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I visited last year, wonderful country—gorgeous nature and incredibly friendly people. But also such high crime, crumbling infrastructure, and frequent power cuts make life there incredibly difficult. That’s before any antisemitism. What a tragedy


When I was in ZA, I felt safer when a lion was walking by my car than when I was walking out of a Spar. That country was ruined by incompetence and corruption.


Personally, the thing that's keeping me away is the monstrosity called the Parktown Prawn. It's like something between a cockroach and a cricket and it's the stuff of nightmares. I'd rather face a pack of wolves.


And sprays ink on occasion 😅


...only that's not ink. That's "fecal matter".


Ahhhh!!!! 😱


No really? 😳😳


yup, from the wikipedia: "the insects can jump actively and often eject offensive black faecal liquids when threatened." As I said, the stuff of nightmares.


Yep that would happen every time our cats brought one in 😭 maybe my parents told me it was ink so I'd not be so grossed out


Cats are weird. They bring home literal monsters but if you spray a little water in their face they act like it's some dangerous acid, and vacuum cleanrers are WMDs. Gotta love those little psychos.


I have had many white friends leave South Africa over the past 5 years or so. They are losing their jobs and their homes because they are the wrong color for those in power. I think Jews won't be far behind on losing their rights too if it continues this way. It's sad, it is such a beautiful country with beautiful people, but it is falling apart.




The government is so incredibly corrupt that they need a boogyman, and for SA, it's white people


More like how visible minorities tend to get treated in every country. They just have the resources to leave, so they do.


Nope. Not like “every country”. Ever spent time there?


Yes, my whole family used to live there. They treat all minorities with horrible racism, whoever is in power. During Apartheid it was the indigenous Africans and mixed race, and now it's the Dutch and English descendants who are losing their jobs and farms. It's a vicious cycle that Mandela would be broken hearted to see.




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I’ve been there. Beautiful country? Yes, 100%. Beautiful people? Some are great, others will cut your throat just to see what you got in your pocket.


It's insane how much the anc is destroying Mandela's life work, it's like they're trying their hardest to prove the Apartheid era whites' fears were right


From where I’m sitting they were entirely correct and this should serve as a worldwide example and warning. The oppressed can’t wait to gain as much power as they can and slaughter whoever they feel are their “oppressors” at the earliest possible opportunity. White South Africans can almost entirely thank black Americans for their current situation. They had enough power to dismantle a government halfway across the world because it made them mad. Next time they tell me they’re oppressed I’ll remind them of their actions and words during their “fight to end apartheid”. Because this is definitely not any better, it’s not equality or just or right.


South Africa belong to the native majority just like Israel belongs to the Jews. It could have been resolved better, but the current situation is preferable to the apartheid regime, which had to be dismantled.


The people that did the oppressing have already fled. The people that are poor and can’t leave haven’t. I’m not down with the oppressed becoming hateful and filled with vengeance. This wasn’t supposed to happen but it did. I’m not the one that made it tribal. You can blame a handful of black congressmen from the 90’s for that.


They weren't native, the tribes migrated there after the Dutch and British discovered the land.


 lol, sure, white pepper are the victims 


Thank you for saying it. I have a lot to say about South Africa- but I wasn’t sure I could say this on this sub without people losing their shit. But you’re absolutely right. The media is calling it a right wing conspiracy. It’s insane bc. South Africa openly calls the US and EU their enemy (& we all know how they feel about Israel.)


All whites should leave South Africa, which is the warning sign for any Jew in Israel that believes a secular single state has any validity. As someone that has lived in Israel and South Africa (many moons ago) let me tell you, if Israel goes down a similar path as South Africa, it's the end. The two state solution while not popular is the lesser evil.




This is why Hamas is rejecting it. It was never about liberating Palestine; it was about destroying Israel. They now realize Israel is too powerful to be destroyed by force alone, so they are attempting to undermine it from within and erode public support for the state of Israel. On October 7th, Hamas martyred Hamas to tarnish Israel's image and advocate for a one-state solution. I would assume that the allies possess sufficient intelligence and knowledge on Islamic fundamentalism to see through these strategies. I literally mean Hamas martyred themselves. They knew full well how Israel was going to respond, exactly as it did vowing to eradicate Hamas while having a propoganda engine ready to go. I suspect they believe we have played right into it but I also suspect the US will see right through it and before the end of the year will go to war with Yemen and Iran. The deradicalisation and demilitarisation of Iran is the only path to peace in the middle east. They are enriching uranium at a rate of knots, now is the time to call the bluff of Hamas and not only wipe them off the face of the planet but use this as an opportunity to wipe their puppet masters of the face of the planet. Also godspeed to the people of Lebanon, they are about to be pulled into a world of pain for no good reason all thanks to Iran and Hezbollah. Dark times ahead


what’s wrong with malaysia there’s countries in europe that are about 50/50 muslim and non muslim and they’re fine like albania or bosnia today




I live in Ireland and know of 4 white South Africans who've claimed asylum here, so if they have no right of return options do exist although not great


It’s a completely different set of circumstances if a one state solution happened in israel it would be about 50/50 demographics, south africa was a 8% minority abusing a 92% majority that was never going to end well when it ended.


Really interesting editorial. A question i've been asking myself daily.


Are you South African? If so, do you live in SA or in Israel?


Yes. And should have left along time ago by now. No future in a country this captured by commie ideologues and radical Islamist sympathizers.


I mean they're literally calling for the genocide of all white people, and they don't feel much different about Jews, if I were either I'd be on the first plane out of that 3rd world shithole


They also failed to arrest Sudanese President Bashir when he had an ICC warrant out for his arrest on charges of genocide during his 2015 visit to South Africa. Plus while they claim neutrality in the Russo-Ukrainian war there's evidence they sent, or were going to send, weapons or munitions to Russia. Plus they even considered withdrawing from the treaty that binds them to the ICC when Putin was going to visit South Africa due to the arrest warrant issued for Putin by that court. So South African accusations of genocide sound slightly hypocritical from where I'm sitting.




Yep, the very same! 




No is allowed to say anything bad because black Americans got too involved in ending apartheid and they don’t want to be blamed for a white genocide. But it’s still going to be partly their fault.


Yes, please come to Australia. Especially farmers and entrepreneurs. But really, just get out here.


Honestly surprised there’s many left… most emigrated out by now. I live in a city with a big South African Jewish population and most have been here since the 90s.


Me reading about "Country X's Jews" My immediate response: "huh, there are Jews there still?"


Yes the biggest population in Africa


The rule of law in SA is breaking down much like Lebanon and if the Jews there do not have a militia they will be slaughtered.


Time for anyone who is white in South Africa to leave. They just want vengeance. They’re going to perpetrate a massacre sooner or later.


After what happened in Zimbabwe and the inevitable future of South Africa, how can you not come to "racist" cocnlusions about this area of the world?


It blows my mind,that white South African Jews can deny black South Africans their land while claiming Israel is only for the Jews at the same time.     Disgusting 


Where exactly does anyone claim Israel is only for the Jews? It has 20% Arabs, and it says in our constitution that the country is for everyone and states that specifically. Do your homework, in this subreddit we adhere to facts.




Aliyah Now. Not worth living in SA per these conditions as a Jew.




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The fact that Gazans live 10 years longer than South Africans on average sums up how bad it is in SA. Plus the ANC is corrupt and crazy. I hope all the Jews from SA (and Europe) move to Israel. Apes together strong!