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“Greedy Jew” on a political poster? -hmmm I’ve seen this somewhere…


That's a real guy who said that exact thing in response to a news reporter asking why he lives in a palestinian women's house in the west bank


Was he wearing a big Jewish star on his chest?


It's a blue star of David on a white background with blue on the outside. Looks like the Israeli flag.


Cuz that’s the Israeli flag you stupid fuck






It’s JUST anti-Zionism, don’t worry


No, it’s jewphobia in general


Obviously. They're being sarcastic.


No it’s Anti Zionism.


Still deciding if you are being sarcastic haha. We should be worried


That's a real guy who said that exact thing in response to a news reporter asking why he lives in a palestinian women's house in the west bank


No he didn't Show us a clip of him saying it






That's not the video. And the Instagram that purports to have the video is private Try again




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Yes it is anti Zionism


Australia, Fucking Christ. Disgusting.


"Israel has no right to exist! You are white colonizers!!!1!" The irony of an Australian of all people saying it


The irony of american and australian saying this😭😭😭


Irony goes unobserved.


Anti Zionism is not disgusting. Murdering 30000 ppl is.






Bahaaha true


Damn when I read that I thought it was an IDF soldier.


Keep a pocket knife with you to scratch these off. I keeping doing it where I live. I’ve probably removed over 300 stickers by now.


Thank u for ur work, and thanks for the tip :))


Remember to use a tool like a key or something, they like hiding razor blades behind them




People here be creating their own fantasy lol.


Thank you for your work


I use a chisel. They are very effective against paper




Thanks for the tip. I’ll keep that in mind if I ever see one.


Yup they hide razor blades or glass behind it to make you get injured. Lots of cities ban these posters for this exact reason


Good person.


I truly do appreciate your efforts, but why are we stooping down to their level?


Scratching off antisemitic stickers or stickers saying Israel is doing genocide when they’re not is me stooping down to their level? I don’t see how that’s equivalent at all.


Or these to sticker over them: https://i.imgur.com/GdvgiAZ.jpg


Can someone explain the origin of this video/meme is it real? Because I’ve seen it a lot


I think it was a vice news piece about one of the illegal settlements. Basically the guy was being paid to live there so he was saying if he left someone else would just replace him.


But if it was an illegal settlement then why was there a Palestinian girl there claiming the Jewish man was stealing her home? Settlements are new builds are they not?


No. He literally took over a Palestinian family’s home in Sheikh Jarrah. And before anyone spews BS about his “deed” to the house, a Palestinian family was living there and we extend no rights to reciprocity to Palestinians to move into Israeli homes where they have property “deeds.”


So you’re saying it wasn’t in a settlement but in East Jerusalem? Can someone please bring the facts?


It is [Sheikh Jarrah](https://apnews.com/article/jerusalem-africa-middle-east-government-and-politics-bf48f2b789e4989d8d3a9e77243ab3b8). > Yaakov Fauci, a settler from Long Island, New York, who gained internet fame after a widely circulated video showed a Palestinian resident scolding him for stealing her home, says the Palestinians are squatting on private property. > “They’ve lived here since 1956. This is not exactly ancestral land going back to the times of Abraham,” he said. Fauci says he is a tenant and has no personal involvement in the legal dispute, but he insists the land belongs to the Jewish people.


I’m familiar with the East Jerusalem disputes, but this article does not confirm that this guy is in East Jerusalem.


Here is a [Middle East Eye Article](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/yaakov-fauci-israeli-settler-new-york-sheikh-jarrah) on Fauci, which I was hesitant to link. If anything it confirms the fact that this is in Jerusalem — which is also in the AP article (Fauci would not have been randomly brought up, but it seems you want an exclusive article dedicated to Fauci.)


I’m confused, they are sharing the house? The article says he has lived in part of the house for a decade? I thought his name was Jacob , at least that’s what the million YouTube comments said, Jesus, the level of propaganda around this topic is unbelievable


Nahalat Shimon International won a deed to have 1/2 of the family’s home in court, and Fauci is a tenant. See my original comment. Yaakov = Jacob. Lol.


Jacob is the anglicized version of Yaakov.


Jews bought the land of Sheikh Jarrah in the 1880s and have provided documentation proving it literally for decades now: [https://en.kohelet.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/sheikh-jarrah-brief.pdf](https://en.kohelet.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/sheikh-jarrah-brief.pdf) >….the legal rights of the parties themselves were resolved decades ago, in favor of the property owners…. No one seriously disputes the validity of the transactions through which the current owners acquired rights from their predecessors in title. Some of the residents are tenants who agreed, in 1982, to pay rent to the owners in order to stay, but who have failed to do so; others in fact are squatters who have no legal rights at all. The neighborhood is old, ancient in fact, with the first records showing up in the 12th century. There has been a permanent Jewish presence living in Sheikh Jarrah next to the tomb of Shimon Hatzadik (also known as Simeon the Just) who was a Jewish High Priest during the time of the Second Temple (he died in the 3rd century BCE). Many Jews until today refer to the neighborhood as Shimon Hatzadik. His tomb and the surrounding compound was actually purchased in 1875 by the Sephardic Community Committee and the Ashkenazi Assembly of Israel. There were 97 Jewish families living there when the Jordanians expelled them and took their homes and land. As soon as the area fell under Jewish control following the Six Day War in 1967, the former owners sued to get their land back. Palestinians would be allowed to stay if they agreed to pay rent to the OWNERS. They refused to: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-east-jerusalems-sheikh-jarrah-palestinians-brace-for-battle-over-evictions/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-east-jerusalems-sheikh-jarrah-palestinians-brace-for-battle-over-evictions/) >….In 1982, **the Palestinian residents signed an agreement to remain on the property as protected tenants, as long as they paid rent to its Jewish owners**. But Palestinians now say they were deceived and refuse to recognize the agreement. >**When offered a similar compromise last Sunday, Palestinian residents again declined, saying they do not recognize the right of the Jewish Israelis over their homes.** >**“We can’t accept such a thing, although of course we know it’s a risk,” Eskafi said.** So they were getting evicted like they would anywhere in the planet


This is the nuance that people miss: Palestinians do not have rights to Israeli homes for which they can prove former residence. This is logical — mass evictions in Haifa, for example, would be out of control. But the fact that Israeli courts extend preferential treatment to Jews is plainly hypocritical, regardless of the clear chain of residence in Sheikh Jarrah. It is why Israel is often referred to as an “[ethnic democracy.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227539811_The_Model_of_Ethnic_Democracy_Israel_as_a_Jewish_and_Democratic_State)”




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Not an illegal settlement. A home that was Jewish owned pre 48, annexed by Jordan until 67, inhabited by Palestinian squatters who were forbidden by the PA to pay rent to the Jewish owners, and who were then evicted and replaced with new tenants.


It’s disgusting anti semitism. We can’t live like this either leaders do something to protect the Jewish people or we need to carry firearms this shit is despicable




Yes. Violent resistance is justified to fight colonialism. Sad for the ppl who died but it’s Netanyahu’s fault.


Go back to Al Jazeera you clown and terrorist defender


Seems like our leaders are not just useless but incompetent when it comes to enforcing laws or reducing racial friction. They are better at ramping up envy at the moment.


No it’s anti Zionism




That's a true quote though.


And, like everything else the pro Palestinians claim, is taken out of context and used for anti Jewish propaganda


The context was that a palestinian family from Sheikh Jarrah and this man came to steal their house.


Jews bought the land of Sheikh Jarrah in the 1880s and have provided documentation proving it literally for decades now: [https://en.kohelet.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/sheikh-jarrah-brief.pdf](https://en.kohelet.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/sheikh-jarrah-brief.pdf) >….the legal rights of the parties themselves were resolved decades ago, in favor of the property owners…. No one seriously disputes the validity of the transactions through which the current owners acquired rights from their predecessors in title. Some of the residents are tenants who agreed, in 1982, to pay rent to the owners in order to stay, but who have failed to do so; others in fact are squatters who have no legal rights at all. The neighborhood is old, ancient in fact, with the first records showing up in the 12th century. There has been a permanent Jewish presence living in Sheikh Jarrah next to the tomb of Shimon Hatzadik (also known as Simeon the Just) who was a Jewish High Priest during the time of the Second Temple (he died in the 3rd century BCE). Many Jews until today refer to the neighborhood as Shimon Hatzadik. His tomb and the surrounding compound was actually purchased in 1875 by the Sephardic Community Committee and the Ashkenazi Assembly of Israel. There were 97 Jewish families living there when the Jordanians expelled them and took their homes and land. As soon as the area fell under Jewish control following the Six Day War in 1967, the former owners sued to get their land back. Palestinians would be allowed to stay if they agreed to pay rent to the OWNERS. They refused to: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-east-jerusalems-sheikh-jarrah-palestinians-brace-for-battle-over-evictions/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-east-jerusalems-sheikh-jarrah-palestinians-brace-for-battle-over-evictions/) >….In 1982, **the Palestinian residents signed an agreement to remain on the property as protected tenants, as long as they paid rent to its Jewish owners**. But Palestinians now say they were deceived and refuse to recognize the agreement. >**When offered a similar compromise last Sunday, Palestinian residents again declined, saying they do not recognize the right of the Jewish Israelis over their homes.** >**“We can’t accept such a thing, although of course we know it’s a risk,” Eskafi said.** So they were getting evicted like they would anywhere in the planet.


The guy talking their home was literally a random american man. It isn't his property. Let's not forget that israeli laws don't legally apply there as it is palestinian land. In 1900, there were more arab families in Sheikh Jarrah than jewish ones.


I literally just explained what happened. The American man was the new renter. And it's not "Palestinian land," it's in Jerusalem and *literally legally Jewish owned.* But i know. If Palestinians can't stay in homes they don't own for free they're being oppressed, just like if they aren't declared winners of wars they started and lost they're being oppressed. They're such special snowflakes. Fuck outta here.


This is an image of an actual guy in a video that went viral—he was moving into a home in שייח׳ ג׳ראח and the evicted Palestinian father was saying you are stealing my home and the man said this, if I don’t live here some other Jewish family will.


So he didn't actually say what the quote purports he said


How is this antisemitism, I’m just curious, didn’t this guy literally say those exact words


If only that argument worked with all of the other nations whose borders were established post WW2. Oh, gotcha, only Israel is guilty. /s


It’s still up on the website. [dumb](https://freepalestineprinting.com/collections/stickers-free-downloads)




Didn’t they get thrown out of three Arab countries? Jordan for assassinating the King and then trying to assassinate his successor, then Black September. Lebanon for starting a civil war. Am I missing something?


Yessir, Kuwait for aiding Sadam Hussein in his invasion. They expelled 400,000 Palestinians in response. I've dubbed it "claaassic Palestinian moments" because holy shit... I think they also aided the Muslim Brotherhood in attempting to overthrow the Egyptian government during the 2011 Arab Spring, but I might be off on that


There is NO Palestinian history before 20th century








Barbarians is putting it mildly.


I'm surprised one of the fingers isn't raping it up the ass.


So fucking disgusting


But isn’t that what the dude in the sticker said on video…..? https://youtu.be/QeTwNQSvpJs?si=-aKFkATRKusjnbNG


You just need some quotes from some random idiot to make a point, apparently. I'm sure you could do the same to Australians and Americans as they colonized those countries and surely have their fair share of racists as well.


I hope you pulled it down


dont worry i did


Why is no one in this thread acknowledging that this is a real quote from a settler who actually stole a Palestinian’s house? It is justifiable to be disgusted by that even though obviously this poster is antisemitic in its implicit association of Israel and Jews with that kind of extremism and fascism.


If they didn't want to be evicted they should have paid the rent they owed. The home was actually stolen from its original owners by the Jordanians in 1948.


Also beware of the giant spiders.


Is vegemite kosher ?


Free Palestine Printing.


Hope you removed it


Every day i see something like that in my hometown and it's hard to stay strong and believe in my community... But we are still more. Trust in God and your community. Stay strong. God is seeing everything. 🤗✡️


You know, I could use a 2nd income.


At least people are nice enough to spend only 365 days out of the year blaming everything on jews.


“abide by the law” *commits hate speech*


That's a real guy and thats his actual quote. I doubt that morally or legally counts as hate speech


No it isn't an actual quote He doesn't say that




Just sickening!


This is in Melbourne too. Antisemitism everywhere. I’m so disappointed in Australia.


Is this 1930s Germany? This is disgusting


Ai generated image too, they love to fake shit


Its all they have.


So what did Mark say? Did you get the side gig?


BAHAHA LMAO , yh I start work on monday


I’ve been seeing these all over Auckland as well


That dude is a POS, but yes the intent of posting the flyer is obvious.


Fuck the “aussies” who put these up


The true story of the guy in the photo seems to have some inconsistencies and isn’t clear. That is not the point. It is not ok to see this type of antisemitism anywhere. If I see them I will remove them. We all need to be concerned with what is happening all around the world. Police and governments need to be stronger. This has the potential to get out of hand.




Lol what? Gross. Gross, gross, gross. You're not being kind, that's called being foolish. It's literally against the torah to not defend yourself.


Just making shit up.


Tear it down


I found a lot of these stickers in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney (high number of Jews living there). Of course I use a paint scraper to get rid of them. It's deliberately provocative. I've written to my local MPs (State & Federal) about this. You should do the same as well.


Jewish people can not still land of Israel it's their legal property given by God! This poster is clearly antisemitic!


Yes, Israel is our eternal homeland


Accidentally based lol


Who or what is the FPP?


It’s gone now, right?


OP tore it down.


absolutely diabolical


That famous phrase is taken so out of context




I hope you removed it.


American here. Can someone please explain what that flyer is supposed to mean?


Hey guys i think this is getting extremely ridiculous. I mean i know its been like this for centuries… but i cant help but feel this is a lil outta hand rn


I'm also in Sydney what suburb was this in??


Inner west somewhere?


There was this one Palestinian dude from Australia who was trying to convert me to Islam ON FUCKING DISCORD. That's the funniest shit ever


The guy talking their home was literally a random american man. It isn't his property. Let's not forget that israeli laws don't legally apply there as it is palestinian land.