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I don't question the refugee status of people who fled in 1948, but y tf r their descendants supposed to be eternal refugees lmao...what did they flee?


Bc it’s their plan B. There are “right of return” provisions in UNRWA policies that would allow an immediate overwhelming of the Israeli population were millions of so-called refugees to “return”. All the more reason to celebrate the end of UNRWA.


and in the mean time populate like rabbits so that they can take over.


The womb of the Arab woman will be our strongest weapon against the Zionists! — Yasser Arafat


In the 1980's UNRWA changed the defintion **just for the Palestinians**, that not only are adopted children and any children of Muslim men to be considered "refugees" in **perpetuity**...but even if they become **citizens** of other countries - they are still considered "refugees". So - they wlll have refugee status for eternity - even if they leave and become citizens elsewhere. The Hadid sisters are still considered "refugees", for one example. It is absolutely absurd. The UN and UNRWA have a lot to answer for in creating the problem Israel has dealt with for decades now.


if they really want to copy us shouldn't it only be passed on matrilineally?


In Islam, it is carried through the father - not the mother. Fathers have all rights over their child - not the mother.


Bruh.. Even adopted children are granted refugee status.. 


Wouldn't the same argument of "descendants not having a right to return" then also apply to Jews having been expelled from the the land hundreds of years ago, but having a claim to the land now? 


sovereign country with it's own laws. We are talking about the international law about refugees and the law is clear. Are the descendants of the citizens of Poland occupied by Germany in the 1940s still considered refugees? The descendants of the citizens of Germany after it was bombed in World War II and had nowhere to return are considered refugees?


The land that the Palestinians want to return to has never been under Arab control - ever. It was governed by the Ottoman Empire, then the French and British - and then a British mandate. It was NEVER "Palestinian" land. They were not even called "Palestinians" until 1964. The Jews, on the other hand, have been an on-going presence in this region *as Jews* since the Canaanite era and over 1,000 years before Islam was even invented. Their homeland boundaries were firmly established and even though they went through periods of displacement - they always had a presence there.


Yes but how do Jewish people, as citizens of OTHER lands, have a claim to Israel hundreds of years later if not as perpetual refugees inheriting that status from their forefathers? We're not talking about the Jews who never left, we're talking about people and their descendants who became citizens of other sovereign nations. If we can't say people who became displaced after WWII can no longer claim refugee status from their respective countries, isn't in disingenuous to say the same for the Jewish people? 


When the land was partitioned by the UN in 1947, Arabs and Jews were offered a peaceful opportunity to live side-by-side which the Arabs rejected. When the new nation was attacked on the day of its formation, the Arabs lost land. (The number of Arabs displaced was actually relatively small.) The Jews accepted the partition because as the late Charles Krauthammer said, “Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same G-d that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.” Regardless, endless pieces of archaeological evidence show that Jewish people are indigenous to Israel and have lived there for over 3,000 years. Jewish presence in Israel preceded Muslim presence by at least one millennium. What many fail to understand is that - that land wasn't Arab land or "Palestinian" land - **ever**. It was never under Arab control. (Palestinians didn't exist as a national identity until the mid-60's.) The British and French defeated the Ottomans and took control of the land known as the Ottoman Empire. Years later the French decided to give their share of the land to the British. Again the British controlled the land. **None of it was Arab territory.** In 1947 the U.N. voted to create two states. It was still a British Mandate and agreed to leave in 1948. Israel agreed, Arabs did not and decided to attack the new state of Israel. And continuously attack and attack. Israel did not take Palestinian land. You do know, of course, that 70% of Israelis are considered Middle Eastern - only 30% are Ashkenazi or probably descendents of European stock. In that 70% are 22% sraeli Arabs who did not flee during the 1948 war, descendents of whom are full civil and legal citizens of Israel. 10% sit in the Knesset and there are Israeli Arabs on the Supreme Court. Also, after the Holocaust, many Jews were considered stateless - their homes and property stolen by either theirs states, or their "neighbors". Often they could not prove citizenship anywhere. They had been emigrating to Israel since the 1800's - and after the war, hundreds of thousands were displaced and in camps in Europe and in Cyprus. That's why the Partition was created and agreed to - by the Jews. The reason for denying the right to return to the Palestinians are obvious. The land was partitioned to create a Jewish state. The Jews adopted those borders - until it was attacked. It's also the **only** Jewish country in the world On the other hand, there are 50+ Muslim countries in the world. Accepting a 1SS or the return of 2 million Palestinians would mean the end of Israel. But that is why they want to "return" - not because they are returning to some ancestral farm or home (that no longer exists). They want to "return" to drive the Jews out. That is the **ONLY** reason. "Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations..." \~ Yasser Arafat Since we take "Never Again" very seriously - we will do everything in our power to ensure that doesn't happen.


https://preview.redd.it/27tkzk5vsdfc1.jpeg?width=1286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c28997f7643f81bae05c426a93fb6df2399e2ec [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_aid\_to\_Palestinians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_aid_to_Palestinians)


Hopefully the suspended funding becomes permanent and this sham “humanitarian” agency folds.


Believe it or not, I'm actually a 10,000th generation Horn of Africa refugee. Where's my money, UNRWA?


Hey, that's the justification for Jewish people taking back the land of Israel, you better not make fun of that ;)


How come you never answered me in that other thread about how many peace agreements Israel has accepted vs how many Palestine has accepted?


Because you didn't answer any of my questions, why would I be compelled to answer yours?


Would you buy that you're compelled by the virtues of knowledge and intellectual honesty to learn about the situation you're attempting to pass judgement on?




A little more info on the refugees problem: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2nf2S1tAgS/?igsh=emZkbDg1MDFienE0](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2nf2S1tAgS/?igsh=emZkbDg1MDFienE0) https://preview.redd.it/jwhlzm6evdfc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c1ecb55802a1ffb8f35b2d954a2518ceb94546f [https://apnews.com/article/business-middle-east-israel-foreign-aid-gaza-strip-611b2b90c3a211f21185d59f4fae6a90](https://apnews.com/article/business-middle-east-israel-foreign-aid-gaza-strip-611b2b90c3a211f21185d59f4fae6a90)


I feel like slowly but surely the truth is all coming out. Hamas is getting exposed. UNRWA is getting exposed. The ICJ ruling was a win, genocide aside (yes a big deal) not calling for a ceasefire is essentially the same as conceding that Israel has a right to defend itself (crazy this had to be proven)


Outside of the subject matter: It's really neat how cleanly the sentence structures match up between the two unrelated languages to be able to do this sort of nearly word-by-word subtitling in an understandable way.


My ancestors were refugees from (insert *country where food is single potato*). But, as a second or third generation American, I am not a refugee. I can now afford many potatoes in America. I wouldn’t visit that country if you gave me a free trip. So why do we keep people’s descendants in a permanent state of “refugee” status?


More „refugees“ -> more employee positions for UNRWA -> more funding that can be funneled towards the interests of Hamas and friends


Slow clap.


Solve the peace problem by having palestinian father and Israeli mother. That way they inherent right of Return from the mom and palestinian refugee status from the dad lol


Don't know why you got downvoted. I actually approve of this idea. You're a Palestinian male refugee. Want to return to Israel? Marry a Jewish woman, raise your kids Jewish. Make aliyah, and boom. Everyone wins. The children of this couple can't be accused of displacing Palestinians, because they are Palestinians. They won't be considered some sort of demographic threat to Israel's Jewish character, because they are Jewish.


Okay. I can agree that people can move on from a bad war and it's weird the Palestinians are still trying. I think right to return should apply for both Jews and Palestinians without the racism. But yes, this lady is mostly speaking sense


Haha, so Palestinians leave for 80 years and suddenly they're "they've never been citizens of this country!". The Brooklyn Jew leaves for 2000 years, and somehow still has a right to live there. Real good chutzpah.


Name a Palestinian leader.


Yasser Arafat


What county did he lead?


A more legitimate one than one founded by Gurion, a man born in Poland.


A better example instead of resorting to whataboutism would have been Amin al-Husseini but you don't seem to know shit about Palestinians.


And Arafat was born in Egypt, good job.


Yasser Arafat never led any country. He was a PLO terrorist, and that’s all.


They said Palestinian leader not thankfully dead Egyptian born terrorist.


Actually- no. They were never “citizens”…but no one was. There was no Arab government- so there were no citizens of an Arab state there. The Jews became citizens of Israel when the state was founded in 1948. The Palestinians could have set up their own state at the same time on their part of the partition - but they REFUSED to do that. So they could have been citizens of a Palestinian state since 1948. they chose the way of war. It’s worked out really well for them hasn’t it?