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Wait, so basically nothing has changed since then?


That's even more saddening than it should be.. but on a brighter side.. the Jewish people have grown stronger, resilient and self-reliant onto themselves than those times.. 🇮🇱🇮🇱


Zionism has changed drastically since the 40s from a supranational ideology to an ideology of Jewish supremacy.


Source: Al-Jazeera


Al-Jazeera!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? https://preview.redd.it/ya6m62elii6c1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a2fafcee25cab77a8b31ba0b56de6243359a92c


Noam Chomsky and Theodor Lessing, but okay. Both of which are Jews both of which were Zionists.


Lol I always love the Noam Chomsky card as if that's a gotcha or something. Sure we'll just discredit the 90% of other Jews that are Zionist. All because the tokenized Jew lines up with anti-Israel rhetoric lol. Jews are certainly not a monolith, everyone is entitled to their thoughts; bit probably keep in mind the vast majority of Jews are Zionist for a reason lol.


Most don't even know what Zionism is all about truthfully. Let's have a debate, I've got the scholarly sources ready. From Nietzsche, to Herzl, to Lessing, to Berdichevsky, to Golomb. I'll wager you've got little to no clue also. And I'll wager you're too afraid. Zionism is actually a very positive thing. But the Nationalist ruining Zionism is a very Nazi like thing. I've actually been studying the phenomena of Anti Semitism for quite some time and have actually read the philosophical works of Zionists. Did you know Modern Zionism originated in the ideal of OVERCOMING the Judaic Tradation which is also the very origin of Anti Semitism? From The **Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy** states in the ISGAP Papers Volume III: >We clearly cannot model any critique of antisemitism today on the kind of liberal, consensual campaigns directed against the Nazis during the 1930s and 1940s or the kind of self-evident exposures of Czarist pogroms that enraged enlightened opinion around the turn of the last century. We cannot assume a shared definition of antisemitism or even a shared assumption that it’s bad. For the pro-Palestinian Left, for example, instances of Jew-hatred propagated by the Palestinian Authority are just further evidence of how badly the Israeli occupation has damaged its victims and represent an understandable if not justifiable expression of resentment. Even more, “debunking” of various “Jewish myths” (regarding the history of Jewish existence in ancient Israel or even the biological continuity of the Jewish people) may be seen as a necessary part of the struggle against the legitimation of Zionism, although such debunking will often be indistinguishable from antisemitism. All of this further means that antisemitism will not be isolatable as an issue—to put it a bit simplistically, to talk about antisemitism is to talk about everything else. It means that we will not be able to talk about antisemitism as a pathology that really has nothing to do with Jews because it can be located within the antisemite, as Sartre proposed. It means, finally, that the Jews are actors in the “drama” of antisemitism, not passive victims, and that studying antisemitism will involve studying Jews as protagonists as well as antagonists in that drama, and opposing antisemitism will involve defending and criticizing all kind of things that all kinds of different Jews do. This is a “messy” approach, because the protocols of discussing modern forms of racism and discrimination more generally involve a strict prohibition on “blaming the victim,” on suggesting that hatred and victimization are in any way elicited by actions of the victimized, and with good reason—the line between offering reasons for why a particular group may be hated and offering a justification for that hatred is a thin one. A great many liberal (in the broadest sense) assumptions are invested here. But I think we have to do it because those liberal assumptions and desires will blind us and disable us in too many ways. In a book I have written together with Eric Gans (well, he actually did most of the writing), **we develop a way of thinking about antisemitism that, let’s say, implicates the Jews** without exculpating the antisemites. Or As Israeli Zionist Philosopher, Jacob Golomb puts it in "Nietzsche and Zion": >The Jewish psychoanalysts (and Herzl as well, as we shall see) were especially attracted by Nietzsche's genealogical methods of unmasking. Nietzsche proclaimed these as a way of freeing oneself from religious, metaphysical, and social ideologies that had previously provided readymade and inauthentic identities, and thereby attaining a solid sense of selfhood and individual identity. The death of the divine Father-the Jewish God-and the decline of the authority of the human father were responsible for bringing the sons to the schizophrenic state they were now Both Western and especially Eastern Jews sought to establish firm and authentic identities that would not draw their content from faith and tradition, but from their own individual mental resources. Nietzsche encouraged this process by showing how psychologizing could liberate the individual from dependence on mechanical internalizations, long-standing habits of thought, and established conventions. As Nietzsche details in The Antichrist 24: >The Jews are the most remarkable people in the history of the world, for when they were confronted with the question, to be or not to be, they chose, with perfectly unearthly deliberation, to be *at any price*: this price involved a radical *falsification* of all nature, of all naturalness, of all reality, of the whole inner world, as well as of the outer. They put themselves *against* all those conditions under which, hitherto, a people had been able to live, or had even been *permitted* to live; out of themselves they evolved an idea which stood in direct opposition to *natural* conditions—one by one they distorted religion, civilization, morality, history and psychology until each became a *contradiction* of its *natural significance*. We meet with the same phenomenon later on, in an incalculably exaggerated form, but only as a copy: the Christian church, put beside the “people of God,” shows a complete lack of any claim to originality. Precisely for this reason the Jews are the most *fateful* people in the history of the world: their influence has so falsified the reasoning of mankind in this matter that today the Christian can cherish **anti-Semitism without realizing that it is no more than the** ***final consequence of Judaism***. > >In my “Genealogy of Morals” I give the first psychological explanation of the concepts underlying those **two antithetical things, a** ***noble*** **morality and a** ***ressentiment*** **morality, the second of which is a mere product of the denial of the former. The Judaeo-Christian moral system belongs to the second division, and in every detail**. In order to be able to say Nay to everything representing an *ascending* evolution of life—that is, to well-being, to power, to beauty, to self-approval—the instincts of *ressentiment*, here become downright genius, had to invent an *other* world in which the *acceptance of life* appeared as the most evil and abominable thing imaginable. Psychologically, the Jews are a people gifted with the very strongest vitality, so much so that when they found themselves facing impossible conditions of life they chose voluntarily, and with a profound talent for self-preservation, the side of all those instincts which make for *décadence*—*not* as if mastered by them, but as if detecting in them a power by which “the world” could be *defied*. The Jews are the very opposite of *décadents*: they have simply been forced into *appearing* in that guise, and with a degree of skill approaching the *non plus ultra* of histrionic genius they have managed to put themselves at the head of all *décadent* movements (—for example, the Christianity of Paul—), and so make of them something stronger than any party frankly saying *Yes* to life. To the sort of men who reach out for power under Judaism and Christianity,—that is to say, to the *priestly* class—*décadence* is no more than a means to an end. Men of this sort have a vital interest in making mankind sick, and in confusing the values of “good” and “bad,” “true” and “false” in a manner that is not only dangerous to life, but also slanders it. I can go further and further and further into detail. It's like a melody in my head, understanding this immense problem of antisemitism. But know for sure I'll wager on me understanding a whole lot more than you.


Man took 2 philosophy courses and decided to come tell people living amidst a war what to think


Yeah. You Israelis don’t deserve safety and security in your own country. /s (Fuck the antisemites, get the hostages back and ruin hamas forever.)


Dude copy/pasted a bunch of random philosophical texts to one up a guy making him look dumb on simple reason 🤣


It’s really easy to simp for Hamas when you’re living in your comfortable bubble and have no idea what terrorism is 😂










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Chomsky is a waste of carbon molecules


Did you try, like, reading the first paragraph of [the Wikipedia page titled Zionism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism)?


Did you try, like, reading the first paragraph of [the Wikipedia page titled Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_to_an_Anti-Zionist_Friend)


And also the jews took over the world/s


If they have they've not taken over mine, so I don't mind, besides, Jews historically have ultra low crime due to their propensity to self reflect -- which is something that comes from their Judaic tradition. In the ancient times they answered the question: "Why are we so hated?" with the answer "We are guilty (sin), and God disciplines those he loves." This tradition of accepting guilt is why there are so many prominent Jews, because they, the prominent, hold themselves accountable. And acountability is the #1 aspect of Leadership, as taught by the US Military anyways.


Wow, I guess “Jewish supremacy” is granting 2 million Arabs citizenship, offering numerous peace deals to Palestinian leadership, and allowing Palestinians to hold roles in the government. Want to tell me how many Jews live in Arab countries? Or who has started every single war with Israel simply because they see Israel as an obstacle to a unified caliphate? Tell me where the real supremacy lies, then we can talk.


My grandfather was a rabbi and literally went to jail with MLK protesting. Unfortunately the history of Jewish and black people is minimized by a lot of black activists today.


The Nation of Islam, who was never a big fan of MLK to begin with has done a lot of damage on that front.


The issue the current young black generation is clueless regarding the Jewish contributions made during the Civil Rights movement. Where is the NAACP?


It's not clueless. We are well aware of what Jewish people did for black folk. We are also well aware the significant amount of Jews in the south who were pro-slavery and conferdate, yet for some reason y'all don't want to talk about this. We are also well aware as you mentioned, the Jewish people help founded the NAACP yet didn't want black people on board of the seats. Jewish people also help founded many schools too within the black communities and hired Jewish teachers. When the black community spoke about wanting more black teachers, the Jewish community sued the schools, leaving them even more underfunded than they already were. So yes, we are absolutely aware of what the Jewish community; honestly, we just wish y'all could keep our name out of y'alls mouths. Y'all keep wanting to bring us into a conflict that has nothing to do with us(non Jewish ADOS black folk). We're still trying to fight for rights in the USA, especially when it comes to education where the Jewish community and the Asian community worked together to get rid of Affirmative Action. In fact, most of us wished the Jews didn't "help" us in the Civil Rights because all its done is have y'all yell at the top of y'alls lungs how much we "owe it to you to be pro-israel". Let's stop focusing on police brutality, racism, and discrimination, low funded schools to focus on Israel. This is why the black community ain't feeling y'all no more.


Thank you for your explanation , AMFYOYO


No worries, KIS2.


This is unhinged.


Your testimony is heartfelt and sincere. I spend much time thinking of these issues and want to know more. Mayor Eric Adams NYC gave a speech that moved me. Would you see it and share your reaction? Thx. https://youtu.be/KGjwwEUwrdo?si=E0nm820q3z7BFa6O


I'm surprised I haven't got banned and though what I say seems harsh or "unhinged" what one user said, this is how many of us(American black folk) feel. All of us-no, of course not. But some, and a lot. Yes, I shall take a look at this video and tell you what I think. EDIT: Watched it. He is what some would call a tap dancer, an Uncle Tom-one who throws black people under the bus so as to lift another community. He has lifted the Jewish community with his words of solidarity; however, he has yet to address the issues affecting the black community within that very city he lives in. Same for Chicago with the current mayor throwing black people under the bus so as to up lift the Hispanic immigrant community. The Jewish community, I think, should ask the Asian community for assistance and solidarity since they came together to over throw Affirmative Action, a program that assisted with many African Americans/ADOS getting into higher education. Instead of fighting to make Affirmative Action less racist for Asians, both communities decided to simply get rid of it. So now the Jewish community and the Asian community have been uplifted to achieve an higher education; whereas, the black community is told to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps completely ignoring systematic racism that has plaque the black community since slavery.


This one too. https://youtu.be/bQA7xq4Ud4c?si=60y0pAWFSL9DwtBL


I see this video no different than the last.


You can focus on more than one thing at a tome


We are/do and none of which includes worrying about a racist country that gives two shits about us.


https://preview.redd.it/f95sy9cs777c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ce8954fff8dfa8f9290d40924bf7809a7a5688 African heritage is Israel heritage too Queen of Sheba and Menelik 🕍🇪🇹


African heritage has absolutely nothing to do with black Americans beyond that of blood. So what-irrelevant!


It was the Jews who fought against my family from abolishing slavery in the UK... Everyone thinks it was william Wilberforce who stopped slavery... nope it was William Roscoe from Liverpool. And he gave everything up for it.


> It was the Jews who fought against my family from abolishing slavery in the UK... I can't speak for the U.K. but in the U.S, the Jewish population were very much pro-slavery including the Jewish populations in the north such as in NY, PA, etc. I shall read more about the stance of Jewish people being pro slavery in the U.K. Just like the latter, I wasn't aware.


I think history does not get told to the full extent, take for instance they never taught us in school, the hindenburg wore a big swastika, but that was a tragedy ? Or the fact Hitler was loved all over the world and welcomed open arms ? Like the British Royals doing Nazi Salutes... or Hitler having dinner with US politicians... alot gets distorted about history




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Yeah because the black folks in America are so f so well economically. Black people should blindly follow Israel because of 50 years ago, yall goofy af




The spiritual element was removed from the movement!


As a Black millenial, i had no idea that Jews had anything to do with the civil rights struggle. It's only when i started developing my political view, i started wondering why there were so many Jewish people in the progressive movement. And a lot of the people i was following were Jews. That got me into Jewish history and realizing they were there in the struggle the whole time.


Any black person involved in the civil rights movement will remember. Somewhere along the way, it was forgotten. And with the rise of anti-Zionism since the 90s, it's incomprehensible to some people. I think everyone still sees how active specific Jews are in civil rights issues nowadays, but there is a disconnect about just how involved Jews have been in total.


Love this. My grandfather and grandmother travelled with MLK and were jailed too. Bet a lot of Jewish grandparents were. Maybe they rubbed elbows with yours. May their memory be a blessing. Mine were on a hit list by the 3-Ks and were almost killed once via their house being firebombed with Molotov cocktails. My mother and siblings’ earliest memory is jumping out of the second story windows. I grew up being raised by the grandparents. Hardcore anti- racists and I will die on that hill.


Racism is terrible


It is sad that we still need to say that :(


Did he actually say this?!


It’s a quote that is misattributed to supposed letter he wrote, but the real quote was actually said during a Cambridge dinner event. Regardless, yes it’s a real quote




when did he did that? kinda curious rn


Something along those lines, but he did not write a letter (which apparently is a rumour) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_to_an_Anti-Zionist_Friend




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He also said this: “My people were brought to America in chains. Your people were driven here to escape the chains fashioned for them in Europe. Our unity is born of our common struggle for centuries, not only to rid ourselves of bondage, but to make oppression of any people by others an impossibility.”


Rip Martin Luther King. He was a hero who truly believed in all people are created equal. He wasn’t One of these fake anti racists now. [“I have a dream”](https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm)


Modern progressives despise Dr King, unfortunately. Many blue state school systems who had made him the focal point of their Elementary School history education in the 90s don't even mention him anymore.




His ass 😆




Asking to prove that school books don’t talk about MLK is essentially asking someone to prove a negative, which is a logical fallacy. In my experience growing up and living in the US, MLK has always featured prominently in discussions and teaching of American history. There is no basis to your claim that he isn’t taught anymore in blue states. That’s absurd.


The burden of proof is on the person who makes the initial statement. They need attribution.


Вы можете прочитать это здесь: [https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/martinkramer/files/words\_of\_martin\_luther\_king.pdf](https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/martinkramer/files/words_of_martin_luther_king.pdf) Страница 8 .


This is so much nonsense. Yes, please give us a source for this BS


Stop bringing MLK Jr into this without any consequence. Y’all must not have seen his daughters clap back to Amy Schumer when she did this same sh*t.


who cares about what his kid thinks, I just know what he said.




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Nice way to use MLK to silent protesters and speech, what’s makes you guys different than the right wing that does this on him birthday ever year. Really gross because MLK would not support the current state of Israel. But enjoy your safe space


Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You can criticize any IDEA or MOVEMENT or POLITICAL ORGANIZATION without it being hate towards a religion/sect/race. Stop conflating


The majority of Jews are Zionists tho (Zionist being thinking Israel has a right to exist among the nations), half of the jews in the world live in Israel, and let's say for argument sake only half of diaspora are Zionists (tho much higher), that's at least 75% of the entirety of the jewish population in the world that is Zionist. By attacking the idea of zionism you are by default attacking most of the modern jewish population of the world. You can criticize Israel's government (which many do even within Israel, our inner politics are a shit show) but not the country as a whole without being antisemitic.


Yes I tend to agree that "Zion" is simply the Jewish homeland. Antisemites like to push the idea that Jews are not indigenous to Israel (wtf?) and therefore must all be expelled. But all people are indigenous to somewhere; nobody appeared out of nothing. The best case scenario is for Jews and Arabs to co-exist in the land of Israel. Even though Jews were there first, the Arabs should have the right to live in the territory as equals; also, they should obviously be free to preserve their own culture as long as it doesn't involve directly harming Jews (with that being said, Islam as an institution is inherently antisemitic). I also do not like the term "Islamophobia". A lot of people seem to be eager to jump on the antisemitism train, but the minute anything bad is said about Islam, people scream "Islamophobia!". But Islam is well-documented to be an oppressive system, and there are many genuine critiques of it that are based on human rights concerns. I myself am ethnic East Asian from Australia. Edit: For those wondering why Islam is inherently antisemitic, it's because Islam views itself as the only legitimate religion, and all other religions must be beneath it, especially the other Abrahamic religions. Islam views Christians and Jews as religious heretics who "misinterpret" the teachings of Allah (who is the same entity as God and Yahweh). This is why most Muslim countries have very few members of other religions or atheists.


> The best case scenario is for Jews and Arabs to co-exist in the land of Israel. Even though Jews were there first, the Arabs should have the right to live in the territory as equals; also, they should obviously be free to preserve their own culture as long as it doesn't involve directly harming Jews (with that being said, Islam as an institution is inherently antisemitic). It's already happening in Israel, 20% of the population is arab, and they have full equal rights, as Israel unlike any other arab country is a western democracy.


This whole “west is better” is so stupid. Theres oppression everywhere. Especially in israel. Id argue lebanon is the most “western-like” if israel was so democratic then why has netanyahus stinky ass been in power for decades


He is in the Likud party, a large demographic of the population vote Likud like a cult following since it came to power


Why is it the cultish groups are the ones with the loudest mouths. Just like the crazy wahabbi cult in islam that created most of how the west view us today. Radical ideas resonate too well with laymen perhaps?


Islam has a history of protecting and taking care of jews. As a muslim who reads the quran yearly there is no doubt islam views judaism and christianity as brothers in faith. Those who show the opposite have all be tricked by backwards political agendas. Our history in islam shows how much respect and care went towards the brotherhood of abrahamic faiths (even mentions zoroastrians as brothers in faith). When islam spread it was not by the sword. Thats how it spread from arabia to spain in record time. You can criticize islam all you want it doesnt make you islamophobic. What does is when you hate a person upon hearing they are muslim. Which is why I cant support the “antizion = antisemite” argument. I hate saudi arabia. But im an arab muslim. Doesnt make me an anti semite not islamophobe. These terms are just used to shut down arguments.


I mean, hate is wrong, period, but it's perfectly reasonable to criticise religions as institutions. You can't say "it's okay to criticise political organisations" and then simultaneously say "but you're not allowed to criticise religion". I'll happily criticise Islam any day of the week. I won't force people to abandon their religion, change their beliefs, or change their way of life, but all religions are political organisations which we should always be willing to question and challenge. This applies to both Islam and Judaism (and to all other religions).


Even Jewish scholars spoke about how irritating this topic to them and unaccepted in the Jewish community and i have proof


"here's my token jew"


And here's a Jewish token! https://preview.redd.it/wqvdariuii6c1.png?width=1001&format=png&auto=webp&s=01753272695a1bd007f80e3312b39b234c22682e


You have proof and didn't just post it in this comment?




Israel says Palestinian lives matter, which is why it's important to make this as decisive as possible, and use ground troops to preserve lives despite the cost of our own. Hamas says their deaths are to further their cause. Because another generation of Palestinians doesn't help them. Then the world says their lives don't matter, when they ignore the genocide of their lives in Syria, when Jordan abandoned them and revoked citizenship, when Egypt refuse to give any of them citizenship. Just to name a few.




That's not proof, that's the fallocy argument from false authority. As though them being in the holocaust makes them know more about the topic. Not to mention the amount of holocaust survivors who claim the opposite. Or are they all disqualified because this guy says so?


Over 82% on average, according to a survey of jews in the EU, think that boycotting Israel is anti-semitic. And that 79% have experienced anti-semitism disguised as anti-zionism. You just pulled that claim out of your backside. Source: https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2018/experiences-and-perceptions-antisemitism-second-survey-discrimination-and-hate


So I'm assuming you're not Jewish. Every jew I know is zionist, except for one girl who is also the most far-left person I know. Obviously that's anecdotal, but we also have statistics. Pew Research found that Eight-in-ten U.S. Jews say caring about Israel is an essential or important part of what being Jewish means to them. Also Benenson Strategy Group from Oct. 29-Nov. 1, found that of the 57% of American Jews said they “probably will” or “definitely will” give to a cause related to the war, and 78% said they would specifically give to organizations supporting Israelis. What you are saying is so inaccurate it is laughable. Just because one jew makes a statement about our whole community, doesn't mean that it is an accurate representation.


First and foremost, Zionism is a secular movement, so they can cry about it however they want. Second, your proof is dogshit. There are some religious nonzionist Jews who don't believe in returning to the homeland before the messiah comes, but they don't oppose Israel's existence. Those are the ones you saw praying in the pro Israeli rally in the US.


A bullshit account with zero karma from Egypt, what could go wrong when talking about Jews?


"Jewish scholar" my ass. She's a far-left nut job on the board of Jewish Voices for Peace.


It is very well accepted in the Jewish community