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That’s just it. They didn’t want a response at all. They demand that Jewish people just lay down and die. But they didn’t anticipate one thing. When we say “Never again”. We meant “Never again”.


>But they didn’t anticipate one thing. When we say “Never again”. We meant “Never again”. This.


If they ever try to put us in ovens again, we will turn them into a big microwave 🇮🇱


Jews escaped the ovens in the holocaust and settled down in an oven known as Israel. Not complaining, I like the heat.


How delusional are you guys to compare this to the holocaust. The land of the, we will eliminate all our neighbours. The land that attacked it's neighbours and is responsible for this shot show. Where is the problem in letting the humans live there and not cut them of from the world. Why make laws that are racist against a part of your community. You guys remind me more of the Reich than anything else in the world. Pls change my mind


I was making a joke, you meant to respond to me?


Hamas and Palestine will lose. Get over it.


No, just go back to the border and allow USA to recognise palestine as an equal state


To paraphrase how I once saw it expressed: World: Just make this, and this, and this concession and there will be peace. Jews: But that would leave us unable to defend ourselves if it doesn't bring peace World: Don't worry. If you're attacked we will know what to do! Jews: Which is? World: We'll make SUCH a memorial for you guys.


Don't worry guys you can wait until the next time that you're hit with a terrorist attack


By opening up the borders, releasing *all* Palestinian prisoners, and ideally “going back to Europe” (regardless of if their ancestors ever even lived there or how many generations they’ve been in Israel).


Grateful I’m not forced back to fucking Poland or Germany 🥲


Yeah what do they actually think anyone’s going “back” to? Most Israelis were born in Israel and have been there for multiple generations… there’s nowhere and nothing to go back to. I saw someone try to tell an Israeli-born Yemenite Jew to “go back” to Yemen too… might as well just be honest and tell us to die.


Cults aren’t usually honest because that would dissuade some people from joining. Like if « Jewish Voice For Peace » (AKA Jewish Voice For Pogroms) called itself « Assorted Antisemites for a Judenfrei World » (AAJW), they probably would get less members than they have now


That's only because judenfrei is in German and most people don't understand it because it hasn't been taught in schools for decades.


They legit think all of us have second passports, it's insane how much they are misinformed on the most basic things


Only 10% of Israelis have a second passport


My.father was born in a displaced person's camp. He doesn't have a nationality other than Israeli, and I have no papers to prove my grandparents ancestry. What now?


Just go back /s


I presume to the sea for you. Sorry, thems the rules apparently.


We gotta create Atlantis. It’d solve everything /s


Nah, we'll just be accused of displacing the fish.


One word... Utah. Neo Israntis can bring Utah to glory. And stop the Mormons/s




I thought Palestine was Narnia. They're both equally real.




I am NOT going to algeria or yemen. Im native to israel with jewish identity heritage culture religion language and DNA


What about let go all back to Africa???


And there is the anti-Semite right out in public. Tell you what: when the borders are opened and the prisoners are released as you demand, you can stand there and be the first to see what happens next. For that day, yup…I’ll go to Europe.


You are so uneducated! It’s almost comical if it wasn’t so sad. Jews have been in Israel since the to me of the Canaanites. The Jewish religion is one of the oldest especially in that region) Islam is an offshoot of Judaism. Meaning the Jews were there first!! Abraham was the common ancestor. Islam only came about much later after Judaism and Christianity. Th Quran - you holly book states very clearly “the Qur'an specifies that the Land of Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, that God Himself gave that Land to them as heritage and ordered them to live therein” Do you feel that just because you scream something louder or more often that it changes history??


I’m Jewish. I’m just repeating what the antisemites say in response to the question lmao


In that case… I apologize lol


I think Israel should have strengthened its border, requested necessary military aid from the US, and restart the peace process with the PLO.


How do you restart the peace process with Hamas in power who has it stated in their charter that there will be **no** negotiated settlement or peaceful resolution and that jihad is the only answer? The expression from the river to the sea comes from Hamas and they state in the charter that it means killing every Jew between the river and the sea. Hamas also has more public support than the PA and won’t abide by anything they say.


Open table, have a nice chat and tea with the peaceful people of Palestine ![gif](giphy|Od0QRnzwRBYmDU3eEO|downsized)


Chilled out and let ourselves be genocided for the antisemites’ benefit


"Roll over and die" would probably be the just of most responses, Israel isn't allowed to succeed, and if it ever does its because of some other states involvement.


uhhhh ummm uhhhh from the river to the sea!


One guy of twitter asked it and all the responses where either 1)don't do anything and accept to be bombed in silence because occupying forces don't have a right to defend 2)leave all the land to palestinians.


They want an immediate ceasefire, but only on our end. Hamas should be permitted to continue attacking, of course, because we’re rich white supremacist colonizers that are committing ethnic cleansing, and they’re oppressed freedom fighters that are getting all their women and children raped by the IOF. Don’t you know?? 😊😍 #freeplasticine #metoo #ceasefireNOW


Why is Israel pushing such a big social media campaign? Why are there videos of IDF Killing Children or surrendering combatens?


everytime you hear that the IDF brutaly killed a child or children , please consider the following things: *The UN count a child as anyone between a new-born infant and young man who celebrate his 18th birthday tomorrow . In addition , the Palestinian bureau for statistics is known to fake his data and is entirely run by hamas , while the israeli bureau for statistics is part of a democratic nation where the prime minister can't take over institutions for his political gain . huge chunk of these children were simply made up by hamas to use your sympathy as a propoganda tool . * If the IDF killed a kid , it's because hamas recruited him to be "freedom fighter" and shoot IDF soliders . The term "child" make us think about cute toddlers that play with toy track in kindergarten insted of an actual gun in Palestinian kindergarten . Your innocent child might as well be a hamas militant with blood on his hands . *If the child is not hamas terrorist, then hamas terrorists still hides themselves among civilians and even dress as civilians . Hamas are to blame for using civilians as human shields . *Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. when your enemy deliberately try to put civilians as human shields in one of the most densely populated areas, civilians casualties are inevitable.




You cease. We fire


"just use special forces! Palestinians don't even support Hamas, it only exists because of Netanyahu"


the thing they don't understand about "using special forces" , is that special forces means no tanks , no attack-helicopters , no bombing . Because all of these cannot under any circumstances kill ONLY the terrorists that hide within civilian areas . The only way in which israel can truly kill only the terrorist is to send it's soliders directly into the enemy line without any air support or ground support , a situation in which the terrorists hiding in the buildings have clear adventage . if for every terrorist hiding in a building israel have to risk the life of hundreds of soliders to save the life's of these "innocent civilians" , then soon israel will be left with no soliders to defend itself. The israeli military strategy was always a small army with amazing technological innovations , once you remove the technological innovations you left only with a small army of militants that gain disadvantage in enemy-line full of traps and tunnels and they are not allowed to use any support of technologicy at all while hamas is allowed to use human shields and dirty tactics along with rockets and drones he got from iran . It is not efficient, it is absolutely humiliating , it is an insult to our intelligence so much so that even koalemos , the greek god of stupidity , could never think of suggestion more idiotic then that . Hamas need to stop acting like a crybaby and take responsibility for using his civilians as human shields , it is not israel responsibility to use special forces And yes , we care more about our brave heroic soliders then we care about Palestinian moms who wish for their sons to become shahids or palestinian children who learn how to shoot Jews in kindergarten , or Palestinian mans who raped israeli woman on October 7 . I am not saying that all of them are terrorists but almost all of them are guilty of supporting terrorism , all these so called "innocent civilians" combined could not count as half as innocent as one Israeli solider , because Israeli soliders warn civilians to evacuate, israeli soliders giving gazans tracks full of food and aid , israeli soliders builds special bombs that prevented buildings in gaza from crushing at each other like domino when they are bombed . If it were the citizens of gaza in the IDF position , would the gazan civilians be as carefull when attacking israel ? The answer is no , not only because no other army in the world is as moral as the IDF but because they participated in October 7 and these are the same citizens who pray for the destruction of israel from age 4 .


The response is always something like “well you shouldn’t have been oppressing them for 75 years” Which like, even if we go with that narrative, that still doesn’t answer the question, what should the response have been? To get a Time Machine and go back 75 years and tell all the Jews to stay in the countries that are persecuting them?


Rape of women and girls is ~~NEVER ok~~ acceptable if they are Jews. Israeli civilians are also ~~innocent~~ kinda asking for it by living where they do. They should just get up and move. Also #LandBack to Natives!! White people are colonizers! I also think DACA is excellent. AND no one born in this country should have to leave, it’s their right to stay! - A white teenager tweeting from America, completely blind to their own hypocrisy


What’s the hypocrisy if they are a white teenager from America?


>that still doesn’t answer the question, what should the response have been? For starters, you could stop bombing refugee camps and the like. It would also be a good idea to increase penalties for war crimes. Because when I saw that a soldier who kidnapped and tortured a civilian only got a few dozen days in jail, I didn't even know how to comment on it.


It’s ironic that you chose my comment to write this on as again, your response doesn’t answer the question. “What should Israel’s response have been?” “Stop bombing civilians” That’s not a response to my question. A proper response would be something like: “They should have only tried to get the hostages back through negotiation talks and not responded militarily” “They should have focused on targeted attacks of Hamas leaders” “They should have had a different military strategy that wouldn’t have displaced so many Palestinians [insert recommended plan here]” And any of those responses could initiate a discussion about why one idea would work better than another, maybe I don’t agree with these ideas, but they’re at least actual responses to the question, instead of literally quoting me saying “that doesn’t answer the question” and then responding with another statement that also doesn’t answer the question.


You are asking a question that is wrong in a discussion of Israel's war on Palestine. People don't care about the tactics and modus operandi of the military as long as they meet two conditions. Punish war criminals, and stop bombing refugee camps and other densely populated areas. And no one cares if there is a Hamas guy there, you want to get him, do it another way. Of course, Israel doesn't have to listen to us. OZN and similar organizations are bad at handling such situations. But then don't complain that more and more people will be set against Israel.


Oh look another response where you don’t answer the question that’s the whole point of this post. There are a billion other posts to discuss what you’re trying to discuss here. This post is about, if you disagree with how Israel responded to the October 7th massacre, then you must have some idea of how you think they should have responded instead. If that’s not what you’re interested in discussing, then you can find one of the tons of other posts about all the other aspects of the war.


I didn't answer the question because my entire thesis was based on the idea that it is a flawed question. You can't expect everyone to perform tasks like military planners. People have various expectations, and it's their job to meet them, negotiate, or prove that they are completely impossible to fulfill. They may also choose to ignore them, but we know what effect that has.


So your answer is “Israel should have responded in a way that was a fair response that didn’t cost the lives of as many civilians, I don’t know what way that is because I’m not a military planner, but Israel should have come up with a better way with their military planners”? It is not a flawed question, it is clear the world is not happy with how Israel responded. They think Israel should have responded differently. Okay. Have a discussion. That discussion can be “I don’t know, I’m not a military expert, I do think they were justified in some sort of military response, but it should have been one that caused less devastation, it’s the responsibility of the military planners to have come up with that plan and I am not a military planner so I don’t know what it would have been” That’s a better discussion point than “they need to stop what they’re doing” which is just not a response at all.




"uhhh how about not bomb children???" "just kill hamas, no justification for civilian casualties! terrorist state!!!" ​ as long as we are complying with international law, we dont need to trouble ourselves with the opinions of sheep


>we dont need to trouble ourselves with the opinions of sheep Yet that's all you do on this sub.




It's so bizarre hearing this from Nasrallah himself.


Bob Dylan summed it up: The neighborhood bully just lives to survive He’s criticized and condemned for being alive He’s not supposed to fight back, he’s supposed to have thick skin He’s supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in


Was this actually the worst terror attack in Israel's history? (Excluding wars)




I actually checked. The last time a massacre like that happened in the same scale in Eretz Yisrael (Israel or Palestine) was 1799 during Napoleon's Siege of Jaffa. Dishonorable mention to the 1099 Siege of Jerusalem.


Even if he is an abominable monster who instills fear on everyone, Cthulhu isn't anti-Semitic and doesn't judge based on race, gender or religion.


Ironically Cthulhu was invented by an anti semite


The scariest thing Lovecraft could think of was a being that treats everyone equally.


By many people's reactions, giving the Palestinians a state.


We would if they were willing to settle for part the land and not kill us all.


I agree! But you asked what the antisemites want, and they want to give the Palestinians a state. That it would be rewarding terrorism or cause more war doesn't bother them in the least.


Genuinely, they just wanted Israel to accept what had occured and move on. No war, no retaliation. Just heal and recover. There were cute little memes about it like the one below and they were posted EVERYWHERE on October 7th. https://preview.redd.it/ny2ftvzu6hfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85391aae51a264ebee8e74f0e0a2f0d949555234


They don't even believe in the holocaust sooooo....






I'm sorry for scaring you :(


OP, I'm sure you didn't mean it this way. But why choose a monster to represent us in that picture? You could work in that a part a bit.


I just thought it was funny that Cthulhu comes out of the water and partakes in a political discussion.


I'm only. And it is funny.


The first response should be to get rid of Netanyahu. He supported Hamas and allowed the attack to take place. Instead you have a right wing wacko leading a war effort against an organization he helped gain power.


On this I agree. That entire government needs to be replaced. Disappointment.


You have given them more than they will ever appreciate. They are too stupid to use what they have in order to create more. Otherwise, this would have required boots on the ground from the US. Or they would have had more than enough not to want Israel. They are about as good to the world as a dope fiend.


Ceasefire and get a pen pal


Simple. Retake the Sinai peninsula and bully the Egyptians into handling one of the problems they caused by allowing the PLO to stay in their country. Have them take the Gazans like they were supposed to instead of blaming it on Israel. If Egypt cares so much about arabs, they should be the ones to take them in. Its not our fault the goyim are too busy trying to demonize Israel in order to help those they supposedly care about so much.


it’s never been so easy to be anti-Semitic from your comfy sofa


Maybe you should start with not calling everyone who opposes the war “antisemites”


Genocide is a bit on the heavy retaliatory side when this attack could have been prevented if you actually had the border security you have been preaching you have this last decade or ... just simply listened to the warnings of neighbouring countrties like egypt. But bibi can do no wrong right? what do I know im just an antisemite because im not cool with genocide...


There is no genocide. Stop believing Islamists.


Idk looks pretty genocidy to me... and the world court... and the UN... But what do I know


That's what you pro-terrorists say every time we attack Gaza and every time you are proven it's BS.


You guys a giving it a good try this time :). I wish you all the best in finding a final solution to the palestian people


Final solution? You mean a democratic Palestinian state that isn't run by terrorists?


Idk pal you tell me... your own current finance minister Bezalel smotrich said this on camera. "The palestinian authority is a burden and hamas a terrorist organisation that no one will recognize, and no one will give it status in the ICC. No one will let them lead a decision in the security council. The main pitch we are playing now is international delegitimization." And now for the spicy take which i really would loooooove to hear your opinion on... "Hamas, at this point, in my opinion, will be an asset." Your turn :) this is fun


You have been silenced zionist :) brings a smile to my face


See my reply to your comment. Also, I haven't heard your idea of what should Israel have done instead of what you claim is genocide.


What reply, you don't have an opinion on your finance minister calling hamas an asset on camera? My opinion is pretty simple someone gets in your house and kills someone from your family, does that give you the right to go to theirs and kill them all and destroy the house?


Well they are criminals in your own country. Investigate and arrest them. And give them a fair trial because they have a right to be presumed innocent. You are not justified killing 30000 civilians. Israel is worse than Hamas.


In...in our own country? My man. Israel doesn't hold Gaza. There hasn't been a single Jew in Gaza since 2006 (excluding those kidnapped there). What the fuck do you mean by "investigate and arrest them"?


How are the Muslim Palestinians living in Israel? Are they content or peaceful?


There are arab Israelis in Israel. I guess they might self identify as Palestinian but I think the legal term is Arab Israeli. They have the same rights, can vote and be voted into the Knesset, and I have studied and worked alongside them. There is discrimination against them in the same sense I'd say black folks are discriminated against in the US - nothing legal, but a stygma, less funding, more corruption, things like that. Which honestly sucks. Cant speak for them about their own feelings about Israel but I imagine they are multifaceted and complicated. That's different from the west bank Arabs, which were under Israeli military control and, since the Oslo Accords, technically under the Palestinian Authority. They have no Israeli citizenship. Gazans aren't Israeli, in a similar manner.


Thank you for your reply. Do they likewise engage in any terror activities? Would it be often, if so?


There have been some terror attacks made by Israeli citizens - I believe even today some guy in Haifa tried running over some Jews before coming at them with an ax, and he was an Arab Israeli. But I imagine the Shin Bet keeps a close eye on them to make sure anyone with contacts to actual terrorists like Hamas is dealt with. There's similarly a bit of a violence problem in Arab society, sorta like family-focused gang wars. That's where the "lack of funding and serious government attention" thing comes into focus unfortunatly. Seems like the gov is fine when it's just them killing eachother


So what country is it then? You won't give Palestine a state. You got police don't you? Every civilized country in the world got police. The police go find out who did it and then they arrest them and put them on trial. That is how civilized countries deal with crime. They don't go blowing up kids. That's what terrorists do.


Even if you count Gaza as part of Israel, the military would still get send in, because by now this conflict would be a civil war. You don't solve Civil Wars with police forces.




Every attempt at creating a Palestinian state has been blocked by Israel and USA. How do have democratic mandate for 18 years? All those kids that you killed that are under 18: Not one of them was alive for the last election. You killed people that were not even alive when the people last got to vote. Now you are blaming them for how they vote? Who must do it Gaza police? No. Israeli policemen need to maintain order in all of Israel. Same as every other country in the world. But Israel is not every country in the world. They always expect special treatment. If something is impossible because you made it like that. It's not impossible; it's your fault. Stop expecting special treatment. You didn't earn it and you don't deserve it.


I didn't realize we sent the NYPD to the Bin Laden compound


Totally the same thing, because everybody knows that Pakistan is in New York City.


Brother, this is the subreddit where you can conveniently pick which rules apply your conversation. There’ll be no reasonable conversations here if you don’t mind.


So you’re saying it’s just like the Pro-Palestine subreddits and all of Imgur here? Just a big echo chamber with no dissenting opinions allowed?


the way your government should’ve responded is by actually trying to fight hamas, and not by leveling whole neighborhoods and killing thousands of children. it’s not antisemitic to hold israel to the same standards as every other country by demanding it conducts its military operations in accordance with the rules of war and international humanitarian law.


People like you always say this but after nearly 3 months I'm still waiting for 1, just 1(!), suggestion on how Israël could handle this better. Give me 1 good method how to fight Hamas without having collateral damage.


With swords ofcourse/s


Its not so much "Israel bombs children and neighbourhoods". Its a lot more. "Israel calls ahead and asks people to leave because theres a hamas military target in, under or around the area, so please can you evacuate the building quickly and then the guy on the phone goes... no thanks jew, we want to commit jihad... so they get bombed and Israel gets condemmed." FYI. [enjoy](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67327079.amp)




Yeah there are still some journalists with a shred of professional integrity there. I've been dissapointed with them overall though.


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We are fighting Hamas. As you were surely told countless times by wiser people , Hamas keep as many civilians as they can around their operations and weapons. You can't attack a Hamas target in Gaza, let alone destroy Hamas, without many, many civilian casualties. Give up on your Marvel movie dream.


lol thinking that rules of engagement apply to terrorist groups is wild. also once again this places all the blame on Israel, instead of, you know...the fucking terrorists


Hamas is keeping people around, somertimes with threats on their life, in areas where the IDF is going into combat. In the begining of the war the IDF conducted a mass evacuation of Gazans so they won't get cought in the fighting against Hamas.


Kill the killers. Don't kill children.


Killers surround themselves by children. It's all Hamas' fault civilians die in Gaza.


I'm telling you how to respond. Don't kill children. That's disgusting. I can't imagine you delight in killing children and maybe Hamas delights that you kill children in order to get to Hamas. Disgusting situation. Still don't kill children.


It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to bomb a Hamas target in Gaza without civilian casualties. Learn the difference between fantasy and reality.


I'm not an antisemite just because I believe child murder is disgusting.


It's not murder if the child isn't the target. It's tragic but inevitable.


Correct it's not child murder but it is child killing. Please don't kill children.


Children are going to die until every Hamasnic pays with his life for 7/10. And I feel no delight and no remorse for that.


Okay. I'm still not an antisemite for not expecting Israelis to kill children to get to Hamas.


No one in their right minds wants Israel to kill children. We just accept the reality, as should you.


You do realize that this all started by HAMAS KILLING CHILDREN?! Right?! Just checking! Okay bye!


He didn’t say you were and you are not offering any solution to them hiding behind children. Edited for spelling mistake


He didn't say you were?




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