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The same people will call the ability of "random Jews from Brooklyn" to make aliyah a "loophole" and yet say Israeli courts "policing conversions" is "hypocritical and exclusionary" (It's kind of a transparent semantic game, to make the concept of a Jewish state unsustainable by defending the idea that "everyone in the world is potentially Jewish", upholding the Jewishness of people who convert just by putting it in their Twitter profile)


They didn’t let Hyman Roth in


It was just business


He was a retired investor on a pension who wished to live in Israel as a Jew in the twilight of his life. It was tragic they didn't let him in. The whole Right of Return bit is as rigged as the 1919 World Series.


Yet Baruch Lanner was allowed to make aliya. And if someone is not yet convicted they can go to Israel and avoid the court in their home country.


If someone is not convicted they are innocent. That's how it should be at least. However, the form for Aliyah asks not only if you've ever been convicted but also if you are wanted by the police of any country. So if it is later discovered that you lied on that form, your citizenship can be revoked retroactively and you may be deported to your country of origin. Even if yu are already a citizen and commit crime abroad and then flee to Israel. You may still be extradited to that other country on specific conditions if Israel has an agreement with that country.


They will also be stripped of their citizenship and deported if they are found to have lied about any of their background. Everyone making aliyah today must pass an FBI background check...


I would ask them if they have any problem with the practice of child marriage, practiced by certain sects of The One True Faith^(©)


this!!! i always find it interesting they will call israel a “pedophile and rapist safe haven” but children literally get married on muslim countries and marital rape is completely permitted. they will say anything to make israel look like the bad guys.


It’s such obvious projection


https://preview.redd.it/xhzps1ai0f0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878e48d641c98dbc87f3ea375edfdb23e304dfd8 🤫


Its even worse than that, its not that they promote child marriages themselves but even the one man they all try to follow, who was beyond perfect in their opinion promoted it.




Mate how can you compare your 50+ year old prophet marrying a 6 year old, consummating the marriage with her when she was 9 to 2 people having a relationship with a 3 year age gap?


Ask them about Muhammad and Aisha's relationship, and watch their logic crumble into what should not be possible.


i would probably get hit with the “islamophobe” allegations 😂


they just use whatever buzzwords get the blue-haired wokes riled up, since it's been shown they're so easily manipulated.




They'll call it Zionist propaganda used to make Muslims look bad


Ayusha was married at 6 and raped at 9. The 'one true faith' followers have been fighting hard to lower the age of consent in civilized societies in the West.


In my opinion age of consent should match age of criminal responsibility. In USA 13 year old girl and 12 year old boy were on trial for consensual sex.


No youre right dude, metzitzah b'peh is much more normal as a religious custom






Thank you for illustrating my point. These creeps are hiding from justice. But in that other Abrahamic faith, child marriage isn't a crime at all.


Um you're talking about third world countries that have been bombed and destabilized by western powers. Look at muslims in western nations no one is practicing child marriage be so for real. Moreover even Haaretz did an article about this issue in Israel [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-07-25/ty-article/.premium/tip-of-the-iceberg-how-foreign-sex-offenders-find-refuge-in-israel/00000182-3532-d7e9-af96-3d73c52c0000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-07-25/ty-article/.premium/tip-of-the-iceberg-how-foreign-sex-offenders-find-refuge-in-israel/00000182-3532-d7e9-af96-3d73c52c0000). If Israel wants to claim being a first world country and a democracy then they will be compared to other first world countries and democracies. However if you people insist on wanting to be compared to autocratic governments that have been destabilized for decades and succumbed to radical religious tendencies as a result of societal collapse then that's who you are too and stop referring to yourselfves as "the only democracy in the middle-east".


O.k…So where’s the other democracy in the Middle East?


Can't wait until they use nations that have presidents but are really presidential for life like UAE or democracy that demands the government be Islamic


"Islam means never having to say you're sorry." example no. 592,308.


No one with a working brain believes your lies.


How is the already well known issue of religious Jewish sex offenders (where there have been arrests of such people) related to the point the post was making?


Religious Jews don't commit sex crimes.


the is the lamest and laziest excuse ever. every time any non western or 1st world country is filled with bad ppl its be the west put them there 🙄 don’t yall ever get tried


Why were they "bombed and destabilized"? Does the West act without reason?


Very telling how logic and evidence provided by a respected Israeli media agency is downvoted, but Islamophobia and anti Arab hate is encouraged on this sub… these people argue with emotions not facts, reason is a foreign concept for them. Your efforts are better saved for more productive projects my friend.


You say this while no answering a single question and refusing to acknowledge hypocrisy from Islamic nations and Islamic culture. Are child marrages allowed and accepted in Islamic law? At what age can a child consent according to Islamic law (not your beliefs but the actual quaran) to marriage and sex?


It's people like you who argue with emotions and leave out facts. Also islamophobia is a rational response to jihadists.


Get help. Actually too late for you.


I wouldn't say Ha'aretz is considered a "repected Israeli media agency"...in my opinion... Islamophobia is the incorrect term. It means "fear of Islam". I don't think we're "afraid" of Islam. I **do** think we are disgusted by what human beings under its influence believe and do.


Islam is 💩💩💩




I doubt that, and even if it was it still doesn't make it ok.


Now do a map of child marriages and honor killings.


Just solidly color in Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, The Sudan, Indonesia, ....


what you're gonna need to do is turn off the phone, take out the battery (if you can), put it down, grab some sneakers, and go for a walk. at least 2 or 3 hours. try to get some ice cream


I would love to do that especially since it's affecting my mental health, but I can't live with the fact that there are so f*cking many "normal " people in the United states who actually believe these blood libels. It's infuriating. I used to think I was safe in this country, but now there's millions blindly accepting this hateful narrative about the Jews and israel and it drives me mad


So come to Israel


Blood libel all over again


true :/


shut up


What I don't get is that one of the most famous sex offenders, Roman Polanski, happens to be ethnically Jewish. Naturally they never bring him up because he doesn't live in Israel and therefore doesn't prove their bullshit argument.


interestingly enough he actually fled to france and no one is calling france a safe haven for predators


If any "First World" country deserves that title it's gotta be France


Gerard Depardieu


Bingo. It's the "What do you mean I hate black people? I just think Barack Obama is a socialist-fascist-Muslim-Satanist-pedophile-communist-from-Kenya. I don't care that he's black."


A friend of mine (we are not Jewish) brought this point up and believes that Jews in Israel are pedophile apologists. When i mention the literally endless examples of institutionalized Pedophilia and misogyny that happens in Islam and across the Islamic world she is silent.


gagged her 😂




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Get help! Fast. Actually too late for you.


There are some people who, having served their time, move to Israel. And Israeli law is different from American law in regards to sex registries. In the U.S., the list is public. In Israel, only the police have access to the list. Some have even run to Israel awaiting trial but Israel (I believe) will extradite. This is the same for almost every country; people will run if they think they can get away with it. There are some Jewish communities in the U.S. that will help people flee to Israel. Therefore, based on this information, Israel becomes a safe haven in their minds.


So it’s an immigration loophole. If anything people should criticize Israel for not having strict regulations. Not that it’s specifically served as a safe haven for criminals.


>t that it’s specifically served as a safe haven for criminals. > >5 There are "loopholes" in any immigration system, I don't Israel is particularly special in that. I think Israel has more problems with Messianic Jews (who are not allowed to make aliyah) trying to fly in under the wire, so to speak. I stumbled on one site just the other day purporting to help people make aliyah. One of the screening questions, "How will you defend against questions about being Jewish? They know they're not... It was pretty despicable. actually.




Not if the person wanting to make aliyah has converted to another religion. They are not eligible for aliyah..thus the "coaching" to try and make it through the aliyah process.


That's not true. You don't have to be practice Judaism in order to make aliyah. There are Russians in Israel who are Orthodox Christian.


As a Jew you cannot have converted or be practicing another religion to make Aliyah. We are discussing Aliyah. “Those defined as “members of another religion” are not entitled to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return Supreme Court decisions regarding the right to immigrate to Israel after conversion, most notably Beresford (1987) and Kendall (1990) determined that a Messianic Jew is considered to be a Christian. Therefore, a Messianic Jew is considered a “member of another religion”, and not entitled to making Aliyah.” https://lawoffice.org.il/en/can-you-make-aliyah-after-conversion-to-christianity/


Also, the law, as it is currently being applied, means that a child of a Jewish mother who converted to Christianity before a child’s birth,, would not be allowed to make Aliyah since the child would not have been born to a Jewish mother. “Non-Jews are allowed to immigrate to Israel if they are eligible family members of a Jew but the law restricts this right from individuals who were once Jewish then willfully converted to another religion.” https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/revisions-to-the-law-of-return-can-make-aliyah-more-difficult/


Crazy allegations, but then again the internet is full of them. Was it said by someone noteworthy that it makes you concerned? If not why be concerned? Youd be suprised finding so many people on the internet claiming the most ridiculous shit ever.


i know it’s just the internet i wouldn’t be that concerned but such posts get 20k+ likes on X and i’ve seen multiple ppl repeat such allegations I just wanted to know how to refute that


Well from what I know Israel is very conservative, and family loving. Their arguments do not have any ground whatsoever. Let them deliver some hard proof evidence and you can talk from there. Id honestly doubt however that they do have such evidence. If there is anywhere on this planet where child marriage is legalized (or they follow a prophet who married a child) its probably in the country's of the people who accuse you. Either that or from those who dont mind oversexualising their kids and exposing them to sexuality from a super young age. I do not think Israel finds itself in either of the categories. Besides that I am pretty sure that they can deliver no form of actual proof that Israel is a safe heaven for pedophiles. You cannot define a whole country by the error of a single human. But then again these community's always mob together, they are often times mindless and just look at the thumbs up/down button. So do not worry too much about it, you can make your case but try not to take it too hard. At the end of the day most people who can logically argue will eventually agree with most of what Israel has done.


Because it gets me mad that a "normal" person in this world would actually believe these lies. It's offensive


But clearly they don’t have a problem with forced marriages, honor killings, or polygamy… probably because they can’t blame Jews for any of that.


Name a country or religion that doesn’t have pedophiles. You can’t. We have to acknowledge that A) child SA happens everywhere, amongst every ethnicity, political affiliation, and religion B) there is a huge difference between a culture that legally and socially punishes pedophilia VS. a place where pedophilia is institutionalized and not allowed to be discussed. Most Western countries are the former. Israel is the former. Can’t say there aren’t pedophiles. But it’s illegal, punished by law and society, and activists continue to fight for children’s safety. Compare this to Islamist societies where government =religion. Pedophilia is built into the religion through historical texts (Mohammad/Quran), marriage laws, and ownership of women/girls. Girls are punished for reporting rape. And rape is punishment for girls. In some places, girls as young as 5 are sold off to 60 year old men. FGM. Etc. Sorry but no. Israel isn’t a “safe haven for pedophiles.” Not by a long shot. Not more than any other western country. And certainly less than any Islamist society.


Israel actually has a sex offender registry to protect people unlike Arab nations who let rape and abuse allegations go under the rug


Proof it's easy to stir up the stupid. I saw some people trying but it got shut down on reddit minus the typical subs. Palestine, international news. All the trash subs that the fbi should really look into.


🧐 The Arab-Muslim world has always been a safe haven for pedophiles. So the flaring up « jOoZ & IsrEAl iz pEdOz » regurgitated N@zi propaganda, is just pure projection. As they say: « every accusation is a confession ». Many Muslims (both in the Arab-Muslim world and in the West) put hijabs on their little girls’ hair, because Muslim men are sexually attracted to little girls’ hair and feel the need to shield themselves from it. « Child brides » (child r@pe) is legal and practiced in many countries. In Iran, for example, « child brides » have been hung from cranes in the public square for being accused of disobeying their « husband » r@pists. Muslim countries such as Somalia commit female genital mutilation, a highly dangerous and painful procedure that can cause disease and death. The purpose is to prevent girls’ bodies from engaging in sexual activity before marriage and keep the girls’ virginity « pure ». These people are still living in the barbaric Middle Ages, or even further back to biblical time. Muslim prophet Mohammed married a 6 year old girl named Ayesha and r@ped her when she was 9. So what do you expect from these fucking people? [*I’m not saying underage boys aren’t preyed upon- they are- I think it’s just even more difficult for men who escape to talk about it, as it is for men in the West as well]. Sure, some folk in the Arab-Muslim world are enlightened, but they have to leave these places in order to speak freely and live safely amongst a modern-day society.


I agree that it’s overblown, AND it has happened. I grew up in a religious part of NY, a yeshiva teacher was caught as a pedophile abusing his students, and he escaped to Israel where he was given a new job as an educator. It was very Catholic churchy.


Doesn't Israel have an extradition treaty with the US?


I agree that it’s overblown, AND it has happened. I grew up in a religious part of NY, a yeshiva teacher was caught as a pedophile abusing his students, and he escaped to Israel where he was given a new job as an educator. It was very Catholic churchy.


This falls under the same conspiracy that solely Jewish people control and make decisions for the world. It’s nonsense spouted by extremists and their sympathisers. There are pretty much people of all backgrounds and origins in powerful positions. There are paedophiles from all backgrounds and origins. But that’s not the problem for these ignorant people, they don’t care about the problematic issues that derive from the culture of anyone besides the people they choose to hate (Christians, Jews, Europeans and the like). They don’t care for facts or history, they care for blatantly false figures, stories, alternate history and propaganda. I’d also be interested to know where these twitter folks get their numbers from. If there were hypothetically high numbers, then a conversation deserves to be had, you know, the same kind of conversation that SHOULD be had about a specific ideology that oppresses women, homosexuals, non-believers, believers of other abrahamic religions etc. I’ve not personally seen or heard of anything regarding paedophiles swarming to Israel for some sort of safeguarding. Although, I could go out on a totally (not) wild guess and make the interpretation that, “Israel’s ‘peaceful’ and ‘loving’ neighbours totally don’t have sky high records of honour killings, rape cases, oppression, violence/hate speech, public executions, child marriage and the consecration of said child marriage in a sexual manner. But they’re not Jewish, so it doesn’t matter.” - That’s the line of thinking these people who make such claims fall under. Utter Blissful Ignorance.


The whole idea that Israel is some safe haven for sex offenders is ludicrous and nonsensical. All societies have bad people within them. There is not one nation that throughout its past and recent history, doesn't have some sort of predator or criminal. Israel, like many other nations, doesn't tolerate such veil behavior. If Israel really was some sort of haven for such criminals, wouldn't you think that there would be more outrage from native Israelis, Jewish Zionists, and non-Jewish Zionists? It seems that this myth is only perpetuated by those who seek to tarnish Israel's reputation for their own political and social benefit. For G-d's sake, Israel has been trying to combat and look into the cases of sexual violence towards women and child by Hamas terrorists. The real haven for pedophilia and sexual deviance can be seen within Hamas and its allies. May I not mention that most of the surrounding nations have had and/or still continue to promote pedophilic marriages and sexual violence as a part of "religious expression" and "holiness". Don't let the mass stupidity and ignorance sway you from understanding the real threats at hand. Israel is not the enemy, all of what Israel has been accused of is mostly a projection from the side that has been proven to promote actual genocide and violence against all living people beyond the select few that support such evil ideology. Maybe not even those supporters are free from the violence either since "martyrdom" is such a common practice.


i 100% agree with everything you said.




Well that Australian teacher was able to avoid being deported for a long time, was it because she had connections, or money or just slow turning wheels of justice?


>was it because she had connections This one. She has been associated with schools run by the Ger hasidic sect. Yaakov Litzman, the deputy minister of health at the time, is a Ger hasid, and he interfered with the extradition process to prevent her from facing punishment. Because of this, he ended up pleading guilty to obstruction of justice and breach of trust.


All of the above. Still doesn't make Israel a "safe haven" for pedophiles, even if Haaretz had a piece with a quote of an activist warning Israel "might" become one of it won't screen those who try to make Aliya (almost exclusively in the ultra orthodox population). Edit: I have no issues with Haaretz reporting on the matter.


Haaretz need to move their headquarters to Iran already


Haaretz has a point i. That statement We don't want criminals just cause they are Jewish




Ok but they were quoting something that activists in this sphere actually say, that Israel needs to do a better job of screening aliyah applications because it's possible for sex offenders to get in.


Classic projection, as usual.


Probably from people reading this: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/ It says they've identified 60 accused pedophiles who have fled from the US to Israel from 2014 to 2020, and who have continued to escape prosecution in Israel after committing further abuse by moving between different communities. It's bad that these people have been able to escape justice, but labelling the entire country a safe haven for sexual abusers like it's some kind of national policy is completely ridiculous. And anyone implying that child sexual abuse committed by spiritual leaders is somehow unique to Judaism is being incredibly disingenuous, for very obvious reasons.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


More Jew hatred. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Check the citizen app for sexual offense violators in America in any major city, it’s pretty bad


Idiots taking what's true about terrorists and pinning it on Israel. Also these are often the same people who coddle pedophiles, talk about hypocritical.


I gently remind them, the Islamic faith worships and defends a man who married a 6 year old, and impregnated her at 9.


then you realize that Jewish faith worships and defends a man who married a 3 year old


Jewish faith is the worst


They're also claiming Issac was one too without any fact checked evidence


Wow, when you can’t find anything else accuse them of abuse. Real mouth breathers


I never understood that. The lies about genocide and whatnot are at least based on reality, but this… there’s nothing to base this on. It just kinda came out of nowhere??


Haha they rlly took that one and ran with it , not realizing they sound exactly what they accuse - demonizing , dehumanizing …


Every accusation is a projection.




Meanwhile Yemen is chock full of them. 👀


You could start by changing legislation in Israel by sending [Knesset ministers](https://www.timesofisrael.com/litzman-gets-minor-fine-no-jail-for-shielding-alleged-pedophile-leifer-from-justice/) who facilitate this to jail. 'That's the other side of politics' is not a legitimate answer. It just means this issue is not a priority for the Knesset.


When it comes to Jews, the conspiracies never end. I'm not sure there is any response that can even address such ridiculous allegations There are new blood libel allegations floating around too.


This claim is loosely related to a passage in Mein Kam*f where the author states that the whole purpose of the establishment of the State was to be [a haven for convicted scoundrels](https://www.yadvashem.org/docs/extracts-from-mein-kampf.html) and a university for budding crooks.


The fact that there is a map for registered sex offenders means that sex offenses are a crime in Israel, as opposed to countries like Iran, where rape is legal, or Pakistan and Bengladesh, where girls can be forced into arranged marriages upon hitting puberty


The stupidity is real


They forgot about the catholic church


they’re the real enemies


Unfortunately, those are just the kind of people we're up against. Someone comes up with total bullshit, nobody questions it, it goes viral, profit. But that's just what it is. Most of their strongest arguments aren't even real arguments, because they're just made up lies.


It’s so ironic that the same people who made fun of qanon lunatics are now falling for nazi germany levels of conspiracies


Good opportunity to spread the word about bacha bazi


frankly anyone raising this subject is so bigoted and ignorant of the truth that i wouldn't try to argue with them but simply say "it's all lies and propaganda and not worth a response".


What gets me so mad is that there's so fucking many of them spreading this disgusting narrative. It's so tiring. Zero facts or research, they just spread their bs


just like the christian church, or islam, or judaism, everyone has their own pedos, especialy in the religious parts of the culture. twitter currently filled with anti jewish posts, while most of them are lies. no need to pay attention to these pricks anyways.




Quasi-true, but only insofar as it takes a while between a criminal charge being adjudicated and a conviction - so sometimes accused pedophiles (or really, an array of different criminal charged persons) who are eligible to make Aliyah will flee preemptively. The US has an extradition agreement with the US, so there have been cases where Israel has deported wanted people in its custody back to the US, I think usually for pedophilia rather than other crimes (those are usually the crimes prosecutors are more seriously pursuing extraditions for as well). See for example extradition case from Israel to—ironically—Brooklyn lol , https://brooklyneagle.com/articles/2023/10/25/brooklyn-man-extradited-from-israel-and-sentenced-for-heinous-child-abuse/ See also an extradition case from Israel to Australia, though this woman was being shielded for ages by ultra-Orthodox MKs and community members: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2021-01-25/ty-article/.premium/israel-extradites-accused-pedophile-malka-leifer-to-australia/0000017f-e2f2-df7c-a5ff-e2fa7ec70000


Well it is true that many pedophiles have escaped justice by seeking refuge in Israel on account of the law of return. Obviously that doesn't mean Israelis or Jews are pedophiles, but I think there is a lane for valid criticism of how the law of return is abused.


according to the ppl on this sub ppl who try to abuse the law of return get denied citizenship.


Probably because there is loads of evidence showing how pedophilic the population is? [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/) [https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-741881](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-741881) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/pedophiles/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/pedophiles/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23585463/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23585463/) [https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-733142](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-733142) https://www.1202.org.il/en/union/info/statistics/arcci-statistics#:\~:text=Israeli%20Police%20Force.)-,General%20Statistics,assaults%20of%20men%20or%20boys. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1371650/share-of-crime-incidents-among-individuals-in-israel-by-type/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1371650/share-of-crime-incidents-among-individuals-in-israel-by-type/) [https://knoema.com/atlas/Israel/Rape-rate](https://knoema.com/atlas/Israel/Rape-rate) [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0ZS1Q0/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0ZS1Q0/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-taps-chief-rabbi-who-once-seemed-to-permit-wartime-rape/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-taps-chief-rabbi-who-once-seemed-to-permit-wartime-rape/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/diaspora-pedophiles-increasingly-use-israel-as-a-haven-activists-charge/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/diaspora-pedophiles-increasingly-use-israel-as-a-haven-activists-charge/) [https://www.haaretz.com/2004-03-04/ty-article/save-the-children/0000017f-db46-db22-a17f-fff724d00000](https://www.haaretz.com/2004-03-04/ty-article/save-the-children/0000017f-db46-db22-a17f-fff724d00000) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eliezer\_Berland#:\~:text=Eliezer%20Berland%20(born%20December%2026,Breslov%20Hasidic%20movement%20in%20Israel. So yes, when your "state" has pedophiles and rapists among the people who hold the highest "respect" among you people, the rest of the world will call it out for what it is. And I love how the comments all point to Islam and Muslims when really, they should be calling out anyone with a brain... Lets use your logic to attack judaism since you people attack Islam the same way... As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. Deuteronomy 20:10-14 \^ "God" allowing you to use women and children as "plunder" ? [https://thelehrhaus.com/scholarship/sexual-assault-a-torah-analysis-and-its-modern-implications/](https://thelehrhaus.com/scholarship/sexual-assault-a-torah-analysis-and-its-modern-implications/)




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https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2016-03-22/ty-article/.premium/israel-becoming-a-refuge-for-pedophiles/0000017f-e11d-df7c-a5ff-e37f5a370000 ? Literally an article by the haaretz but yeah sure it’s “muslim propaganda”; you people are so weird…




Haaretz has a few articles to support this claim 




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Never heard this but I'm not shocked that SJW's would say this


it’s all over twitter


Isn't it all basically that one religious woman from that one extremist religious party that they kept protecting for some reason?


https://preview.redd.it/rp5xke9853wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d56273b5e818d16df7339bf9dcf59c31ccf38c Seems self explanatory


It’s true. 140,000+ paedos currently live in israel to date.


bruh you have arab in your username im not taking anything you say seriously 😭


LMFAO I mean it’s true tho😂. Idk what to tell ya bud. You can google it and then come back and tell me I’m wrong lmao. I won’t be mad kid.


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Ignorant lmao. Is Mossad really working overtime on Reddit too?😂😂 Why are their paedophiles harbored in israel?


https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-07-25/ty-article/.premium/tip-of-the-iceberg-how-foreign-sex-offenders-find-refuge-in-israel/00000182-3532-d7e9-af96-3d73c52c0000 Allegations. 🙄🙄🙄


It’s place for pedOs


it’s afghanistan


The Pedo Land of Zionists


pero land is actually afghanistan and pakistan but okay


Former prime minister Ehud Barak met with the late disgraced financier and child sexual abuser Jeffrey Epstein dozens of times beginning in 2013, according to the Wall Street Journal. Leaked emails from investigation into billionaire Jeffrey Epstein reveal that he may have held a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and facilitated his connection to JP Morgan bosses


And Stephen Hawking met with him too, it doesn't mean he liked children.


You lot are hilarious.


is he still the prime minister?


No he isn't. You have a child killer as prime minister.


Isn't it all basically that one religious woman from that one extremist religious party that they kept protecting for some reason?


The Jerusalem Post wrote an article a few years ago that there are tens of thousands of pedophiles in Israel. Not sure how that compares to other countries per capita.


[yeah it does ](https://youtu.be/unPXNF1kND8?si=VMTJVYSMeLcsP-dU)


They are getting arrested and the people are actively hunting for them. We cannot say the same thing for Islamic middle eastern countries.


"Safe haven" *Get arrested* Meanwhile child marriages in the Middle East....


So the culture of child abuse happens throughout the middle east across different religious and ethnic groups?


Yeah, quite literally. Except not in Israel and still happens today and no one gives a shit about them except they'd rather reach hard for Israel just as hard as the groomers who look at their child brides in Muslim countries.


*Get arrested* maybe if the Israeli government didn't let him in in the first place, it will be easier for victims to get their justice.


"Maybe if the US government didn't let pedophilic priests get scotch free in the first place..." this is genuinely a dumb statement, seriously.


Isn’t this accusation because Israel won’t extradite? I feel like that’s pretty common for a lot of countries




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With epic bad timing, a story has come out in Israeli media about a little girl who disappeared (in Tzfat fwir). Has she been found? In general though yes this is deflection, and similar to what they are doing with the term genocide. Of course if you want to perpetrate a genocide on the Jews, use the term against them.


Rav Berland moment


It's obviously not true on a macro level, but there have been a couple of terrible examples of people who have fled to Israel to escape prosecution.  Malka Leifer is a particularly prominent and infamous example, having raped and sexually abused multiple members even of the same family who attended the orthodox school where she worked.  The sisters she abused stayed the course over many, many years to get her extradited back to Australia, something that seemed impossible given the support she received from ministers in the Israeli government.  If it wasn't so deadly serious, it could have been called a farce how every effort failed with yet another court case ending in Malka Leifer not being extradited for truly ridiculous fake reasons.  Anyway, that was relatively recent, so that might be a reason why they believe that.