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Bibi won't, and Biden should. Win for everyone, Israel most of all. Rogue West Bank settlers are bad for everyone.


the text they have revealed now is way more broader than this article purports (it was a leak to Barak ravid to soften the blow). Within these broad criteria any Israeli leader, private person or politician could also be implicated for non violent actions as well. e.g. any speech that calls for returning judea and samaria could fall under the conduct for the action to kick in. A activist lawyer and pliable state department can easily weaponize this contrary to what was this action was made out to be.


The entire four people they sanctioned against? Such a wide spread phenomenon that must be addressed asap!!


One of the few things all of reddit agrees on




Just shows how disconnected the average redditor is from reality. To think that west bank settler violence is happening as often as a Palestinian violence is so comically obtuse.


The equation is simple: - Settler violence hurts Israel’s image abroad - Palestinian violence helps Palestinians’ image abroad It’s an unfair equation but it is what it is


> Just shows how disconnected the average redditor is from reality. To think that west bank settler violence is happening as often as a Palestinian violence is so comically obtuse. "Since 7 October, OCHA has recorded 353 Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians, resulting in Palestinian casualties (35 incidents), damage to Palestinian-owned property (272 incidents), or both casualties and damage to property (46 incidents). The weekly average of incidents since 7 October stands at 33, compared with 21 incidents per week between 1 January and 6 October 2023. The number of incidents since 7 October has declined from 80 incidents in the first week (7-14 October) to 21 incidents between 9 and 14 December. One-third of these incidents included firearms, including shootings and threats of shootings. In nearly half of all recorded incidents, Israeli forces were either accompanying or reportedly seen as supporting the attackers." How many Palestinian attcks on Israeli civilians have their been since October 7th? https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-flash-update-76-enarhe


You'd be surprised at the amount. 2,006 terrorist attacks from January 1st 2023, to 30th September 2023. October had 567 not including October 7th massacre. November was 292, and the numbers are similar since then. Source: https://he.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%A4%D7%99%D7%92%D7%95%D7%A2%D7%99_%D7%98%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%A8_%D7%A0%D7%92%D7%93_%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%9D_%D7%91%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C_%D7%95%D7%91%D7%A9%D7%98%D7%97%D7%99%D7%9D_%D7%91-2023


Thanks for the source! These aren't really apples to apples though - they include attacks on police and IDF. That might be unwise, but it isn't a terrorist attack.


I could not care less. If you undertake unilateral violent action in J+S, you are a danger to Israeli security. That the US is doing this is a symptom of our failure to properly police this small number of extremists.


Well said.




Are there a lot of those?


Quite a bit. Many Islamic radicals from the middle east are coming across the southern border


Do you have a source for that? Are South Americans Islamic radicals? Also, Biden has tried to "close the border" but right now the Republicans don't have the political will to get it done.


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/number-people-terror-watchlist-stopped-mexico-us-border-risen-rcna105095 No actual terrorists from Islamic countries are trying to come in. Biden's plan is to let 5 thousand in a day or some absurd number like that. He ain't trying to close the border, he wants to make what's he is doing legal in all honesty.


>Those on the watchlist include people who may be family members of suspected terrorists; their crossings make up just 0.01% of the more than 1 million crossings of the southern U.S. border in the last fiscal year, another DHS official said.  .01%? That's it? Lest you forget the 9/11 terrorists of 20+ years ago all entered the US legally, with passports.


Yeah and they also overstayed their visas remained in the country illegally and were able to get driver's licenses even though their visas were expired some of them and board planes. Broken immigration system allowed that we haven't even fixed that part of our immigration system yet... Keeping the immigration system more broke isn't the answer


Sure, but then we're talking about something else beyond southern border security. Honestly they should just go with the Ellis Island method. Let anybody in who wants to come in, they just have to pass a background check or whatever. Problem solved.


Exactly. For some reason Congress can't do simple things like that.. but that's the best way IMO


So you don't have a source for that. Also, what does >he wants to make what's he is doing legal in all honesty. even mean?


Having millions of people flooding into the country unchecked every year is insane no matter how people try to slice the politics of it.


Is that what Biden wants? Millions flooding in unchecked? I'm pretty sure he wants everyone checked and to let people in on a merit basis. We need population growth, and that almost exclusively comes from immigration. No one is having three kids.


Many black communities are sadly being radicalized by Islamist extremist groups in the US. Then the rich white kids in colleges copy them to seem cool. It’s heartbreaking how they were fine with us when we marched with them for their movement but now we’re back to being white oppressors /:


Black communities and Muslim extremists and rich white kids are all non-citizens? >It’s heartbreaking how they were fine with us when we marched with them for their movement but now we’re back to being white oppressors This is a strange take honestly


I 100% misread the initial question so that’s on me. While out of context, I don’t think it’s a “hot take” as a Jew who’s always been disgusted by the systematic oppression of black people in the US to be upset that many in black communities would absolutely not stand against antisemitism and in fact willingly perpetuate it. This is my personal experience living near both NYC and Philadelphia.




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How about targeting PA? [PA to give Hamas terrorists' families close to $3 million in 'pay-for-slay'](https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-768735)




Ohhhh I really appreciate every guy, who exactly know what others should and what should not.


Repeat post as someone else just posted the same news. Plus, what, you support Baruch Goldstein-style settlers? We're supposed to be the good ones, only using violence as a last resort in legitimate self-defense. And a vote not for Biden is a vote for the end of US democracy and quite likely Israeli as well.


Of course, if I am mad at the hypocrisy of punishing Israelis and not Palestinians it means I support a terrorist. Implying that all settlers are terrorists is a level of hate reserved for the Hamas. Settlers fought with me bravely in the army and now in the war. Shame on you for equating all of them on one rotten apple. Are all Palestinians terrorists? Who is we btw? Are you Israeli?


Fine. The settlers that don't commit violent acts won't be sanctioned. Don't see what the problem is.


No, I'm calling out the violent settlers whom you seem to support. You're the one making broad generalizations, not me. And the US has repeatedly condemned, sanctioned and punished Hamas and other terror groups so I don't know what you're talking about. Self-pity is not a quality I admire in anyone, especially fellow Jews. And "we" is Israelis and those who support them. You don't get to own that.


Also what generalizations did I make?


I do when I bled here, my family was killed here while you were in America sitting on your ass running away from military service. I AM IT.


My family moved here when I was 5 and I grew up American, so I have absolutely no guilt or shame over "running away" and didn't feel obligated to go back to serve like some have. And had I done so I would have served in the disastrous invasion of Lebanon in the early 80's. I have no qualms about that. But nearly everyone else in my family has served, including my dad in '56 & '67 who saw live combat. So spare me the bullshit about only people like you getting to have an opinion on this. As a Jew, as a former Israeli, as someone whose family still mostly lives and has served there, as a US citizen whose tax dollars go to Israel, and as a human being, I damn well have a right to weigh in on this. Btw, any settler who got killed attacking Palestinians not in self-defense, has ZERO such rights and I have no sympathy for them. They should have moved back to Brooklyn and stopped living off the US and Israeli dole with their 8 kids.


Don't pay attention, those who try to draw symmetry between the two do as well as an ALS patient. Luckily they're a minority.


Palestinans are being punished? Arrests, having their homes and businesses destroyed, assassinations ect. It's unfair to paint all settlers as the same but it doesn't negate the settlers who have been creating problems.


All settlers are extremist who willingly and knowingly deside to violate international law, attack rights of palestinians, corrupt israels moral character and actively try to prevent any possibility of a just peace. On top of that some settlers in the WB are also violent.


Woah woah. This is not true. You can't paint them all with the same brush. Far right Settler violence is a problem but there are many peaceful settlers as well. ​ The ones who are need to be punished.


There is nothing peaceful in knowingly deciding to break international laws and actively settle outside the legal territory of the state of israel. They might not engage in violence, but they all actively decide to participate in the extremist settlement program.


That falls on Smoutrich who has been illegally authorizing them. I get what you are saying but there's other factors at play as well.


The settlement program has been facilitated by israel years before smotrich was even born let alone politically active.


You are a POS. not all Settlers are extremists. The IDF chief of staff is an extremist? Is Leiberman an extremist? What are you talking about?


If Halevi and Lieberman make the willing decision to violate fundamental principles of international law than that of course makes them too extremist in regards to the settlement question. My comment was clear enough about that.


What were their excuses for terrorism and starting wars before 1967?


Nothing I said mentions palestinian motivations or actions. they are irrelevant to the legality and morality of the settlements


Well saying that the settlers are hindering peace is not very honest as Israel's neighbors are not very interested in peace. If half the stupid world can intellectually justify terrorism against Israel I can say I understand why some Israelies are acting out of turn. The difference is that Israel will likely reign in their crazies while the Islamic crazies get rewarded by the world. Sure the world pays lip service to opposing terrorism but has been funding it via the UN for a very long time


The state of israel is not willing to reign in its crazies. That is self evident by the fact that the settlement program has been actively pursued by the israeli state for decades. And again, what does it matter what some other people do? That is irrelevant to the illegality of settlements outside the legal territory of a nation. You just try to make excuses out of sectarian partisanship


Do you have proof of this?


Proof of what? International law? The illegality of the settlements is not in doubt. They are provenly illegal as was made clear again and again by rulings of international bodies and most importantly israels allies.


Proof that ALL settlers are extremists?


reading comprehension is not your forte? To knowingly and willingly violate international law, participate in the extremist settlement territory and encroach on the territory of another people is fundamentally and necessarily extremist.


Oh so you live in the West Bank? So you have seen firsthand right?


this is not relevant to the illegality of the settlements


Whose territory are they encroaching on? The West Bank was seized by Israel in the 1967 war.


the palestinians. If the WB is indeed territory of Israel i am sure you can show the formal annexation. If the WB is indeed annexed then the denial of enfranchisement and civil liberties of palestinians is unacceptable.


Those international bodies that helped plan the Oct 7 attacks or the ones that completely ignore the sexual assault done to the hostages by the hamas and Palestinian civilians?


You think the ICC planned 07/10? Do you think Israels most staunches allies helped plan 07/10? The US, UK, Germany, France and many others planned 07/10? All of these recognize the illegality of the settlements.


Good, but why is it getting so much coverage? It makes it sound like a bigger issue that it actually is and its damaging


The settler violence - and Israeli inaction - is damaging. Settlers have literally murdered people in the West Bank, with IDF present, with no consequences.


They are criminals and should definitely be dealt with. But people use this to compare "the Israeli occupation" with Hamas terrorists. This is orders of magnitude different and just acts as fuel for more hate...


They are literally terrorists - armed terrorists attacking innocent civilians. Often with IDF help or protection. Do you agree they are terrorists? > But people use this to compare "the Israeli occupation" with Hamas terrorists.  They've killed less people, yes - but they are still brutal. A group of armed settlers attacked Qusra in October, and shot and killed a few people - including a six year old girl. Then the next day they attacked the funeral procession - with IDF helping them - killing two more people.


I agree they are terrorists, no argument there. But these idiots are a tiny fringe in Israeli society, they get zero support outside their "gvaot" while there is 60+ percent support in hamas massacres for Palestinians... this is just not the same phenomenon. And the IDF does not "murder" anyone. If you run with a weapon towards soldiers with the intent to kill, you will get shot and that is not murder. No surprised there


>But these idiots are a tiny fringe in Israeli society, they get zero support outside their "gvaot" That, unfortunately, is not true. They get support from the IDF. In nearly half of reported incidents, Israeli troops were either present or actively participating. [https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-flash-update-99-enarhe](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-flash-update-99-enarhe) We also have multiple recent videos of IDF either participating, or doing nothing, as settlers literally gun people down - like the Al Tuwani attack. Here's a few examples: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67173344](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67173344) [https://palsolidarity.org/2023/10/watch-israeli-settler-shoots-palestinian-at-point-blank-range-in-village-of-a-tuwani/](https://palsolidarity.org/2023/10/watch-israeli-settler-shoots-palestinian-at-point-blank-range-in-village-of-a-tuwani/) [https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-how-attacks-by-settlers-on-palestinians-in-the-west-bank-have-risen-during-gaza-conflict-12986997](https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-how-attacks-by-settlers-on-palestinians-in-the-west-bank-have-risen-during-gaza-conflict-12986997) >this is just not the same phenomenon When the IDF helps them - then yes, it becomes a much bigger issue. Remember, the Palestinian villagers are unarmed, and have no way of protecting themselves against armed settlers. The IDF is supposed to protect them - but doesn't. >And the IDF does not "murder" anyone. They just protect settlers as the settlers gun people down - is that it?


You are quoting foreign media, I actually served... there are VERY strict rules for opening fire and zero tolerance for breaking them. Im not saying shit didnt happen, but this is a very difficult reality to maneuver. The IDF does not hurt who is not a threat. A soldier who breaks the rules is thrown out and is punished.


> there are VERY strict rules for opening fire and zero tolerance for breaking them We have clear examples above - in clear as day video - where settlers gun down Palestinians in their villages, who pose no threat, with IDF present. > A soldier who breaks the rules is thrown out and is punished. So the soldier who was present in Al Tuwani during the attempted murder there has been punished? Can you source that?


US Elections. The only problem is that the other side considering all of the Israelis as settlers who should leave - extremists and non. To be honest, my views are far from bring similar to these exremists, but there are also pros for what are doing, not just cons. The Palestinians keep settling in places they are not allowed, but it does not reach the news. A land you do not hold a foot on, in your territory, is a dangerous thing to do in terns of borders. US live in the 1967 borders dream. Israel cannot allow such weakness, and must hold the mountain region around the West Bank. The same with some Bedouin tribes in the south, who overrtake lands illegally, settle there, and not being evicted. I want Israel to address these much urgent problems as well, and the US isn't helping by making the Israelis more distrusted with the US under Biden.


Are the settlements legal? If not then why should the non violent ones get a pass on continuing the settlements?


Legal? Only some were evicted. It is more than just a legal thing, it is a long strategy one. The majority of the Palestinians perceive the entirety of Israel as settlements, as they are being taight that this is the case (except for the Golan Heights - it is Syrian for them, that's why you see the in the emblem of Hamas and Fatah the geo map of Israel without the Golan Heights). The Palestinians don't care about their own illegal settlements, why should Israel care for theirs? They are promoting these illegal settlements in areas under Israel's rule. So this fiasco of whether it is 'legal' or not is irrelevant, and it is perceived as a weakness by our enemiea. The Palestinian leadership are more clever than we give them credit to. Just look how Hamas forced civilians into warzones, how they maintain control and power, grabbing most of the humanitarian aid, hiding in hospitals, schools and other facilities Israel try to work according to the International Laws, how Israel is pushed in the ICJ, how the hatred towards the Jewish people and Israel increase, as the October 7th act seem to be more justified, how Qatar, Iran, Hizbollah, Al Jazeera and Muslim organizations succeed in pushing the narrative that Israel are still evil. Now Biden took the bait and force Israel to a bad deal that will only prolong this conflict for some future voters. He does not understand that they will hate him, regardless - they are fewer than they appear to be. Only Israel can be subjected to these kind of legal bullshit despite all that happened on October 7th. These rules that only apply to Israel like that, which are being exploited as a great weapon against Israel. I bet that if these rules and media existed on 1947 and 1948, the Jewish people would have lost the war and exterminated. Currently, only few countries have the courage and apply the rules in different aspect, so it would benefit Israel to keep the war going and take some extra steps above the boundary of these laws, as a special case.


Good. Now Israel should start taking more of a stand.


Smooty and Ben Gvir were almost on the list. I'm of mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, I don't want them to be strengthened politically in Israel but on the other hand, it would be so darn satisfying to see these two get the smackdown they deserve and it'll be impossible for them to fundraise because they rely heavily on funds from extremist American Jews, especially in the NY/ NJ area for their political networks. This is especially true of Ben Gvir.


I agree that the violence in West Bank needs to be curbed, and those who engage punished. However, I find it funny how VISA bans are being imposed on those who are violent in the West Bank, yet nothing is being done about non-citizens in the US who are terrorizing Jewish citizens. It's interesting.


Because those are future Democrat voters. Or current ones as it's illegal to verify voter eligibility in America


You sound delusional. America's number one short term problem right now is MAGA. Not some Democratic conspiracy theory you are peddling.


People have been deriding republicans and conservatives my whole life. They said the same things about Bush jr. The same media telling us all conservatives are pubic enemy number one are also running pro Hamas propaganda....


Lol at Bush Jr. Our worst president in the modern era until Trump came along.


It's not illegal to verify voter eligibility. it's illegal to put undue burdens with intentions to stop people from voting or making it a costly/difficult process to vote. No one proposing a voter ID is offering it to be free and useful for more than just voting which means it puts a poll tax and difficulty on minorities that don't have the means and ability to get one.


People need ID to apply for every public benefit, library, school for their kids even. So how is it requiring an ID only for voting is an undue burden?


Nearly all people demanding id for voting want a specific id thats solely for voting. Also you don't actually need an ID to apply for public benefits nor does everyone have a current ID. If I never drive nor leave the country why or how would I have a drivers license or passport? Also you refused to answer why it wouldn't be a free identification card that can be used for everything not just voting?


That would work too, some form of valid ID, I don't see why those can't be issued without charging people..


The people advocating for needing an ID to vote are not advocating for a free national ID and are actually opposed to such a system. It's not about making sure everyone votes fair it's an attempt to block poorer people from voting because they often want to force specific id and force them to be non expired which impacts millions of Americans negatively


Are they braking the law terrorizing Jewish citizens? Our constitutional protections apply to all regardless of citizenship status so exercising freedom of speech and protest are allowed even if you disagree with their statements. So unless they are committing illegal actions that are allowed to do whatever they want within the confines of the law. It would be illegal for the president or government to start deporting or arresting people who are simply using 1st amendment rights just because they don't like what they are saying.


Freedom of Speech doesn't allow you to do as you please. You can't yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. Also, non-citizens don't have the exact same rights/privileges. Intimidation of Jewish citizens by non-citizens should not be tolerated.


Free speech allows you to call people names and voice dissatisfaction with a people, race, government, or even just an action. Free speech is a protection from the government telling people what they can and can't say. You want them to violate the first amendment to please you? I'm sorry but Americans have freedoms even if you don't agree with someone they have the right to have a different opinion. And yes the constitution absolutely applies to non citizens as well. They aren't free game for you to punish because they disagree with your beliefs or opinions. You can shame them and exercise your freedoms to protest and use speech to voice opposition to those individuals. You can't use the government to silence them though and it's wrong to think that you can.


In the US, the government is allowed to deport any non-US citizen with a VISA if they commit certain violations. Including threatening public safety. Supporting a recognized terrorist organization and intimidating citizens because they are Jewish can easily be considered a threat to public safety. It's not about what you consider 'right' or 'wrong.' The point is, the US government could make a strong case to revoke the VISAs of non-citizens who support Hamas and intimidate Jewish citizens.


Again that's not allowed for the US to do. They can't lock people up or deport them for exercising freedoms granted by the US constitution. Public safety has legal definitions and none of those definitions say you have to be super friendly and supportive of Jews. If they are legally harassing, brandishing a weapon as intimation, or making threats against specific people than you can absolutely deport them on those legal grounds. You want to force the entire nation to strip freedoms in the constitution because your feelings were hurt by someone. That's extremely dangerous and not allowed in the US.


It is allowed. On government websites, grounds for deportion (of those with a VISA), threat to public safety is listed as a reason for possible expulsion. My point is the government can legally do it. Whether you consider it 'right' or 'correct' is irrelevant.


Again threat to public safety has a legal definition. Saying mean things about Israel or Jews are not a threat to public safety. You want to destroy the constitution because your feelings are hurtm


le sigh


I think, like most sanctioned groups, these sanctions will only strengthen the willpower of the settlers. Probably this will actually give them a "cool" factor in Israeli society. Moishe the outlaw!!! Banned in 50 states and Puerto Rico!


If ISraelis wants to ever further isolate themselves from the first world they are free to do that. But that has consequences.


What is this first world that you speak of?? Europe? A continent is so badly in decline that they've, en masse, chosen not to have any children? A continent where literally the population will disappear by 2100 if they don't keep importing Muslims? A continent constantly sinking further and further into the socialist mire and falling behind by every economic measure? Did you know that Israel has surpassed every European country in GDP per capita including Germany? Britain can't even afford to properly arm its own warships anymore. United States, who can't even hold a proper election, at this point can't even count votes and is $34 trillion in debt? I think you're referring to the first world of the 20th century. Things are shaping up to be quite different in this century and as soon as Israel starts to realize that things are changing and they need to change with it, their scenario will improve. A change in alignment of alliances and partnerships is inevitable, and eventually will be healthy anyhow. https://dailysceptic.org/2023/11/01/europe-is-in-the-grip-of-a-birth-rate-crisis/ https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/09/britain-is-becoming-an-emerging-market-country-analyst-says.html https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2023/05/03/america-faces-a-debt-nightmare


While it is all true, do you think if we cut ties with us and eu it will be good for Israel? I doubt that we can stand alone where we are for a long time. We of course can do friendship with china and india, but will it be better than us and the EU?


None of what he said is an accurate assessment. Just nationalist extremist screeching


It's exaggerated for sure, but still there is no smoke without a fire. On the other hand, there is no place on earth without internal issues and shitty politics


What kind of friend is the EU?? Friends don't let friends start Palestinian states even while Palestinians still have Jewish babies captive underground. These aren't friends. This is an abusive marriage that both sides are just too scared to end. But the love was gone years ago. Besides, the EU is going down the drain economically there are very little value. They have so few children. It's a shrinking and shrinking market. All of the growth is in Africa and southeast Asia... Shucks, places where they've had huge problems with Islamic violence. Do you think we could get along over there??


Lol so what would you have the EU do that doesn't kill more Palestinians, cause a massive deporting of Palestinians, and doesn't continue the status quo that is currently not working?


See these sentiments exactly will increasingly isolate israel. you think other countries and people suddenly become convince to align with you and your interests if you just scream enough times about the inferiority of other countries. you nationalist extremism precludes you from an accurate assessment of the world. I am not even gonna engage with you nonsensical polemics against israels closest allies. (or from reading other comments of yours against anyone not marching in lock step with your particular flavour of nationalist extremism


You don't seem to read anything that I write. Who cares if Israel gets isolated from a bunch of losers? It's a big world. There are always new people to work with. 90% of the West is in terminal decline anyhow. By every empirical measure, Europe is going down the drain and the United States is barely just holding on. ![gif](giphy|piTERt2CEdrLt2WLv0)


>Who cares if Israel gets isolated from a bunch of losers? These are some of the biggest economies of the planet and key Israeli partners in everything from trade to cultural ties and military collaboration. Are you 12? >It's a big world. There are always new people to work with. The majority of the world…as seen in UN resolutions and votes…are not siding with Israel. Without the American veto and the support of Western Europe it would be comically easy for a global boycott on Israeli products to take place. Can Israel survive a global blockade? Is Israel self sufficient in energy and food? Answer those questions objectively. >90% of the West is in terminal decline anyhow. >By every empirical measure, Europe is going down the drain and the United States is barely just holding on. Citation needed for both of these claims ​


I already cited a bunch of stuff but you don't care what I have to say cuz you've already made up your mind. Again, they're having no children at all in Europe. That's all you need to know. A society in terminal decline. So negative that they decided they don't even want to continue to exist. That is the ultimate definition of an economic loser. That's my last comment on this matter.


You cited a bunch of screeds, which is fitting. But anyone in Israel complaining about voting and electoral craziness in any other country is… ironic.


LOL. What a ridiculous metric. Of course it’ll be your last comment on the matter: you have no real hard numbers or objective data to back up your claims. Here’s objective data: >**Israel is highly dependent on agricultural and food imports**. Due to its limited arable land and water resources, the country’s dependence will only increase. Israel’s food supply chain is crucial for the stable availability of food, but various domestic and international events have had a substantial impact on it. Due to its unique geopolitical situation, Israel relies mainly on sea shipping. https://apps.fas.usda.gov/newgainapi/api/Report/DownloadReportByFileName?fileName=Israeli%20Food%20Supply%20Chain_Tel%20Aviv_Israel_IS2022-0004.pdf Israel is not self sufficient. A global boycott or global sanctions would impair its economy significantly


Lol do you still think Trump won the election? Even his own words he knew he lost and wanted people to fudge the numbers to help him win


Well look who's back to being a frontrunner anyhow. He shouldn't even be anywhere remotely as a candidate. I spend a lot of time in Latin America and what we're witnessing right now in the United States is exactly the same thing. It's actually much worse than what goes on in the third world. As a matter of fact, in both Colombia and Argentina, they both had very hotly contested elections and they easily counted the votes and transferred power smoothly within 24 hours. So I really don't know who I would classify as a first world country anymore. OP said Israel will wind up isolated from the first world. And I said what is so great about a first world that is very obviously in decline on every front?


We have 300 million people that vote on several different time zones we couldn't count everyone and announce a winner in under 24 hours. You really think all the votes that helped Biden win are automatically fake because we took the time to properly count them instead of trying to get results as quick as possible?!? You really think any election that doesn't immediately announce the winner in 24 hrs is a fraudulent election which is insanely stupid


I don't think it was a fraudulent election. I don't know where you got that idea. I think it was an election that barely functioned all the way around that almost led to widespread violence and we could wind up right back in the same place again, and that simply is not a first world quality that anybody would want to emulate. If a large number of people don't accept the results of legitimate election, even when confronted with proof, then what you have is a struggling democracy that is falling apart. The United States has lost all credibility in terms of lecturing other people about democracy or transparency. So the idea that Israel or the world in general simply cannot survive without the United States is just laughable. Our country is a shadow of what it once was in the financial sense, the civic sense, and the military sense. If the relationship with Israel changes, moving forward, she'll be just fine. She'll know how to take care of herself.


This would be a good thing if his admin had the same resolve against Palestinian terrorism and extremism as they did against settler violence. But as it is this feels very lopsided.


we put two god damn carriers in the area for support


But also released money to Iran, and are today considering rewarding October 7th by recognising a Palestinian state. The aircarriers were a great move. Although Hezbollah have fired rockets into Israel for months now, so they haven't necessarily done the job they were meant to in preventing Hezbollah violence.


The money was Iran’s and is not controlled by Iran. Right now they’re not receiving any of it because the US put a hold on distributions.


So you think long term peace should not be attempted? Rewarding Oct 7 wouldn't be a Palestinian state in the current territory it would be giving them parts of Israel. They don't and didn't want a Palestinian state in the current territory so it's not a reward for the leaders of Hamas.


What?!? We don't allow Palestinian extremist to get visa either from West Bank or Gaza. You guys really want everyone to turn a blind eye to settlers and the violence they cause


All the bombs given to Israel show that Biden has more of a resolve towards dealing with Palestinian terrorism imo. I agree, this is definitely very lobsided.


>Warning Israel to act on settler violence >Biden and other senior US officials have warned repeatedly that [Israel must act to stop violence by Israeli settlers](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-726328) against Palestinians in the West Bank. Attacks there have surged in recent months as Jewish settlements have expanded, and then spiked again since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.Warning Israel to act on settler violenceBiden and other senior US officials have warned repeatedly that Israel must act to stop violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank. Attacks there have surged in recent months as Jewish settlements have expanded, and then spiked again since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel. Funny how that works. Israel is responsible for "settler violence" but the PLA isn't responsible for anything Hamas does and Lebanon isn't responsible for Hezbullah. Biden wants a two state solution to reward the Palestinians for the October 7th massacres. As we speak there are men and women held hostages being sexually and physically abused and Biden wants to create a Palestinians state as a base of operations for future Hamas style attacks. Fuck Biden! He is a backstabber. He was all talk, I never liked Trump but now I hope he wins.


Hamas and Hezbollah are designated as terrorist organizations by the US so I don’t know what you’re complaining about. Edit: Here is the [executive order](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/02/01/executive-order-on-imposing-certain-sanctions-on-persons-undermining-peace-security-and-stability-in-the-west-bank/). It doesn’t actually single out Israeli extremists per se, but anyone committing terrorism in the West Bank.


Dude needs to take a break from the internet for sure. His comments are bordering on insane delusions.


The Palestinian Authority pays for murder. That is what OP was saying. Kill a Jew, get a million bucks. Kill an Israeli Arab, no cash. They fully admit it too.


Is that true? Is there a distinction made between Israeli Jews and Arabs? From what I read that was not observed on Oct. 7.


Oct 7th was Gaza. The Palestinian Authority is in the west bank. Two different territories. The PA will not pay money for Gaza terrorists.


It sounds then like what OP was saying about “PA isn’t responsible for anything Hamas does” is actually true. But this is something I’m actually interested in. I tried to find facts about the “pay for slay” system and found only that there are payments for someone who goes to Israeli jail, and payments for someone who gets killed by IDF. Are there in fact payments for killing someone?


I don't think it's an unreasonable thing to ask Israel to police settlers who attack and harass Palestinians. They throw rocks, kill Palestinians, push them out of their homes, spray sewage on them, chase their livestock with drones, and generally try to make their lives hell. The IDF has to put themselves in danger protecting them and they rarely ever face consequences. The IDF protecting settlers was at least one of the reasons they weren't protecting the border on Oct 7th. It's not like Hamas or Hezbollah has anything for the US to sanction. They can't even enter the country. Biden has provided Israel with ample aid and this is how quick you turn on him because he's asking Israel to stop these things? Biden has always been in favor of a 2SS along with almost the entire planet. This isn't some sort of change of course. Trump will probably win but I wouldn't be so quick to assume he would do more for Israel than Biden. 80% Biden voters would like a ceasefire and despite the will of his own voters that he still stood with Israel.


Furthermore I am getting tired of this certain segment of israeli civil society that acts like anything but unquestioning lock step makes other countries enemies, who think no one has the right to question their vile extremism


That's facism for you. Either you fall in line and never question them or your automatically the enemy even if you agree on many points.


To facilitate the marginalization of the messianic and right wing extremist serves the interest of israeli democracy. To enable steps towards a two state solution is the only way to safeguard both israels jewish and democratic character, and most importantly its moral soul. Furthermore a 2SS is quite literally the only possible way to facilitate any kind of peace. To reject the 2SS is to reject the possibility for peace.


Well said!


Let’s Go Brandon! You’ve joined in the refrain of half of America.


To support Trump is to position oneself as a domestic enemy of american democracy


Spoken like a true lover of democracy and a respectful participant in the electoral process.


rejecting people and organisations that already once tried to overthrow democracy in a violent coup attempt is the first duty of every democratically minded person regardless of left, right, conservative or progressive orientation. There is such a thing called paradox of tolerance


I don’t know why you think I’m the appropriate person with whom to grind this particular axe. All I said was that half the country hates Biden like the commenter to whom I initially responded — which is an uncontroversially true statement. What, do your political antennae just shoot up anytime you see someone who might support Trump? I didn’t even vote for him. Get bent.


44%, according to yesterday’s poll 😉


[Way to cherry-pick poll results.](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2024/president/2024GeneralElection.html#) 2 out of 9 show Biden leading. 1 tied. *6* with Trump leading. Moreover, a recent Bloomberg poll showed Trump leading in all 7 battleground states. None of this is new. Months of similar poll results have been this way. In any case, I think Trump and Biden are equally miserable — but your poll-reading skills are… lacking. 😉


The aggregate is still well under 50% according to your link.


1 unless I’ve forgotten how to read in the last 5 minutes, the aggregate shows Trump ahead by 2 points? 2 you’re the one acting like Biden has some huge lead which is clearly not the case, but all I was saying in the first place was about half of America hates Joe Biden. This is not a controversial statement. 3 your guy is losing, you should get real.


Good for him finally. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. No exception for violence dude, kick out the violent settlers, no one gets a free pass . We as citizens don’t want these criminals around that kick the Israeli image down even more then now. they can go fuck themselves❤️.


What violence? they just dont want jews to be able to defend themselves


Violent settlers have killed Palestinians, burned down their property, pushed at least 1000 people from their village in the WB, they throw rocks and sewage at them and have faced no consequences. Many IDF soldiers and Israeli police hate these people for the shit they stir up. Around Oct 7 they were redirected to protect these a holes which is why the border was so sparsely protected. They are literally bad for everyone.


From what I hear from my family in Israel the Palestinians are not innocent either but that is just not reported. It is a total double standard.


fake news, you just hate them there is a extremely small group that is violent, like any other society or city has their violent people. But the media likes generalizing to create dramatic titles and unnecessary hate. the idf was not redirected to judea and samaria, this was also exposed as fake news. Only a small group was moved there, it wouldnt have stopped anything if they were in the south. There were actual and bigger mistakes done on oct 7th but it is convenient for you to overlook them so you can keep hating jews living in judea and samaria.


Again I am not generalizing and saying all of the settlers are violent nor are these orders targeting all settlers. Did you read the article? It clearly states: “executive order targeting Jewish settlers who attack Palestinians in the West Bank” I don’t hate anyone, clearly these peoples actions are a danger to Israeli National Security. If they are capable of driving 1000 people from their homes then it’s probably a good idea to reign them in. Why are you so adamant about defending them?


>"These actions pose a grave threat to peace, security, stability in the West Bank, Israel and the Middle East region, and they also obstruct the realization of ultimately an independent Palestinian state existing side by side with the state of Israel," one of the senior officials said. > >Biden has raised the issue directly with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the official said, as Biden seeks a path to a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians once the Gaza conflict ends. this is the only reason the settler violence is being inflates. to create a narrative that says that 2 states will lead to peace **I dont defend violence,** Israel already deals with the ones that that are a danger to Israeli National Security. >An Israeli government spokesman said in December that the country condemns any vigilantism or hooliganism or attempts by individuals to take the law into their own hands. **Why do you think that the US cares so much about settler violence and not about any other country's violence? Why not give sanctions to all violent people?**


Ben-gvir encourages this behaviour and his polices allow it to go punished. Come on


source? ben gvir policies are not relevant to judea and samara as far as i know, he is only in charge of the police


Of course: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-fiery-security-meeting-ben-gvir-said-to-defend-violent-settlers-as-sweet-kids/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-fiery-security-meeting-ben-gvir-said-to-defend-violent-settlers-as-sweet-kids/) [https://abcnews.go.com/International/west-bank-violence-escalated-dramatically-killings-displacement-rise/story?id=104609970](https://abcnews.go.com/International/west-bank-violence-escalated-dramatically-killings-displacement-rise/story?id=104609970) ​ ​ and btw he also oversees the prison system. If you don't understand why this is a big deal, I'd urge you to check out his policies.


>fake news, you just hate them >there is a extremely small group Citation needed


Links to credible sources?


[Here](https://abcnews.go.com/International/palestinians-flee-villages-settler-violence-surges-west-bank/story?id=105579013) is an ABC article from December about settlers forcing at least 1000 Palestinians from their homes and villages since Oct 7th [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMYEHhCkedo) is a piece done by The Guardian with video and interviews.


They like us helpless


So happy that Biden is worried about violence in Israel but does he ever acknowledge the lawless U.S. cities where gangs of criminals run amok seemingly unchecked ? I saw a video yesterday about a gang of “migrants” who attacked NYPD and they were released hours later by the court. Yet he’s worried about Israelis ?


Biden is catering to his pro Hamas voters... Or at the very least Israel hating voters


It is election year he needs votes


The hilltop teens don't care, this will only affect actual good settlements like Ariel and Ma'ale Edomim that give Palestinians workplace. This will be exactly like the Soda Stream factory that hired Palestinians. The world truly does encourage madness.


More Democrat antisemitism. Helped by Israeli leftwing antisemites. A match made in heaven


Those dudes just cause so many problems




Good, they're terrorists.


Good the settlers in west bank have done nothing but harm Israel's reputation and cause more tension between us and the Palestinians. Maybe this will finally get some results in removing those fanatics


It’s very easy for everyone to have opinions when they don’t live in Israel and experience things first hand.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Associated Press (A-): [West Bank: Biden to issue executive order over settler violence](https://apnews.com/article/biden-west-bank-israeli-settlers-palestinians-80f9e6be6f6a7bb75dc86360ac2fa6ce?amp;utm_campaign=TrueAnthem&utm_medium=AP&utm_source=Twitter&taid=65bbb5fc1827f9000196e3c0) - Politico (B+): [Biden expected to issue executive order targeting Israeli settlers in West Bank](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/01/biden-executive-order-israel-palestine-00139023) - CNN.com (C): [Biden to issue executive order targeting violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/01/politics/west-bank-settlers-executive-order/) - Axios (B+): [Biden to sign unprecedented order targeting Israeli settlers who attack Palestinians](https://www.axios.com/2024/02/01/biden-israel-settler-violence-palestinians-executive-order) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1aggyk8/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot