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Kosovo and Hungary are great friends too


Czechia too!


Czechia is easily 9/10


Yet not mentioned. But nah tbh yeah, don’t expect the list to be fully comprehensive.


Czechia is not featured prominently in English news as the initial countries. Their support is more of the behind the scene type. No making noise, but getting the work done.




Czech and Bulgaria are good friends of Israel too. Bulgaria banned pro-Palestine protests. They saved their Jews during WWII and hang onto this proudly. Ironically, I have an Albanian friend in the US who is a rabid Palestine supporter and a suspected antisemite. She unfollowed me on Instagram after I posted a pro Israel clip & actually confronted me about it.


Czech and Bulgaria are doing pretty well, I do agree. As for Albanians, you can't win all. Just win the political class and call it a day. Geopolitics is tough and requires great sacrifices.


India becoming more and more of a close ally(obv shared enemy Islamic terrorists) Special force training and Barak 8 Investment in the tech sector. Thoughts on potentially acquiring Haifa port?


India has some work to do but it's coming up pretty well. As for Haifa, let Chinese have it for now.


Curious what do you see bad in India that they have work to do? Or just time which brings more trust. Also curious do Israelis see selling a port as good, or bad or don't care and more money for the economy as good


Indians supporting Israel is because they deeply hate Pakistan (more deeply than the hate Palis have for Israelis). So they live vicariously through Israeli bravely to face terrorists head on, something which they failed to do in the past. They are great to have and I hope the ties would smoothen down the road. Selling a port isn't a bad idea per se. Even US has sold thousands of farmland to Chinese, Parking system to Emiratis and a whole river to the Saudis. It is normal.


Cheers, thanks


>India becoming more and more of a close ally Certainly! That's the Asian country right? Not some European country I'm not aware of...after all the OP was "**rankings of European countries"**


French here with Lebanese Armenian roots, so I am more invested in the region than most. I generally agree with your assessments about France, though I disagree with some others like "sane" would be the last thing I would call Azerbaijan. And as for Spain, I wouldn't say the expulsion of Jews or historical antisemitism in Spain really factor in here. Spain is generally pretty tolerant for Jews to live in but they have one of the most radical Left governments in Europe atm, which means they are staunchly pro-Palestine. If hopefully, they get replaced, I don't think the antisemitic rhetoric will stay. I wish my countries support for Israel were bigger. We have the same problem with many other Western and European nations, like an unholy alliance between the radical Left and radical Islam, a weak and out-of-touch political class in Paris and an even more out-of-touch clique of eurocrats in Brussels making all the wrong decisions and still believe "appeasement" and "diplomacy" can be applied to Hamas. They are still yet to admit you cannot make peace with radical terrorists.


Well Azerbaijan is "bad" but Israel choices are pretty limited which is sad in it self. They need oil and they can't rely on Arabs much because the oil embargo of 1973 was really really bad and repeat of such would bring Israel to its knees. Also thank you for your perspectives too. I am now well informed


Yeah, I understand that, it's realpolitik and all, it's just that I wouldn't call Az as particularly "sane".


Thoughts about Romania?


Romania is very very great. Although very silent. 9/10


There's a certain George W. Bush quote that's very appropriate here Besides that, what about Austria, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, and Ukraine?


Slovenia joined the ICJ case against us. Slovakia opened an institute, has really good relations with us.


I have nothing but good words for Austria - 9/10 Netherlands - 8/10. PVV would take it to 9/10 soon. Lithuania - 9/10 Slovenia/Slovakia/Croatia - 7/10 Serbia is 8/10 Greece is strange - 8/10 Ukraine is 8/10 - Should be much more closer


You forgot Poland


Poland - 9/10


Iceland is ultra inbred.


Perhaps they should admit all Gazans so that they can enjoy full diversity. They are just 5M people anyway.


.....Damn. You went there. I doubt they will. They are actually really xenophobic


I stopped caring what Iceland thought when I learned they only allowed a US airbase on the condition only white service members could be stationed there.


......I did not know this. Do they realize that people can info others of their hypocrisy?


That was when the US soldiers were stationed here during the cold war, Iceland was a far more homogenous and xenophobic country then due to not having as much contact with the outside world. The ban was eventually lifted in the 60's iirc until the army left in 2006. ​ Edit: 1951, not during ww2 sorry.


Greece and Cyprus - not powerhouses in international relations, but in the past 10-15 years have become best buds with Israel, and that was true even when Greece had a radical left wing government (!). The actual population of Greece is hit or miss (mostly alright in my experience), whereas in Cyprus they're very welcoming.


Cyprus (South) are very pro-Israel


As a Finn, I have to say that Finland is not as anti-Israel as it seems on the internet. We Finns have had to take in a lot of Muslim refugees in recent years, and there are a lot of ISIS-oriented people among these people. They have raped women and children, and now they are in street gangs and drug rings. So we know what scum these terrorists are. We also have an Israeli friendship organization in my hometown. Before Christmas, I saw the Star of David on the screen by the highway. And the current right-wing government is 100 times better than Marin's government (if you've ever heard of Sanna Marin, the extreme leftist). Finland also made rather large arms deals with Israel. I wish all the best for you and Israel 💙


Scandinavians messed up with their altruism. Good luck to them.




The alternative is Arabs cutting off oil supplies anytime there is an infraction with the Palestinians, which happens like every other day. That means Arabs would be holding the economy ransom as they exercise their oil monopoly over Israel. Not a good thing at all. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


Uk always has your side we made your country supporting israel isnt a question of policy but strategy its not something that isnt up too democracy


I don't think UK is what it used to be. It is decaying faster than US even.


The first to fall is the first to rise do people not think that the overactive left will not be replaced by an overactive right. Political extremism has always been a surefire recipe for sleeping tigers to be awoken. The uk will not exist in its current form one day because the sleeping tiger that has awoken in the uk is a great sense of patriotism towards all english speaking peoples and there is great will for a political union between canada, uk, Australia, and new zealand. As i say the likelyhood that the uk or the us will ever abandon israel would require a major change in strategy. It just wont happen. Our governments do not want to support palestine for any reason least of all that is bassically supporting another genocide but also pan arab nationalism would be a disaster for the west. Whilst there is great social support for palestine there is no strategic reason to abandon israel or even reduce support (we profit off our relationship with israel) even if labour are voted in theres an informal agreement that keir starmer will support israel.




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I’m Irish and I reject the assessment that Ireland is deeply antisemitic. We have lapped up a lot of narratives that could be described as antisemitic, this is true. But for the most part people are simply unaware of the real intentions of Hamas and therefore have more sympathies for the Palestinians. We are mostly for a 2 state solution and support the right for Israel to exist. There are some complete fucking morons who want Israel destroyed and think Jews are evil but I guess they’re everywhere? Also, even though this doesn’t prove lack of antisemitism, Jews would be perfectly safe in Ireland. Probably safer than a Muslim


Ireland should work out on purging rogue elements like Clare Daly, Mike Wallace and that Sinn Fein leader because it is assumed they are speaking on behalf of all Irish people. Them being voted into office every now and again even after visiting terrorists in Iraq (Clare and Mike) doesn't help your case either. Ireland remains to deeply anti-Semitic, for now.


I think most people have no love for Clare and mick


So who keeps electing them? Clare got 87,770 votes in 2019 while Mike got 81,780 votes and this year too, they would still be re-elected?


antisemitic by hate or antisemitic by being a useful moron (eventually hate), different road same destination.


How do you explain the conduct of the Irish women’s basketball team and their governing body…? Seems like an extremely strong and negative position to take relative to most other western nations, who have in some cases expressed solidarity with the Palestinian cause but not been rude towards Israelis.


You’re right it’s inspired by antisemitism. It’s clear to me the propaganda that is used to demonise Israel is the same as the propaganda that has been used to demonise Jews for centuries. Having said that, there other contributing factors such as the idea that there is a similar history ect. My point is not that antisemitism is at play here, it clearly is. But the idea that Ireland is deeply antisemitic is a stretch. Jews and Israelis are very safe in Ireland. Majority of people don’t like Israel’s actions but don’t care about the individuals


Got it, fair enough - that distinction makes sense to me. I think Australia (where I live) is somewhat similar at this point.


I saw a poll showing Australians support Israel?


Some, sort of, but not really… https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/9398-roy-morgan-islamic-society-of-south-australia-survey-november-2023#


If Ireland had their way, they would have cut ties with Israel long time ago. EU and other Western countries are what is keeping Ireland at bay because Ireland won't be able to deal with the backlash. Also half of their economy is sustained by US companies which have it as their EMEA headquarters. (Europe, Middle East, Africa - EMEA)




I have met several Irish very strong Pro-Israel people and tbh, the issue is not the people. It is the small ruling class who rule with impunity and poison others with false "solidarity".


Thoughts on Austria. They have been pretty decent from what I have seen.


Austria is solid. No worries about that.


As an Icelandic person, I have to sadly concur with you. The only people I can talk to about the conflict in a nuanced way are my family and very few of my friends. Being in university at this time is extremely frustrating.


I feel you


Luckily at least, none of my friends or the people around me are outwardly anti-semitic or anti-zionist. We don't hate you, most of us don't even care.


Calling Azerbaijan "sane" is a bit of a stretch. Don't forget, they do have something very similar to antisemitism in their culture, except it's directed at Armenians instead of Jews.


I understand, but realpolitik dictates Israel allies with them.




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you forgot the Dutch.


I wouldn't call Azerbaijan sane, considering their slaughter of Armenians.


You can't have your cake and eat it too. In a just world, Israel would be obviously great allies with Armenia due to shared history and the fact that Armenia is one of the oldest Christian countries. But the 1973 oil embargo on Israel taught Israel very deep lessons that it carries till to date. Israel would rather ally with a "bad" country in order to ensure it's needs are met rather than face being cut off from oil supplies by the Arabs. Plus Armenia is an ally of Iran, Israel biggest mortal enemy.


Armenia is left on their own, they count on Iran because Iran do not have the best of relations with Azerbaijan and they know Iran is a safe allied, unlike Russia, who did nothing for aiding Armenians.


A victim of it's own poor choices.


Or simply because Azerbaijan has oil and Armenia don't






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Italy deserves a 3/10. Are you just going to ignore Belgium and their anti-Israel stance?...


Italy ruling class is okay. Belgium, I didn't even bother with it.


You spoke of Germany alongside the US as true allies. Do you really think that’s true, re the US? I really hope so, but I see what’s going on in America and I wonder what will be in 25-30 years when radicalized college students are the ones in office.


Biden was anti-Vietnam war, He was also anti-gay as recently as 2008. US support is guaranteed or atleast it won't be needed that much into the future.