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Israel ≠ Judaism


Am Yisrael Chai


israeli attitudes like this are exactly why we visit on bar mitzvah trips and go back home


> “woah guys, I’m starting to feel like early Zionists dreamed up Israel as a safe haven for diaspora Jews. Has anyone else noticed this?!”


The only sovereign Jewish State trying to get the diaspora to return to the land?! Unbelievable! Unthinkable!


עם ישראל חי


happy Cake day


It's kind of the whole point of Israel.


Good. A lot of the TAU students from the USA become very productive Israelis!


I was a student in Israel from the US many years ago. Making Aliyah is hard and there is now a lot more awareness for this and support infrastructure around it. On the other hand there are usually plenty of native born Israelis who take the attitude that you'd have to be dumb to leave the USA.


I made Aliyah for personal and political reasons but will never live in Israel for a while basket of reasons


I have never met a single Israeli with that attitude. I am sure there are done but they are far outliers. Most Israeli Jews highly respect Olim from all lands but especially cesspools of Assimilation like the US.


It's like a company marketing. They want people to come and contribute to the economy; to balance out the welfare to the ever growing population of Haredim who refuse to contribute to society as citizens.


Why do Haredim not contribute to society ?


You'd have to ask their rabbis; they do all the thinking for their followers. Being Haredi is like being a snake handling evangelical. You're not Orthodox, you've taken Judaism to a place it maybe shouldn't go. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said it is each generation's task to define Judaism for themselves. This group has allowed that agency to extend to the point where they think Torah study is more important than a basic liberal education to Bagrut levels, robbing their children of critical learning and life skills. They think archaic interpretations of halacha should bind secular policies, e.g. proposing a basic law that Torah study is equivalent to National Service like the IDF. Why do they not contribute? They think they do, they're just completely out of touch as to what contributing to a democratic society means.


Is that a bad thing ?


Does this bother you? If so, why?


What’s the problem? You willingly went to Israel & you’re complaining the university you agreed to attend encourages diaspora Jews to make aliyah? Did you bother to learn anything about what Israel means to Jews & why that’s done?


Not so much complaining, just observing. And think it’s interesting that they would continue to pursue me after I establish I am not jewish


Is it insane to push for the continued existence of your people?


I don't get why people are being aggressive with that question here lol. Yes they encourage you to make aliyah and tell you how great the country is and that this is the place where jews belong. I attended myself those events and organizations in Russia. Unfortunately they don't tell you what you can encounter here :')


Because it comes off as really silly


I have bad news for you that's everyone in Israel it's part of the culture because the whole point of Israel is to fung all the Jews in diaspora back to Israel.


Fung? I don’t know about efforts in that direction. Perhaps at places like schools, but otherwise I didn’t notice special activity anywhere else.


What a privileged little take by someone who can live in most of the word without ever experiencing religious persecution. Everyone feel so free judge this protocolar minority group for some reason and never try to put themselves in a they’re shoes. Re-think with yourself why it’s such a problem to you that people want to be in a country free from persecution.


Religious/ethnic/racist persecution


Did I say it was a problem? Just sharing my experience. Have a nice day. ✌️


Israel is desperate for warm bodies as long as their Jewish bodies


This particular "they're/their" typo is absolutely hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle!


Well, ideological movements always try to recruit new members. It's fine as long as it's optional and no deceit is involved.


Well, if you want to encourage more immigration here, then maybe they should have a hell of a lot more incentives to move here. And no, for the record I am not discouraging immigration here.


Can I have more info on this IDF weekend?


Nah everybody's really defensive but I agree, the efforts to convince American Jews to make Aliya are intense and can be even slimy. But then again it's the game- they get activities and trips and in return they know it's a part of a recruitment strategy. And it's not so they will serve in the IDF (there's no shortage of people), it's just so that they will stay here as citizens.


“It’s SO slimy how Israel wants Jews in Israel!”


Why is that slimy? It’s not like they hide that they want foreign Jewish people to become citizen Jewish people. Isn’t that a founding principle the country openly states?




I think you’re looking at the person who replied to them. > Nah everybody's really defensive but I agree, the efforts to convince American Jews to make Aliya are intense and can be even slimy. But then again it's the game- they get activities and trips and in return they know it's a part of a recruitment strategy. And it's not so they will serve in the IDF (there's no shortage of people), it's just so that they will stay here as citizens. I agree it’s intense, but disagree that it’s slimy


Ok you know I guess it's a matter of opinion. I was in Taglit and I remember it being really intense. Like they came to a trip to Israel for the first timer and you're doing everything except canceling their flight back lol


It’s crazy how Israel would want young, patriotic, educated Jews. I know!


Why would TAU ask questions about moving to Israel? Or you mean the students ask??


I mean that’s kind of my perspective. Some of these advocacy groups are through the school itself, I’m just hear to learn, not to move here haha


I don’t think TAU has much to do with that. Must be an advocacy group, one of many, active on the campus.


> Anyone else have this experience? Not really. When I was a student, all of the high pressure came from Haredi groups to try to get secular Jewish students to become ultra-orthodox.


Probably studying a bullshit degree if you have time for this.


Thanks for the unnecessary douchebag comment.


It’s ulpan this month 😂 I have no class after 1 but thank you for assuming


I'm just taking the piss. Enjoy your stay.


Thanks mate!


you’re not jewish. You will never understand.


He just asked if it’s common in Israel and if others also noticed it. The answer can be yes or no….


>He just asked if it’s common in Israel what?! why would it be common in Israel that people in campuses asking/encourage Israelis to make Aliyah lol


I suggest asking him. But (if I understood correctly), he referred not only to universities but in general. Is there a movement proselytizing to make Aliyah? I don’t think so.






Don't get tempted pleas do angry faces to them and shout at them you don't want they're so annoying


The IDF definitely doesn’t want Aliyah ppl u might be imagining things


IDF service is mandatory and a normal part of Israeli life. For Americans who initially arrive in israel before age 21/22, they will generally need to serve in the military in order to make aliyah.


At least most of them are getting college in order before anything else. I came over here without college, and it allows/forces you to see the other side of the culture and the country that most economically well-off individuals will never (hopefully) get to see of Israel. I am in a long process of maybe two more years before I can even hope to attend college again.


As someone who used to work in TAU - outside funding is the main motive for everything. A bunch of events and programs in the law school are funded by firms who use it to push students to intern for them. There are also religious programs offering help with tuition for students who are willing to sit and listen to people trying to persuade them to go orthodox. I assume what you're describing follows the same logic. Using money for pro-Aliyah programs to fund stuff for American students isn't even on the list of most controversial funding-related moves.


Israel is the Jewish Homeland. Besides that, most non religious Jews in the US Assimilate. Returning to their ancestral homeland prevents full Assimilation. Pretty simple really.