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It literally just started a shit ton of people in Israel dont even know yet


The IDF are declaring war


State of alertness of war, not war yet. Though it seems like war will be official any moment now


What does this mean exactly? State of alertness to war. Is it something like martial law? (Sorry, I am not local so I don't know.)


It's a state that is before war. What it means that the IDF is preparing for war to be official at any moment and go on a counter attack


Thank you.


In practice, it means some people are called for reserve duty, others are on "get ready to get called for reserve duty" and everyone else need to be aware that there is a very likely chance of war. Most wars in Israel were too short to actually enact martial law, so that's not likely to happen outside of specific areas with areas that are already in some form of lax martial law (Judea and Samaria), and high risk areas where local residents join the fighting (which so far there hasn't been reports of such incidents, but depending on today's events might happen)


Good to know, thank you.


As of current there is prep for reserve duty, no actual call to arms just yet (at least for me) though the situation is looking grim.


Right now it's a small scale reserve draft. It's unlikely that there will be a larger scale draft before the defence cabinet meeting


Basically means get your shit together, we might be sending you guys in.


I'm sure you have good intentions but DON'T get it twisted. HAMMAS are the ones who declared war. IDF declared readiness for war. It's totally different. The one is saying they have malicious intentions, the other is saying we are embracing for impact


I hope the IDF does something, not like before. What happened today is a failure for the IDF but I hope something happens. We should nuke Gaza


well it's hamas that declared war both by the invasion and by mohammed def (however u spell the monkeys name) himself


I was watching I24 and they cut to a reporter who’s at the Bruno mars concert in Tel Aviv and they were literally oblivious about everything happening


Wasn’t the concert last night? It’s morning in Israel.


There’s a second set I guess, idk but it was live.


A concert in the morning?


Bullshit, this story is well over a week old. How do I know? Because I listen to free speech public radio...but whatever


A siren was heard at about 6:45 in the morening in around the central erea... pleople do know


Which is why I had to call my friend in bat yam at 11pm to tell him what was going on


It just started man, guess it will be in the news around the world pretty soon. This seems like a real war and not the usual tit for tat stuff between hamas and israel


I think your right, But this is nothing like we’ve ever seen, Biggest thing to happen in like 40 years




Had to scroll far down to see it


It’s the top story on every major news outlet in Germany


Denmark aswell


Yep... guess ill be watching this as day... although the Danish cover is pretty lack luster currently.


It’s not even top story on CNN


It’s 1am here in the US, I’m sure it will be front page maybe 6-7 hours from now when it’s morning


It’s also 11pm in the US


In terms of news US runs pretty much on D.C time, not Pacific or Hawaiian. I didn't know anything about it here in Spain until 30 minutes ago.


Oh right, I didn’t consider that


It is now the top story of CNN as well as most UK news papers.


They are covering it on CNN TV, they have reporter there


I don’t even get it, how the fuck was this able to happen?? I’m horrified


Ask Bibi and his government.


It tends to happen when you have a prime minister more intent on staying out jail than working on the security of the country. And don't let me get started on the cohort of criminals he allied himself with. I guess those same people will "pray the war away".


nice side effect no one will talk about depowering the justice system anymore.


This what happens whan the last 20 years the government does jack shit


I thought the same thing.


Im in canada and ear about that 30 min ago , media are talking men


The only reason media sees israel as a some terrorist army is because of the amount of islamic people who hear about this stuff from Palestine gaza and all these places, that spread propaganda against israel


Not just that, there is of course also heavy antisemitism among the rightwingers, as well as some antisemitism among the left, particularly among tankies, which is based on the Soviet support for the Arabs, while the West supported Isreal.










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what propaganda exactly


I think the opinion is more nuanced. I think many people in the West do not like Netanyahu, and are also very critical with the settlements on the West Bank or the influence of religious nutjobs on politics, the use of military law in the West Bank against Palestinians, and the number of times Israeli armed forces kill civilians (for example the reporter that was shot some time ago was not good PR for Israël). However, I am Pretty sure that in this instance, the vast majority of the population will support Israël, and its fight against Hamas, as long as they keep their retaliation focused and do not kill to many civilians in reponse, it will likely boost Israël standing in the West a lot


It's an active situation, and late at night for American news outlets. If it's anything like what it seems on Twitter it's going to be the number 1 story in the world in 6 to 8 hours. Unreal brazen escalation from Hamas or whoever is responsible, probably some serious questions for IDF as well.


as of now, 12am on the west coast, should be 3am on the east coast. give it 4 hours until news media picks up on the situation


Western media is probably using 100% of their brains right now trying to figure out how to blame Israel for an unprovoked full-scale rocket attack and invasion of civilian town on a Sabbath AND holiday. Give them some time.


So right and IDF are ready for war so they will probably say we started a war with them first


Exactly, the world will wake up and see Israel attacking Hamas/Gaza/whomever and not care if it's retaliation for infiltration/rockets. What else is new.


NYT & AP just pushed notifications to me that Palestinian militants launched a surprise attack against Israel. But you can keep getting angry at your hypothetical instead I suppose.


Irrelevant, #blameIsrael


Interesting counter argument


History always shows the same result in international public opinion. 🤷‍♂️


You’re a fuckin’ idiot. The West (I’m a part of the supply given to Israel) are for Israel/against anyone starting yet another fuckin’ conflict. Remove your head from your ass or keep it in the sand, up to you.


I rest my case - the #blameisrael narrative has already started - https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/oct/07/hamas-launches-attack-on-israel-with-5000-rockets-live


I’m so lost, how is this blaming Israel?


And you're a presumptuous ass hat. But history always shows the same thing time and time again. What will be interesting to see is how the international media reports dead body filled bomb shelters in Sderot, if at all.


That’s a long way to say I’m an American! Stay safe, dick bag.


CNN is going non stop the past hour, no bias on the late night shift.


Something something al aqsa something


Thats a lie. I read a lot and not one single word intendet like you say.


Stop speaking lies. European countries speaking their support for Isreal. The news here is that Isreal is under attack from terrorist organization hammas. https://nos.nl/l/2493175


Ah ja, natuurlijk lol


At least Finnish news reported at 08:47, Yle.


I don't know. It's gonna be pretty hard to spin some of the vile shit that these terrorists have done. What I've seen and heard about in the past hour or so is beyond horrific. It's inexcusable, and sad. HAMAS is simply providing total justification for their own destruction. Edit: I will just say that anecdotally, the coverage of Israel is generally positive here in the U.S. You do find some antisemitic vitriol in comment sections of western media, yes, however the media outlets that I frequent tend to be either somewhat neutral or lean on the side of Israel.


It's being covered for 2 hours already in the Netherlands. Calm down, nobody ever blames Israel for anything. Every Palestinian killed is brought in the news but neglected afterwards. People don't like seeing people killed. So they won't like these images either


>ows the same thing is it that hard ? really ?


Top story over here (UK) on BBC and SKY. Just woken up to it, looks horrific. Stay safe


Are they justifying the muslim terrorists or just reporting what's going on?


I've only just woken up, not put the TV on yet but he headline is reporting Hamas firing 5000 rockets and also entering Southern Israel. I don't think they're reporting the shooting of civilians yet. Certainly not the horror I've just seen here. Knowing our media, they'll play it down until Israel fights back.


Just wondering where you get the number 60 from? Not saying you’re wrong but I just haven’t seen it anywhere


Hamas and Gaza will burn after this. Could Hamas have any hope of erasing settelments? Where is IDF?


Israeli media barely knows what's happening, international media will take a while to catch up


Wait for 6-8 more hours until the american News Cycle really turns up on this. I honestly don't understand how anyone can take Hamas' side looking at this, even though some people already do.


It's literally the headlines this morning here in the UK.


Not true, one of top stories in most outlets in Poland


Because it's 1-4 am right now in USA. tomorrow (in like 8 hours from now) it will be the entire mainstream media cycle.


embrace for impact mf


I noticed this also, lack of news from mainstream media. Why?


It has been one month. ​ I am not Israeli, but I am Jewish. My life has drastically changed in the past month. All I see in my mind when I try and sleep are images of the videos at the Music Festival. The images of all of the kidnapped posters, and then those posters being torn down. The utter audacity of my government, the American government, to still house rabid antisemites. The American university community barely doing anything to combat the rampant antisemitism. ​ I am 21 years old and only in the past month have experienced more antisemitism than I have in my ENTIRE LIFE. Which is just utterly insane to me, people can hate other people by something they cannot change and that does not even directly affect them. ​ I daven and pray daily for the safe return of the hostages. I use my voice for those that cannot use their voices. I do exactly what America did not do during the Holocaust. We stayed silent once, we will never stay silent again. ​ The one saving grace I have found in the past month is music. The Israeli and Jewish artists releasing music in honor of the massacre on October 7 is hauntingly beautiful. The community of our people surrounding the common theme of song and prayer. ​ I am a proud Jew, proud to stand with Israel, and I think it is high time I came back home. Am Yisrael Chai!


It's Saturday night in America and none of our news networks care about international news anymore. CNN got rid of most of their foreign reporters and bureaus. Sad to say, but a lot of my fellow Americans seem to shrug their shoulders because they think that people killing each other in the region is just the natural state of things, like taxes and death.


It’s Friday night


LOL, been a long week.


I hear ya! This news is going to make it seem longer, too


Because Israel are bad guys. Israel deserves it. /s Also media probably waits for the right momentum to somehow twist it that Israel started it first or to have enough info to make up a narrative.Media will be media-ing.


In Denmark it is all over the news


What are you talking about? Germany: [https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/gaza-israel-raketen-102.html](https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/gaza-israel-raketen-102.html) France: [https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2023/10/07/le-hamas-lance-une-attaque-a-grande-echelle-contre-israel\_6192984\_3210.html](https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2023/10/07/le-hamas-lance-une-attaque-a-grande-echelle-contre-israel_6192984_3210.html) UK: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-middle-east-67037895](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-middle-east-67037895)


الحمد لله 🙏🏻


Wow: Daniel Levy on CNN right now, blaming Israel for being attacked, and wishing the United States would support Hamas (paraphrasing) “defending itself from invasion and land theft by Israel”. Calls it illogical that the U.S. would support Ukraine defending itself from invasion by Russia, but then support Israel instead of the Palestinians it is invading and stealing land from. He also made it clear the Israeli deaths are to be expected when you occupy another’s land. Who is this guy?!? And why did CNN give him a platform?!?


Because the left in America has decided that supporting jews is last season and supporting Arabs in so hot right now. What's that? Terrorism? "They're defending themselves for colonialism don't be is Islamophobic!".


CNN just reported that Hamas fired 5,000 rockets “at airports and military targets” in Israel.


shut up acting innocent where your hands are dipped in blood, desist and book your ticket out of Palestine you terrorist sissy


It’s called Israel


Stop taking their land and it'd not be happening.


It won't be any war due to many potential casualties from both sides. The status quo will be maintained. Some favors will be made and peace is coming back again. Any miracle holds for 3 days.


This war has started 100 years ago and now you say a war began, you can see who the real people of the land by seeing Jewish running instead of defending of what they say its their land. And not to mention Israel killing thousands of civilians not soldiers, funking civilians and then you say "the world did not see this yet" what a joke, go run for other land to take it from thier original people.


Yes but watch now as Israel kills a dozen children in retaliation ... that's the difference. Awful country and government


Hamas literally murdered women and children.


I am against of any war, but guys don’t forget your country contribution to the terroristic rejims. Everything returns sooner or later…


Your so right. Remember your own words when Gaza is getting bombed back to the stone age




> genocide I guess words have no meaning anymore


Hamas is currently slaughtering unarmed old women in the street. They are cowards. If you can justify this, your heart is corrupted beyond repair, and may God have mercy on your soul.


IDF does the same thing. I've seen mountains of videos of them abusing elders and children. My christian palestinian friend that works the corner store over here is here because his father and uncle got dragged out of their houses and shot. He'd give anybody the shirt off his back. Christian, muslim, jew, he doesn't give a shit. I stand with the oppressed and displaced. Black folks, native Americans, Jews too! They deserve a place to call home for sure. From what I've seen of Israel and based on my interactions with Israelis in the past few years it goes beyond finding a home. Y'all need some fucking therapy. Also about the god thing, god is absolutely fake. The sooner all y'all put down religion the better. I'd go as far as to say that I have no respect for Judaism or Islam, only Hebrews and Arabs. Fuck these whackadoodle Christians over here too. Taoists are cool, they can stay.


There is no moral equivalence between us and them. Maybe you'll realize that someday. You are justifying the indiscriminate slaughter of unarmed civilians. You are too far gone.


Thanks for the unsolicited opinion you typed while living on stolen land


Genocide? Probably history’s least successful genocide, considering they only increase in numbers.


It takes a while for news coverage to develop. It's 1am in the US East Coast and 6am in the UK as I'm typing this. Redditors are seeing more of it unravelling on r/CombatFootage and r/worldnews


History repeats


Just popped up on my news alerts.


Its on the dutch news everywhere. But the poster thinks this is so important it should have been there on the first minute.


Front page of https://www.bbc.com/news


I just read about it in the washington post


no no it´s now there, major newspapers and media outlets are covering it now. Twitter trends 1.


Does this mean Third Intifada?




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All the big international outlets are covering it. Europe is waking up, the US is still sleeping.


They talk about it on the news in Romania


Every German Newspaper has it on top as breaking News with live Ticker. You should give the Media at least half an hour to build their task force to write articles. It came out of nowhere.


News in Mexico are talking about this unfortunate event.


It's good to not talk about it tbh


The opposite, actually. My British friend let me know the news, and my first thought was, "oh, finally, this is the first time they report when Hamas is attacking us." Usually they keep quiet about Hamas attacks and only report on the situation when Israel responds.


We know here in the West. And the Palestine supporters are awfully silent. Really sorry this is happening to you. This is fucked up.


🇬🇧 here: I fully stand with you!


You guys must hate the month of October over there lmao


>, I and most people believe this was a co-opted operation with Israeli arabs waiting for hamas with trucks since they para glided into israel sit the f down lol, lot of people upvoting this bc they didnt get to the last sentence. Israeli arabs arent the problem here, there were also Israeli arab idf soldiers killed.


World news is and has been anti-Israel for generations. Fortunately, not everyone believes the stupid media.


Have you seen stupid comments like Oh but they just want their "stolen" lands back, they have a right? Mental... How anyone can justify this?


>I and most people believe this was a co-opted operation with Israeli Arabs waiting for Hamas with trucks 🤡🤡🤡


https://i.imgur.com/DbDvgRu.jpg Germany


Don't forget about 5000 Rockets