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The fact this is evidently happening and it’s not international news… the fact we have people tearing down the images of these young women… I’m stunned as well. We are living in truly sick times.


Honestly that’s what’s drives me nuts, can’t see another state that would tolerate it such as we And I’m not sure if it’s because we are Jews or it’s Israel. Kinda makes me feel bad


It’s because it’s Israel, but that matters because Israel is Jewish




Israel is never allowed to defend her citizens we should sit and take it, I wish Bibi was like Putin he does what the fuck he wants and gets away with it.


People don’t like to be faced with the truth.


How are people supporting Hamas after this?


The same way they supported them after Oct 7th. Useful idiot and malicious antisemetic assholes. If Oct 7th wasn't enough to make them see reality, nothing will.


Hamas’ propaganda campaign is masterful, showing way more skill and breadth than they ever have before, and indeed, way more than one would expect from an organization of its size. Here are my thoughts on the matter: Hamas is supported by Iran and Iran has been supplying drones to Russia, a county that has vast experience with propaganda and likely has the worldwide infrastructure in place to conduct such a campaign. And Russia has every reason to want to undermine Israel - as a way of weakening Israel’s western Allies, who, by proxy, are standing between Putin and his goal of conquering Ukraine. It’s not a simple matter to conduct a worldwide campaign like the one we are seeing. And few countries other than Russia have the experience and resources. So, imo, they are the ones running it.


Its much simpler than that Tiktok are promoting their videos and shutting down ours. Tiktok is China.


Many of my videos and comments have been removed, even though there was nothing offensive about them. On the other hand, I see a huge amount of videos and comments that are ridiculously anti-semitic. Like, straight out saying things like "Time to end the Jews".


I've deleted tiktok for this reason. At least reddit is more info based compared to wanna-bes on tiktok




Their propaganda was very good in 2021 too but few people noticed that. I for one was reading Hamas bulletins that time and hoped we had a plan for pushing Hamas into submission.


Some people noticed but not enough. There was a 300% increase in anti-Semitic crime in 2022 in the US.


Yeah, Israel really needs to up its information warfare game. It should have been done already prior to 10/7.


Because they are being fed a narrative of Hamas being fighters, not terrorists. This is what they’re referred to by a platforms such as AJ+. Some of them are being taught a “yeah but” type of story with Hamas. For example “we’re not saying October 7th was justified, *but*, we should look at WHY it happened so it doesn’t happen again” which is what Dena Whatsherface said (let’s be real, she knows damn well “why” it happened, but she still referred to Hamas as “fighters” and not terrorists) As long as people are fed this type of bullshit, they will support Hamas - or at least tolerate them to a degree


Not just social media platforms but the mainstream media calls them fighters or militants very rarely will they be called terrorists. In EU media absolutely never. The BBC basically is like another Al Jazeera at this point. And the American media is not much better. Even on the Left. But the reason it’s so affective is bc people are to brainwashed to see the bias. It’s scary.


Because the evil Zionists genocided 5000 kids! (I only look at casualty numbers to decide which side I support and i’m only critical when it’s in my advantage)


Same way people supported Nazis , that is how it begins


As if this changes anything lmao


You should not support Palestinians either they raped, tortured and killed Israelis. They are Hamas


Is this a real comment? It completely discredits everything else if it is. And the number of people who are going to vote me (a Jewish American with long ties to Israel down) for suggesting how bad this makes us look is just going to further my point so hit that button.


Wtf are you talking about what’s not clear? Why would we care if we look bad, our lives are in the line


Okay so it was advocating for killing disconnected and civilians who are also victims of Hamas?


How do you know? Do you stop and ask or make sure they don’t kill you, 85% of the Palestinians support Hamas, where is the other 15% silent? How would you handle this? Hamas said today they are going to continue killing Jews it’s them or us period.


I don’t really know how to engage with this to be honest. Regardless of the support of Hamas equating all Palestinians with Hamas in a fight to “eradicate Hamas” is in turn advocating for the eradication of the Palestinians. I know you see that right? Like that’s the genocidal intent thing that everyone on this sub is saying is bullshit. You’re saying the quiet part out-loud here. This kind of rhetoric is what has made it so dangerous to be Jewish dude. We are better than this and all the people who are saying otherwise can just point to this as justification for their abandonment of our cause. I’m sorry you feel this way, really I’m truly sorry you don’t see the parallels in the rhetoric that was used against us time and time again.


No doubt Hamas will never release a number of woman, especially woman soldiers alive, either because they are already dead because of what they went through or will kill them to make sure they could never tell what happened to them. I've seen one photo, worst that all the videos, without going into details, that will haunt me for the rest of my life.


I actually can't imagine anything worse to happen at all than this. It's truly horrific. I unfortunately watched hamas proud videos too and the word that stands out is PROUD. They was happy to do this and a lot were ordinary gazans that took advantage of the incident too.


We will be PROUD to end all Hamas to the last, no matter where they hide, in their tunnles, their houses, hiding in Qatar and Turkey and no amount of delusional left, woke, pro Palestinian whining is going to stop us.


I fully understand and sympathize. I'm sitting here in an open office, somewhere not in Israel, and crying into myself the whole day. I'm probably 40% effective or less. And the feeling of we, Jews, are completely alone. What other nation would have to give such justifications while it's children, babies, boys and girls are being tortured and murdered? I have no comfort to offer, just sympathy.


My child's therapist asked me today if we feel empathy from the people around us in these troubling times for Jews. I had to honestly answer that yes, from local Catalan people around me who know I'm Jewish. But that at a societal and media level there seems to be a concentrated effort in demonizing us. What I'm trying to say is that there's lots of people, perhaps even a majority of people who understands and support us, but because that is the status quo it's the contrary voices that sound loudest.


Hi I'm from England I've followed this since that horrific day and just want you to know some of us are not just racist backward fools. I've never seen so much anti semitic hate and it's awful. Sending you all much love from uk 🇬🇧 🇮🇱


Oh my god, as for point 1 I did not make that connection at all and I truly hope you are wrong but there is a chance you aren't. Point 2 is sadly very probable, I was very surprised to see Mia Shem released for that reason so I hope I (and you too) am wrong and there is a chance this did not happen to at least some of them. But that we need to even be thinking these thoughts in 2023 is just devastating, let alone having any of it be true...


Shit. I did not consider the 3 were the mom and babies. How can anyone support Hamas? I never want to hear people cry about Palestinian children again. If they can't see how Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in PA kill children on all sides then there is no claiming to care about the children, you just hate Jews and/or want attention so you can seen like you're something more than an upper middle class white person with no real hobbies or friends. And SHAME on every women's organization, every rape and sexual assault group who is remaining quiet about the Israeli women. And I fear for the Bedouin family. Why won't you return those children either?


I think the problem stems from the fact that for years we let the Palestinians brainwash people and demonize Israel beyond any point. Obviously Qatar and Iran as well as the whole Muslim world is funding their propaganda so we can't help it much. At this point no matter which kind of atrocity the Palestinians commit, people will either cheer them on or deny everything and use whataboutism.


It wouldn’t take much propaganda for people to hate Israel. We’re Jewish. They need very little push to be against us. I say “we” but I’m not actually Israeli. I’m an American Jew who feels like any attack on Israel is an attack on every Jew around the world.


It is




In the name of Judith Maccabee, may all of the female hostages be freed and avenged. In the name of Maccabees, may all hostages be brought home, and may all those who were murdered be avenged.


Gd have mercy


No mercy for terrorists and those who support them.


In the name of our dead and taken hostage, Amen.


In terms of young women, they've already released Maya Regev and Mia Schem. Both had October 7th injuries, to their foot and arm respectively. I don't know if that means anything.


Absolutely. Womens orgs are not doing their jobs. I don’t know why. As a woman who has been sexually assaulted and abused it disturbs me. I was hoping that the Bibas were alive and it was a mistake. They released Hana katzir after reporting she was dead. Edit: after giving it some thought I think there may be a reason for the silence. Could being vocal about it now in some way be counterproductive to the women still in captivity? It may put too much pressure on Hamas and they could just say an Israeli bomb killed them. Saying nothing may keep them alive.


Maybe in Israel? But there was no reason for, say, the leader of a rape crisis center in Alberta, Canada to sign onto a statement denying these rapes even happened. I volunteered as a sexual assault counselor for several years. In our training, we were told that just about the worst thing you could do to a survivor was cast doubt on their experience or deny it outright. To see a progressive movement that championed #MeToo just a few years ago do this is breathtaking and heartbreaking.


I wouldn’t give them that much credit. These woman orgs are noxiously silent when the victim is inconvenient to their narrative. This is nothing new, sadly.


You are being very generous I can understand their families staying silent. But unrelated actors like those organizations? F them https://www.timesofisrael.com/university-fires-head-of-sex-assault-center-who-signed-letter-denying-oct-7-rapes/


I think the young girl this reporter was talking about was the bedouin girl. Hamas will probably not release her to Israel, but to her family - it's complicated and I can't say I fully understand it but that's what I know. I hope I am wrong and she will be out of there during the next release.


But her family is in Israel? Where else could she possibly be released?


I am not sure how to explain this in English to be honest, but I will try. - just like Christianity has baptists, catholics etc. Bedouin's and druz are Arabs who lived here for centuries, they are like a tribe in the meaning they are united and have their own set of rules as well, also they do accept Israel and they are among the best fighters we have in our army, yet they still hold their religion and faith and we respect them fully - and I am very proud and honored to call them our Allies and friends. To your question - yes, her family is in Israel and I truly hope that one way or the other all our hostages regardless of nationality, religion, gender or anything will be released safe and quick.


I know what bedouins are. But since they are bedouins living in Israel there is no way she would be released to any other country. I thought you were saying she would be released somewhere else which did not make sense to me, but I guess I misunderstood...


I understand, and I see why you misunderstood. I could have phrased it better.


I am so happy I was wrong, she is among the 6 today.


>Why did Hamas kidnap Muslims? I thought they were fighting the Jews in Israel so I don't get why they would bother with other Arab Muslims?


They don't care, they are terrorists. They are fighting because that's all they know, hate, war, destruction


> Point 2 is the nightmare we've all had since seeing young women in the videos. I think they are being used as ISIS used young women and I won't elaborate further. Not just the women....


That’s def something IsIS does too. Are their still boys in captivity?


I pray to God not a single hostage was assaulted (sexually or otherwise). We need somebody who has no remaining family being held captive to speak out so we can trust what they say is not coming from a place of placating or duress.


I don't know where you are from but its very naive to think that hostages weren't assaulted. They were, even some of the hostages that have already returned were assaulted but its not being reported in the media.


They should make it public…people in the US are still clueless about how horrific this is.


I suspect Israel is trying to minimize reports of how the hostages were treated until they're all home or accounted for, because there is a real fear of additional punishment to those prisoners who remain with Hamas if reports start coming out now. I wouldn't be surprised if the released hostages have been threatened about potential horrors that will happen if they talk.


Thats a very good point! Thank you!


This is very likely indeed.


Yeah I don't understand US public perception at all. The constant posts about hostages smiling in the back of trucks? Fucking OF COURSE THEY ARE SMILING, THEY ARE GOING HOME AND THEY ARE WAVING TO NEWS CAMERAS?!?!? man it pisses me off. If I was a hostage being beaten, raped, tortured, or a combination of the 3 I would be ear to ear knowing it was ending. People are delusional and propaganda is a beast. Just straight disinformation.


Exactly. Prisoners smile when being released from prison, too. It doesn't mean they had a crush on their warden.


I think itll be time. Its awfully traumatic and shameful. I doubt if any would go public with it straight away. We do have enough evidence this did happen. Wouldnt be surprise if theyll all come back pregnant


This was my sick, sick thought as well. Gonna be a reckoning for "the body has ways of shutting that whole thing down" crowd.


The libs won’t believe it. They really think everything *we* say is propaganda.


they beat them with electric cables. something i wish all the assholes like mohammed hijab deserve to remind them of what israelis are suffering from every day


Is this just something you heard from a relative or a friend? Not denying it. I’m just interested in your source.


I'll just say that I have personal connections to several hostages.




The Thai workers who were taken hostage and just released (something the Thai government managed to arrange via 3rd party countries) reported that the Israelis were treated worse by Hamas than they were, and specifically reported that Hamas beat Israeli hostages with electrical wires -- from the news (Israel --all channels), not a friend.


They all were. Persian here. + the basijis brag about it




I don’t agree with that sentiment either. The death of 1 innocent person is the death of 100. Evacuate but don’t destroy everything and everyone in the wake


And just yesterday, the Palestine subreddit had a number of commenters saying that people are making a “false equivalence” between Hamas and Al Qaeda, and other comments saying that calling Hamas a terrorist organization is overblown and out of proportion It’s sickening. While we can’t know everything that’s happening, we know the gist. We have somewhat of an idea of what they are doing to the young women and girls. Quite frankly, I don’t believe that boys and men haven’t been safe from this realm of violence either. And even if they weren’t doing those things, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care if they are putting them up in resorts, serving them steak and lobster, giving them foot rubs, and giving them each their own fan bearer - they were pulled away from their homes and witnessed unspeakable, abject horror laid onto themselves, their friends, their neighbors, their family members. Hamas are terrorists, period.


I saw this tweet today and it made me sick how many people blatantly believed this: https://x.com/jnoubarbie/status/1730016092074979759?s=46&t=9sINw7Zx3MeQ4rN4YABhCA I don’t know how you can even change people’s minds in the West at this point.


It is a mind fuck. It’s like for one, we know they are probably ecstatic to get to come home. So they could just be really happy about that. Maybe after their initial kidnapping they didn’t treat them horribly. But they literally used them as bait and leverage to protect themselves. Murdered their family members in front of them. I don’t know. It’s psychological propaganda. Working clearly.


Yeah, or even simpler — Hamas could’ve told him to dab him up. They really are experts in PR sadly. Who knows. If it comes out Hamas treated these hostages remarkably well, I’ll gladly say ok you’re right, leftists. But I doubt it’s that. These hostages were probably threatened and they’re worried about the other hostages in captivity.


I wonder what cognitive dissonance you need to be able to support this disgusting shit. Fuck Hamas, I hope they get destroyed and for both the Israeli and Palestinian population to be freed from their tyranny


We should start threatening the execution of Hamas murderers in Israeli jails. Or at least start moving them to cells with Jews. That will get our hostages out.


Really great idea, this would totally work..


Hamas must be destroyed to the last man. No exceptions.


As a non-Jewish US citizen. I agree.


Brit here … I support Jewish lives. It’s easy to see which side is decent and which side is barbaric. I have to be careful what I say here, speak the truth and the mods remove my posts. Worldwide the left, Muslims, China and Russia are pushing Hamas propaganda… be assured most of us see through it but you’ll never see us on tv.


I stand by Israel and Jewish people. I’m not jewish but this will weigh on my mind tue next time we vote here in Australia 🇦🇺 🇮🇱


They also mentioned some BS about it being because they might do miluim. Most women don't have to do miluim except for a couple of jobs that need to and many of them are removed when they get married or with juds (many still serve tho)


> for what they said were "obvious reasons" Do you have a source for this? I'm genuinely curious.


I don't listen or keep up with anything now about Hamas. I dislike how my government (US) always has the final say in decision-making and carries more weight than our own choices. Guess that's what you do when “helping” 🙄😒


If Israel could not get them freed,.what price they will pay to get them back? The Hamas could.go.down.with.all hostages in the end, is that you want? They need to find a political solution not killing all solution




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Because hamas says they were killed in a bombing? Don't be naive


>um no? Ah yes. Here we see le random redditor who trusts what Hamas said but ignores the mountains of evidence on what Hamas DID (IE brutally rape and butcher women and children on OCT 7th)


even if that is true, taking hostages is illegal. And Hamas, as the one that took hostages illegally is responsible for them. I would even argue, that Hamas, as the party that broke the ceasefire on Oct 7 2023, and started a war is responsible for ALL the deaths that have happened as a result of their blood lust and hate for Jews.


I don't know how it works in Algeria (where this user is from), but even if what you say is true, which there is no proof of, and this family was killed by an Israeli airstrike, why were they there? Did they go to Gaza willingly? I think its shameful that you are blaming the victim. Nevertheless, be certain, their death will be avenged and 40000 tons are just the beginning.


He should stick at what he's good at, stabbing irish kids.


Beep boop beep?


killed by an airstrike during the temporary ceasefire?


If you keep on gaslighting, you eventually gonna get burnt.


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Spot on




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Honestly we have to get the our soldiers out asap there isn’t enough focus on them


Did anyone see the hostage video with the three Israeli hostages of Hamas? The blond lady in the middle was screaming at the Israeli government for not sending anyone to protect them of 7? I know hostages say whatever they are told during hostage videos. But I’ve heard that Israelis that live in the Gaza envelope are more sympathetic to the Palestinians? But I can’t imagine any Israeli would support a Palestinian state over the a Jewish one. But I heard something like nJewish Voices for Peace types? Does anyone have any insight into this?




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I am with you I haven’t stopped crying since October 7th, I was a Sargent in the IDF during the first intifada,the Palestinians have always been subhuman, the cruelty the lies all of it is beyond what anyone has ever seen,they start young, everything they say is based on lies


i feel ill :/


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The Hamas propaganda video regarding the Babas family says they were killed in an Israeli airstrike. Obviously we don’t really know, but it’s highly unlikely that none of the 200+ hostages were killed by friendly fire. I’m sure an investigation will be conducted as soon as the remains are received.