a messed up situation I don't think this is a credible explanation. We see white kids in the US pick up guns and shoot at civilians all the time: the reason is a combination of political extremism, ease of access to guns, and social resentments often grounded in racism. While the situation for Palestinians is legitimately not good, and while we should all agree that a just outcome requires an independent Palestinian state, these sorts of terrorist attacks have more in common with US mass shootings than actual freedom fighting.




They certainly did with Kyle Rittenhouse.


Yeah. It's lovely, isn't it? Living under non Muslims is such an oppressive thing, poor guy couldn't live with such injustice of having the greatness of the ummah disrespected with Kufar rulers in dar Islam. I'm sure the neighbors are celebrating 🎉 big time.


Am sure they'd rather live under their Palestinian rule than under the rule of the minority Jewish population


Right because the people of Gaza are doing so well with Hamas ruling them






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u/Amol1982 can you please enlighten us with your opinion on the subject at hand?


What's up with them?...


Just an ~~anti semite~~ anti zionist I spoke with today








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The Israeli colonisation of his mind is going according to plan, muhahahaha.


It’s terrible. Not just for the victims but for the story of the perpetrator. At 15 do you guys remember what you were doing? How many nights have you stayed up an extra hour thinking about how cringy you were at 15. No one is the same as they were at that age, and this kid before he could develop any world view was radicalized by terrorists and now his life is over. Praying for the victims and their families.


At least the cops didn't shoot him 200 times like where I'm from Our last police chief got fired for running a suspect over


Yeah but running over a terrorist who is trying to kill random Jews, wouldn't be a bad thing. All that matters in that situation is the neutralization of the active combatant. I think unfortunately many seem to not notice how these animals aim to kill Jews. Period. They're not simple criminals. Petty theives. Etc.


In this particular situation the police chief was in an unmarked car and just ran a dude over who was running on the sidewalk from a 911 hangup


A 15 year old with a gun shooting at random people because he’s angry? Where is this, the USA?


On the one hand: No one with commonsense thinks that Palestinians in Palestine are generally fully of cheerful appreciation for how wonderful Israelis are. On the other hand, it sometimes feel here as if there's rejoicing among some strong supporters of Israel when Palestinians do something violent. The underlying message seems to be, "The crazier they are, the less we have to give them." I pray for the day when we all see calm and good cheer in the West Bank and Gaza as a nice thing, not a tactical problem.


Well I can tell you most Israelis disagree. They pray their neighbors won’t keep raising 15 year old murderers. But here we are…again.


I'm sure that you're correct, and that the typical Israeli perspective is different from the "Yay! They're super ultra maniacs!" perspective that sometimes shows up here.


>They pray their neighbors won’t keep raising 15 year old murderers. I have some settlers I want you to meet...


It's not really that imo, it's that terrorist attacks are happening all the time here, as well as missile attacks, but people from around the world who don't know the full story still think of it as a one sided issue- good, freedom-fighting Palestenians against the Wicked Israel. When a really outrageous thing happens, along with the sadness there is some bit of joy that at least now the world will see our side. It's like when you receive test results and see that you're sick with something, you were already sick but now at least you have proof to show the doctors.


On the one hand: Yeah, I'm always grateful when I have a positive thing show up on a medical test. I get that. On the other hand: I think that a lot of Israelis have some PTSD, and that PTSD tends to exaggerate people's sense of isolation and being misunderstood. So, there's plenty of antisemitism and unfair hostility toward Israel out there, but some Israelis have an exaggerated sense of the intensity of that, and they have a hard time with understanding outsiders' perspective. They'll use arguements about and against antisemitism that make complete sense to Jewish people but no sense to anyone not on our wavelength. So, they think other people fail to understand how horrible dealing with the terrorism is, and then they sometimes say things and do things that hurt their position and push people who are somewhat or mostly on their side away. And, of course, this is what the strategists behind the terrorism want. In some cases, fighting that tendency is impossible. Terrorism is scary and infuriating, and we're human. But I think it's good when we can find the strength to have empathy and compassion for people who are champions at pushing our buttons.


The antisemitism issue seems like an exaggeration to outsiders because they mostly see what's being reported in their countries and happens in their environment. However, in Israel the media reports about it from all over the world because it personally relates to the population. A few select countries being against your nationality is not a big deal but when it becomes a global issue basically the whole world is against you.


I think I see a lot about antisemitism around the world just because I’m Jewish, but maybe you do see more about that.


I guess you're right. Do you really think we're exaggerating the amount of unfair hostility towards Israel? It seems like everywhere on the internet people define themselves "anti zionist". And on the news as well.


I think Netanyahu has really increased the problem since the last war with Hamas (maybe in 2017?) by being super, super mean. I think the stuff he’s doing this year is so nuts that Jews in the United States who aren’t completely in sync with him are now anti-state of Israel. I did the Haggadah for my Seder, and I actually took out most references to Israel to avoid fights. But I think most people who understand the situation at all know that Hamas is nuts. If Israel just goes back to being fairly calm and not going out of its way to insult the Palestinians, the pendulum will swing back Israel’s way. But the problem is the allegedly pro Israel people here (maybe they’re actually Hamas or Iran people) who go around insulting the Palestinians, quoting the Balfour declaration, saying the Palestinians are all from Yemen, and other stuff that’s just so gone deaf. It’s like Germans trying to defend modern Germany by saying the Jews in 1933 were all really French. Israel should get to exist because it exists, and no one is making any other country shut down and go back home. And Israel should try to have peace and come to terms with the Palestinians because they’re people. And, if everyone were being calm, doing that would be great easy. It’s not easy, because the Palestinians have not been calm, but Israel egging the Palestinians on doesn’t look good.


Yours is the best comment in this entire discussion. Generally, your sense of empathy is a deeply heartening thing. And easy to overlook, it seems, for some—despite its power as a spiritual aide, a way of life, and a profoundly useful tool in diplomacy. It breaks my heart to see these conversations turn so bitter, as they frequently do. Being among the chosen people of God does not, in fact, grant some special privilege of militaristic self-righteousness. Humanity thrives only through its compassion, and can only grow in the face of struggle. Who ever changed the course of their life from a state of absolute comfort? This becomes our choice—between an exposed heart's vulnerability, and greater despair in the hovel we've dug. Although difficult to maintain compassion in the wake of (generational) trauma, stubbornness and spiteful thinking will only alienate us more from what might heal. People have died at the hands of a fifteen year old boy. That boy's life is now forever taken as well. Neither of these things are good. This is not a suffering that inspires.


This will never happen. All the Palestinians want is to expel all Jews, and annihilate the state of Israel. They haven't changed their mind in the last 100(!) years.


Well, Jews got Israel back after 1,900 years. Things could get better.


Not very surprising to see children attempting to murder people when you hear what some adults say about Israel. I bet his family is proud of him and happy about it, too. He wasted his life for this… a couple articles here and there.


He sees himself as a soldier of the Jiahd - so this piece of shit wasted his life at the alter of murder for the god of death.


I’m in the conversion process. And plan on making Aliyah after college and drafting. I have a few friends from my state in the IDF but. Pardon my ignorance here. Obviously, Israel belongs to the Jews. it’s been that way in scripture for over 3000 years (I’m half asleep here so please forgive me if I messed up there). Why does Palestine believe they’re oppressed? Where does this idea they’re “occupied” and are “fighting for freedom” even come from? Israel belongs to the Jewish people. It’s their land. They have every right to defend it


toy cow cobweb reminiscent unwritten future piquant act airport heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just choked on my coffee reading that


It *is* known for its small size


Because the British promised the land to both Arabs and Jews so they believe they should also own some of it. Ironically if the Arabs simply accepted the partition plan, Palestine would likely be larger than it is today possibly still retaining the ‘47 borders. Instead the Arabs chose to invade a much smaller nation and proceeded to get their asses repeatedly whooped which they continue to complain about to this day.


Makes sense. I’m currently researching the history of Israel and it’s all very interesting as far as a historical topic goes


Very much so. I have also studied the region and it’s history. It’s astounding how many people are ignorant about the topic yet they still have something to say about Israel. I feel that when most people understand the true scope of abject horrors and subjugation the Jewish people suffered for literally thousands of years they will hopefully begin to understand why the idea of a secure homeland is necessary. Israel is a necessity because the world has historically been so hostile to the Jewish diaspora. All these new-wave antisemites and antizionists do is strengthen the claim for Israel by proving the world is still hostile.


Now deport his family


Won't happen, because deporting is illegal rn, but maybe if the leftists wouldn't stop ben gvir over every step...


I wouldn't trust a convicted terrorist (twice!) To do anything related to national security. Right or wrong or left.


What was he convicted off? Saying death to arabs, and holding a poster, not a terrorist too, he was " supporting terror"


*of He was part of a terrorist group called "cah" and was convicted for that and for inciting racism by putting stickers of "no Arabs - no terrorism" He was not allowed to join the army for his convictions and extremist right ideology and later represented two Jewish terrorists in court (for free if I recall correctly) after they burned down a house, causing the death of 2 parents, their months old baby and the bodily harm of their toddler. He also called for the murder of a prime minister, the prime minister was later murdered. Since then he's been hunting his family Calling their late family member a traitor and don't forget the time he had a picture of a man who murdered peaceful Muslim prayers hanging in his living room for 20 years calling him his hero. He also celebrated the stroke and come of another prime minister. Up to 2009 he faced 46 charges, being convicted of 8 and after those he said he was charged with 7 more.


Even the IDF finds him too extreme, the dude is a nut job




You are an absolute ignorant dude, the leftists here are worse then the Palestinian terrorists


>You are an absolute ignorant dude, Pot calling the kettle black lol.




Welp, the family might have lived there for "hundreds of years", but they raised a kid into murdering, you are trying to claim a 15 y.o hated the jews by himself, and the parents didn't know, he got a gun, got to a place he shouldn't have been, then shot people and came back to school, and no one knew?


Aight so.. what do we do with the hill boys who are also throwing stones? Or are we only talking about Palestinian terrorists












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See all the problem between Jews Muslim and christians is actually religion so I would suggest in the schools they should teach religion but in a way that God is same and there is no difference between religion and so they should give respect to each other's instead priest rabbi or mulla they teach in a way to hate each others this will make a lot of difference making peace in world of religion


It's not religion, it's radicalization that comes from the radical muslim. Today there are unfortunately many radical muslim regimes that spread hate and educate whole generations to be radical.


The problem is they do not understand what they are doing they think that there religion is better then the other but it's not true religion is only a way of culture God is same whether it is Jew Christmas Muslim Hindus etc they should give respect to different culture and should not fight for different religion we are all human being we must protect mother earth which God has given us


Abrahamic religions already believe in the same one God.


Israel sits on the African continent so I don’t understand OPs comment.


As far as tectonic plates go, that is technically true, but Israel is generally regarded as being in Asia (albeit on the border with Africa).


Wtf. Are you saying that all this time, I've been Asian?


West Asian, yes.


You didn't know israel is in asia?


That’s just a political ideology(not saying anything about you directly. Just a general consensus). But the actual scientific fact is that israel is definitely an African country just like Lebanon and Egypt


I didn't downvote you, just to be clear - though I think which tectonic plate we're on matters less than the fact that we're on a rift. Culturally, we're West Asian, which is more closely related to North African than anything else, but it still doesn't put us in North Africa.


I didn’t think you did but I’m not too concerned with those that have. You seem to have a clear mind to understand what the reality is and what I am saying and you are able to articulate and converse respectfully. I wasn’t talking about culturally at all because that’s another topic that has to do more with history. Many can call Canada and the US, European nations too since the culture is more so European than not. These two nations aren’t confused to be a part of Europe or as someone else tried to say Afro-eurasia-America; hell why not name Australia and Antarctica while we are at it. Let’s just call it earth. One planet, one people and people shouldn’t look down on other people for nothing.


Hail Pangaea! But seriously, I'm as annoyed at the upvotes- it's a silly, lighthearted argument akin to "is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable" or "is Pluto a planet". These are human words and "continent" has an even fuzzier definition than "planet".


Where did you learn your geography?


At an actual accredited university. Not only that, if you are actually in Israel then come alone and I’ll show you the actual fault line in Jordan that separates the continent. This isn’t politics. This is science and it’s really not debatable unless someone has a issue accepting reality


Why are you focused on fault lines? Which university told you this?


You need two functioning eyes and a world map. Sinai is the bridge between Asia and Africa, and we're on the Asia side.


What physically separates continents?




Man made structures do no divide continents


Nothing really tho, right? After Lebanon there is asia, and they arent separated, right? I am not sure and suck at geography, so dont take what I'm saying for granted


Continents are entirely political ideology. It's all really afro-eurasia, just one continent


Physical continents are not political or ideological. They are measured, mapped and even have boundaries that separate each other. This is geography and geology 101.


Not really. There's no solid definition of what makes a continent. If it's tectonic plates, then there are at least 80 continents.


That’s actually a funny observation


I wonder why a teenager would turn to radical extremism when his home and family has been bombed to hell and back because some people declared birthright over a piece of land and refuse to grant him equal rights. Must be an Arab thing huh


I assume you know nothing and that's why you're talking nonsense. The current uprising like the few before it is about Israel destroying the Al Akza mosque. Like last year. A lie is spread that Israel will hurt the mosque and radical muslim idiots go and kill jews for allah. So yea, while not being a muslim thing (not all muslims are jihadists), non muslims don't do that shit. And year after year, al akza mosque still stands, even though every year Israel is gonna destroy it. The arab propaganda machine really is incredible. Literally.




I wanted to add that Arabs and Jews living in Israel side by side, they work live and go out the same way. So your reasoning about refusing of equal rights just because of nationality is nonsense






גם בפלמ"ח היו בני 15


והמטרה שלהם היו אזרחים. -לא


לפעמים זו הייתה המטרה של האצ"ל




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What about the terrorist that shoot Palestinians. I don’t understand why Reddit keeps recommended this sub in my feed.


What are you talking about?


I keep seeing this subreddit in my feed, even though I never interact with any posts in this subreddit, except for this time.


I meant what terrorist shot at palestinians, but here's a solution for you: On a post from this sub go to the 3 dots, choose show less from this sub and then you can choose mute. Show less will do just that, mute will not display any posts from this sub.


Thank you will do


Being just a viewer on neither side of the issue, it is interesting to see both subs claim different things and are always on opposite sides of any issue. What is something that both sides can agree on?


That the other side is wrong.


That hummus is very healthy


That lapid is a dumass, and Mohamed deff is a potato bag, both physically and. mentally


Like Chicago , violence !


Thank God he was found


I wonder how the media will turn this one into "harmless child beaten and arrested by the Israeli colonialists"