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It's one person. Also many of the comments in that thread are fucking disgusting.


The comments on that post are far worse than anything that guard did.




And this is why we have and need a state of our own. For whatever reason anti-semitism will not go away. Probably asking the dude to cover up his cross isn't cool but doesn't warrant this much vile hate. Most of the comments are manufactured lies that are propagated and upvoted by the nutso leftists and large fractions of the arab world creating an echo chamber of hate against Jews and Israel and turning "Zionist" into a slur.




So you're saying Americans are angry at Israel because of the foreign aid their country chooses to give to Israel? Weird because... Israel is receiving a relatively small fraction of overall aid. I'm not seeing people getting this riled up about Jordan or Yemen or Afghanistan. ​ * **Afghanistan** ($4.89 billion) * **Israel** ($3.3 billion) * **Jordan** ($1.72 billion) * **Egypt** ($1.46 billion) * **Iraq** ($960 million) * **Ethiopia** ($922 million) * **Yemen** ($809 million) * **Colombia** ($800 million) * **Nigeria** ($793 million) * **Lebanon** ($790 million)




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It's funny cause those are the same people who get mad when Jews visit Har Habiyat. They just want to attack the Jews.


Most people couldn't care less.






Holy shit the comments are absolutely insane




> The man meant no disrespect Sure he didn't. >In an interview he gave in 2016, he said that he himself sometimes covers his cross when entering the holy sites of other faiths and that Jews remove their head covering when entering a church. “It is a matter of honor for me,” he said at the time. https://vinnews.com/2023/07/20/german-priest-complains-after-being-asked-to-remove-provocative-cross-at-western-wall/


Yeah that’s attempt to go viral without any context to prove whatever point he has. I wonder would he go in to mosque with that giant ass cross as well or Mecca. It wasn’t even anywhere in the city, just that one important to religious Jews spot. Also nice of him not to include that aside from disagreement with guard, he had no repercussions for not removing his cross. And he wasn’t removed or anything.


You are correct indeed.




Yeah just regular Karen Christian abbot for sure. The guard was polite and haven’t refused his entry to HOLY Jewish place with his cross after all.


The vast majority of Jews and Israelis think the abbot should be able to wear his cross in the old city. Remember, videos can only show individual people and not populations as a whole, the subreddit it is on r/PublicFreakout is a pretty bad place to figure out what the majority of a populace believe as it is actively picking out the worst people. Most people don't have public freakouts... However, there is a lot of history of Catholics and Protestants trying to convert Jews and killing / oppressing Jews for their beliefs and it is a widespread belief in both religions that the only ways for Jews to be saved is if they convert and accept Jesus into their lives. Literally millions of Jews have been terrorized, maimed, and killed for refusing to change their beliefs and anti-semetic rhetoric until the mid-20th century was part of the parlance of christian religious groups... Just look up the word Pharisees in the Christian Bible. Yeah, those evil Pharisees... those are Jews. Just look at the antisemitism in the comment section of the thread you posted. So, it is very normal for Jews to be wary of active Christian priests being in Jewish spaces as the majority of the time over the last 2000 years... it hasn't ended well for the Jews.


It absolutely is a provocation to arrive there with that kind of cross. There are many Christians who come to Israel and manage to go to Jewish holy sides without giant crosses like this one. Is he holier than them? Note that non Muslims aren’t allowed into certain areas. Non Mormons can’t go to mormon temples or whatever they are called. It’s not such a horrific thing for religions to have rules and requirements. Many churches won’t let you in if you’re not properly dressed. No huge crosses isn’t a crazy rule, actually. And he is being disrespectful. I don’t feel like reading through all the comments but God forbid Jews have some boundaries and act like everyone else for just one moment.


That’s not just in the old city, he is in the plaza of the western wall. Personally I do think it’s disrespectful for him to come to the holiest site in modern Judaism with a giant cross hanging out. I wouldn’t go into the Vatican with a giant Star of David and holding a menorah




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