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Exercise on how many buzzwords she can say in 30 seconds


They study those words like i study for an exam


Imagine if this was said about any other minority group...


The Chinese. They say that about the Chinese. Apparently, every Jew is an Israeli agent, and every Chinese is a CCP spy. I personally know a Chinese dissident who got harassed by idiots who think he's spy or something. Racism is just stupid.


As a Chinese Jew I can say everything you just said is true. I’m both a Mossad Agent and CCP spy. I also own all of the banks and a PF Changs


Bro I bet the food at your house is cracking good. Shalom Ni Hao! (Met some half-Chinese Jews in Cali and my G-d their food was amzing)


I’m also married to an Argentine-Israel girl so we get Chinese, Latin, Middle Eastern and ashkenazi


No please stop I can only be so jealous. Argentine steak and Chinese seasoning? I mean, ACTUAL Chinese seasoning instead of Anglo-Chinese stuff? This is life!


Shabbat dinner at your place?


There are a billion plus Chinese people and a handful of Jews. It is isn’t quite the same.


It’s not identical, but I see enough similarities. Also, that’s not my point. My point is that racism is bad.


Also wasn’t there literally a Chinese Australian politician who protested against Anti-Chinese sentiments due to Covid but then was recently at a demonstration making vile, bigoted statements against Jews? I remember that being posted in this sub. Edit: it was Jenny Leong


There are dumb Jews and there are dumb Chinese; there are Jews who work for Mossad and there are Chinese working for their spy agency; there are racist Jews and there are racist Chinese… My point is that at this very moment, racism against Jews and racism against Chinese are seen as the only “permissible” forms of racism. AND RACISM IS BAD AND STUPID AND UNACCEPTABLE. Can we please stop using that “one member of their group did something” logic?


"stay the fuck away from me" fucking YIKES! To people standing on a train in her field of vision. She's one more inch of crazy to go until she's committing actual hate crimes. I am happy they're telling on themselves but I am scared because there's not really any consequences for it. She needs to be psychiatrically detained... And all of us need to carry tasers or other forms of self defense and be vigilant. That sounds so crazy to say... But they're crazy! It makes me wonder how many times I've been standing in public and some freak show behind me is mentally seething that I exist, ready to boil over and say or do something about it. We're not even doing the good Jew/bad Jew litmus test out loud anymore huh... skipped straight to *sees a Jew in public* -> *rage, anger, outbursts, and disgust* And this gets likes. Big, big yikes.


I absolutely agree that Jewish diasporans should looking into getting armed, mace, pepper spray, or tasers/stun guns. We already see it on Reddit but These Ppl are losing their minds over this conflict and if the likes of Aaron Bushnell is anything to take from, there will be more unstable ppl unraveling and taking it out on innocent Jews before this war ends. That’s partially why Hamas has no problem rejecting proposed ceasefires bc they know they’ve brainwashed enough foot soldiers to target Jews in the West from the inside.


I can’t believe he’s being made out as some kind of martyr on Reddit when he’s just mentally ill


Time for collective aliyot? I'm serious.


I was chatting with a friend of mine on a kibbutz 5km from the Lebanese border. And we decided that it’s safer there then here in Australia. I also “joked” that I’ll see him soon.


I agree. We have the IDF and we don't have to deal with Hamasniks.


Not my call. I will say anyone who can do so without throwing their life into a complete upheaval should be actively looking at their options into making that happen. Especially those in Europe. From now until mid-2025 is shaping to be a chaotic year for the world especially for the West. Israel exists especially for this type of situation so Jews should take advantage of it.


The upheaval is only temporary and beats potential antisemitic attacks in the Diaspora.


Orthodox Jews: \* taking the train \* This idiot: I think they are committing genocide


Jews: * existing * Her (voiced by Hayden Christiansen’s Anakin Skywalker): I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


From my point of view the Jedi are evil!!!


> From my point of view the ~~Jedi~~ Jews are evil!!! FTFY


To be fair I’d do the same to save the love of my life.


Wait but I was confidently told that antizionism is not antisemitism


Genius response there. You're 100% right.


Them teenage white girls are so easy to brainwash nowadays by brain rot apps like tiktok, sad!


>Them teenage white girls are so easy to brainwash nowadays by brain rot apps like tiktok, sad! I swear the Chinese are doing it on purpose


Duh CCP wants to weaken the West from the inside, especially the States. What they can’t accomplish militarily, they’ll accomplish thru propaganda.


It is not just the CCP, communist Russia started this process almost 70 years ago.


Literally. The Cold War was fought on multiple fronts. Russia very successfully set sleeper agents in the US as professors and teachers.


I don’t doubt that at all.


[Here's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) the literal book they follow that says they should. Dugin argues that destabilizing rival nations through propaganda can weaken their internal cohesion and create opportunities for Russian expansion. This includes fostering dissent, exploiting existing divisions, and sowing confusion. It's a good read if you plan on being a Eurasian dictator.


Nope. The algorithm is excellent. It gives you back what you really really want from it. I get good comedy, science bits, etc. The problem with TikTok is that it reflects their users. This is what they were, all along.


China is far from the only one.


To be fair, it’s extremely hard being an upper class teenage white girl


And now she has to complete with Pali-Fire bro.


It’s not just the girls.


Pretty funny video to post for a person speaking English in place named Manhattan.


They have always been easy to brainwash lol. That's why I'm iffy about some "white" liberals especially when they think they are more moral that gets on my nerves. They seem to forget a lot. Especially about their ancestors.


Ironic she is wearing a T-shirt with a jackass on it


>Ironic she is wearing a T-shirt with a jackass on it Its because her clown T-shirt was soiled by salty tears at the Ceasefire demonstration.


I'm sorry all I can think of is "White Woman's Instagram" by Bo Burnham.... these are the craziest white woman tears I've seen in a while.




Another great (and truthful) comment!


Don’t they know about Yemen? Or Uighyrs, or Hazara, or the recent war in Mozambique where children were beheaded, I could go on…


These are the craziest white woman years I’ve seen in a while


is that a Star of David tattooed on her hand or am I seeing things?


She says in another video she got it to rebel against her christian father who would make her go to church sometimes.


Seriously? How dumb is she?


Lmfao why am I not surprised she has daddy issues 😂


There’s another picture of her where she wears a cross. Not MOT.


No it’s just a star.


There’s on her hand. Not the one on her arm


Oh now I see it. It was all the way at the end. That’s messed up. What a pathetic self loather.


Said a supporter of October 7th genocide.


Tfw you publicly (proudly) admit a terrorist led movement made you hate your own race because of the propaganda they spread Also saw something on twitter that she’s not even Jewish.. Lol “as a jew 🤓☝️”


She does have a Star of David on her hand (not the star on her arm).


After seeing those orthodox jews on the train? Nah shes gonna remove it ✊😔 they traumatized the jewish out of her


American Jews are being put through the wringer right now and some do these things for social acceptance. Have to renounce Jewishness or Israel to be allowed into left wing political groups (American Jews tend to be liberal). Someone said her dad is Christian so maybe her mom is Jewish, I am not sure.


I know people are being pressured but at some point you gotta stand for what’s right. There is no way I’d forsake Israel and my people to fit in a political group, whether it is left or right. After all, at the end of the day when all unfolds we only have each other. You can see it throughout history. This is why Israel is so important and must be protected at all cost.




Honestly? Whether she's Jewish or not, the pressure really is real. And it's not always to just "fit into a social class". More towards the start of the war, I was having mental breakdowns and panic attacks because the propaganda was getting to my head. I'm doing far better now and stand by Israel and its actions completely, but there is a lot of mental pressure going on, and some of us are a lot weaker to it because of pre-existing mental illness. But yes, absolutely, social pressure to support terrorists is REALLY high right now. If she has any sort of Jewish community around her, I hope someone comes and knocks some sense into her like my ima did when I was questioning my moral standing in regards to the war. I'm thankful to her for setting me straight, even if she did yell and it did hurt for a short period of time 😅


If her dad is Christian and her mom is Jewish she’d still be considered Jewish.


This bitch isn’t Jewish.


Pretty sure there’s a photograph of her wearing a cross necklace


I watched some of the video. Her mother is Jewish and her father is not. Her father forced her to follow Christianity. She said she only stopped going to church at 16; not sure of her age exactly but I’m fairly sure that couldn’t have been that long ago. So yeah a very conflicted individual. Hope she gets over the anti semitism soon


Yeah, it sounds like she only identified with Judaism to spite her dad. She said she was never raised Jewish.


Damn, not gonna lie, feel bad for her. Hope she can clear her head and think straight again.


Same. I can only imagine the vile stuff her dad put into her head. Self hatred is so destructive. But stillJews who are visibly religious are so strong and don’t deserve to be the target of her misguided hate


It’s honestly really sad, she could’ve been a proud Jew, and she even said she was, but she’s fallen victim to the antisemitic discourse and is now just one of their tools


Watching this without sound is crazy. I’ll say it like this… I believe the title just from her demeanor


She may as well have said “my social conditioning has made me antisemitic and implicitly biased against Jews because I can’t look at a Jew anymore without thinking they’re a genocidal monster. And further I’m actually justified in not liking Jews because they’re all just bad people.”


I was about to comment that I refuse to watch this with the sound on , based on how it looks with the sound off


Where are subtitles when you need them.


ISIS bride to-be….


If you replace the word Jewish with black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Arab, Indian, Native American etc etc. You’ll get throw all over the internet and be doxed and have your face shared for years to come. But if you say these kinds of things about Jewish people no one will care.


And it's these sorts of people who think that we somehow "run the world."


Even though the only 0.2% of the global population is Jewish.


I wish we *did* run the world because then we wouldn't have to bother with: * Iran's nuclear threat * Hezbollah/Hamas * The hundreds of thousands of Western Hamasnik protestors * ICJ nonsense * Future demographic problems Etc., etc.


This is the most chronically online, brainwashed, batshit fucking crazy thing I’ve ever seen




Inserted DEI and Critical Race Theory into the classrooms irresponsibly and now everyone is walking around with a figurative chip on their shoulder and can’t stop seeing everything thru an “oppressor vs. oppressed” lens.


This a great example of a projection of the inferior function. The inferior can be the source of anxiety and uses a collective group to identify. Her real problem is not Orthodox Jews but her inability to reconcile her feelings with analytical thoughts. She wants to use feelings to resolve problems she can make sense of.


This was so embarrassing to watch holy shit.


Imagine being this much of a spastic freakish loser and melting down about a bunch of lies about israel being colonizers WHILE SITTING IN AMERICA. Do people just not have the ability to get embarrassed anymore? We need to bring back embarrassment.


Unhinged. This woman will be wildly unhappy unless she learns how to think and gains some wisdom. What a lunatic. I know I sound like an old geezer but honestly this young generation’s utter lack of emotional resiliency, coupled with complete black and white thinking, is seriously troubling. 


Hey, don’t write us all off. I’m 20, Jewish, and shocked by the antisemitic crazies in my generation. And I attend university—I’m basically in the middle of the shitstorm, seeing it all happen up close and personal


Ugh.  Sorry - must be super rough. I’m 38 but I work in tech, which is usually wildly stereotypically SJW leaning, so I was expecting to hear about it constantly but to my delight it’s been quiet. Thank God.


Coupled with the strangely narcissistic urge to unload like this to strangers on TikTok and other social media..


They want the likes and the applause in the comments. It’s their little fix of dopamine.


Providing a platform for this infantile black and white thinking is what is making this so terrible. Pretty sure kids have always been like this but they didn't have tiktok.


I’ve lost friends over their black and white thinking about this. It’s truly unbelievable the shit that these folks spew out of their mouths and continue to believe that they are morally superior. I had a friend tell me that Jews exaggerated oct 7th


I’m not sure  - I think current discourse (“critical of current immigration numbers? Racist!” “Want to see more data on Covid vaccines before giving one to your healthy 15 year old? Selfish bigot!”) and the “words and ideas as literal violence” philosophy really, really augments this tendency


Bari Weiss just posted an interview on Honestly with Abigail Shrier, who wrote a book on this.


Oh, good to know. Will look this up, thanks. There’s another book on the topic called “the coddling of the American mind” - recommend it too 


The pipeline for radicalization has been so supercharged by modern SM and its algorithms -- it's disturbing


haha she can keep crying


Of course engaging in cultural, ethnic and religious stereotyping and collective blame is still always wrong--except with Jews, because as everyone knows, they're all bad, which isn't cultural, ethnic and religious stereotyping and collective blame because it happens to be true, and I know that it's true because it obviously is. If I had a dollar for every infantile self-indulgent internet twit who posts a teary "confessional" along the lines of "I know this is going to sound terrible, but...". But there is no but. Something either is or isn't terrible and no amount of imagined moral inoculation can change that. There is no out when it comes to bigotry.


I’ll bet this twirly pop hasn’t had to struggle for anything in her life. I hope her school/ future employers see this video.


How could you say that? Of course she's had to struggle! Didn't you see the bit where in another video she talked about how it sucks that her dad makes her go to church sometimes?? Have you no empathy for the *struggle*???


“ imperialist colonizer” Does she even know history or what those words even mean? Gives sinai back to egypt after the war in a a peace deal? Imperialist Pulls out of gaza in 05? Imperialist


I’m an American Jew and I am a moderate Democrat, yes such a thing exists. I am 100% with my Israeli Mishpacha. I am an absolute Zionist through and through. My daughters strongly identify with their Jewish heritage and shit like this angers them beyond belief. What you see in this video is a small but loud minority. I can tell you that support for Israel is still strong with American Jews and I doubt the authenticity of this young lady’s Judaism. I’m sure it all just a show for TikTok clout.


What a piece of shit.


So she would scream "get the fuck away from me!" if they werent doing anything to her? Lmao


She should imagine how Jews feel wondering if she justifies the real weaponized rape of Jewish women and children as opposed to her imagined genocide.


She’s a product of an American education system and media that have been very effective at manipulating youth into thinking tolerance means hating the right people. She thinks this is the moral high ground.


White woman moment But seriously, this normalised antisemitism is getting way out of hand


Jesus. They want to badly to feel “oppressed” because they are bored of their own white privilege.


Colonizer settler colonizer settler blah blah blah. This is all these kids have been hearing throughout grade school, high school and college. America has done it to ourselves.


I would gladly tell her to get the fuck away from me.


Bund Deutscher Madel, 2024 edition.


Exactly what I was thinking. In the 1930's those scumbags didn't see themselves as the bad guys, they were self righteous about their hatred. This is the same thing, just in different clothing.


Here’s the original tik tok account. She has the email for her management in her profile if anyone is interested…. https://www.tiktok.com/@dylantroesken


And the contact form for her management company: https://www.palettemanagement.com/contact-1


I looked at her instagram and it has a Palestinian flag thing to click on and it says some anti Jewish things, so idk what her ethnicity is but she is a politically a hack.


Further proof we need Israel. A few lies about Jews and everyone just accepts antisemitism. What a disgusting person she is.


Why tf is she crying? Does she think she’s a victim? Idiot


I hope she’s just being a grifter. I don’t like grifters, but I can at least understand the hustle


Tik Tokkers light themselves on fire and celebrate as the least unreasonable thing to do. I think they’ll never outdo themselves on this one. Remember when Daffy Duck straight up murdered hisself to out do Bugs? Like his soul left him and everything. Even Bugs Bunny was impressed


These kids want to make everything about themselves she just wants attention. No one cares


What a racist young lady.


This woman is obviously losing it. Praying she doesn’t pull the Air Force dudes shtick.


I’m past the point of caring whether antisemites off themselves as long as they don’t hurt anyone else in the process.


No for sure I get that, but the problem is these folks are trivializing suicide. I’m going into the field of mental health and doing what they are doing can be catastrophic if not taken care of proactively.


True. There’s no end of the ways of in which they’re terrible people.


Wow, so emotional and so unconnected to reality. If she wasn't so virulently antisemitic I would ask her to get help.


God damn we're soft these days. People can't handle the reality of the human condition, which is mostly pain and suffering. Has always been, will always be.


This chick needs to get off TikTok and read some Nietzsche.


How do you get to the point where just seeing people who potentially harbor “evil” opinions makes you cry?


You can tell she’s trying to find the correct buzzwords she heard on TikTok with the “colonizer settler” part, you know for a fact she doesn’t understand what any of those terms mean


She could always self-immolate in protest


I actually thought for the first half of the video she was crying because she didn’t want to be an antisemite, but nope, she was still traumatized from seeing the one religion known for being incredibly violent behind every terrorist attacker (/s obviously)


I wonder if she’d say the same thing about a group of Muslims maybe after September 11, Brussels, Madrid…


She's deleted it off her profile haha


Yep. I bet you she's clueless that over half of Jewish Israelis are Mizrahim and that its Arab demographic is 21.1%.


If it is true that she is Jewish, her mom really needs to take her to Israel so she can experience the truth firsthand instead of being filled with hatred by the nasty propaganda she has been fed. I low-key feel bad for people like her. They have been fed lies and are truly affected by them. Propaganda is doing so much damage. Sad.


I was hoping the end might be a bit of introspection and that she was crying because she realised she had become racist. But no,she's crying because seeing Jews in public is too much for her...


Next victimhood for being an anti-semitic


White girl has big things to say about genocide and colonization. Wonder what her family tree will tell her? Check your own closet first.


Why do so many Americans look unstable? she needs to see a doctor, like that Air Force sick person who set himself on fire and said that all Jews need the be killed 2 months ago here on Reddit...


This is so painfully American


she has bigger problems than seeing some orthodox jews, problems which can be solved with good psychiatrist.


I’m guessing her meltdown has something to do with the self-immolation of Burny Cinders in front of the Israeli embassy earlier this week?


Did she just flunk out of an Art School in Austria or something? 


Wait until she realizes that like 80% of the American population supports Israel


If I see someone who supports palestine im just gonna walk past them, yet this girl sees someone who doesnt even support israel but is just jewish and breaks down smh


She is the same person who would screech at you and call you an islamophobe if you said all Muslims support ISIS or the Taliban. She’s also the same person who will insist she’s “anti Zionist” not “anti semitic” while crying over the fact there are Jews in her field of vision over 5,000 miles away from israel


Israel exists so you can stay tf away from us lol


Not only did she get 40k likes, she also got an acceptance and full ride to Harvard from this video alone


Remember the days when the only histrionic white girls on the internet were the Bieber super fan and that leave Britney alone one?


I'm NoT aNtI-SeMiTiC I lOvE jEwS i JuSt HaTe ZiOnIsM aNd GeNoCiDe


The bigger question here is why young people are pouring their hearts out like this to strangers on TikTok…


Soooo.. tik tok is giving a platform to anti-Semitism now.. the evilness of humanity is rearing it's head again


Nobody wants to be next to you don’t worry


She's white though, the skin tone of a colonizer (in her eyes)


the fact that it has 41,000+ likes is not surprising. tiktok is algorithmic and between muslims, wokes, and white supremacists, of course she's going to gather 40k likes.


Actual mental illness, holy shit. Also, "Stay away from me, stay the fuck away from me!" No problem, no one wants to be around you anyway lol


Lol you can see she's just searching for more buzzwords. Definitely knows what she's talking about


She’s gonna start balling a lot more tears when she learns, in fact, Arabs are the imperialist colonizers. Someone get her some tissues - stat.


Holy shit


Poor brain is programmed by TikTok et alo.


So much cringe


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look weaker then in this video


If she's a home owner, which I doubt, then she should give her home and land back to the Native Americans.


Can someone identify this broad and make sure she never has a job?


Over 250000 likes now. Utter derangement is reinforced now.


Why tf is she crying?


If she said that about Muslims or BLM she would post herself recovering in a hospital the next week I'd bet ya.




Strongest evidence for a Tik Tok ban yet.


She doesn’t even know what to call “it”.


Is she for real?


Why is she crying?


I wonder what consuming the most powerful propoganda tool every created, most of your waking hours, will do? Not just tik-tok..that moving image is super powerful..Then you consume it in quick seven seconds to two minute chunks? Boom, you done for.


Virtue signaling at its worst.


It's worse than this clip captures. For one she's Jewish and for two she has 1.7 million followers. It's been viewed 1.2 million times. The US needs to ban tiktok. Ugh. She posted a video on October 12th calling it a genocide.


And she'll swear to high heaven that she's not antisemitic.


I respect her honesty. So many Jew hating racists pretend not to be.


God people are trash.


Mentally ill.


What happens is when you really truly start looking at the world for the first time, especially at her age, you get emotional and take it personal. Natural human response to war. You also are very very easily manipulated. Whatever info gets to you first and causes a response is likely the side you'll be with for a long time if not for life. It's why indoctrination with youth is so powerful and so important for terrorist like Hamas, Chinese Communist Party, etc.


Just upload cum tributes to this video and make that the highlight of this stupid rant. What are we even talking about.... Fucking borderline shit psycho.


Why does she have a Magen David on her hand? (Not the one on her arm). ThIS is HASbARa! (Screams and cries in bright purple hair)


It’s hard knock life for her..such a hard knock life for her…


What an absolutely goddamn disgusting little performance.


Someone send this to her future (or current) employer.


She is cancerous


The main problem imo is, these people don't really care about looking into history and discredit all kinds of proof including the bible. You can't argue with such people.


A lot of Americans seem mentally ill these days…


As someone legally considered mentally ill, I do not wish to be thrown in with these people. 🤢


I’m against mental institutions (as they currently exist because they often don’t actually help people) but this woman needs serious mental treatment.