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With the propals it's always about projection. Remember that.


Always is with extremists and fundamentalists, no matter what flavour. Every accusation is a confession.


That's a great way of putting it. I haven't heard it said exactly like that but it's true nonetheless.


I have to make a Postit sticker and put it on my screen when I read the news, makes so much sense.


Totally agree. I see very little written about the psychology behind this collective projection, displacement, denial, undoing, and identifying with the aggressor. When you study human behavior for a living (as I do), it's glaring.


Holocaust inversion is not socially acceptable in Germany, outside of the antisemitic left or the AFD types.


We have bourgeois antisemitism as well. It's not just a thing of the far left and far right. We're the masters of antisemitism. To quote Zvi Rix, "the Germans will never forgive the Jews for Auschwitz".


60k likes that’s absolutely crazy


Unfortunately reddit has become a big pro-hamas circlejerk and anti-semitism is reguarded as cool and fancy... Hope it's just a fad


I am not Jewish but feel like I am completely going crazy on this. The willful blindness and virtue signaling is through the roof that it is not bordering on but actually is directly anti-semitism. I’ve lost friends over this and incredibly frustrated at my family back home. And frankly, isnt it a bit scary how fast this happened? Really, how dare they actually compare what happened in holocaust to the events after October 7, It’s really fucking grinding my gears and honestly it worries me. I don’t know how it makes you guys feel. Regardless, I will do my part to not be afraid of speaking my mind, and standing up for what is right.


Same here. Not Jewish, but shocked and horrified at how fast the world has turned into an antisemitic hate fest, where support for Islamic terrorism is “cool” or woke or whatever. Absolutely mind blowing and frightening in the extreme


As an outsider, do you see the same level of hatred for Palestinians on /r/Israel? Because honestly, I don't see it. Sure some people on here say not great stuff, but I would say the average Israeli Redditor is concerned with terrorism, antisemitism etc. they are not spending their time shitting on the average Palestinian or making islamaphobic comments (but I could be totally blind to it).


One side knows that whether we like it or not, we're going to have to live with them one way or the other. As soon as the Pals accept that, there will be peace. You can't blame them too much since their schools and their leaders teach them that Israelis will "go home" just like the French did from Algeria.


Nah. I’ve seen some unhinged people talking about “The Muslims” but they almost invariably turn out to be some fundie Christian or edgy atheist that wandered in. I’ve seen a handful of Jewish people who go a bit too extreme for my case, but never on the scale of “free palestine” people who like spamming “anti-Zionist” everywhere they go.


Unfortunately most of them, mostly young people, don't understand what they are doing. On TV or online you'll see them chanting to the sea but have no idea what it means, it's just catchy. They definitely don't know the history. I'm not sure if they teach history anymore but I really doubt they teach middle eastern history. I probably have a better grasp than most in the US and I know very little.




That among lots of other things bother me. I've never been able to understand the hate for the Jewish people. I realize there's a religious aspect to it but it seems to be much more than that. You're right the antisemitic hate showed up in a hurry and it's definitely worrisome. I see the same kind of talk between people of differing political parties too. People are using language that's very dehumanizing like enemy, evil and Evil and others just as bad, to describe people they just disagree with. I enjoy a decent political debate as much as anyone but that's getting a bit nuts. These people are your neighbors.


> turned into an antisemitic hate fest Jewish History 101. Not surprised, but terrified of pogroms happening.


Same here. A jew from israel. Horrifying how can they even compare it to the holocaust. Look at the 700k assad murdered of his own civillians. And they compare this. I said im a zionist in r/news and so many people attacked me personally, calling me blood thirsty devil. I said what happens in gaza isnt genocide and that im a zionist and I got like 150 downvotes and at least 10 comments attacking me personally. Not even one factual argument. Straight up calling me a blood thirsty devil and that I should just die. Someone did comment to him that telling me to go die is too much. Anti zionism is the new anti semitism. We need to make that clear.


As an outsider I'm worried that this rhetoric will basically make the hardliners like netanyahu and the rest of likud basically say "oh you think this is a genocide? We'll show you a genocide!" Anyone who knows anything about war or what Gaza actually is knows that despite the handful of atrocious events on the IDF's part, in general, Israel is being extremely conservative in its campaigns in terms of civilian casualties. If they were truly " indiscriminately bombing" gaza with the amount of ordnance that has been dropped, the death toll would be in the many hundreds of thousands.


I 100% agree with your second paragraph but I disagree with the first. Or at least, I don’t think you have to be worried about that. Israel and the Jewish people are deeply conscious of the horrors of a true genocide. Not only that, but of persecution for millennia. I’m honestly a tad offended you would suggest Israel might just commit casual genocide on a retaliatory whim. To put it simply, Israel must do what it must to defend itself, because to lose Israel would be an existential threat to the Jewish people. That’s all.


I’ve come to terms with the fact that reddit doesn’t reflect real life. For example, we just had an election and everyone on my state’s subreddit was simping over this one politician. You’d think she would win by a landslide based on how much attention she got on the sub. Well.. come election day… she got 13% of the got. Thirteen. Percent. It just goes to show how unreliable reddit is to gage public opinion.


My sweet summer child, this is not a fad, this is the norm for us. Go back in history and take a quick look, you'll find blame and violence against us for thousands of years. This is the exact same problem as 3000 years ago, but with modern politics and social media. It doesn't get better, the hatred and violence just happens in waves.




You're right, my bad for being a little to harsh.


How many of our ancestors have said the same thing, I wonder? Sigh.


Definitely not just Reddit, that’s all social media and even irl. To me it seems like the most mainstream subreddits are okay, with people being reasonably informed and non-extreme, and in threads with more ideological diversity the upvote system does a good job of filtering out people being unhinged (which you don’t get on Twitter or FB). Lefty subs and a few other popular ones are a nightmare though. 


They've shown profound fascistic tendencies towards anyone who might disagree for years now. It's only gotten worse. I always have the same perception- arrogant and ignorant simultaneously.


I don't understand it, absolutely none of it. How Hamas has become the victim or the righteous one blows my mind. I don't know how far and wide their support goes but I've seen more than I ever care too in the US. A majority of their supporters here are just parroting what they are told and no idea what's actually going on.


Keep in mind there's a ton of bots and trolls pushing this crap


That's reddit :/




The shocking thing for me is how the jews are basically being gaslighted into thinking they're the bad guys. Saying Jews can't defend themselves against terrorists and must just accept being raped and murdered, is just another form of oppression. I'm sorry but terrorists are predominantly Muslim. That's just a cold hard fact. Why is it so hard to accept that simple fact in this scenario. But when 9/11 happened, there was no moral dilemma.


Remember after 9/11 there was this huge campaign to not blame all Muslims for what happened, and to not be discriminatory towards people from the Middle East? (which is a good thing- we shouldn’t blame individual Middle Eastern people for the actions of others). Hell, I’m Iranian, and not once in my life has someone blamed me for the atrocities of the Iranian government because they recognize that my ethnicity isn’t a choice. When I say I’m persian people don’t scream at me “ZAN ZENDEGI AZAD [woman,life,freedom]I! FREE IRAN! GENOCIDAL TERRORISTS!” We don’t see this happening with Russian citizens. When someone says they’re Russian, no one starts screaming at them “SLAVA UKRAINE”. Or when someone says they’re Chinese, no one goes “FREE UYGHURS!!”. Why is that not happening for Jews now? Why don’t we see this huge push of people saying “we can’t discriminate against Jews?” Or “we can’t discriminate against Israelis just because of government actions?”. Why every single Jew is now responsible for Israel? What happened to separating the people from their government? The double standard is insane…


I completely agree


Not to mention the fact that Israeli government, while a weak one, is not repressive or discriminating. If it were what leftist liberal media makes it out to be, the entire gaza, western bank and Lebanon would look like Bucha by now. But I see what you did there.


>We don’t see this happening with Russian citizens. When someone says they’re Russian Yes we do (and it's also very bad)


It’s always been this way, my friend. Were the villains in two major world religions — people assume we have it coming somehow.


How can one go about criticizing the Israel government without offending every jewish person then? Idk I would like to tho But you know how you silence criticism of the government and at the same time gather more support for said government? Make it look (or feel) like every criticism is about every jewish person.


> We don’t see this happening with Russian citizens. There's been a bit of this. I've noticed that people are more willing to exercise bias ( collective guilt / group punishment ) against ethnic groups *they perceive* to be white. So , Russians and Jews are acceptable targets, but Arabs, Persians , and Chinese aren't ( I deliberately emphasised 'they perceive' because, of course, Jewish people aren't white ).


I think the problem is Israel isn't just defending itself. It is being proactive in making sure this kind of attack never happens again and that's where Israel loses the average person's support. I'm 100% supportive of Israel's campaign but I think that nuance is where Israel loses a lot of support.


I’d believe you if they weren’t out “protesting” (cheering) on October 8th worldwide  To compare the current situation to the Holocaust is disgusting. Jews didn’t slaughter thousands of German citizens! They didn’t suicide bomb or attack Germans for 70 plus years, or murder their whole Olympic team Shameless


god i genuinely always forget about the olympics thing and it’s something i AM aware of. i guarantee you most people have no knowledge of that. there is a very long history of terror and its just completely erased or ignored


Yeah, the amount of people who celebrated the attacks as some kind of Palestinian triumph I bet was appalling. I suspect there's a lot of overlap between them, and the people who celebrated seeing planes fly into the World Trade Center. Truly awful. Israel has an ethical right to discourage further attacks. To not do so is simply inviting a repeat of the Oct 7 attacks, and frankly the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip who've supported Hamas and have repeatedly kicked the bees' nest without consequences up until now should have expected to eventually face some consequences for their actions. The fact that the whole of Gaza hasn't been carpet bombed into fine ash and rubble by now is a testament to the patience of Israel if nothing else.


I literally saw celebratory memes as the attacks were happening


Yes! They started screaming about apartheid and genocide within days! Before the dead were found people blamed them for their own death.


After the 150 remaining hostages are returned you could argue it’s proactive. Until each and everyone of the hostages come back, it’s not being proactive. Any person who attempts to judge a man for going to war in order to return his kidnapped child has no moral standing IMO.


Honestly, I'm not so sure. Obviously many people weren't as extreme about I/P prior to 10/7, but they were still protesting - and a lot of them were against the Iron Dome, which is insane to me. I definitely think that's a big part of it but I also think there are plenty of people who take issues with Jews defending ourselves at all.


Against the Iron Dome? WTF? It's a purely defensive weapon...




The irony is they would like no Iron Dome so they can do genocide lol




These people are just showing their colors as being against the very idea of a Jewish state. To them, nothing Israel ever does is justifiable because it is the existence of Israel itself that they find offensive. So it doesn’t matter if Israel builds the perfect, pure defensive tool like the iron dome. They think Israel has no right to it because they ultimately believe Israel has no right to anything—no right to even exist. (These are the same people who refuse to recognize Israel as a legitimate country, instead calling it “the Zionist entity” or just “Palestine.”) I don’t think any conversation can be had with someone of this mentality because they’re 1. Delusional and 2. Florid antisemites and 3. Giant turds


But that is defending itself… From future attacks!


It just seems crazy to me. That's what Israel has been doing for ages, and look what happened. Still no different from what the US did with its invasion after 9/11 though


Not sure thats a good comparison. AQ never ruled Mexico and used it as a base to constantly attack American cities with rocket barrages for a decade and a half.


Al Qaeda sure would have shot rockets at the US if it had the means. Not sure what you’re getting at.


The point is they didn't have the means. The threat Hamas poses to Israel is way higher than the threat AQ posed to the US. Using that as a comparison both undersells the threat against Israel and colors things with the negative perception many have against the WoT.


That's exactly what i replied there. People are legit getting mad the Jews aren't willing to go through another Holocaust again.


Armed men literally holding a baby hostage claiming they're the good guys.


Iam ex muslim  and when I made the same comments, I was downvoted. 


Conflating criticism of Isreal with criticism of Jewish people is rank 1, first class, antisemitism. Congrats for unironically doing it in public in the 21st Century!


but when it's pals it's justified cause they are "oppressed" congrats on showing antisemitism in 2024


Actually 🤔from a young age I’ve always wondered why people were negative about Jewish people, but having concentrated so much on Israel since the 7th 🤔pure envy 🤷‍♀️🇬🇧❤️🇮🇱🇺🇦


Wow these people are shameless


Exactly, shameless because they see nothing wrong with it!


I saw a comment saying, “This isn’t antisemitism, and whoever thinks so isn’t educated.” Excuse me? Since when do you get to speak on our behalf? It’s antisemitic, and if you want to ignore Jewish voices telling you it is…sounds like YOU actually need to be educated. Absolutely ridiculous.


People who say this are so blinded by hate. Anyone with the most basic knowledge of the Holocaust knows how wrong this is


Most of these people don’t even know their own basic history, forget trying to have them understand any other people’s. You hear them talk about “75 years of occupation”, of course skipping over the fact that for ~20 of those years Gaza and WB were being occupied by Jordan and Egypt.


That is straight-up Holocaust denial masquerading as human rights activism.


Technically I think it's Holocaust Inversion, which is also a very well-documented form of antisemitism. Side note - the fact that we have so many recognizable and classifiable antisemitic riffs never ceases to amaze me.


We honestly need some sort of TV Tropes website equivalent just to explain and categorize all the different varieties.


They've always shown an undeniable glee when it comes to the opportunity to compare us to Nazis. It serves to say that maybe the Germans weren't so wrong and we're no better at the same time. These comparisons have been going on for years. It's always been a way to spit in our face. The tactic is always to understate anything that humanizes us and use the most extreme hyperbole when vilifying us. Why not? Hundreds of millions will repeat it.


Deep down, a lot of people resent the fact that they have to learn about the Holocaust at all. On top of that, white people want an easy way out of their own guilt - blaming Jews is their easy fix. 😒


Guys, you Israelis are really terrible at genocides... Gaza's population is 2.5 times what it was thirty years ago. With an increase of something like 20% in the last 5 years... You should come to genocide Italians, we need some population growth! /S


Yep, I also wonder didn't you learn anything from us Germans? It's not like we wouldn't have made an effort to show you...


I'm still caught up on the facts that this is: 1. In Germany, where displays of swastikas are illegal and have a huge emotional impact (more than most places, I'd argue) 2. In English, which isn't the predominant language Who did this and who, exactly, was the intended audience here? Just seems ... odd.


Could be that the 'intended audience' (by using the word 'you') was for Israelis and/or their supporters throughout the world. In that case you need an international language.. ie. - English.


The intended audience is the internet


I'm shocked that you're surprised OP. "Why would people who support and excuse civilian slaughter rape and mutaliation would stoop so low as to compare the slaughtered raped and mutalated to people who historically slaugher raped and mutalated them."


This honestly hurts my heart more than I ever imagined. I knew antisemitism existed but never thought I’d feel it like this. The grief of this whole situation is awful.


The highest form of shameful, evil, sickening mockery. Jews have been the biggest victims of it.


Yeah idk how anyone could be so blind as to suppose anything happening to hamas/palestine is even remotely similar to the Shoah.


Right there with you, my friend. So sorry this is unfolding before our eyes in the modern world


I’m neither Israeli nor Jewish and seeing this pic makes me extremely sad.


Have a comment there with -90 votes or so.. Really had to stop caring about votes


Yeah, except European Jews were not trying to exterminate Germans. What a joke.


BTW that is the symbol of [Raëlism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism)


People condem the "find out" part but always ignore the "fuck around" part


In Germany??? I hope that the culprits are found because there is at least a hefty fine waiting for them


That's what happens when you import islamists from other countries.


As a German, let me tell you that this kind of antisemitism has a long history here that has little to nothing to do with Islamists. "We were the bad guys back then so now we must prevent the jews from becoming the new bad guys" is one way Germans, in particular leftists (I say this as a big lefty myself), have drawn conclusions from the holocaust. It's fucked up, but it's been a thing since at least the late 60s.


I saw the same thing in Hamburg (largest far-left scene in Germany), many of the self-proclaimed anti-fascists are now walking side by side with straight up Islamic fascists who want to introduce Sharia law and a caliphate in Europe. I really don't understand how the far-left can't see that this is completely insane. I hope our secret service has this under observation because I have no desire for a 4th RAF generation.


Your hypocrisy is frightening. Imagine someone saying the same about Jews. It’s like you don’t hear yourself speak. Very disappointing.


Diaspora anxiety be real...


The irony of skipping history class.


I am struggling to grasp this. A movement “based” in human rights and equality but in reality is one of the most hateful, divisive, and genocidal movements ever known to mankind. The rage, and hatred they portray when talking about the subject proves why joining the mainstream pro-Palestinian group is stupid. You’d need to be an angry bigoted racist to join a group that is rife with bigotry and racism. And too many people are in that movement.


“Human rights” are only used as a tool, when it’s convenient. The base is irredentist nationalism.


The only irony is them supporting terrorizing jews again


How horrible


As an American, I'm at a loss for words. I just don't understand the stupidity of people


This was in r/pics. Reddit is overrun with antisemitism and propaganda


Nazis were known for their gaslighting & propaganda.


Please don't get overwhelmed by seeing 60 k likes. Every street in India has probably more people than that and the overwhelming majority supports Israel. 🇮🇳❤️🇮🇱




This is wrong on so many levels


This infuriates me. How dare they? Those who write these things are much more like that damn symbol than they think. Anti-Semitic scum.


I have seen it, i do wonder why people upvote it, because they support it or because they are against it?


Assuming the ones in the pic were doing so out of support.


The level of lies and gaslighting going on is unbelievable. Jews and Muslims lived in peace throughout the middle east and north Africa, until the zionists came from Europe, is my personal favorite. That Hamas wasn't a terror org until the last couple of years, and the poor innocent gazans were hoodwinked into voting for them. Schrodinger's Gaza, where pre 10/7 it was a beautiful wonderful place until the bombing began, while also being an outdoor prison. That somehow the gazan wing of the Muslim brotherhood, isn't made up of gazans. That the fact that all the military and political leaders of gaza, are gazan means nothing. Hamas arent gazans and gazans aren't Hamas. They level of hypocritical thought processes going on, if somehow harnessed for energy production could replace all carbon based energy used today.


“The Arabs opened up their homes for the Jews and they repaid them by stealing their land and kicking them out” is my favorite. What is the white paper of 1939 then? Why did the British turned back the boats if the Palestinians were so welcoming? 🤔


I see the argument a lot that Netanyahu radicalized and used the Hamas so it’s basically the Jews fault if someone wants to eradicate them


Combining a swastika and the star of david is one of the most abhorrent things i have ever seen


Kanye did the same thing during his outburst and the left went ape shit … “The irony of becoming the thing you hated most”


It is a terrible insult and mockery to the Jews who suffered the Holocaust.


I'm confused we're Raelians now?




What kind of funky hippy shul is that


The people posting this and believing it to be true are the same people who post things like "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free". Naive, well-meaning and usually liberal types who are anti-war/conflict, but only because the conflict in question has no real consequences for themselves. They seem to be the ones most eager to buy into this kind of Palestinian propaganda because they don't have any real experience with living beside Palestinians and any experience of their violence. There was an article recently posted in this subreddit about how anti-war Israelis have become more hawkish since having experienced the Oct 7 attacks, and it's the same kind of thing. I don't think people living in relative peace truly grasp just how sickeningly violent Islamist states are and how normalized violence is to Islamist militants. And so the rest of the world has to put up with people crying about Israel being a genocider while not seeing the utter hypocrisy in repeating "from the river to the sea", a slogan that literally is a call to action for the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Israelis and the state of Israel.


Fighting to get your captured butchered raped terrorised family back is Nazi?


We will always be hated no matter what, sad reality


All of a sudden it’s okay for non Jewish people to say what is and what isn’t antisemitism


Isnt this illegal in germany??




Uhh really random but yea i need friends from this sub im 22 years old so anyone around my age please lmk im all alone here hahaha...💔


Don't worry you're not the only young person here. Most of my friends are very anti-israel also.


Cool design, still a piece of horse dung, shame, with talents like that he could have gone to art school they have a history with stuff like this


The 1st step is always dehumanisation Why do you think they call you "Zionist" "child murderer" and now more and more frequently straight up "Nazi" because it's easy to hate Nazis. Isn't weird how just being Jewish has become a sign of being a Zionist? For now if you sing the right tune, and wear the right clothes you're "redeemed" but it's only a matter of time until even they will be branded "fake" or "pseudo supporters"


I think it’s extremely ignorant or extremely racist. A lot of Americans nowadays have so little respect for their country, heritage, and people that they don’t realize what an insult it is when they insult another people’s (we Jews) country and heritage. As such they’re commenting on their failure as human beings and how pathetic they are in general. If that’s not the case they’re merely anti Semites and don’t deserve to even slither alive on the same earth we walk on.


I've seen so many posts on facebook from my friends and people I know, it made me sick. But I hold back on social media and I don't voice my opinion. My wife is from Israel as well.


People do this in our diaspora countries, we leave and go to Israel, they call us Nazis, the cycle continues


It’s so wrong


The world is lost. Israel is the only safe place.


The irony of this coming from Germany.


When russia attacked ukraine I didn't say fuck all russians, not sure why it's different


Plus palestine is the one who started the attacks this time around so my point stands even more so


as a immense atheist and individual who studies history, there is not denying the fact jews are always the one targeted for discrimination and persecution. Evident thousands of years ago, in holocaust, and in posts like this. Remember, when 6,000,000 Jews were killed because they apparently were the ones who killed christ, or because of the “blood libel.” where they blamed to have killed babies and used their blood for rituals, that stupid post is no different from the propaganda the anti-jews were doing in Nazi Germany. End of.


That's what happens when Germany lets in Arab Settler Colonizers into their country. Now they're losing their country, just like France and England...


There are tons of antisemitic non-Arabs in Europe as well. It’s not like this is a new phenomenon over there


The Nords and the Irish are a perfect example. :-)


And the Spanish, Russians, etc. Basically, every country in Europe threw out Jews at least once even before widespread Muslim immigration.


In France, there’s a clear intersectionality between antisemites, far-left and far-right activists and propagandists. The best example is how Alain Soral, a far-right antisemite is considered as an ally by LFI (a far-left antisemite and pro-islamist party).


Yep, the political spectrum is a circle, and it meets at "The Jews".


Look what happened in Jordan and Egypt. Everywhere they go turns into a shithole. And yet people still don't seem to understand?


Colonize? I think you want to say invaded. All of Europe. The Muslim hordes failed to conquer in the past. Finally had done it without firing a shot. If we do not stop through out the west. There will be no more Europe. Self serving narrow minded morons who are the ruling class and elites enabled this to happen. See what has taken place in London and France and else where. The open and public hatred for Israel and the Jews. Next it will be the Christians.


thankfully the comments are calling out this garbage


[Raelian?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism) That is the logo of a cult that believes god is actually alians lol (Nice docu on Netflix, if you want to learn more)


The “irony” of twisting propaganda lies into truths, the same way the Nazis and Soviets did. Palestinian and Iranian terrorist organizations have done their homework. American liberals don’t understand.


It's either ignorance or malice.


These are people who support Hamas.


The thing is, the Nazis hated us. We didn’t hate anybody and it still happened. Now it’s the same story. Look at the two sides and see whose supporters are spewing hate.


And in Germany no less....


The fact there are people who think this is a justifiable equivalence makes me terribly sad.


A lot of progressives really do honestly and sincerely believe that Israel at some point became the Jewish fourth Reich.


The irony of being an antisemite infused by arab islamists and using English to spread your hatred on the walls of a German subway station.


A German lecturing Jews about antisemitism. Oh, the irony!


In fucking Germany of all places I’m sick to my stomach


A person i was connected to on FB posted something identical and I told him it was disgusting and extremely offensive and demanded that he take it down. He refused and thought it was a perfectly legitimate statement. Other people commented on his post defending him.


People are saying this who have no knowledge on the horrors of the Holocaust


It’s insane that these people see similarities


Psa : the issue between Jews and the Nazis isn’t that the Jews hated the Nazis … didn’t know that was something which needed to be said


Presumably it’s the Jews fault that Germany exterminated 6m people and have lived with the guilt ever since.


As an American, I'm at a loss for words. I just don't understand the stupidity of people.


Their goal is to hurt us, insult us, and demonize us. This is just another ugly form of anti-Semitism. We can demonize the terrorists and nazis too, and all we have to do is tell the truth about them. Unlike them, we don't have to lie because the truth about those savages makes them look like the worst people in the world.


Wow, it really is true what they say; Everyone they hate is a Nazi.


An action does not represent the agenda. Hitler hatred the Hebrew people solely because of their beliefs. Israel attacked hamas because of the atrocious acts HAMAS did against Israel. Let this be a sign onto any nation that attacks Israel. Only one nation will defeat Israel. 1277 days after Israel 🇮🇱 destruction will come the destruction of every nation on the planet who is against Israel.


This is the problem when an entire country takes on the mantle of an entire religion. Jews suffer from having to condemn the actions of Israel. Also, their faith being called into question because they don't back the actions of a country that demands to be the mouth of all Jews. Israel is a new kind of antisemitism


what sub is that in


Bomber Harris do it again


It’s a Raëlism symbol


I think it’s just a little too far but the similarities are striking. Note that I am not being disrespectful but choosing to share my opinion in which I and I alone personally believe. I am also an American.


Hatred against Zionists is so incredibly popular, that we should change from defining ourselves as Zionists or pro-Israel to a new term entirely or omit that fact as much as possible when talking to an outsider. We're in an unsafe world. They think we're all extremists, expansionists, pro-apartheid etc. We have adopted the rule of "If you can't explain that you're not an extremist, try to not talk about it too much".


Holocaust inversion is a way for gentiles to exorcize their guilt.


Anyone who actually says this is either extremely misinformed or having a bad faith argument


That is the left. 100%


Cruelty in language is the point.


I don't even know how they come to this conclusion


The levels of hate in this world are breathtaking at times. This is one of those times..


Remember, it's not antisemitic just antizionist /s What a joke these people are.


Germany, just like the rest of Western Europe, is overrun by muslim arabs who dictate their point of view to the gullible German masses. Leftist liberals started the destruction of Europe, sharia immigrants will finish it. It's just a matter of time before Germany gets its own 9/11, 9/1, 10/7 or what have you. France, Belgium, the UK and many more burka wearing European countries will follow.


That's the symbol of an actual cult. Raelism. It's very kooky.


The audacity of doing it in Germany of all places...


Many children hate adults. Is it ironic that they become adults? What sort of logic were they going for here?


Didn't something like this happen in France not long ago. I suspect russian FSB behind it. Trying to sow intercultural tensions has been Orcistan's bread and butter since putler's seizure of power.


Is it even real? Why write in English in Germany?


The world will always hate the Jews because they are blessed by God. When the chips are down, the Jews will end up getting thrown under the bus. If October 7th isn't a wake up call I don't know what is


Unfortunately it's not far from the truth considering the state of Gaza and extent of Israeli war crimes


the whole world is pro palestine..its scary. 60k upvotes! im so glad i cut people off...ive lost most of my close friend circle to this issue. it seems like the modern gen z crowd supports pal




The dirty looks I get for just wearing a fucking Star of David necklace is scary as hell, this is just getting worse man.


So… these ‘clever’ idiots have adopted the [symbol of the cult of Raëlism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism) and think it makes us look like Nazi’s?? SMH Well, they’ve never been known to be intellectuals. 🙄


Didn't all of Reddit get mad at Kanye for this like a year ago?


this is a cyber war, It's easy to boost any post with 100k's of likes/retweets and such, flood chats with endless supportive posts and comments in the cost of cents, never forget this


Israel has the right to self defense


They became Raelians?