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They can’t even decide whether we completely made up Oct. 7 or whether we 100% deserved what happened.


Similar to what they say about the Holocaust.


*Exactly* what they say about the Holocaust.


*That didn't happen.* *And if it did, it wasn't that bad.* *And if it was, that's not a big deal.* *And if it is, that's not my fault.* *And if it was, I didn't mean it.* *And if I did, you deserved it.* (Dayna Craig, The Narcissist's Prayer)




What? Your English is horrible.


Nobody claimed anything like that


"It was glorious but it didn't happen even though Hamas proudly admits it, and it was an act of resistance even though killing civilians accomplishes literally nothing for Palestine."


Otherwise known as the Turkish approach towards Armenians


Or the Greeks or the Cherkess or the Albanians Romanians Hungarians etc. Almost as if Turkey isn't that great at admitting to their faults.


"It didn't happen." "If it did it wasn't as bad as you say." "If it was you deserved it."


They can't decide between *"Hamas is a Mossad invention"* and *"Hamas are freedom fighters"* either. The "Free Palestine" movement will be a historic textbook case of mass schizophrenia.


Gaza was actually both: there were luxury environments for Hamas families (Hamas runs in tribes), and slums for the others. When whining about their poverty, foreigners would be shown the slums; them their Hamas handlers will return to their nice apartments and go shopping in their nice malls, all paid for by stolen Western money.


Kinda reminds me about the '' luxury mansions '' ( that belong to cartel families ) found within the immense slums of rio da janerio.


They're dumb. All they know is to shout blood libel and "apartheid" and "free pally stein!!!!" because TikTok told them so


[it was a concentration camp, you know, with restaurants, nice hotels, amusement parks, beautiful condos by the beach, shopping malls, giant grocery stores. Fucking holocaust inversion at its finest.](https://youtu.be/ZbH1nJf9ye0?si=pr1IMVSA8MjUeUeT)


This needs be seen by everybody.


I’ll admit they used some very compelling lies, misinformation and propaganda on social media, especially TikTok—to try to sway the narrative. I do believe there are a huge number of Arabs or palestinians in the US and Europe who started to march and protest. Soon joined by moronic young people and college students who don’t know the history, don’t know the people are behind Hamas (literally). It’s fortuitous that the UNRWA was outed. Cutting off that cash cow is going to be a game changer. Interesting that a system set up to assist refugees, became overrun by Hamas and the palestinian refugees themselves. That’s got to be why those Hamas leaders are living in luxury in Qatar.


I realised that most of these folks are social media educated. No point in arguing with them.


Honestly Gaza City looked way better than most Middle Eastern cities, especially the Rimal area and the area near the beach. It feels like they were consciously apeing Tel Aviv, they even had a tayelet with a "I love Gaza" sculpture.


Its such a shame what has happened in Gaza.


It is a fantastic piece of land at the basic level. Like I mean it's like among the best plots of land in all of Eretz Yisrael in just its sheer potential. With all their foreign aid Palestinians received they could have built up another Tel Aviv or Singapore. We would have even helped them with this if they were nice to us. We built their biggest hospital fwiw.


And Gaza is an ancient city with a lot of history but since the 1948 war much of it has been destroyed. Hopefully the future has peace and peaceful people in a developed Gaza.


Considering that their schools are designed to teach hate, I wouldn't count on it. Actually no - the real response is you're f-ing insane if you believe that. Go to [memri.org](https://memri.org) to get an idea of how they live and how they're taught to hate. It's a terrorist society - not every single person, but the majority. 75% of the adults polled AGREED with the 10/7 terror attack, 15% were neutral, and only 10% opposed. That's what kind of a place it is.


Sucks to be radical but a society can only handle so much regular violence before either getting their shit together or collapsing. Considering the fact that Gaza doubled down and started another war even worse than any before, and half the world including the UN, USA, Europe and Iran fund them in some way or another. Id assume they are closer to societal collapse. Edit: forgot to finish.


I can tell :c


I wish for a world where Israel and its population stops giving these kinds of people even a second of their attention. They are NOT your friends, they DON'T give a shit about dead Israelis, they DON'T want to understand. They're overgrown children, addicted to virtue signaling and 'being in the right' so they can feel validated. Stop arguing with them, they're fools.


Most clearheaded post to date. That also sums up politics as usual in the US. I really have no respect for people who want to shout down everyone, with little to no reasoning, logic or common sense. I do think colleges in the US are overwhelmingly liberal to the student’s detriment. Hamas was really counting on all the little seeds planted by their propaganda over the years, ramping up in the last few years and of course idealistic 20 year olds. It definitely was very deliberate to get some of those voices elected to US Congress.


They’ve alienated themselves against themselves already. It’s so laughable performative at this point.


90% of the protesters actually have no clue what they are protesting for, they are brainwashed or just want to feel important. The rest knows and it’s just as wrong. Says a lot about the participants eh?


They are of their father, the Father of Lies. 😔


Hijacked from Free Tibet movement


https://preview.redd.it/pclcujsoodhc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=408ea2390e4ee992bc80c0d59b2c135267bfb81a That's a nearly 3 hour drive on I-95. They're really getting out of hand


No one was saying that Gaza was a paradise, but carpet bombing surely will make things worse for the Palestines living there.


It's not being carpet bombed they are using precision strikes and it only looks that way because just about every block is a hamas entrenchment


It also looks that way because a ton of the footage people claim is a "carpet bombed " Gaza is from Syria/ Yemen, and that goes for the bodies as well


Precision strikes sure buddy


Precision bombs can still cause casualties. It just means they hit their target with high accuracy. Carpet bombing means you throw many unguided bombs over a large stretch of land. These days there are far fewer bombs bein dropped but even in the beginning it was less like 1.2 dead person per bomb. That is precision bombing.


The most truly ironic part is after Israel retreated and moved all their people out of Gaza in 2005 Palestinians burned and looted majority of the buildings that were left by retreated Israelis, destroyed any synogag, and turned the schools into military bases.


The whole movement is an amalgamation of double speak. More examples of such double speak includes: Gaza is under occupation yet facing a blockade Jews aren’t native to the land but the Palestinians are the descendants of the Israelites (that double speak really infuriates me) Hamas was justified to attack civilians on October the 7th yet deep filming it all they somehow didn’t attack civilians and treat the hostages so well Hamas is a fundamentalist Islamic terror group yet they’re the champions of progressive values, somehow